Tag Archives: Metaphscics

We are ‘reincarnated’ many times during one accepted lifetime.

There are often great challenges to which we respond. We pick these for our own reasons. In doing so we often change affiliations.


Consciousness forms patterns of identities. They move faster than the speed of light. They can be in more than one place at one time. They can operate in a free wheeling fashion as identities in themselves, or as ‘psychological particles.’ They can also operate in a wavelike fashion, flowing through other such particles. They can form together into endless, infinite combinations, forming psychological gestalts. Certain portions of these gestalts can then operate as ‘psychological particles’ in time and space, while other portions operate in a wavelike manner outside of time and space. These represent the unconscious elements of the species, which become ‘particleized’ in physical existence.


Clairvoyance (clear-seeing)

Is the paranormal perception of events or objects regardless of distance, and without the help from another mind. Telepathy is the communication of thoughts or emotions between minds, regardless of distance. In actuality, it’s often difficult to tell whether clairvoyance, telepathy, or both operate in any given instance.The use of these phenomena may be connected to the perception of the past or future.

Condensed time is the time felt or experienced by the entity, while personalities ‘live’.

On a plane of physical materialization. To go into this a bit further, many men and women have said that life was a dream. They were true to the facts in one strong regard, and yet far afield as far as the main issue is concerned.


Individual life, or the life of the present individual, could be legitimately compared to the dream of an entity. While the individual suffers and enjoys his [or her] given number of years in the same manner that we are concerned with our own dreams. And as our dreams originate with us, arise from us, attain a seeming independence and have their ending with us, so an entity’s personalities arise from it, attain various degrees of independence, and return to it while never leaving it for an instant.


The entity organizes its personalities and to some extent directs their activities while still allowing them what we would call free will. There exist infinities of diversity and opportunity for the personalities.


The entity itself does not have to keep constant check on its personalities, because in each one there is an inner self-conscious part that knows its origin. Some part of us knows exactly how much oxygen the lungs breathe, and how, much energy it takes to pace a floor, and this is the part of us. It is the self-conscious part that receives all inner data.


The part that translates inner data sifts it down through the subconscious, which is a barrier and also a threshold to the present camouflage personality.The topmost part of the subconscious contains personal memories, that beneath these are racial memories, and so forth. Things are simply not layered in the way we think of them, but continuing with the necessary analogy, on the other side of (or beneath, to us) the racial memories, we no longer exist within our plane; we look out upon another with that face of this other self-conscious part of us. This part receives inner data, is in contact with the entity to some greater degree than we are in contact with our dreams, and actually directs all of the important functions that we think are either automatically or unconsciously controlled.


When such abilities as telepathy occur, this telepathic function is carried on continually by this other self-conscious part of us; but as a rule we act upon those data without the knowledge of the conscious self with which we are familiar.




We are portions of an event that is taking place within the universe.

The universe is acquainted with all of its parts. When one part   of the universe speaks, then all of its parts speak. When one portion of the universe dies, all portions die– but in our terms, to get into the kind of life we know , we must exit from space and time so that we can re-enter it.


We call the conscious self the “focus personality,” since it’s focused in this physical [camouflage] reality. The focus personality is composed   of aspects of the “source self” [or entity]. Each aspect exists independently, in its own dimension of actuality, but the aspects’ combined attributes form basic components of the selves that we know. ‘Personagram”–an actual personality formed in the psyche at the intersection point of the focus personality with another aspect.

Hand patterns

To be left-or right -handed has to do with inner mechanisms and brain patterns that come first, before the motions of the hands. Characteristically I operated in certain manners that resulted in the primary use of either hand.


The ego is not the most powerful or the most knowledgeable portion of the self. It is simply a well-specialize part of the personality, fully equipped to operate under certain circumstances. When those conditions no longer exist [after “death”], then other layers of the self take over the dominant position, and the personality realigns its psychological components. The ego does not disappear, however; it merely takes a back seat in some respects, as our own subconscious does during physical existence. The ego is under the control of what may loosely be called “the inner self.” The survival or nonphysical personality has somewhat the same relationship to the ego as the dreaming personality has to it in physical life.


When communication takes place between a survival personality and one who exists within the physical system, this involves a reshuffling on the part of the survival personality, where the ego is momentarily given greater reign. If this was not done, then in most cases communication would not be possible, just because the survival personality would have such difficulty impressing the personality who was still ego-oriented within the physical system.


The nonphysical personality does not think of words, but experiences concepts in a much more direct manner. This sort of thing simply could not be understood by the physically focused individual. The survival personality’s inner self gives this reassembled ego ideas in the same way that, often, the subconscious gives the ego concepts in physical existence. This reassembled ego then attempts to perceive these insights in terms of sense perceptions, which are sent to the physical individual at the other end. Sometimes the communications are made directly, though they must be sifted through the subconscious of the one who is physical. When that person is trained along these lines, he or she helps in this process, and psychological framework, like a bridge, is erected that serves to connect the two personalities.

We will not attain spirituality or a happy life by denying wisdom and experience of the flesh.

We can learn more from watching the animals than we can from a guru or a minister. But first we must divest ourselves of the idea our creaturehood is suspect. Our humanness did not emerge by refusing our animal heritage, but upon an extension of it.


I certainly believe that our physical existences and mental experiences are quite “real” in themselves. A good general question, I think, I would like to see discussed with ideas of the inviolate nature of the individual in mind,that has to do with the prevalence of ordinary, daily, conscious-mind thinking and perception throughout much of the world. In historical terms this situation has always existed for the human species and I think it applies almost equally in Eastern lands, especially among the political leaders and ruling classes within them.


Yet Buddhist belief, for instance, maintains that our perception of the world is not fundamental, but an illusion; our “ignorance” of this basic undifferentiated “suchness” then results in the division of reality into objects and ideas. But why call our generalized awareness an illusion, instead of regarding it as one of the innumerable manifestations that reality takes? No one is free of certain minimum physical needs or of self-oriented thought. Each nation strives to expand its technological base no matter what its philosophy may be. Would a widespread use of Eastern religions doctrines be more practical on our earth today, or self knowledge? Even given their undeniable accomplishments, why didn’t the Eastern countries create ages ago the immortal societies that could have served as models for those of the West to emulate–cultures and/or nations in which all the mundane human vicissitudes (in those terms) had been long understood and abolished: war, crime, poverty, ignorance, and disease?


Certainly the species must be putting its conscious activities to long-term use, however, even with the endless conflicts and questions that grow out of such behavior. During the many centuries of our remembered history, those conflicts in themselves have been–and are–surely serving at least one of consciousness’s overall purposes, within our limits of understanding: to know itself more fully in those particular, differentiated ways.


Human personality has no limitations except those which it accepts.

There are no limits to its development or growth, if it will accept no limits. There are no boundaries to the self except those boundaries which the self arbitrarily creates and perpetuates. There is no veil through which human perception cannot see, except the veil of ignorance which is pulled down by the materialistic ego.


That which appears empty, such as our space, is empty only for those who do not perceive, who are blind because they fear to perceive that which the ego cannot understand. The ego, however, is also capable of greater knowledge and potentiality and scope. It dwells in the physical universe, but it can indeed also is part of the personality and as such it can partake of sturdier, heartier, more vivid realities. The personality can dwell and does dwell in many worlds at once.


The inquiring intuitions and the searching self, like summer winds, can travel in small and large spaces, can know of actualities that are more minute than pinheads and more massive than galaxies. The power and ability of the human personality, in a most practical manner, can be seen as unlimited.

Many scientist are agnostic or atheistic.

If science  represents the “search for the truth,” as it so often reminds us, then eventually it will contend with the kind of gifts she/he demonstrates. Subjective and objective abilities, working together, can create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

The “Dream-Art Scientist”, “The True Mental Physicist,” and “The Complete Physician”

Quite literally, we live more than one life at a time. With earth being much older than its currently estimated age of 4.6 billions years.

contrary to DARWINISTic belief, MATHEMATICALLY…

…Enormous time spans (in the millions of years, say) will not aid in the chance formation of even the chemical precursors to life–the protein or nucleic acid molecules–but will instead   make their creation even less likely. For with time, the even distribution or equilibrium of matter increases, moving it away from the ordered sequences necessary to support life. Scientifically, in the closed system of our universe, the second law of thermodynamics and entropy eventually conquer all.


Nor can solar energy be thought of as the agent that directly turned nonliving matter into its living counterpart; in those terms, life required its inter-mediate molecules, which sunlight is not able to construct. Life needs protein in order to “be”, and to sustain it through metabolism–then it can use solar energy! Darwin’s theory that life arose by chance poses a basic contradiction: What made the protein that sustains the processes of life, before that life was present to make the protein?


Many times in laboratory studies, substances called proteinoids (often misleadingly defined in dictionaries as “primitive proteins”) have been observed forming from amino acids, which are sub units of proteins. Some researchers think of proteinoids as the forerunners of the protein that life needs to ride true biological proteins and do not lead to life. I strongly object to being told that dead matter turns itself into living matter. Just how does this transformation come about?

“Theory of Evolution”, has caused unfortunate beliefs.

For how can you look at ourselves with self-respect, with dignity or with joy, if we believe that we are the end product of forces in which the fittest survive? Being the fittest implies those given most to what would appear to be murderous intent–for we must survive at the expense of our fellows, be you leaf, frog, plant or animal.

We do not survive through  cooperation, according to that theory, and nature is not given a kind or creative intent, but a murderous one. And if we see ourselves as the end result of such a species, then how can we expect goodness or merit or creativity for oneself, or from others? How can we believe that we live in a safe universe when each species exists because it survives through claw, if it must hunt and kill out of murderous intent, as implied in the theories of evolution and of reality itself?


So when we think of our beliefs and who we are, we must also think of our species, and how we are told our species came to be. For your private beliefs are also based upon those theories, and the beliefs, culturally, of our times.


It is seldom that we really question our biological origins, what they mean, and how we interpret them. Are we physically composed of murderous cells, then each spontaneously out to get the others? If so, our physical being is more miraculous a product. If our cells did not cooperate so well, we would not be reading these words.As you read this, the cooperative, creative adventure within our bodies continues, and in terms of continuity reaches back prehistorically and into future. Because consciousness creates form with joy, there is no murder that you have not projected out of misunderstanding and ignorance of the nature of the consciousness.


Roots do not struggle to exist. One species does not fight against the others to live. Instead creativity emerges, and cooperatively the environments of the world is known and planned by all the species. What appears to be struggle and death to us at those levels is not, now, for the experience of consciousness itself is different there, as is the experience or our own cellular composition.


Our bodies knows how to walk. The knowledge is built in and acted upon. The body knows how to heal itself, how to use its nourishment, how to replace its tissues–yet in our terms the body itself has no access to the kind of information the mind possesses. Being so ignorant, how does it perform so well?


If it were scientifically inclined, the body would know that such spontaneous performance was impossible, for science cannot explain the reality of life itself in its present form, much less its origins. Consciousness within the body knows that its existence is within the body’s context, and apart from it at the same time.

the ordinary concept of evolution becomes very complex if one chooses to make it so

The process can be discussed from many viewpoints.

The members of each “pressure group,” whatever its orientation, want to see things their way–very human performances. Once it’s created, each school of thought takes upon itself, and often with great intellectual and emotional arrogance, the right to advance its own belief systems in the world at the expense of its rivals.

To imagine that an entire environment is an accident is intellectually outrageous and emotionally sterile.