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This reasoning also applies to any attempts at body conditioning through exercise and other physical activities. The important piece here is this: “What do you think of your physical body NOW in this moment?” Now in the moment is when you create your future, you see. Now in the moment is when you must Love yourself, Love your body. If you can see the potential trim and fit physical body beneath the chubby exterior, then you have the right idea. That is your focus, from my perspective. That positive image, that positive Feeling-Tone of Love and success is what may drive your manifestation activities over the course of the Regimen.

Obviously, if what you see before you as you look in the mirror repulses you, you have some important changes to make in your self-assessment activities. That is where you begin, then, to appreciate the body you now have while also anticipating the improvements.

On this Regimen you will be Loving your body into fitness. You Love how you are in this moment, first, and then you move toward the creation of an improved reality moment-to-moment, as you, for example, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and all the while you are keeping this Loving Understanding of self intact.


In my past Blog Series, I suggested to you that in matters of diet, as in the eating of specific foods, that it was more important what the eater THOUGHT of the food. What matters most are the images, circular thoughts, essential ideas that you-the-eater entertain within your mental environment before, during, and after eating food. These influences have a very direct effect upon the digestion. So for example, if you eat a small piece of chocolate, say, that is on your FORBIDDEN list of foods, you would have, perhaps, a quite negative reaction to the food. “Chocolate makes me fat,” you may say to yourself as you eat it. That statement is a profound suggestion to your subconscious that you immediately, upon eating any chocolate, must begin the process of turning it into fat. Your digestive system will obey dutifully this suggestion as you reinforce it with negative imagery, negative emotion, and so on. In addition, this sets up an unfortunate dis-empowering dynamic in which you play the naughty child that must be punished with obesity by the punitive subconscious.


Now here in this section we will demonstrate how a sense of Good Humor, as in clever punning, may help us initiate a manifestation scenario of positive realities. You already are familiar, I am guessing, with the modern aphorisms regarding the past: “Don’t dredge up the past. What’s done is done. Look forward.” Generally, the past, particularly the past of negative events, traumatic events shall we say, is indeed best forgotten. “Just don’t dwell on it, ” the saying goes, “and it will lose its power over you.”

There is some truth to these statements, from my perspective. You do indeed create through a focusing of your energies on the subject matter. And so I do not advise the student who has had a traumatic childhood, for example, to continuously TRY to remember the traumatic events. Without proper preparation, they may make matters worse for themselves. Yet I DO believe that a return to the scenes of the trauma in the imagination, from an Objective Observer’s perspective, may be quite healing. Again, this is not done willy-nilly, without regard for the safety of the human. Great preparation is made before the return to master this Observer’s Perspective.

Once this is done, the student may safely visit these unfortunate memories, and observe the going-on objectively, without Embodying these negative memories, in other words. Here is where we use humor to neutralize the negative Feeling-Tone that marks and identifies the traumatic events. Change the past and the present will take care of itself. It has a sense of the absurd to it yet it is literally true. Over time the Objective Observer creates safety in this retrieval process. The negative emotion loses its sting, its power to wound.

Now having been neutralized, the event may safely be studied, assessed, and TRANSFORMED. The student is quite literally changing their past. When they return to surface awareness from the Trance State they may well experience the cathartic healing of consciousness. In this sense the student recovers, as in going back to retrieve the lost aspects of Soul, rather than recover in the sense of again covering up the negative past. Please note the activity of the double meaning within consciousness.


ESSENTIAL METAPHOR – You are on a path to your past, to your birth. As you go back in time on this path you see on the side of the road, events, places where you split off parts of yourself and left them. The idea is to collect these aspects or parts of self and integrate them into your personality through Intent. You go all the way back to your birth. When you have done this adequately, you can go back beyond and before your birth to the time in between lives, in the Home Dimension and into other lives.

Now if you have issues of abuse from childhood, these issues may be healed from the present. As you walk this path you see different events being recreated on the side of the road. You see where you have left parts of yourself at different stages of development in your life. The idea is to collect these Feeling-Tones and bring them back to the present. This is healing the Soul. It allows you to integrate all of this material and navigate the developmental phase that was interrupted by the trauma.


It is quite common for the human who has been traumatized in childhood to experience these flashbacks in adult life. The volatile material has been repressed successfully over the years, but now the images and other content force themselves upon the waking mind. The Reality Creation is disrupted violently during these events, as the human, usually referred to as “the victim,” re-experiences the Feeling-Tone of the Traumatic event or events.

It seems to me, that what must change here is the felt sense or Feeling-Tone of the traumatic past that comes to visit. One then revisits the traumatic memories in the Trance State, with an eye toward altering them; altering in memory and thus altering the effects in the flashbacks. One observes the traumatic material as an Objective Observer, without becoming emotionally involved, you see, as though one were watching a movie. Important information is carried out of the Trance State and then documented. Each time the scene is revisited in memory, the Objective Observer notes the particulars with cool detachment. Eventually the flashbacks will be experienced in this Observer Perspective, rather than the traumatized “victim” perspective. It is a case of tuning down the high emotionality and trauma of the event. The cascade of negative emotion will be prevented, as the disturbing material is observed in the cool light of day, you might say. Again, this is simply a change of perspective and so change of realities.


Honor these emotional constructs, AND THEN transform them…

Now: We are not here suggesting that the student repress, dismiss, or otherwise invalidate these Negative Emotions. We Are suggesting that the student NOT re-create the negative emotions unnecessarily, until a deep state of negative consciousness is achieved. Anger may become violence if accepted unchecked, unchallenged. Anger if turned inward – into the personal psyche – may fester and cause imbalances of all sorts. Fear may do as much damage, as you may already know.

And so… no, we are not advocating repression of the emotions. Feel the emotions; honor these emotional constructs; AND THEN transform them by assuming the positive perspective – that of the divine creator ALL THAT IS.


We are finding ourselves challenged, therefore, within our area of expertise…

Let me provide an example. Your Soul Self has set you up to have a life-changing encounter with a teacher of some sort, in your existence. Now this teacher challenges you, let us say, by exhibiting profound and superior information on a particular subject that you know quite well. And suppose that this human also possesses a persuading characteristic that “bothers” you. Perhaps they are charismatic.

Now for my analysis the behavior of this human bothers you because you are perceiving through the perspective of your ego/intellect. You are finding yourself challenged, therefore, within your area of expertise: art, let us say, or perhaps one of the trades. The ego is concerned with appearances, primarily, and so resists any diminishment of its power in these encounters. Indeed, the ego/intellect might often respond by entrenchment, intellectualization, denial, anger, envy, and so on. These emotional states are the common purview of the egoic perspective.

Unfortunately, the life-changing encounter will not be very profound for this subject if they remain entrenched within their limited personal reality manifestation. The continued demonstration by this challenging individual of their superiority, may have the effect of preventing the healing interaction from occurring. Our subject might, indeed, walk away in a huff of self-importance and righteous indignation.

Yet suppose that our subject, a young woman, for example, is on her quest for self-understanding as the result of a recent brush with death, or some other ominous catalyst. She is COMPELLED to look beyond her ego responses to the actions of the human before her, and assess the deeper meanings and opportunities here. Suppose that she has read one of my new Blogs and she is involved in living out her Divine Day experimentation.

She might well be successful in not succumbing to the forces of negativity, if only briefly. This brief respite from negative Reality Creation may be enough for her to gain some stability in the moment of creation, such that, she could switch her perspective from the ego/intellect to that of the Divine – the Soul Self. The ego is diminished in this moment.

The Divine is embodied, invoked, manifested. This new perspective may allow our student example to simply smile and learn from this challenging human. Indeed, she would be learning her Lessons here and contributing to the further evolution of her Soul.


It is as though the subconscious is helping us to face the music…

As a creator of realities we witness our mental and emotional material projected outward into physicality. Because this is, for the most part, a subconscious activity, as we have said, this feedback that is the Personal Reality field may contain some disagreeable elements as in fear and anger-inspiring events – the Reincarnational Dramas.

This material “slips out” from the subconscious through the censor that is the ego/intellect and into the rich medium of Consciousness Units that composes our little piece of the Universe. In these dramas, as we are presented our Lessons, we are, in a sense, “forced” to perceive these Issues. It is as though the subconscious, at least for the moment, is helping us to face the music and learn our Lessons.

We are thus challenged to react to transform. Yet many of us, again, with the aid of denial and intellectualization, sidestep this intervention by finding reasons to account for the dramas. We find reasons for the dramas or we refuse to even consider our contribution. This we call denial. We do have a choice, however, in each instance.


This multitasking may produce profound insights into thoughts and behaviors…

Do you notice the difference here between conscious and unconscious creation? In my new Blogs we discuss a valuable exercise for the student: Embodying the Observer Perspective. One simply creates a personality aspect or aspect of the personal consciousness that observes objectively the events within the life.

This multitasking may produce profound insights into thoughts and behaviors. You are experiencing and remembering in this perspective BOTH the unconscious creation of realities and the conscious creation of realities. The two merge in the beginning of your studies, as you learn how to distinguish the one from the other. Then as you master the technique, you find that you may easily embody the observer perspective for successive moments, minutes, and even hours. You are making the unconscious conscious in this way.

Put another way… the explorer voyages into and through the unknown reality and Courageously and Lovingly acknowledges ALL that is found within this underground of the personal psyche. A broader perspective is obtained in this exploration.

And another… the conscious is taken into the subconscious ritually. Over time the two perspectives meld one to the other. As awakening occurs the Observer Perspective becomes enriched by both conscious and unconscious material. The synthesis of the two perspectives creates the Enlightened or Visionary consciousness.


The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances…

How do you distinguish between these two vastly different perspectives, that of the Soul Self on the one hand, and the ego/intellect on the other? The emotional tone generated is quite different; the opposite, in fact, of the other. It is the difference, as we have stated to our Internet audience, between conscious co-creation and unconscious creation. It is the difference, particularly in matters of Lessons, between resisting in the Moment Point, and letting-go in the Moment Point.

It is obvious, is it not, that when you resist, when you attempt to control, when you attempt to intellectualize, rationalize, think-things-through, you are perceiving through a particular lens of Reality Creation? This we call the ego/intellect.

Conversely, when you let go, when you go-with-the-flow of manifestation, when you take your place within nature within the elemental forces, you are creating through the perspective of the timeless Soul Self. The differences are striking; unmistakable really.

For example: If you are angrily reacting to a conversation you are hearing on your radio or television and you are stomping around the room in a huff, what perspective are you embodying? If you are hiding behind the furniture when the bill collector knocks on the door, what perspective are you embodying?

The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances. The ego in particular has distinct preferences for how others should perceive it. There is much of perceived value that must be protected. In this process, whole aspects of the personality and Soul are drawn under, disavowed, and denied. These unpleasant facts of the personality assemble in the creation of the disowned self, what we refer to as the Negative Persona, which we shall discuss at the end.


I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world...

Now, intellectualization and denial are your friends here as you attempt to avoid your Lessons. We are all powerful. We have the capacity to experience our world as the Logos, the Creator, All That Is. We could have anything we want, potentially, anything we would wish to create.

However, you are a human experiencing a lifetime of Lessons on our world. You have forgotten – the necessary amnesia – your great powers, and now you see difficulties, Lack, all sorts of negative realities before you. So intellectualization helps you to find reasons for the negative realities you are creating. Denial helps you place the blame elsewhere for your negative states and your negative realities.

But look… an inkling of the truth beginning to pierce the veil of illusion that is our perceived reality. You are beginning to see the connections between your negative thoughts and the negative outcomes. Slowly you are formulating within your consciousness a new paradigm of understanding. Perhaps it goes something like this: I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world. All the reasons, in truth, point to my culpability in all instances of my existence,