Vulture, Fish-Eagle, and Crow were without fire, for there was no fire on earth. So, needing fire, all the birds assembled and asked, “Whence shall we find fire?”

Some of the birds said, “Perhaps from God.”

Thereupon Mason-Wasp volunteered, saying, “Who will go with me to God?”

Vulture answered and said, “We will go with you, I and Fish-Eagle and Crow.”

So on the morrow they took leave of all the other birds, saying, “We are going to see whether we can get fire from God.” Then they flew off. After they had spent ten days on the road, there fell to earth some small bones – that was Vulture; later, there also fell to earth some other small bones – that was Fish-Eagle. Mason-Wasp and Crow were left to go on alone. When the second ten days were ended, there fell other small bones to earth – that was Crow. Mason-Wasp was left to go on by himself. When the third ten days were over, he was going along, reposing upon the clouds. Nevertheless he never reached the summit of the sky.

As soon as God heard of it. He came to where Mason-Wasp was; And, answering God’s question as to where he was going. Mason-Wasp said, “Chief, I am not going anywhere in particular. I have only come to beg some fire. All my companions have dropped by the way; but nevertheless, I have persevered in coming, for I had set my heart upon arriving where the Sky-God is.”

Thereupon God answered him, saying, “Mason-Wasp, since you have reached Me, you shall be chief over all the birds and reptiles on earth. To you, now, I give a blessing. You shall not have to beget children. When you desire a child, go and look into a grain-stalk and you will find an insect whose name is Ngongwa. When you have found him, take and carry him into a house. When you arrive in the house, look for the fireplace where men cook, and build there a building in the house for your, child Ngongwa. When you have finished building, put him in and let him remain there. When many days have elapsed, just go and look at him. And one day you will find he has changed and become just as you yourself are.”

So it is today: Mason-Wasp, before he builds a house, looks for the fireplace, just as he was commanded by God.


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