The truth about the Human Soul is that there is no Karma, there are only experiences. One experiences one’s lessons in materialized form that one comes to Earth to experience. These experiences run the gamut of what we consider as “positive” or “negative” and we keep returning to these experiences in human form until we have masters our lessons.

Karma entails, in general Western, popular definition, some sort of “dues paying” left over from supposed “past lives” that one endures in the current life. But since all lives are simultaneous, these sorts of definitions lose meaning. If we attribute a brick falling on your foot in this life to your karma from a past life, you are greatly over-simplifying an essentially scared, or should I say soulful or spiritual experience.

The Eastern Religions are closer to the truth of the evolution of the Soul than the Christian Religions. However, no religion has yet explained it in terms useful enough for humans to comprehend in its totality, and by so doing receive the divine information that would unlock the heart. No, we have been blocked in our spiritual evolution by our egos. It is now time to relax your ego and let our Souls shine through

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