Perhaps other examples are necessary to help pull you from your denial. Many of us are most probably familiar with denial of the drug addict or the Alcoholic. In these instances it is very clear-cut. The subject may be experiencing the destruction of all that they hold most dear – family, business, friends, it is all falling away – yet still they maintain their “innocence.” This is denial at its most obvious. But the negative effects of denial are also felt in every other sphere of human activity.

In the Consensus Reality Manifestation there is evidence of mass-created denial at work. Witness how the many millions of us in the West still deny our responsibility in the creation of negative conditions in the lives of those who live in developing nations. We are the squanderers of our Mother Earth’s resources. We in the West use a great deal more of the oil, minerals, lumber etc. relative to population than do those in the poor developing countries.

The rationalization here, a common one, is to state, perhaps under our breath, that “these people deserve their lot in life. They may be lazy. They merely have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps,” and so on. I have chastised quite gently for these offenses in our last series of Blogs. I now continue this tradition in this series of Blogs.

Now I am aware that you are a student of mine and you are attempting to “work” on yourself. You are attempting to learn your Lessons and perhaps you are awakening from your denial. But please also notice the residual aspect of denial that is always with us in this regard. It is the seed from which racism and other unsavory misperceptions and misjudgments grow.