Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system
We are on our Earth to learn a variety of Lessons: some pleasant, some certainly not pleasant, as you perceive it. This may reference that it is the human condition that we may very well experience humiliation and ecstatic awakening in successive moments of Reality Creation. The possibilities are limitless within each moment of our existence. Thus may assertion that All of created reality is available to us within each moment of co-creating with All That Is.
Everything that can exist, does, within the Conscious Units. We could say that the Conscious Units has this limitless potential to become anything imagined. Yet we ARE experiencing our Lessons. We ARE witnessing the feedback of our mentality that is our Personal Reality, that is, remember, constructed through “instructions,” we might say, from our ego/intellect. Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system. This aspect of our consciousness believes that it is getting a “TRUE” picture of reality as it unconsciously creates the Reincarnational Dramas and comedies of our life.