I have suggested that our main task in physical reality is to participate willingly in this exercise, as though we were in school, for we are indeed in an educational relationship with our Third-Dimensional Reality. You the Blog reader are both teacher and student. Your greater personal consciousness, what we have been calling the Soul in these Blog works, acts as a teacher to our Earthly ego. On the subtle levels, You-the-Soul know full well what are your Lessons for your current incarnation.

The ego, what we are calling the student aspect in this description, “pretends” to be unaware of these Life Lessons and their dramatization in physical reality. This is “the play” of our physical world – our creation of learning experiences in ensemble with other humans, for our mutual edification, and for the greater experiencing of All That Is.

I have covered this quite thoroughly in the new Blog Series, and so I shall not digress. However, please take from this brief reminder this fact of existence: just as many other teachers both physical and metaphysical have stated, “Each” second of our Earthly experience is an opportunity for spiritual growth. The way to move forward in our Soul evolution, is to perfect the transformation of Negative Emotions into their diving counterparts.

Now this quest for self-realization may be short if we are prepared to face our Lessons directly, without the denial and avoidance for which humans are so famous. To those of us in higher dimensions, it can appear as quite strange how many continue to suffer the effects of anger, fear, and the like, all the while knowing full well how we may extricate ourselves from our dilemma.

Here I am referring to the continuous messages from Beings of Light that exist within our mental environment, yet which we ignore through various mental and physical maneuvers. Perhaps I should take a moment here, before we get into the substance of this series, to describe for you these incredible gymnastics of consciousness.