Now what Lessons were learned in our example? Perhaps one of the three response were made:
(1) You denied the person-in-distress entry to your home and refused to call for assistance to help them.
(2) You denied the person in distress entry to your home and did indeed call for assistance to help them, insisting that they wait outside for the help to arrive.
(3) You allowed them entrance to your home, allowed them to call for assistance on your phone, and perhaps made some tea for them to enjoy while they waited. Then suppose that in chatting with this unknown person, you felt that you were connected to them in some way, but you did not know how. Then, as you discussed your lives briefly, you discovered that this person was indeed connected to you in some way, such as a long-lost friend from childhood, or a friend-of-a friend, and so on. I’m sure you have had these types of coincidental experiences with people who come to you “out of the blue.”

Obviously, had you decided to respond in the first or second ways rather than the third, you would have never had the opportunity to discover your connection. Your fear would have prevented you from making this connection with another human being.

Now this is after-the-fact here, of course, this is after you have decided the person was of benign intent here and not a person out to do you harm. But I’m sure you get my point.

Trust but verify in all instances, Dear Blog Reader. Trust all but also verify all with your Inner Senses. Then, when The Other passes the test, so to speak, do not be surprised if you find yourself in just such a synchronistic coincidence of meeting as we have just described.

There are no accidents, after all. Everything happens for a reason. The once feared Negative Other turns out to be a potential friend or even Soul Mate. And that leads us to the next Blog.