I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world...

Now, intellectualization and denial are your friends here as you attempt to avoid your Lessons. We are all powerful. We have the capacity to experience our world as the Logos, the Creator, All That Is. We could have anything we want, potentially, anything we would wish to create.

However, you are a human experiencing a lifetime of Lessons on our world. You have forgotten – the necessary amnesia – your great powers, and now you see difficulties, Lack, all sorts of negative realities before you. So intellectualization helps you to find reasons for the negative realities you are creating. Denial helps you place the blame elsewhere for your negative states and your negative realities.

But look… an inkling of the truth beginning to pierce the veil of illusion that is our perceived reality. You are beginning to see the connections between your negative thoughts and the negative outcomes. Slowly you are formulating within your consciousness a new paradigm of understanding. Perhaps it goes something like this: I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world. All the reasons, in truth, point to my culpability in all instances of my existence,