Let me add to this cursory explanation with a description of a new metaphor we are presenting: Central Field of Experiencing. Now we exist within an intersection of dimensional planes.

The intersection of several planes. They share a common area, that we shall call our Central Field of Experiencing. Let us say that each of these planes of existence represents one of our Simultaneous Lives. Let us further state that the common area here our Central Field, is our current self experiencing life in this time-frame.

Now all of these planes are connected at the Central Field and so not only does our current self have at its disposal the perceptual ability to experience events within our current life, but also, because we are indeed connected to the other lives – hard-wired, in a sense – we have the POTENTIAL to experience events, feel emotions and have thoughts from within these other simultaneously-lived lives.

The planes surrounding the Central Field represent our various Reincarnational Selves as well as the many PROBABLE existences that we co-create with our consciousness and All That Is. This Central Field, then, is our current Third-Dimensional existence. Look around at your surroundings. This is what we are referring to in this current discussion.

Now as we look around us what do we see? Do we see a futuristic landscape with mythological creatures grazing on the lawn? Do we see a vignette of interaction between two family members from a life in a Mystery Civilization, such as Atlantis? Do we witness the life we are living now, complete in every detail except for one? Perhaps there is a stranger, someone we do not recognize, apparently living their life with us in our home. Does this unique detail “prove” to us that we are viewing a scene that does not exist in our current physical reality?

I would guess that you are perceiving your surroundings as quite similar to those we left behind you as you proceeded to read this Blog. My point here is that the possibility exists for you, in this time of accelerated consciousness, during this Dimensional-Shift we have described, to briefly inhabit the bodies of your Reincarnational Selves. You accomplish this by refocusing your perceptive apparatus – the Inner Senses – on a tangential plane of existence. You will be picking up on the sensory experiencing of these humans who are indeed you, Dear Blog Reader, as you are engaged in living your lives within the many time-frames on Earth and in other systems.