We use probabilities like blocks to build events. This presupposes inner knowledge and calculations, for you must be aware of the probabilities in order to choose from them. The inner self, therefore, has this knowledge. These probabilities include webworks, probable actions and reactions involving not only yourself but others. Computers are toys compared with these inner workings.

The majority of events do not ‘solidify’ until the last moment, in our terms. According to our understanding and interpretation of the world events, none are predestined or predetermined by sources outside of yourselves. Your childhood environment, for example, was determined by you before physical birth. Within this framework, you also give yourself the freedom to manipulate and change. The main events of a civilization are chosen by its people, but because a course is begun, this does not mean that it cannot be changed at any point.

Events, then, are materialized in our time from their origins in ‘no time.’ there is no end to the source or supply of probabilities, therefore ‘no time’ is not a static, completed storehouse. Each event you form from any set of probabilities automatically gives rise to new probabilities.

The nature of any given probable action does not lead to any particular inevitable act. Probabilities expand in terms of value fulfillment. One given act does not necessarily lead, then, to act A,B, and C, onward to some concluding action. Instead, it has offshoots in infinite directions, and these have offshoots.

This is what I know of reality. There is far more to be known. Outside of the realities of which I am aware and others are aware, there are systems that we cannot describe. They are massive energy sources, cosmic energy banks, that make possible the whole reality of probabilities.

They have evolved beyond all probabilities as we understand them yet, outside of probabilities, they still have existence. This cannot be explained in words. Yet, none of this is meant to deny the individual, for it is the individual upon whom all else rests, and it is from the basis of the individual that all entities have their existence. Nor are the memories or emotions of an individual ever taken from him/her. They are always at his/her disposal.

All of these probable systems are open. In our system it seems as if we chose one course, one main line of probabilities, and that is the end of it. In our system, only one ego predominates and we think of ourselves as that ego. In other systems, this is not necessarily the case. In some, the inner self is aware of having more than one ego, of playing more than one role at a time. As an analogy, this would be as if you lived, say, the life of a rich man/woman of great talent, the life of a poor man/woman and the life of a mother/father and career man/woman. You would be aware of each role and find abilities being developed in each. This is an analogy, and in several respects it could lead you astray if taken too literally. In such a system, there would be no breakup of time, you see.

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