Please understand that there is no blame or shame involved in these types of reincarnational dramas. The actors in this drama – parent, child, and other family members, as well as other community members who are involved in Soul Family interactions – are essentially blameless.

On a Third-Dimensional level all concerned may feel sense of shame, disappointment at the features of child-rearing. The child may feel these negative states also. Yet on a Soul level everyone involved realizes their critical role in the dramatization of these Soul Issues.

Then let us say that, on the subtle levels, in the dreamstate where all plans for future Reality Creation are conceived, the members of the Soul Family of this subject – including the subject – agree to intensify the Lesson for the sake of the subject and everyone else involved. For as the subject learns their Lesson, all others involved learn something also.

Perhaps poverty and Lack are interjected into life of the subject in a very abrupt manner, so that our subject is left reeling and disoriented from the swiftness of the change. Where one day all of this person’s needs were met, let us say that now, none of their needs are met. The family fortune has collapsed for some reason. Our subject is FORCED to go out into the marketplace and earn their bread.