When I provide ongoing support for clients, I proceed in a particular way. This may help you to create your own program and help you avoid problems.

Now when a client asks me for my insight into a particular Issue that they might have, I remind them that THEY themselves have the solutions. I am only an intermediary here, you see. I am able to observe what the client has in store for themselves as probable trajectories of development, probable realities. Therefore, as you create your Regimens keep this truth in mind, Dear Blog Reader. You already know the answers. You already have created success in your Practice. You are even now quite successful in a probable future from which you may pull inspiration. In other words, please understand this Best Case Scenario that we speak of in this Blog Series is real. It is quite apparent to me, and I am certain it will become quite certain to you as you complete your studies.

Secondly, use your Guides as you would a coach or knowledgeable confidante. As we have reminded you before in our second Blog Series, the genie of literature and myth is the Energy Personality, the Spirit, the Guide. Knowing this, act as if your guides have all the answers and it will be so. This can be considered an adjunct Precept to YCYR. Perhaps I would state it thus: “Your Source has all the answers you need to help you manifest your heart’s desire.” Then, as you Embody this Precept, the Guides will make themselves known to you and make the information available, the information you require, you see, to create your world the way you want it.

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