In this Blog we shall hopefully provide you with the opportunity to address the most pressing and important Lessons for you in your current existence. Now truly ALL of your Lessons are “wisdom” Lessons, in that we experience Soul Evolution when you are engaged in learning these Lessons.

So that the gaining of prosperity within a life of perceived lack and poverty, may be considered the gaining of wisdom, as well as the facing of perceived extremely difficult, traumatic material from your past may be considered the gaining of wisdom. However, in this material we will attempt to provide you with the motivation you require to do what you must do in facing your most difficult Lessons – the Lessons of Negativity, pain and suffering.

For I trust you would agree that the positive Lessons – of Love, of experiencing prosperity, of developing friendships – need much less motivation for the average human to engage in and “do the homework” required, than do the Lessons of Negativity. The Lessons of Love will take care of themselves over time. Whereas with the Lessons of Negativity, the primary reason we have not yet learned these Lessons is that we are indeed avoiding them.