Let us provide another example here. To recap for the Blog Reader, it is my suggestion that the great majority of human beings realize what are the Lessons they have come to Earth to learn. They are perceived as faint memories by most of us.

These distant perceptions are glimpses of the Soul Self as it attempts to penetrate the barrier of the ego/intellect. These “memories” may indeed be “powered” by the Negative Emotions. That is precisely why we avoid thinking about these Lessons. It is a wholly natural response to the Negative Emotions: avoidance.

Now the example concerns a human in the throes of bringing up to the surface of consciousness their Wisdom Lessons. Perhaps they have avoided thinking about these issues for many years, perhaps the majority of the life lived. However, now it is time to confront this difficult material, come what may.

Specially, let us say that this human has avoided social contact with others to any degree out of fear of being criticized. Perhaps they were criticized relentless by others when they were young. This fearful approach has become a lifestyle, forcing the subject to live behind closed doors, in a sense, even though they secretly yearn for human contact.

As we have stated in The Healing Regimen Blog, the diabetic, for example, may be learning Lessons of appreciation and Love with this illness. They have not enjoyed the sweetness that life offers, such as perhaps the special contact so necessary to normal development for the human. To remedy this, it is suggested that one would intentionally LEARN how to appreciate the life being lived.

The human would do well to attempt to EMBODY appreciation, to BECOME appreciation. The next simple step would be to courageously transmit this LEARNED emotional state to others intentionally. The sweetness of life is sweet indeed, but only when we notice it and experience it and then “pass it along” to others, to use the vernacular.

I am certain that this message from The Entity is appropriate for many of us, beyond those who are “diabetic.” To embody the opposite of the Negative Emotions we are experiencing, is a very potent method of magical creation.