Another example of Lessons in the Soul Family: consider the particular type of human who has grown to adulthood within a family that provides every possible opportunity and physical Reality Construct for this person. The person has not had to “work” for their sustenance in any way. They are for all intents and purposes “spoiled rotten,” to use our vernacular.

Let us say that this adult has a smug attitude toward others that they feel are of a “lower” class. They spend the majority if their time enjoying their toys – the Reality Constructs of privilege, shall we say, given to them by their family – expensive cars, lavish homes, and other products.

Consequently, may we suggest that this subject of our discussion is lacking in certain desirable values we are promoting in our new Blogs? This human has, through a coincidence of privileged upbringing and perhaps a personality that avoids anything more than a cursory examination of the value of the Personal Reality in which they find themselves, created a life that does not include the human virtues we have discussed at length here.

This subject of ours is leading an “unexamined life,” to use one of our cliches again. Personal responsibility for mistakes or negative experience within this person’s existence is not taken under circumstances. Perhaps they deny quite earnestly any culpability in the matter.