We may be already well aware of our Current Soul Family Gestalt in so far as they are also members of our genetic family, our adoptive family, our friends and our social networks. However, to fully explore the connections between us, and for example, the tens or hundreds of people we interact with on any given day, we are advised to consider researching our Personal Reality Field as a Scientist of Consciousness.

As a scientist we would delve into the thoughts, feelings, images evoked in the momentary assessment of the human we are evaluating or the experience we are exploring. We investigate with our Inner Senses within our own consciousness by simply Intending to do so.

How do you Intend? Briefly, we intensely desire to get to the bottom of this intuition we have about a possible Soul Family member, for example. Then we wait to see what arises. We may immediately receive more information on the subject via our Inner senses. Or later in the day it may occur to us, as in a dream or state of reverie, what the connections are. Then, as you are receiving information, we document it in some form – other than the memory, which can be quite volatile – for later study.

From these information streams we gather our data and glean our Findings. A Findings is simply something of value, in this case, something pertaining to Reincarnational Existences of the Soul Family that you didn’t know before the investigation.

This culling of knowledge from the Unknown Reality is how the Ancient Wisdom reveals itself within our system. These skills we are learning will help us become aware of our greater creaturehood on all levels.