HYPOTHESIS: You may meet with other entity counter-parts within nonlinear time.

Counterparts within the spacious present moment of your shared Simultaneous Lives. I realize that this would seem to fly in the face of everything that has been taught to you in schools. Yet remember what I have been suggesting to you about authorities and institutions. In your awakening, which is currently well underway, you will be given the opportunity many times to reformat and reconstitute your core beliefs about yourself and your world. You may do this reformation with your imagination. In this example, the last experiment of this current blog series, I am asking you to take a very courageous step forward into the unknown reality.

I am asking you to demonstrate to yourself, Dear Blog Reader, that you can achieve contact and communications with others such as yourself – other Entity Counterparts – by simply affirming your intention to do so, here in your current Moment Point – your Point of Power. You may rely on all of the findings pulled from the previous experiments It may help to have an underlying attitude of playfulness here. You are having fun with your imagination, just as you may have done countless times when you were a child.

Now relax yourself using your most effective methods. When you are experiencing a relaxed state of consciousness, with the metaphor of the radio dial in mind, tune the dial to that state of consciousness of Simultaneous Time in which you may sense your physical counterparts. Have the intention that you will make contact, just as you have and the intention to accomplish other research goals in the previous experiments.

Of course, you may ask for assistance from your Energy Personality. Now you may be presented with data for interpretation by your Inner Senses. It may come to you in various sensory forms. You may see images that are quite familiar, as if you have seen these faces many times, perhaps in dreams, other locales on your Earth.

If you feel that you may take notes into a recorder or onto the pages of your journal without disrupting what you are experiencing, do so. Again, you may have the overall sense that you are making it all up. Of course, you are indeed doing so, but no less and no more than you are making up your Personal Reality Field. When you feel as though you have learned enough from the experiment, gradually come to full sensory awareness in physical reality.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. Now the “after effects” of this final experiment may include “coincidental” meetings with your Entity Counterparts as you go about your daily activities. You will know them when you see them. I am quite confident that you will achieve great success in these sojourns into the non-physical.