Soul Mates are co-created, rather than “found” or “attracted.” You co-create with ALL That Is AND your potential Soul Mate, the context for experiencing one another. When the meeting occurs, it has the underpinnings of the Divine supporting it. The co-creation of your Soul Mate can be described as an awakening experience, then: collaborations with ALL That Is.
Now let me ask the obvious question that arises here:
Can I co-create the Soul Mate relationship from a current relationship, one that may have problems of one kind or another.

The answer is a resounding YES! Indeed, you may have entered into such a relationship – one with problems – for the specific purpose of working out your Issues together, and thus attaining the fulfillment of particular values. You may already be experiencing a Soul Mate relationship yet you are not fully aware of it now.

Let me digress… this idea of asking for what you want in relationship is complicated, again, by your Lessons: the subconscious materialization of your Personal Reality. This is why we suggest you adopt the conscious co-creator perspective. It allows you more leverage in the moment, in that, you may experience a form of objectivity with regards to your unconscious projections onto others.

So yes, please do the exercises with this in mind and see if you are already connected with your Soul Mate. Then should you discover that you are, you may use this material to deepen your relationship.