They are co-creating their reality intentionally, with divine guidance..
As you learn your Lessons, consciously or unconsciously, you are aided and abetted by Soul Family members. Perhaps you already know of my theory of Soul Family: you incarnate together to learn your Lessons together. Consider the previous example. The challenging expert may well be a Soul Family member learning their Lessons with our subject, the male/female student on the spiritual path. Yet, suppose that the expert is NOT on a spiritual path of any sort. They are not aware of any subtext of Reincarnational Drama in their interactions with our student.

However, they are still learning their Lessons in this example. They are learning their Lessons by default. Suppose that this expert is arrogant but is continually experiencing opportunities to learn humility, as in our example. The expert has a choice of demeaning our student and learning their Lesson by default – essentially improving their arrogance and avoiding the Lesson of humility – or perhaps acknowledging the communication stream of the Divine within their consciousness. In this case they are relinquishing control, and allowing the higher centers – the higher powers – their involvement. Humility is achieved, thereby, and the expert is no longer learning by default; they are co-creating their reality intentionally, with divine guidance, you might say.

Similarly, for all concerned in this interaction, for all Soul Family members, there exists varying levels of participation in the Reincarnational Drama. Everyone is learning something here, either consciously or by default. In this way, even the simple representation of consciousness manifestation within this interaction between the expert and the student, is imbued with divine importance. For all involved have the opportunity to “do the right thing,” and co-create their existence from the divine perspective for the highest good of all , you see.