Tag Archives: Electric Energy Units

We Are Born With The Inclination Towards Language

Language is implied in our physical structure. We are born with the inclination to learn and to explore. When we are conceived, there is already a complete pattern for our own physical body — a pattern that is definite enough to give us the recognizable kind of adult form, while variable enough to allow for literally infinite variations.


It would be idiotic of us to say that we were forced to become an adult, however. For one thing, at any given time we could end the process — and many do. In other words, because the pattern for development exists in our terms, this does not mean that each such development is not unique.


In our terms again, then, at any one earth time many such patterns exist. In greater respects however, all time is simultaneous, and so all such physical patterns exist at once.

In the psychic areas all patterns for knowledge, cultures, civilizations, personal and mass accomplishments, sciences, religions, technologies and arts, exist in the same fashion.


The private psyche, the part of us that we do not recognize, is aware of those patterns even as it is aware of private physical biological patterns about which it forms our image. Certain leanings, inclinations, and probabilities are present then in our biological structure, to be triggered or not according to our purposes and intents. We may personally have the ability to be a fine athlete, for example. Yet our inclinations and intents may carry us in a different direction, so that the necessary triggers are not activated. Each individual is gifted in a variety of ways. His or her own desires and beliefs activate certain abilities and ignore others.


The human species has built into it all the knowledge, information, and “data” that it can possibly need under any and all conditions. This heritage must be triggered psychically, however, as a physical mechanism such as a music is triggered through desire or intent.


This does not mean that we learn what in larger terms we already know; as for example, if we learn a skill. Without the triggering desire, the skill would not be developed; but even when we do learn a skill, we use it in our own unique way. Still, the knowledge of mathematics and the arts is a much within us as our genes are within us. We usually believe that all such information must come from outside of our self, however. Certainly mathematics formulas are not imprinted in the brain, yet they are inherent in the structure of the brain, and implied within its existence. Our own focus determines the information that is available to us.


The information, however, is extremely valuable, and knowledge on any kind of subject is available in just such a manner– but it is attained through desire and through intent.

This does not mean that any person, spontaneously, with no instruction, can suddenly become a great artist or writer or scientist. Even becoming a proofreader requires huge amounts of study and dedication. Whether you work for a large corporation, or if you work from home on a freelance basis, you still need plenty of talent and a passion for words. It does mean, however, that the species possesses within itself those inclinations which will flower. It means also that we are limiting the range of our knowledge by not taking advantage of such methods. It does not mean that in our terms all knowledge already exists, either, for knowledge automatically becomes individualized as we receive it, and hence, new.


Our desire automatically attracts the kind of information we require, though we may or may not be aware of it.


If we are gifted, and want to be a musician, for example, then we may literally learn while we are asleep, tuning in to the world views of other musicians, both alive and dead in our terms. When we are awake, we will receive inner hints, nudges or inspirations. We may still need to practice, but our practice will be largely in joy, and will not take as long as it might others. The reception of such information facilitates skill, and operates basically outside of time’s sequences.


It seems almost heresy to suppose that such knowledge is available, for then what use is education? Yet education should serve to introduce a student to as many fields of endeavor as possible, so that he or she might recognize those that serve as natural triggers, opening skills or furthering development. The student will, then pick and choose. There are, or course, probable futures from the standpoint of our past. Future information is theoretically available there, just as the body’s future pattern of development was at our birth– and that certainly was practical.

Reincarnational, counterparts, and probable selves, and families of consciousness, suggest the human personality.

Also hints of the invisible psychological thickness that fills out the physical event of the self in time.


Following an intuitive and inner organization rather than a linear one, would arouse the creative revelatory characteristics of the psyche. The psyche’s deep resources evolve into timeless material. Like being reckless in the pursuit of the ideal.


No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he/she combines all of those qualities, can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. It’s up to the multidimensional, multitudinous, over for billion multinational individuals on this planet to follow their own intuitions and seek answers in their personal ways.


We have much to learn about our inner and outer worlds that once an attempt is made to discuss those large issues, a host of questions arise.

Expand OR CUT DOWN the function of any family group, by deciding how precise oneself would be.

If one family deals with the nature of healing, then we can slice it down to the healing of a toe…an ear…an eye.


The categories [healing, teaching, or whatever] are general descriptions of the families of consciousness. We can split them up also and make further distinctions, if we choose. we can cut those divisions down. They merely represent interpretations that we can understand in our reality. In the most mundane of terms, some families are travelers, and some prefer to stay at home. Characteristics of consciousness as it is embarked in physical form. These groups are not set up as divisions, but to understand that consciousness is diversified — that usually each of us falls, because we want to, into a certain family. And there we acquire friends, alliances, and counterparts.


Besides the physical relationships that each of us know, therefore, we have other brothers and sisters, mothers and others, on a psychic level; and to that degree, we are not alone. If we do not like the families that we have, we have others to choose from.


Families fall generally into certain groups. In greater terms we can “cut the pie” however we want to, but we will still share an emotional and psychic feeling of belonging with the family of which we are part.


Each of us may often come together, forming a counterpart relationship when it suits our purposes.

Thinking that our encounters with others are caused by chance…

Except for those we purposely bring about through choice, such as marriage partners. Yet, second thoughts make us question old assumptions; Granted the existence of counterparts to begin with, certainly their common goals, though differently expressed, would bring them together when possible. The same would apply to any group. So beneath such gatherings there would be hidden dynamics, psychological activities that could explain the behavior of crowds, political parties, and so forth.


An individual reactions to a given idea or event can vary tremendously, form the most withdrawn behavior to the most explosive.

“SHIT” and “SOUL”

We apply the term in a derogatory manner to ourselves, and think: “I am full of shit.” And where does the great spectacular reality, the physical reality of our earth, spring from? Why is shit not considered sacred and blessed and glorious? We think of shit, unfortunately, as the antithesis of good; and when we play around it or with it, we think we are being childish at the best, and wicked at the worst.


A child sits, perhaps three years old, with his finger stuck up his ass, feeling the shit that warmly runs down, and that child knows that shit is good. Then, give him credit!


We think that the soul is a white wall nothing written upon it, and so our idea of sacrilege is to shit upon it, not realizing that the shit and the soul are one, and that the biological is spiritual; and that flowers grow from the shit of the earth. And in a true communion, all things of this life return to the earth, and are consumed and rise up again in a new life that is never destroyed or annihilated, though always changing form.


So, when we shrink from such words or such meanings, why do we shrink? Because we do not trust the biology of our being or the integrity of our soul in flesh. We are people. We are made of the stuff of the earth, and the dust from the stars has formed into the shit that lies in piles — warm piles that come from the beasts and the creatures of the earth. And the shit fertilizes the flowers and the ground, and is a part of it.


This does not mean that we should use such a word to make other people uncomfortable.


Our soul and our flesh are wedded together. One is not “better” than the other: Both are good. Both are, and we are both. The heritage of the earth, in our terms, is ancient and yet ever new, and when we write, we write with our intelligence and our wit. Yet if it were not that we shit once or twice a day, we would not be writing anything.


Yet when we laugh, we laugh because we still think the word is beneath us, and we are being sneaky or smart-alecky–or we think I am–by speaking so freely.


When We say “soul,” we do not snicker.

Reason and emotion are natural counterparts

There is a kind of coincidence with all of the present points of power that exist between us and our “reincarnational” selves. There are even biological connections in terms of cellular “memory.”


Those selves are different counterparts of oneself in creaturehood, experiencing bodily reality; but at the same time our organism itself shuts out the simultaneous nature of experience.


Quite literally, the “inner” self forms the body by magically transforming thoughts and emotions into physical counterparts.


Now whatever we think emotionally of another person, we send out a counterpart of oneself, beneath the intensity of matter, but a definite form.


The so-called laws of our camouflage physical universe do not apply to the inner universe. However, the laws of the inner universe apply to all camouflage universe. Some of these basic laws have counterparts known and accepted in various camouflage realities.

Nothing exists outside the psyche, that does not exist within it.

And there is no unknown world that does not have its psychological or psychic counterpart. To some extent or another, there are counterparts of all realities within our psyche.


It is quite possible, for example, for several selves to occupy a body, and were this the norm it would be easily accepted. That implies another kind of multipersonhood, however, one actually allowing for the fulfillment of many abilities of various natures usually left unexpressed. It also implies a freedom and organization of consciousness that is unusual in our system of reality, and was not chosen there.


In some systems of physical existence, a multipersonhood is established, in which three or four “persons” emerge from the same inner self, each one utilizing to the best of its abilities those characteristic of its own. This presupposes a gestalt of awareness, however, in which each knows of the activities of the others, and participates; and we have a different version of mass consciousness.


In the systems in which evolution of consciousness has worked in that fashion, all faculties of body, and mind in one “lifetime” are beautifully utilized. Nor is there any ambiguity about identity. The individual would say, for example, “I am Joe, and Jane, and Jim. and Dave.” There are physical variations of a sexual nature, so that on all levels identity includes the male and female. Shadows of all such probabilities appear within our own system, as oddities. Anything apparent to whatever degree in our system is developed in another.


We can live more than one life at a time–in our terms now–but that is a loaded sentence. We are neurologically tuned in to one particular field of actuality that we recognize. In our terms and from our viewpoint only, messages from other existences live within us as ghost images with the cells, for the cells recognize more than we do on a conscious level. That is, for a brief time we might be able to perceive a portion of another existence.


We could not be consciously aware of those other realities all of the time, and deal with the world that we know. We have several time and space tracks in operation at once, then, but we acknowledge only certain neurological messages physically. Yet there is more to the body than we perceive of it, and this is difficult to explain. If we can think of a multidimensional body existing at one time in various realities, and appearing differently within each one while still being whole, then we can get some glimpse of what is involved.


Being able to handle another reality while still being involved on this one. Neurologically, we cross messages. We are aware of ghost images that we usually do not recognize, and those were translated into ghost sense data.


“Ghost images” are the result of the neurological changeover, and they are our particular symbol that this is occurring. Others will have symbols of their own.


Such pictures are there for any of us who want to view them. When we are ready to see them, we will. Many of us are not ready to meet those kinds of data, for a certain kind of finesse is required–a balance that we are learning. And each of us knows intuitively when we are open to such encounters.


There are, of course, future memories as well as past ones. When we think of reincarnation, we do so in terms of past lives. We are afraid to consider future lives because then we have to face the death that must be met first, in our terms. And so we never think of future selves, or how we might benefit from knowing them.


Our world exists in different terms than those we recognize, and reincarnation is indeed a myth and a story that stands for something else entirely.


Each of us takes part in our world–and in our time as we understand it, and in our terms, all the creatures of the earth participate in the century. We work out creative challenges and possibilities. We are born into different races, into different cultures, with different–but the same–desire. There are many things that we are learning.


Fact is that beings from other planes have appeared among us, sometimes on purpose and sometimes completely by accident. As in some cases humans have quite accidentally blundered through the apparent curtain between our present and our past, so have beings blundered into the apparent division between one plane and another. Usually when they have done so they were invisible on our plane, as the few of us who fell into the past, or the apparent past, were invisible to the people of the past.


This sort of experience involves a sudden psychic awareness, straight from the entity, that all boundaries are for practical purposes only. However, there are indeed many kinds of science. There are a number of sciences dealing just with locomotion. Had the human species gone into certain mental disciplines as thoroughly as it has explored technological disciplines, its practical transportation system would be vastly different, and yet by this time even more practical than it is now. When I speak of science on another plane I may not speak of the plain old science that we know.


When sciences progress on various planes, then visitations become less accidental and more planned. Once the inhabitants of a plane have learned mental-science patterns, then they are to a great degree freed from the more regular camouflage [physical] patterns. This applies to “higher” planes than ours, generally speaking.


Many of the flying saucer appearances come from [such] a plane, [one] that is much more advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time. However, this is still not a mental-science plane. Therefore the camouflage paraphernalia appears, more or less visible, to our own astonishment. Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what we have in our flying object is something that is actually, as we view it, not of our plane or of [whatever] plane of its origin. The atoms and molecules that structurally compose the UFO, and which are themselves formed by vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern of its own territory. Now as the craft enters our plane a distortion occurs. Its actual structure is caught in a dilemma of form, between transforming itself completely into earth’s particular camouflage pattern and retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible in the universe.


What he/she sees is something between a horse and a dog, that resembles neither. The flying saucer retains what it can of its original structure and changes what it must. This accounts for many of the conflicting reports as to shape size, and color. The few times the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.


I don’t believe we have had any saucer landings for quite awhile, not physical landings in the usual sense of the word. These vehicles cannot stay on our plane for any length of time at all. The pressures that push against the saucer itself are tremendous. The struggle to be one thing or another is very great on any plane. To conform to the laws of a particular plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the flying saucer craft simply cannot afford to say betwixt and between for any indefinite period.


What they do is take quick glimpses of our plane–and hold in mind that the saucer or cigar shape [often] seen on our plane is a bastard form having little relation to the structure as it is at home base.


There are many things we do not know, like the inhabitants lives. And many things that can’t be explained to us, simply because they would be too alien now for our regular mode of thought.


One note along these lines. A plane–using our terms–is not necessarily a planet. A plane may be one planet, but a plane may also exist where no planet is. One planet may have several planes. Planes may also involve various aspects of apparent time–this particular matter being too difficult to go into right now.


Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved. I want to get away from the idea of a plane being a place. It may be in some cases but is not always. A plane may be a time. A plane, believe it or not, may be only one iota of vitality that seems to exist by itself. A plane is something apparently divided from the rest of the universe for a time and for a reason. A plane may cease to be. A plane may spring up where there was none. A plane is formed for entities as patterns for fulfillment on various levels. A plane is a climate conducive to the development of unique and particular capacities and achievements. A plane is an isolation of elements where each one is given the most possible space in which to function.


Planets have been used as planes and used again as other planes. A plane is not a cosmic location. It is oftentimes practical that entities or their various personalities visit one plane before another. This does not necessarily mean that one plane must be visited before another. A certain succession is merely more useful for the entity as a whole.


In other terms, we could say that an entity visits all planes simultaneously, as it is possible for us to visit a certain state, country, and city at one time. We might also visit the states of sorrow and joy almost simultaneously, and experience both emotions in heightened form because of the almost immediate contrast between them.


In fact, the analogy of a plane with an emotional state is much more valid than that between a plane and a geographical state–particularly since emotional states take up no room.


Chromesthesia: color hearing.

Within our system colors may be perceived as sound (chromesthesia, or’color hearing’). Their connections with human moods are only too apparent. Sound alone, entering the body, instantaneously changes it. Any perception instantly changes the perceiver. It also changes the thing perceived.


Many people undergo some form of chromesthesia–that is, certain colors or color patterns are seen upon hearing certain sounds.


A fantastic sound that’s imprisoned in a crystal, that speaks through light, that’s the essence of personality. An almost jewel-like colored sounds.

Sound, and various symbolic attributes of that phenomenon, are uniting factors.

Not only slow and fast sounds, but inner, audible and inaudible manifestations or translations of sound.


My recent vision I’d had, involving a ladder-like series of doors opening and closing silently. Felt sound.


Basically, the physical body has the potential for perceiving stimuli on a generalized basis. By this I mean that although the eyes are for seeing, the ears for hearing, and so forth. The potentials of the physical body include the capacity to hear, for example, through any given portion of the bodily expanse. Sound, then, can be felt as well as heard, although in such cases we may say that the sound is heard in the depths of the tissues; this, however, being an analogy. Feeling sound, merely experienced from a different perspective.