With denial we have another very successful strategy for avoiding our Lessons. Here we are literally creating a reality for oneself unconsciously, and then disavowing any hand in the creation of the reality. “I am innocent,” you are in effect saying. Yet obviously it is your world that you are co-creating here. Your Personal Reality Field certainly bears the marks of your personality. Still, when we are up against something that we do not wish to face-perhaps because it is embarrassing to us, something quite true, yet something that challenges our standards – we disaffirm it, we disempower it, we DENY it.

We deny the thing with vehemence relative to the importance we place upon it. In other words, we deny what we most know to be the utter truth, in the honest appraisal of the subject at hand. Here again, those of us who observe our behavior, and know our motives and indeed our probable developmental paths as human beings, must laugh at such nonsense. The amount of energy wasted in such denials of self – for that is what these instances truly represent – is vast beyond all comprehension. And so we must laugh to ourselves, as we observe in the midst of our “Issues.”

For example: when we experience a twinge of Negative Emotion, perhaps triggered by something in our environment that reminds us of an event, a negative event for our past, we immediately redirect the ego/intellect to something other than the negative memory, the negative event.

Now you may use this skill of distracting the ego/intellect to our advantage within Reality Creation programs described in this Blog. The key to use of this technique is to FIRST listen to what the information stream is attempting to convey to us. Listen and understand. “Face the Music,” to coin a phrase.

In this sense, we have the opportunity for awakening to our denial in each and every one of our self-created moments. This current Moment Point, as you are reading this Blog, may become a moment of awakening if we but merely CONSIDER, that what we most ardently deny – particularly with regards to our so-called “Issues” – may be better embraced as the truth of the matter.

This is a simple test that we may utilize in assessing any perceived fact of life in our current existence. What do we most fear? What do we hate most strongly. Herein lie our weaknesses in our Reality Creation agendas. Inconsistencies, prejudices, cultural delusions, artifacts of consciousness that cause us to grimace or wince inwardly may be indicators of this denial of the Soul Self.