Of course, in our New Age Literature it is primarily the romantic relationship that is being referenced in these Blog discussions. So that we may be assured that the speaker is quite probably commenting on male-to-female, male-to-male, or female-to-female relationship, when they speak of Soul Mates.

There are also, quite often, the elements of destiny, synchronicity, and indeed, magic, attached to these Soul Mate discussions. In terms of these ideas, then the human does what they do best, in that they personalize these empowered images, concepts, emotions of the beloved Soul Mate with their own projections, their own criteria, their own personal needs in the matter of romantic fulfilling scared relationship.

Thus, we could say that the Soul Mate Gestalt of Consciousness includes each and every projection of every human who has ever fallen in love, for example, or wished, or hoped, or dreamed or visualized of an ideal Loving mate. The Soul Mate, in this way, exists as an evolving pool of opinion, desire, prejudice, dream and fantasy among other potent potentials.