There was a group-mind effect operative within our consciousness in the early days of humanity. This may be referred to as human instinct. We were all receiving communications from the greater group of humans on choices to make in order to preserve the integrity and continuity of the collective and thus the local consensus reality.

This instinct for the preservation and continuity of the whole was eventually challenged as other collectives of humans entered into our territory with different ideas, different images, different ways of doing things. These different mental communication streams were picked-up by the primal group, and the Idea Constructs that were found to be supportive and conducive to preservation of the group were integrated into the mental collective of the primal group. Those Idea Constructs that were deemed not supportive of the group were rejected.

Also, an “ethical marker” we placed on this stream of consciousness, identifying it as having the potential to harm the group. Thus the Negative Other was born. Remember here that all realities are born first within the mental environment of those concerned. We create our own reality. We create our consensus reality in cooperation with others. Period.

The Negative Other was created out of fear: fear of change, fear of a different type of human, fear of losing the cohesion and support of group life. From the moment of the creation of the Negative Other, we might say that humankind has been trying to get back to that basic unconditional human connection of one to the other, indeed, of one to all of humanity.

What served as an instinct in the primal collectives of humans, was simply an ongoing connection to the non-physical world, the Unknown Reality, as we call it, from which springs the known reality of the physical world. Of course, we may also call this Unknown Reality the Divine, our other term for this energy source.