Tag Archives: Metaphysical


Dreaming is a creative state of consciousness, a threshold of psychic activity in which we throw off usual restrictions to use our most basic abilities and realize our true independence from three-dimensional form. In dreams, we write the script for our daily lives and perceive other levels of existence that our physical focus usually obscures.


The dream universe has its own basic laws or “root assumptions” — mental equivalents to our laws of gravity, space and time. In other worlds, dream reality only seems discordant or meaningless because we judge it according to physical laws rather than by the rules that apply within it.

Dreams, then, are not just imaginative indigestion or psychic chaos. We are not temporarily insane when we dream, as some theorists maintain. To the contrary, we may be far more sane and alert during some dream states than we  are ordinarily. Certainly we are more creative. We may even be more “alive,” as we will see from our own experiences.


Many dreams are precognitive, and personal experience is a great convincer we discover for ourselves — recalled, and dated and recorded dreams and then checked them against events.

We think that we are only conscious while we are awake. We assume ourselves unconscious when we sleep. In Freud’s terminology, the dice are indeed loaded on the side of the conscious mind. But pretend for a moment that we are looking at this situation from the other side. Pretend that while we are in the dream state we are concerned with the problem of physical consciousness and existence. From the viewpoint, the picture is entirely different, for we are indeed conscious when we sleep.


The locations that we visit while dreaming are as real to us then as physical locations are to us in the waking state. What we have is this: In the waking state, the whole self is focused toward physical reality, but in the dreaming state, it is focused in a different dimension. It is every bit as conscious and aware.

If we have little memory of our dream locations when we are awaken, then remember that we are in  the dream situation. Both are legitimate and both are realities. When the body lies in bed, it is separated by a vast distance from the dream location in which the dreaming self may dwell. But this, dear friends, has nothing to do with space, for the dream location exists simultaneously with the room in which the body sleeps.


There is, of course, an apparent contradiction here, but it is only apparent, our dilemma being this: If we have another self-conscious self, then why aren’t we aware of it? Pretend that you are some weird creature with two faces. One face looks out upon one world [the dream reality] and one face looks out upon another world [the physical one].

Imagine further this poor creature having a brain to go with each face, and each brain interprets reality in terms of the world it looks upon. Yet the two worlds are different, and more the creatures are Siamese twins. At the same time, imagine that these two creatures are really one, but with definite parts equipped to handle two entirely different worlds.


The subconscious, in this rather ludicrous analogy, would exist between the two brains and would enable the creature to operate as a single entity. At the same time — and this is the difficult part to explain — neither of the two faces would ever ‘see’ the other’s world. They would not be aware of each other, yet each would be fully conscious.

Flying dreams are not all disguised sexual fantasies, as Freud maintained, for example. In many of them we are flying, and the destinations we reach are quite physical.


My future blogs will be mainly concerned with events that happen precisely when consciousness is turned away from normal objective life. Much more is involved than even the nature of the dream state and man’s and woman’s fascinating ability to withdraw consciousness from the body. These phenomena are only evidences of the greater creative consciousness that is inherent and active in each of us — the interior universe of which we know so little.

It often seems to me that only when we close our eyes do we begin to see, literally and figuratively. This is somewhat of an exaggeration, and yet my experience as a metaphysical student makes several facts clear. Our ordinary consciousness shows us only one specific view of reality. When we learn to close off our senses momentarily and change the focus of awareness, other quite valid glimpses of an interior universe begin to show themselves.


This is most obvious in dreaming, of course. Dreams may well represent us at our most creative, for not only do we process the past days activities, but we also choose tomorrow’s events from the limitless probable actions that are presented to us while the waking self is still.


It’s tricky to play hopscotch back and forth between various stages of consciousness, to travel into little-understood subjective realms, explore those inner landscapes and return with any clear clues as to their nature. Such explorations are highly important, however, because they bring us in touch with that basic inner reality that underlies our individual conscious thought and existence and which is the bedrock of our civilization.

Speak to That All-embracing “You”

We have lived in a world in which we believed we must struggle to survive — and so we have struggled.


We have believed that the natural contours of nature were somehow antagonistic to our own existence, so that left in the hands of nature alone we would lose our way. We have believed that in the very framework of our psychology. In our experiences, therefore, all of these things have largely proven true.

Nothing taught that we were creatures. I have been trying to lead us into a new threshold of perception, where the old myths of evolution can be seen as outmoded, ancient of forsaken castles amid a forest of beliefs — a forest that is indeed itself a magically formed one. The forest is the world of our imagination, surely, the imagination of our minds, and yet given force and power by the innate creatively that rises up from an inner world that represents much more truly the origins of man’s and woman’s and beast. That world has been largely hidden by the camouflages shed by science and religion alike, but in our times the landscape began to appear so dark and threatening, so forbidden and alien to our own desires, that its end seemed all the more inevitable and swift.


I hope I have given in my blogs a far more gallant and true picture, that represents the origin of our life, structure and being and thought. The inner world of reality, the world of dreams, presents a model of existence in which new energy vitality, and being is everywhere apparent, ready to come forward to form new transformations, new combinations of energy and desire.

That inner psychological universe is a psychic gestalt, propelled, formed, sustained or driven by value fulfillment, love and desire, by the loving values that have no limit. The universe does not give up on itself, or on any of its creatures. It is ruled by a different set of principles, a different set of values, and by inner cooperative exuberance.


We may need some time before the old beliefs become less prominent, and finally fall into their proper decay — a decay, incidentally, that does indeed have its own kind of majesty, energy, and beauty. But the inner natural leanings of all of consciousness within the realms of our being now yearn for constructive change, clearer vision, to experience again their inherent sense of corporal spirituality, physical and psychic grace. They want to sense again the effortless motion that is their natural birthright.


I hope my blogs to some extent or another puts each reader in touch with your own inner psychological motion, your creative breath, so that we are invigorated and sense within your own minds and spirit a new promise, a new intent, and the exhilaration of earthly and spiritual strength. We dwell in a state of natural grace that is quite alive and vital whether or not science decrees that consciousness possesses its own intent. Nature is supernatural all the while, of course.

Changing Attitudes will help bring “Our Natural Place in the World”

I have not given complicated methods or suggestions, telling how to decipher or understand our own dreams, though  I have mentioned such topics often in my blogs.


I have not given complicated methods concerning out-of-body travel, and yet all of my blogs, by changing attitudes, will help bring about changes in ourselves that will automatically enhance such activities. They will begin to take their natural places within our world. No methods will help us otherwise.

I do not want you to think that the answers to your questions lie prepackaged in the dream state, either, relatively inaccessible except to those who possess unique talents or some secretive knowledge of the world of the occult. Many people, long before the time of printing or reading, learned to read nature very well, to observe the seasons, to feel out “the seasons of the soul.” The answers, therefore, lie as close as our own back-door steps, for at the thresholds of our beings we automatically stand in the center of knowledge. We are never at the periphery of events.


Regardless of our circumstances, our condition in life, our training or our aptitudes, at our own threshold we stand at the center of all realities — for at our center all existences intersect. We are everywhere part of them, and they are of us. Each portion of the universe carries the knowledge of all other parts, and each point of a reality is that reality’s center. We are, then, centered in the universe.

Again, even our dreams and thoughts go out to help form new worlds.


Such considerations should naturally spark within us far vaster and yet far more intimate insights — insights in whose light the hazy rhetoric of prepackaged knowledge begins to disappear. As it does, so the speakers within each of us can rise to the surface of ordinary consciousness without being considered blabbermouths or mad men or women, or fools, without having to distant their information simply to bring it to our attention. The speakers are those inner voices that first taught us physical languages. We could be equally correct in calling them the voices of electrons or the voices of the gods, for each is a representation of Everything That Is, overflowing like a fountain both with knowledge and with love.

When we stand at our physical doorstep we look inward at an incredible glowing psychological venture. I am not using symbols in such statements, and hidden within them are important homey clues. Each spoon that we touch, each flower that we rearrange, each syllable that we speak, each room we attend to, automatically brings us in touch with our natural feeling for the universe — for each object, however homey or mundane, is alive with changes and comprehension.


I do not, therefore, want you to concentrate your efforts in memorizing methods of perceiving other realities, but to realize that such insights are everywhere within our grasp. If we understand that, then we will rearrange the organization of our own thoughts quite by oneself. We will begin to read our own thoughts as easily as we now read a blog. “It is far more important to read your own thoughts than it is to learn to read the thoughts of others, for when your own feelings are known to you, you easily see that all other feelings are also reflected in your own”. When we look away from the world we are looking at it more closely. When we read sentences like the last one we are somewhat freeing our own minds, opening greater organizations. Our life is one dream that we are remembering.


We are remembering it and creating it and creating it at once, watching it grow from the attention of our own love and knowledge, and as we seem to stand at its center, so we stand at the center of all of our dreams, which then spin themselves seemingly outward.

Our physical universe began, then, from a dreaming center.

Life Cloud II

It certainly must seem to most of us that we begin many therapeutically designed programs only to have them disappear. There is a rhythm to such programs, however, and it is natural for the self to rouse at certain times, begin such activities, then apparently discard them.


They begin with a certain impetus, give us a certain kind of progress, and regardless of how great or small that progress may be, there is a necessary time of assimilation — that is, the stimulation over a period of time is more effective when it is in a fashion intermittent, when certain methods are tried out, applied, and so forth — but by the very nature of the healing process there is also the necessity of letup, diversion, and looking away.

Left alone, the self knows how to utilize such rhythms. If we trusted the characteristics of basic natural person, we would not need such blogs as ours, generally, in the world at all — for such knowledge would be part of it and implied in its cultural organizations, and the daily habits of the people.


The past blogs on the magical approach, can serve as valuable springboards to release from our own creative areas new triggers for inspiration and understanding, and hence for therapeutic development. That should be part of the program, in other words, regardless of what I intend to do blog-wise.

Another point: Regardless of any seeming contradictions, the beneficial aspects of any particular creative activity far outweigh any disadvantages. The nature of creativity, regardless of any given specific manifestation, is reflected in an overall generalized fashion that automatically increases the quality of life, and such benefits are definite regardless of what other conditions also become apparent. I mean to make clear here that regardless of any complications that may seem only too apparent to you, in the production and distribution of my last blogs, the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages.


We cannot know what would have happened, for example, had it not been produced, or distributed, so the question might seem moot. In the same fashion, the publication of my blogs, or rather the one we are working on, is bound to bring greater advantages than disadvantages. Expression is far preferred, of course, to repression — but more than this, the matter of repression cannot be solved by adding further repression as a therapeutic measure.

If the apparent trigger of a difficulty is a creative accomplishment, then the difficulty itself is ‘loaded’ also with its own natural therapeutic solutions.


The magical approach is indeed the natural approach to life’s experience.

It is the adult’s version of childhood knowledge, the human version of the animals’ knowledge, the conscious version of ‘unconscious’ comprehension. In past blogs I told you that Framed-Mind-1 and 2 were actually united. They seemed to be so disunited that it is almost impossible to discuss then using any other terms. To understand that much alone, to comprehend the simple idea of Framed-mind-2’s indisputable existence is strongly important however.


We do not have to worry in an overly strained way about putting the new principles of life into practical experience at once. We do not need to worry or deride ourselves for stupidity if it appears, looking over the long annals of work that we have done together, that it should have been obvious that our ideas were leading in certain directions — for not only have I been trying to divest you of official ideas, but to prepare you for the acceptance of a new version of reality: a version that could be described in many fashions. It has been during the annals of history, but many of those fashions also indisputably, and with the best of intentions, managed to give a faulty picture: We ended up with our gods and demons, unwieldy methods and cults, that our “model” avoids many of those pitfalls.

In those annals there is legend after legend, tale after tale, history after history describing civilizations that have come and gone, kings risen and fallen, and those stories have always represented cultures of the psyche, and described various approaches used by man’s and woman’s psyche as it explored its intersection with earthly experiences.


Some mountains climbers, when asked why they climb a certain peak, respond: ‘Because the mountain is there to be climbed’ — so the natural approach, the magical approach is to be used because it exists, and because it represents an open doorway into a world of reality that is always present, always at the base of our cultures and experience. Theoretically at least, the magical approach should be used because it represents the most harmonious method of life. It is a way of living automatically enhances all of our abilities and accelerates our comprehensions.

To some extent tonight’s relatively brief blog should remove senses of urgency on our parts, or of self-criticism, that make us question when or how we can ‘learn to make’ the magical approach work in any specific way — that is, why we cannot learn to make the approach work in, say, helping one’s condition in a faster, more effective fashion.


We should understand that the approach is the best one to use in life, generally speaking, but it will improve all conditions, even if we still have difficulties in certain areas, and its use cannot help but promote the overall quality of our lives. That recognition takes the pressure off, so that we can to some extent relax our old attitudes enough so that we allow the magical approach to work in those areas that have been bones of contention.


The magical approach puts us in harmony with our own individual knowledge of the universe. It puts us in touch with the magical feeling of oneself that we had as a child, and that is familiar to us at levels usually beyond our physical knowledge of ourselves. It is better, then, to use the approach because we recognize it for what it is than to use it specifically in order to get something that we want, however beneficial. If it is used because we recognize its inherent rightness in ourselves, its inherent ‘superior stance,’ then it automatically puts us in a position of greater trust and faith. It opens our options, enlarges our vista of comprehension, so that the difficulties themselves are simply no longer as important — and vanish from our experience in, again, a more natural manner.


In a fashion, all of the material that I have given you in the annals of our relationship was meant to lead you in one way or another to a place where the true nature of reality could at least be glimpsed. We are at that point now.

In a manner of speaking, my physical condition represents that bruises, the wounds inflicted upon any individual in his or her long journey toward a greater comprehension of life’s experience. In religious terms, we begin to glimpse a promised land –a ‘land’ of psyche and reality that represents unimpeded nature.


The ‘proper’ question to ask is not: ‘Can I enter that land?’ The land is here, where we are, and it always has been. The methods, the ways, the beliefs, the modes of travel to a destination create the destination itself. It is impossible for us to operate without belief in our present mode of existence, ‘for beyond’ those glittering packages of beliefs, however, there exists the vast reservoir of sensation itself, the land that does indeed exist ‘beyond beliefs.’

The universe is not dependent upon our belief in it in order that it can exist. It contains within itself its own comprehension of its own knowledge, its own magical recognition of itself, its own harmonious laws and orders, its own cabinetry. It possesses and holds intact even the smallest probability, so that no briefest possible life or creature or being is ever lost in the shuffle of a cosmic mechanics.


To even sense the existence of that kind of reality, however, we must have already ‘opened the doorway’ to Framed-Mind-2, and begun to use the magical approach as our natural instinctive way of dealing with experience.

A Mixture of Non-Predictable and Predictable Operates in Genetic Patterning

The curious mixture of non-predictable and predictable activity operates in a genetic patterning , In which the genetic systems are largely set up to achieve the retention of specific characteristics, and yet can also demonstrate behavior that seems to be genetically unfaithful, distorted, or to introduce alterations that might appear to be travesties upon genetic integrity.


Those odd genetic happenings, however, as I have tried to explain, often provide a resiliency and a widening of probabilities that are most necessary for overall genetic balance. Dream actions can indeed — and often do — affect genetic alterations, acting as triggers for altered cellular action. There is a give-and-take between the seemingly separate mental and physical aspects of our lives at every level of experience, and at every level within nature’s seeming boundaries.

There are decisions in which each individual plays a part that are made in fields of activity that we usually do not even realize exist.


The people of a nation can at any given moment decide to activate or experience a particular event almost entirely in the physical realm, or to separate its elements in such a way that half of it is experienced physically and the other half in dream reality. Transformations of energy occur of course constantly, so that say, a probable physical storm can instead appear as an economic one.

It can appear as an emotional storm on the part of large numbers of people. It can instead appear as a series, say, of frightening dreams. At each point of its existence such an event can weave in and out of such manifestations, largely dissipating itself. An adverse physical situation, such as an illness, may turn into “a frightening dream,” yet in all such cases the necessary standards of self-integrity are maintained.


The same alterations apply of course for fortunate events, which may be experienced through full physical expression, or through a series of manifestations that might also involve social or economic happenings, or the occurrence of splendid weather conditions, — the insertion of excellent, almost perfect summerlike days, or whatever. The predictable and non-predictable serve, then, to form the boundaries of physical experience.

The more open we are to such ideas the greater the flow of our experience can be.


We should never accept as fact a theory that contradicts our own experience. Man’s and woman’s experience includes, for example, all kinds of behavior for which science has no answers. That is well and good. Science cannot be blamed for saying that its methods are not conducive to the study of this or that area of experience — but science should at least be rapped on the knuckles smartly if it automatically rejects such behavior as valid, legitimate or real, or when it attempts to place such events outside of the realm of actuality. Science can justly be reprimanded when it tries to pretend that man’s and woman’s experience is limited to those events that science can explain.

It is instead, or course, quite possible that our predictable world exists not inspite of but because of those surprising, unpredictable, unofficial occurrences. There is a kind of larger spontaneous order of which the seemingly unpredictable elements of our world provide their own clues.


By taking notice of seemingly unpredictable events, by changing our focus, we can indeed begin to sense the larger patterns of such a reality. And that reality leaves many traces in our own experience. It  everywhere provides hints and clues as to its own actuality and our own participation in varying fields of expression that have not been given any official recognition.

Within the patterns of human experience, then, lies evidence of man’s and woman’s greater ability: He or she rubs shoulders with his or her own deeper understanding whenever he or she remembers, say, a precognitive dream, and out-of-body — whenever he or she feels the intrusion or infusion of knowledge into his or her mind from other than physical sources. Such a creature could not be the puppet of a genetic engineering accidentally manufactured in a universe that was itself meaningless.


If man and woman paid attention to his or her own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical. It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow us to increase our psychic abilities, or to remember our dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. It is rather a question or a matter of completely altering our approach to life, so that we no longer block our such natural spontaneous activity.


I don’t want to be simplistic here, but for some years I’ve been concerned that those living in large metropolitan centers miss a certain daily, vital participation in the very environment within which by far most of the life forms on earth exist. I’m not sure what percentage of the human population now lives in urban areas, but it must be high, and climbing. Yet beliefs rule all: Evidently, even with all of the challenges that crowding can set up, it just as natural for people to congregate as it is for them to live spread out — perhaps even more so, if facet of their behavior can be said to be “more natural” than another!

When the leaders of Iraq order an invasion

They proclaimed that the war had really begun over 1,300 years ago, at the battle of Quaddisiya in A.D. 637, when Muslim Arabs drove the Persians, who are Indo-European, from Iraq. (Iraq was called Mesopotamia then, and until 1935 Persia was the name for Iran.)


In a passionate, bloody series of events later in the seventh century, a split occurred in which the Muslim religion was divided into two main branches, the Shiite and the Sunni. Now Iran is ruled by the Shiites, and is religiously oriented; Iraq is ruled by the Sunnis, and is more secular and socialistic. Iranian leaders emphasize the religious aspects of the war. Iraq the ethnic. The rulers of each country have urged the citizens of the other to revolt against their leaders. There is much disillusionment in Iran over the excesses of the Shiite clergy. In Iran martyrdom is encouraged — at home, in the war, and in terroristic activity abroad. Iraq has been accused of using chemical warfare (courtesy of the Russians) against its enemy. The Muslim world, then, is hardly a monolithic entity; as within Iran itself, the myriad consciousness making up the whole framework are much too varied for the to be true.

At least partially because of their brutal history. Iranians — Persians — are strongly self-centered; preservation of the self is given an overriding impetus. The world is seen as being full of peril. Causality, the interrelation of cause and effect, is often ignored or misunderstood in the Iranian quest for immediate advantage. Influence counts for much more than obligation; the concepts of long-term mutual trust is seen as basically adversarial; goodwill means little. Yet, such egocentric characteristics often are sublimated into the seemingly contradictory practice of martyrdom — the two are united within the Iranian interpretation of Muslim theology. In a land ruled by a body of theocratic law the needs of the country must ultimately prevail, as in the case of attack from without, say. There is no area in which Islamic precepts do not apply.


Rather ironically, not all Muslims want the Americans to leave the Middle East, as the terrorists have announced they must do. And the government of Iran, in spite of its great hatred for our country, is pragmatic enough to join it in a very efficient exchange of large sums of money; these transactions, in part to settle business claims against Iran, are a portion of the arrangements made to free the American hostages.


Attend to what is before us, for it is there for a reason. In each person’s life, and in our own, at each and every point of our existence. The solutions to our problems, or the means of achieving those solutions to our problems, or the means of achieving those solutions, are always as apparent — or rather as present — within our days as is any given problems itself. What I mean is quite simple: The solutions already exist in our lives. We may not have put them together yet, or organized them in the necessary ways. The solutions lie in all areas with which we are normally concerned — mail, blogs, news, our abilities. When we attend to what is there with the proper magical attitude of mind, then the altered organizations can take place.


A belief in a ‘god who provides,’ by whatever name, is indeed a psychological requirement for the good health of the body and mind. Unfortunately, in our society we need every good suggestion we can get, to offset fears and negative conditioning.

Dreams Promote The Conservation of Knowledge

In a fashion dreams allow for a curious mixture of learning processes, while at the same time serving to introduce surprising developments.  That is, dreams promote the conservation of knowledge. They are an aid in the development of skills. They conserve available information by weaving it through the other structures of our experience.


At the same time dreams have their startling qualities, promoting the insertion of unexpected developments, in which case they appear to deal with the breaking down of conserving principles. In this fashion they also mirror our more exterior behavior, conserving what we know already, and yet introducing new patterns, new spontaneous orders that would sometimes seem to run against conservative issues. They reinforce the past, for example, when we dream of past situations. They also seem to undermine the integrity of the past by showing it to us in an unfamiliar light, mixing it with present and future tints.

Many people might wish that I would add many more methods to help study dreams and their nature. In such a manner also dreams suggest nature’s spontaneous order throughout the centuries, and allow us to look at the species in a truer light. Our lives, for that matter, are dependent upon the curious relationships that are involved: We would not get by for one day if the conserving principles and the unexpected did not exist exactly as they do. There is so much we must learn and remember in life, and so much we must spontaneously forget — otherwise, creation itself would be relatively meaningless.


We perform far more actions in a day than we recall. We do not know how many times we lift our arms, speak a sentence, think a thought. With the kind of consciousness we possess, an over-reliance upon conserving principles could then end up in a reduction of life’s processes.

In private living and in so-called evolutionary terms, however, life necessitates the intrusion of surprising events, unforeseen actions, leaps of insight or behavior that could not come alone from any accumulation of knowledge or simple conservation of energy, but seem to suggest entirely different new developments.


Dreams often serve as the frameworks in which sudden remarkable insights appear that later enable a man or a woman to envision the world in a way that was not earlier predictable. The world’s activities always include the insertion of surprising events. This is true at all levels of nature, from microscopic to macroscopic. All systems are open. The theories of both evolutionists and creationists strongly suggest and reinforce beliefs in the consecutive nature of time, and in a universe that begins in such-and-such an end — but there are horizontal events that appear in the true activity of nature, and there are horizontal entry points and exit points in all experience. These allow for the insertion of unofficial new energy, the introduction of surprising events.

Again, it is very difficult to explain such activities. They can affect — and do affect — the rise and fall of civilizations. We are used to reading nature in a particular manner, however, and to experiencing events at surface levels. We are naturally equipped to appreciate a far richer blend, and as I have often blogged about, we are ourselves possessed of a need to explore the subjective ramifications of our existence.


As “the times change” we tire of the old ways. Even our dreams begin to reach out into new avenues. The relationships between nature’s natural conservative behavior and nature’s need for innovation are stretched. More and more remarkable events begin to occur, both in private and mass experience, in physical and mental behavior, in the events, say, of both stars and human.

People want, then, to throw aside old structures of belief. They yearn, often without recognizing it, for the remembered knowledge of early childhood, when it seems that they experienced for a time a dimension of experience in which the unexpected was taken for granted, when “magical events” occurred quite naturally. They begin to look at the structure of their lives in a different fashion, that attempts to evoke from nature, and from their own natures, some graceful effortlessness, some freedom nearly forgotten. They begin to turn toward a more natural and a more magical approach to their own lives. At such times the conserving elements in nature and in society itself do not seem as strong as they did before. Surprising events that were earlier covered up or ignored seem to appear with greater frequency, and everywhere a new sense of quickness and acceleration gradually alters the expectations of people in regard to the events of their own lives, and to the behavior they expect from others. We are in such times now.


Old honored explanations suddenly appear withered. Unpredictable remarkable events seem more possible. The kind of work done in dreams to some extent is changed. They become more active, more intrusive. Predictable behavior, even of the natural elements, is harder to take for granted. Man begins to sense more and more at such times the vaster dimensions of behavior upon which that appearance of conservation resides.


There are considerable changes that occur under such conditions in man’s and woman’s subjective experience. Man’s and woman’s feelings about himself or herself change too, but little by little his and her trust in unpredictability grows. He or she is more willing to assign himself or herself to it. The species begins its own kind of psychic migration. It begins to sense within itself further frontiers and the possibilities for action. It begins to yearn for the exploration of mental lands, and it sends portions of itself out as couriers.


I am that kind of courier. There are many in all areas of life, and this involves not only an excitement on the part of our  own species, but the same kind of curiosity and excitement on the part of other species as well. Again, most difficult to explain — but those connections that exist between all species and the environment are themselves affected. The horizontal communications stretch and expand to allow for later developments in terms of probabilities, for consciousness always knows itself in more than one context, and it is possible for nature to experience itself in ways that would seem to be most improbable when the properties of  conservation and learning are at their strongest spring.

Man and Woman explored the World in the Dreaming State long before they explored it Physically

Such dreams gave him and her the assurance that other lands existed outside of his and her own, and spurred him and her onward into those physical expeditions in which the species has always taken a particular delight.


A man or woman might be while dreaming suddenly in strange territory, looking at the sky from a different viewpoint, with say, a familiar river nowhere in sight, and with a mountain where ordinarily a plain might be. This was in a way as startling an experience as it would be to us to find ourselves on some distant planet. (We do, for that matter, explore space in the same fashion, and on at least some occasions our own “visitors from outer space” are dream travelers from other dimensions of reality.)

In such a fashion man and woman learned the location of the oceans upon the earth — or at least was given the  assurance that such large bodies of water existed, along with clues as to their locations, and the placement of the stars overhead.


Also in the same manner dreams were an aid in navigation, so that they served to let sailors know when land was near before it could be physically perceived — and there is no human activity to which dreams and group dreams have not contributed.

They were of great aid, of course, in human politics, so that through dreams  the intents of tribal leaders, say, were known to the others. Some people within the tribe specialized in such dreams, and again, dream content was and is directed by the individual intents, purposes and interests of the dreamer. In a certain manner dreaming, then, helped sharpen such individual tendencies while still directing them toward the public value fulfillment. The person interested most in herbs and plant life would also find that nightly dream excursions might find the dreamer examining strange herbs in another location than the native one. Or he or she might be given knowledge as to how the herbs could best be used for healing purposes. People are natural mimics, as are some animals and birds, so when tribal members related their dreams, they did not just tell them but acted them out with great mobility, carefully mimicking whatever animals or people or elements of land they may have encountered.


The origins of drama began in just that fashion. Tribal leaders were usually chosen only after long “dream investigations,” in which the new leader’s name cropped up, say, time and time again in the people’s dreams. They expected to receive counsel from their dreams, such information was then aired and shared, studied and examined along with ll physical considerations that applied, before important decisions were made.

We do still continue such activity, again, although we have turned conscious minds away from those directions. Most of it does not become conscious because we do not want it to. In some areas, however, with the acceleration of physical travel, certain kinds of dreams have become more highly pertinent. Families in our society are often broken up, parents and children living quite apart in other portions of the country or in different countries entirely, so dreams that connect us with such relatives have risen to the fore, so to speak. People often keep track of changes in hometowns that they may not have visited for twenty years except in the dream state, when they familiarize themselves with the alterations that have happened, visit beloved streets and houses, or view old classmates.


Very few people make any attempt to check out such information in physical terms. There is an entire global dream network, in other words, that goes quite unrecognized — one of spectacular organization in which exchanges of information occur that give us the basis for the formation of recognized physical events.

If small families kept track of their own family dreams, for example, they could discover unsuspected correlations and sense the interplay of subjective and objective drama with which they are always psychologically involved. Notice what kind of information you seek out from the internet, for example. Do you read the headline page and ignore sports, or vice versa? Do you read gossip column? The obituary? Do you seek out stories of lurid crime, or look for future incidents of political chicanery? The answers will show us the kind of material we look for most often. We will to some extent specialize in the same kind of information when we dream. We will organize the contents of our mind and the information available to us according to our own intents and purposes.


One person’s dreams, therefore, while his or her own, will still fit into an important notch in the dreams of a given family. One person might, because of his or her own interests, seek largely from dreams warnings of difficulty or trouble, and therefore be the family’s dream watchguard — the one who has, say, the nightmares for everyone else. That person will also serve a somewhat similar role in the waking state, as a member of a family. The question in such instances is the reason for such a person’s over-concern and alarm in the first place — why the intense interest in such possible catastrophes, or in crime or whatever? — and the answer lies in an examination of the person’s feelings and beliefs about the nature of existence itself.

As far as group dreaming is concerned, however, there are still some people who have served as watchdogs in that regard, while others even in the dream state operate as healers or teachers or explorers or whatever. There is no craft that was not first conceived of by an individual dreamer, who later transferred it to the social world or activity.


In the dreaming state, then the needs and desires of families, communities and countries are well known. The dream state serves as a rich source for the world’s knowledge, and is also therefore responsible for the outgrowth of its technology. This is a highly important point, for “the technological world out there” was at one time the world of dreams. The discoveries and inventions that made the industrial world possible were always latent in man’s and woman’s mind, and represented an inner glittering landscape of probability that he and she brought into actualization through the use of dreams — the intuitive an the conscious manipulation of material that was at one time latent.

Value fulfillment will always provide inner directions that remind man and woman constantly of the best ways in which such technology can be used. The need to possess such knowledge in uppermost in men’s and women’s mind now, and so it also becomes a vital dream topic or subject. In the dream state, then, to one extent or another man and woman seeks solutions to the problems of his and her age.


The entire idea of the magical approach, is of itself sustaining.

It should remind us of the true effortlessness that is in a fashion responsible for our very existence. When you become overly concerned or worried in any area, remember that we are thinking those thoughts while the process of thinking is utterly effortless. That realization alone can further remind us that the conscious mind does not have to have all the information required. It only needs to have the faith that means are available — even if those are beyond its own scope of activity.


There is an entire global dream network, in other words, that goes quite unrecognized — one of spectacular organization in which exchange of information occur that give us the basis for the formation of recognized physical events.


People could be helped to consciously realize their participation in this worldwide dream organization. Why, I wonder, couldn’t the nations of the world set up cooperative studies to verify its existence? I think that science and religion would be violently opposed to the idea, at least in the beginning, for it would challenge many rigid beliefs held by each of those disciplines. In the deepest terms of course, such a study would actually validate the sources of science and religion. The experiment has the potential for significantly broadening our conscious understanding of the world we’re creating.


Setting up such a global organization to study dreams, would probably require a decade of arguing among nations. Would governments gather the information, or independent agencies? How would all of this be paid for, administered and analyzed? How long would it take to acquire statistically significant data? Would the peoples of the world cooperate? I say they most enthusiastically would, for the dream research would have a sound intuitive basis: It would uncover and reinforce many deeper aspects of our individual and collective beings — and I know of few things more important than that consciously we understand ourselves as well as we can in order to meet the great challenges we’re creating.  But, imagine trying to win the cooperation of the nations of the world for such an undertaking! Actually, it would be quite an advance of we could even agree to begin talking about such a study.

The Importance of dreams in Man’s and Woman’s early background

We have a hand in forming all events to one extent or another, and at certain levels we are therefore involved in the construction of those global events that affect the world, whether they be of so-called natural or cultural nature.


In earlier blogs I spoke about the importance of dreams in man’s and woman’s early background, and their importance to us as a species. Here, I want to stress the social aspects of dreams, and to point out the fact that dreams also show us some of the processes that are involved in the actual formation of physical events: We actually come into an event, therefore, long before the event physically happens, at other levels of consciousness, and a good deal of this prior activity takes place in the state of dreaming.

Yet (remembering what I said about seeming contradictions), our dreams are also social events of a kind, and the state of dreaming can almost be thought of as an inner public forum in which each man and woman has his or her say, and in which each opinion, however unpopular, is taken into consideration. If we want to call any one dream event a private event, then I would have to tell you that that private event actually was our personal contribution to a larger multi-sided dream event, many-layered, so that one level might deal with the interests of a group to which we belong — say our family, or our political or religious organization — reaching ” outward” to the realm of national government and world affairs. As our private conscious life is lived in a community setting of one kind or another as a rule, so do our dreams take place in the same context, so that as we dream for ourselves, to some extent we also dream for our own family, for our community, and for the world.


Group dreaming was at one time taken for granted as a natural human characteristic — in a tribe, for example, when new locations were being sought, perhaps in time of drought. The various tribal members would have dreams tackling whatever aspect of the problem that best suited his or her abilities and personal intents. The dreamers would travel our-of-body in various directions to see the extent of drought conditions, and to ascertain the best direction for the tribe to take in any needed migration.

Their dreams would then be shared by the tribe in the morning, or at special meetings, when each dreamer would give a rendition of the dream or dreams that seemed to be involved. In the same way, other dreamers would simply check with the dreamers of other villages or tribes — perhaps a hundred or even more miles distant. Some such dreams were extremely direct, others were clothed in symbolism according to the style of the dreamer, but in any case the dream was understood to have a public significance as well as a private one.


The same still applies, though often dreams themselves are forgotten. Instead, for example, for news or for advice we watch our morning television news, which provides us with a kind of manufactured dream that to some extent technologically serves the same purpose. Instead of sending camera-people and newspaper people to the farthest corners of the earth, early man and woman sent out aspects of himself or herself to gather the news and to form it into dream dramas. Oftentimes much of the material did not need to become conscious: It was “unconsciously” acted upon, turned directly into action. Now such dreams simply act as backup systems, rising to the fore whenever they are needed. their purpose was and is to increase the value fulfillment of the species and of the individual.

Psychologists often speak of the needs of man and woman. Here I would like to speak instead of the pleasures of man and woman, for one of the distinguishing characteristics of value fulfillment is its pleasurable effect. It is not so much that man and woman or nature seeks to satisfy needs, but to exuberantly, rambunctiously seek pleasure — and through following its pleasure each organism finds and satisfies its need as well. Far more is involved in the experience of life, however, than the satisfaction of bare needs, for life is everywhere possessed with a desire toward quality — a quality that acknowledges the affirming characteristics of pleasure itself.


In our terms, there is a great pleasure to be found in both work and play, in excitement and calm, in exertion and rest, yet the word “pleasure” itself has often fallen into disrepute, and is frowned at by the virtuous.


One of the main purposes of dreaming, therefore, is to increase man’s and woman’s pleasure, which means to increase the quality of living itself. Dreams are mental work and play combined, psychic and emotional rich creative dramas. They also involved us in the most productive of enterprises as we begin to play with versions of events that are being considered for physical actualization, as one a personal level we “view” the probable events which our family, tribe, organization, community and country will actualize.


As physical creatures we human beings cannot bear to directly confront the basic, vast, unimaginably awesome and creative consciousness of All That Is. Since we cannot bear to face the great raw power of nuclear energy either. I’ve often wondered whether this situation can be an earthly, imperfect and time-ridden analog to what must be the reality of All That Is.

Time Overlays

Time overlays are versions of master events, in that they occur in such a fashion that one “face” of an overall event may appear in one time, one in another, and so forth.


Time overlays are the time versions of certain events, then. These time overlays always exist. They may become activated, however, by certain associations made in our present, and therefore  draw into our present time some glimpses either from the future or the past. So-called present time is thickened, then, by a psychological realization on deep levels of the psyche that all events are interrelated, and that the reincarnational experiences of any given individual provide a rich source of experience from which each person at least unconsciously draws.

Such usually unconscious knowledge is of great benefit to the species itself, so that at certain levels, at least, the knowledge of the species is not imprisoned within any given generation at once, but flows or circulates within the overall larger reincarnational picture. Probabilities are very much involved here, of course, and it is easier for particular events to fall within one time sequence than  another.


I do not want us to feel that we are fated to experience certain events, however, for that is not the case. There will be “offshoots” of the events of our own lives, however, that may appear as overlays in our other reincarnational existences. There are certain points where such events are closer to us than others, in which mental associations at any given time may put us in correspondence with other events of a similar nature in some future or past incarnation, however. It is truer to say that those similar events are instead time versions of one larger event. As a rule we experience only one time version of any given action. Certainly it is easy to see how a birthday or anniversary, or particular symbol or object, might serve as an associative connection, rousing within us memories of issues or actions that might have happened under similar circumstances in other times.

Actually, that kind of psychological behavior represent the backbone of social organization as far as the species is concerned, and it is the usually hidden but definite past and future memories of reincarnational relationships that cement social organizations, from small tribes to large governments.


To a certain extent, or course, we have been or will be each related to the other. In that light all of the events of time rub elbows together. We brush against the elbow of a future or past event every moment of our lives.

In the culture that we know, such information remains hidden from us. Our main belief systems lead us to feel that our present life is singular, unsupported by any knowledge of prior experience with existence, and fated to be cut off or dead-ended without a future. Instead, we always carry the inner knowledge of innumerable available futures. Our emotional life at certain levels is enriched by the unconscious realization that those who love us from past or future are connected to us by special ties that add to our emotional heritage and support.


As many have supposed, particularly in fiction, love relationships do indeed survive time, and they put us in a special correspondence. Even as we were aware of reincarnational existences, our present psychological behavior would not be threatened but retain its prominence — for only within certain space and time intersections can physical actions occur. The more or less general acceptance of the theory of reincarnation, however, would automatically alter our social systems, add to the richness of experience, and in particular insert a fresh feeling for the future, so that we did not feel our lives dead-ended.

In earlier blogs I mentioned several times that we must reach a point at which we are able to see around the corner of seemingly contradictory material, and this is one of those occasions. Time overlays present us with a picture in which we have free will — yet each event that we choose will have its own time version. Now those time versions may be entirely different one from the others, and while we certainly initiate our own time version, in terms of usual understanding there is no true place or time in which that version can be said to actually originate.


Such a time version suggests an occurrence in time, of course, and yet the event may leave only a ghostly track, so to speak, being hardly manifest, while in another life the time version may be of considerable prominence — while in our own experience it represents a fairly trivial incident of an ordinary afternoon.

The inner core of events, however, is held together by just that kind of activity. We are at every hand provided an unending source of probable events from past and future, from which to compose the events of our lives and society. Again, let me remind  you that all time exists simultaneously.


In an experience last evening in the dream state, I received fresh evidence by viewing for myself portions of two other lives — merely snatches of environment, but so dearly filled with precious belongings and loved ones, so alive with immediacy — that I was shocked to realize that the full dimensions of existence could continue so completely in such detail and depth at the same time as my present life.

It seemed that I could step from any one such existence to the other as we might walk from one room to the other, and I knew that at other levels of the psyche this was indeed possible– and, of course, at other levels of the psyche those psychological doors are open.


I have had particular difficulty, however, with “the theory of reincarnation,” because as it is usually described, it seemed that people used it to blame as the source of current misfortune, or as an excuse for personal behavior whose nature they did not otherwise understand, and it has been so maligned. Its reality, however, serves to generate activity throughout time’s framework as we understand it, to unite the species, to reinforce structures of knowledge, to transmit information, and perhaps most of all to reinforce relationships involving love, brotherhood, and cooperation between generations of men and women that would otherwise be quite separate and apart from each other.

Through such relationships, for example, say, the cavemen and cavewomen and the people of the 22nd century rub elbows, where in strict terms of time the species would seem to be quite disconnected from its “earlier” or “later” counterparts.


Through such behavior the overall value fulfillment purposes and intents of the species are kept in focus, and those necessary requirements then planted in whatever space or time is required. Again, free will still operates in all such ventures.

Now while it seems that our world contains more and more information all the time, our particular brand of science is a relatively narrow one, in that it accepts as valid only certain specific areas of speculation. The areas outside of its boundaries become taboo, so that the realm of the unknown is no longer the material universe or the mysteries of space, but the interior universe and the mysteries of the mind as these are experienced or suspected to exist outside of those official areas. To that degree, the unknown is more feared by science than it ever was by religion.


Religion was hampered — and is — by its interpretation of good and evil, but it did not deny the existence of other versions of consciousness, or different kinds of psychological activity and life. Reincarnation suggests, or course, the extension of personal existence beyond one time period, independently of one bodily form, the translation or transmission of intelligence through non-physical frameworks, and implies psychological behavior, memory and desire as purposeful action without the substance of any physical mechanism — propositions that science at its present stage of development simply could not buy, and for which it could find no evidence, for its methods would automatically preclude the type of experience that such evidence would require.

People can become quite frightened, then, of any kind of experience of a personal nature that imply reincarnational life, for they are then faced with the taboos of science, or perhaps by the distorted explanations of some religions or cults. We therefore protect ourselves from many quite natural up thrusts that would on their own give us experience with our own reincarnational existences, and we are often denied psychological comfort in times of stress that we might otherwise receive.


I do not necessarily mean that full-blown pictures of other existences would necessarily come into our mind, but that in one way or another we would receive a support or change of mood as those loved by us in other lives in one way or another sensed our need and responded.


The entire nature of events, then, exists in a different way than we have supposed, only small portions slicing into the reality that we recognize — yet all underneath connected to a vast psychological activity. We might compare events to psychological consonants that underlay or underlie the more unusual features of physical psychological environment.

Communications appear between telepathy, automatic writing, speaking, and the hearing of voices

The supposedly telepathic messages can be attributed to contemporaries — enemies, gods, devils, or what have you. Space People are a recent addition. In most cases, what we have here are expressions of strong portions of the self that are more or less purposefully kept in isolation. They may appear or disappear, psychologically speaking. They present a kind of chain of command — one that is not usually permanent for any long period, however.


Particularly when the voices or communications give orders to be obeyed, they represent powerful, otherwise repressed, images and desires, strong enough to form about themselves their own personifications. Some may seem relatively genuine in terms of presenting a fairly well-rounded representation of a normal personality. That is a fairly rare occurrence however. Usually we are presented with, say, semi-personalities, or even with lesser versions — fragmentary expressions of impulses and desires that are dramatically presented only in snatches heard by the person as a voice, or perceived as a presence.

In many situations, the main personifications are instead of a ritual nature, taking advantage of psychological patterns already present in the culture’s art of religion or science. We end up with Christs, spacemen and spacewomen, various saints or spirits, or other personality fabrications whose characteristics and abilities are already known.


We have schizophrenic models, in other words, and the particular model chosen in any case, at any given time — for the model change — gives indications quite clearly of the person’s basic problems and dilemmas. Such cultural models are present in society to begin with, because in one way or another they express in an exaggerated form certain portions of man’s and woman’s psychological reality that he or she does not as yet understand. This applies to the “good” schizophrenic models and to the “bad” ones — that is, to the gods as well as to the demons.

Such “communications” with the gods or demons, St. Pauls or Hitlers, represent in such instances dramatized, exaggerated personifications of the portion of the personality that is at the head of the chain of command at the moment.


In the first place, reality is primarily a mental phenomenon, in which the perceptions of the senses are organized and put together in ways that perfectly “mimic” in physical terms a primary non-physical experience. This is tricky to express, because the application of a psychological awareness through the auspices of the flesh automatically makes certain transformations of data necessary.

Devils and demons have no objective existence. They have always represented, again, portions of mankind’s and womankind’s own psychological reality that to some extent he and she had not assimilated — but in a schizophrenic kind of expression, projected instead outward from himself or herself. Therefore, it does not seem he or she must be held accountable for acts that he or she considers debasing, or cruel. He or she isolates himself or herself from that responsibility by imagining the existence of other forces — the devils or demons of the nether world.


On an individual basis, the schizophrenic carries through those cultural patterns. The contrasts between, say, the superior self or the idealized self, and the debased self, may vary. They may be brilliant apparent or somewhat blurred. In many such instances there will also be at least a short spurt of intense but scrambled, perhaps garbled, creative activity, in which the individual tries to recognize these various elements, as mankind and womankind has attempted many times in the creative, sometimes garbled creation of his or her own religions.

Here we can have  anything from banal rubbish to the most excellent creative product, but in the schizophrenic framework it will be of brief duration, experience outside of the framework of usual day-to-day living, concentrated.


The Christ image is often used because it so perfectly represents the combination of the grandiose self, as per the all-knowing son of God, and the martyred victim who is crucified precisely because of his lofty position.

The Christ figure represents the exaggerated, idealized version of the inner self that the individual feels incapable of living up to. He or she is being crucified by his or her own abilities. He may — or of course she may — on other occasions receive messages from the devil, or demons, which on their part represent the person’s feelings about the physical self the seems to be so evil and contradictory in contrast to the idealistic image. Again, there is great variety of behavior here.


Such people, however, in their fashion refuse to accept standardized versions of reality. Even though they are so uncertain of themselves that their psychological patterns do follow those of culture, religion, science, or whatever, they try to use those patterns in their own personalities together long after most people have settled upon one official version or another — so their behavior gives glimpses of the ever-changing give-and-take among the various elements of human personality.

Most of the declared instances of telepathy or clairvoyance that happen in schizophrenic situations are instead the individual’s attempts to prove to himself or herself that the idealized qualities of omnipotence or power are indeed within grasp — this, of course, to compensate for the basic feeling of powerlessness in more ordinary endeavors. In some situations, however, there are definite, quite valid instance of telepathy or clairvoyance, vivid out-of-body experiences, and other excursions beyond the officially accepted realm of reality.


These are often complicated, however, since the individual’s belief patterns are of such an exaggerated blend to begin with, so that such episodes are usually accompanied by phantom figures from religion or mythology. The individuals may feel forced to have such experiences, simply because, again, they do not want to face responsibility for action, for the reasons given earlier.

In our terms of time, man and woman have always projected unassimilated psychological elements of his own personality outward, but in much earlier times he or she did this using a multitudinous variety of images, personifications, gods, goddesses, demons and devils, good spirits and bad. Before the Roman gods were fully formalized, there was a spectacular range of good and bad detities, with all gradations among them, that more or less “democratically” represented the unknown but sensed, splendid and tumultuous characteristics of the human soul, and have stood for those sensed but unknown glimpses of his own that man was in one way or another determined to explore.


It was understood that all of these “forces” had their parts to play in human events. Some stood for forces of nature that could very well be at times advantageous, and at times disadvantageous — as, for example, the god of storms might be very welcome to one time, in periods of drought, while his or her powers might be quite dreaded if he or she overly satisfied his or her people. There was no chasm of polarity between the “good gods and the bad ones.”

Jehovah and the Christian version of God brought about a direct conflict between the so-called forces of good and the so-called forces of evil by largely cutting out all of the intermediary gods, and therefore destroying the subtle psychological give-and-take that occurred between them — among them — and polarizing man’s and woman’s own view of his or her inner psychological reality.


There were no schizophrenics in the time of the pagans, for the belief systems did not support that kind of interpretation. This does not mean that certain behavior did not occur that we would now call schizophrenic. It means that generally speaking such behavior fit within the psychological picture of reality. It did so because many of the behavior patterns associated, now, with schizophrenia, are “distorted and debased” remnants of behavior patterns that are part and parcel of man’s and woman’s heritage, and that harken back to activities and abilities that at one time had precise social meaning, and served definite purposes.

These include man’s and woman’s ability to identify with the forces of nature, to project portions of his own psychological reality outward from himself and herself, and then to perceive those portions in a revitalized transformation — a transformation that then indeed can alter physical reality.


The next natural step would be to re-assimilate those portions of the self, to acknowledge their ancient origins and abilities, to return them so that they form a new coating, as it were, or a new version of selfhood. It is as if man and woman could not understand his or her own potentials unless he or she projected them outward into a godhead, where he or she could see them in a kind of isolated pure form, recognize them for what they are, and then accept them — the potentials — as a part of his or her own psychological reality. As a species, however, we have not taken the last step. Our ideas of the devil represents the same kind of process, except that it stands for our idea of evil or darkness, or abilities that we are afraid of. They also stand for elements of our own potential. I am not speaking of evil possibilities, but that man and woman must realize that he and she are responsible for his and he acts, whether they are called good or evil.


We make our own reality, Man’s and Woman’s “evil” exists because of his or her misunderstanding of his or her own ideals, because of the gap that seems to exist between the ideal and its actualization. Evil actions, in other words, are the result of ignorance and misunderstanding. Evil is not a force in itself.


Trust the body when it is undergoing  many changes, for the changes are all for the better.