Category Archives: Time


I want to give you some idea of the conditions you may expect to meet in any successful projections, so that you will be prepared to some extent. For simplicity’s sake, we will call the body forms discussed in our last Blog forms one, two and three.

Form one will spring out of an ordinary dream state. In spontaneous projections, you may become conscious in form one, project, return to the ordinary dream state and from there project again several times. You can expect these particular projections to be difficult to interpret now, though you may find the experience intact in the middle of any given dream record.

Your excursions with form one will be within our own system, largely connected to the earth, although past, present and future may be involved. You may, for example, visit New York in the year 3000.

The projections here are fairly short in duration, though exceptionally clear. You may encounter phantoms from your own subconscious, however, and they will seem exceedingly real. If you realize that you are projecting, you may simply order any unpleasant phantoms to disappear, and they will do so. You may banish a nightmare also, if you realize that it is a product of your own subconscious. If you treat it as reality, however, then you must deal with it as such until you realize its origin or return to the ordinary dream state.

In form two you will not, as a rule, encounter any subconscious phantoms. Ordinary dream elements will not be as frequent, not will they intrude as much. A longer duration of projection is possible. The vividness is extraordinary. Here you will begin to perceive quite clearly constructions that are not your own, where earlier these are but dimly glimpsed. A certain period of orientation will be necessary, simply because these other constructions may seem bewildering. Some will exist in your future. Some may have existed in your past, and some were thought of, but never materialized.

But the reality of all of these constructions will be equally vivid, you see, for they are, indeed, equally real. I will give you a simple example. You may find yourself in a room with certain people. Later, upon awakening, you realize that both the people and setting belong to a particular sequence in a novel. You think then: ‘This was no projection, then, but only a dream.”

It may, however, be a valid projection. The room and people exist but not in a way that you endorse as reality. They exist in another dimension, but as a rule you cannot perceive it. (To Dorian:) The paintings that you will paint exist now. It is possible for you to project yourself into one of your own future landscapes. This would not be an imaginative projection. This is what I am trying to tell you.

You may find yourself, for example, in the middle of a battle that was once planned in some general’s mind, a battle that never materialized in physical reality. In such case, incidentally, you were not a part of the battle and could not be harmed. However, you might be attracted enough to project yourself spontaneously into the body of one of the soldiers, in which case you could experience pain until your own fear pulled you back. As you learn control, such mistakes vanish.

There are various situations you must learn to handle, attractions and repulsions which could pull you willy-nilly in any direction. Experience will teach you how to handle these. What is needed is a steady maintenance of identity under conditions which will be new as far as your conscious awareness is concerned. I cannot emphasize too strongly that projections into other dimensions do occur. Many such instances are often considered chaotic dreams because there is no way to check them against physical events since they did not occur in physical terms.

It is possible for you to project to a future event in which you will be involved and by an act that you make in the projection, alter the course that this future will take. Such an action would therefore appear to happen twice, once in your present and once in your future. But in the future, you would be the one whose course is altered from this traveling self from the past.

Let us take an example: While asleep, you project into 3082. There you see yourself considering various courses of action. For a moment you are aware of a sense of duality as you view this older self. You communicate with this other self; and we will go into this sort of thing more deeply in another Blog. In any case, your future self heeds what you say. Now in the actual future you are the self who hears the voice of a past self, perhaps in a dream, or perhaps in a projection into the past.


For all practical purposes, of course, you will usually find yourself in some sort of body form in your out-of-body experiences. These are a necessary camouflage, for you cannot yet think of identity without some kind of body, so you project in such a form. It varies according to your abilities, and without it, you would feel lost indeed. The form itself is not important, but it can tell you something about the dimension in which you are having the experience.

The dream body is the one with which you are most familiar. It has been called the astral body. It strikes us as being physical when we are in it, But we can do things with it that can’t be done ordinarily. You can levitate, for example. As a rule, however, we do not go through walls with this body. This is the body we use for ordinary dreams. Levitation is possible with it but on a limited basis.

When we enter a different dimension, the abilities of the body form change, and for all intents and purposes, it is a different body form – which we will now call a mind form. It still seems physical in shape, but we can walk through physical matter with it. we can levitate much more freely, traveling within the solar system. But we cannot go further with it.

In the first form, it is possible to perceive the past, present or future on a limited basis. In the second form, this perception is increased, the scope of consciousness widened. This is the form we will use if we meet by appointment with others in the dream state.

The third we may call the true projection form. In it, it is possible to travel beyond our solar system, and to to perceive the past, present and futures of other systems as well as our own. The various forms that we use do not dictate our experience, however. We may begin in one form and change to another – or go from the first to the third. On such occasions we must pass through in reverse direction (on returning). The forms merely represent stages of consciousness.

At physical death, after the last reincarnation, then the normal form is the dream body, and excursions are made from this point. It is possible, as mentioned, to suddenly switch from the third form to the dream body, but with a considerable jolt to consciousness.

There are indeed, others who can help in such experiences, and they can be of great assistance as guides. We will find projections much easier if our head is to the north.

Now, when we project from the dream body, consciously we are already outside of the physical one. We have already made the initial change away from physical focus. The mass of valid projections are made from the dreaming body. When the excursion is over, the return to the dream body is made with no strain, you see, for the ego is little concerned. In many such cases, however, the knowledge is not available to the waking self.

As we become more accustomed to the experience, the waking self will recall more and more and not become frightened. When we panic, from the waking condition, the experience ends. If the waking self had not been taken along in this particular manner, the journey could continue.


We use probabilities like blocks to build events. This presupposes inner knowledge and calculations, for you must be aware of the probabilities in order to choose from them. The inner self, therefore, has this knowledge. These probabilities include webworks, probable actions and reactions involving not only yourself but others. Computers are toys compared with these inner workings.

The majority of events do not ‘solidify’ until the last moment, in our terms. According to our understanding and interpretation of the world events, none are predestined or predetermined by sources outside of yourselves. Your childhood environment, for example, was determined by you before physical birth. Within this framework, you also give yourself the freedom to manipulate and change. The main events of a civilization are chosen by its people, but because a course is begun, this does not mean that it cannot be changed at any point.

Events, then, are materialized in our time from their origins in ‘no time.’ there is no end to the source or supply of probabilities, therefore ‘no time’ is not a static, completed storehouse. Each event you form from any set of probabilities automatically gives rise to new probabilities.

The nature of any given probable action does not lead to any particular inevitable act. Probabilities expand in terms of value fulfillment. One given act does not necessarily lead, then, to act A,B, and C, onward to some concluding action. Instead, it has offshoots in infinite directions, and these have offshoots.

This is what I know of reality. There is far more to be known. Outside of the realities of which I am aware and others are aware, there are systems that we cannot describe. They are massive energy sources, cosmic energy banks, that make possible the whole reality of probabilities.

They have evolved beyond all probabilities as we understand them yet, outside of probabilities, they still have existence. This cannot be explained in words. Yet, none of this is meant to deny the individual, for it is the individual upon whom all else rests, and it is from the basis of the individual that all entities have their existence. Nor are the memories or emotions of an individual ever taken from him/her. They are always at his/her disposal.

All of these probable systems are open. In our system it seems as if we chose one course, one main line of probabilities, and that is the end of it. In our system, only one ego predominates and we think of ourselves as that ego. In other systems, this is not necessarily the case. In some, the inner self is aware of having more than one ego, of playing more than one role at a time. As an analogy, this would be as if you lived, say, the life of a rich man/woman of great talent, the life of a poor man/woman and the life of a mother/father and career man/woman. You would be aware of each role and find abilities being developed in each. This is an analogy, and in several respects it could lead you astray if taken too literally. In such a system, there would be no breakup of time, you see.


For our next project i will create The God Blog – the manuscript on All That Is. We hope to present for you an interesting and educational blog on the creative source for all or our realities. However, I believe we would do well to provide with some of the ideas and theories we will cover in that blog series, now in this current blog series, so that you may better absorb and utilize these current messages from The Entity.

The therapeutic exercise that has many of the “demons” from the past faced, and in a sense, taken “into the light” and disempowered in that way. In these new blog series of mine, we are presenting the blog reader with the exercise and experimentation required to pursue a similar course of study.

Obviously, because we are incessantly on the topic of Reality Creation here, the question of “who is the reality creator?” must arise just as incessantly. I do believe that it is more than a mere matter of semantics. Who is the creator of our Personal Reality? I have advised over these many years that it is indeed YOU the blog reader of this blog who creates our Personal Reality. Now where does God and where do the concepts of the Divine fit within this cosmology of a reality-creating human? Let us discuss this for just a moment…

To begin, you Dear Blog Reader, are the epitome of All That Is. You are composed of divine energy constructs – the (CUs) Consciousness Units. In each and every one of the Consciousness Units we may find the holographic replica of EVERYTHING in all of our created realities. This EVERYTHING we are also referring to as All That Is. Now this metaphor of a holographic reality may serve us well here in this discussion. The simplified definition of a hologram for our purposes might be, “that which is everywhere all the time.” This describes the fundamental nature of the CUs as well as the multidimensional atoms theorized by some of our scientists. The researcher may make practical use of this theoretical construct by experimenting with experiencing the everywhere-all-the-time perspective. This perceptual vantage point is actually each and every Moment Point in space and time, so it does include past, present and future, in our terms.

This All That IS we have named to move beyond religious connotations of any kind. It is a safe generic titles, is it not? Yet at the same time, being ALL that is, this construct would naturally hold within itself what we might call the Divine or the sacred or spiritual worlds. The visionary experience treats the researcher, or perhaps the accidental mystic, to the sensory extravaganza that is multidimensional existence. How does one then define this experience in retrospect? Invariably the human bows to authority in these matters, and again as we have discussed in these blogs, hands over their powers of Reality Creation to another higher, perhaps “more worthy” entity. Thus the gods and goddesses are born.

We do not intend to trivialize this god-making faculty of the human being. These self-created constructs are definitely “given a life of their own” through the ongoing support of “thought energy” through the prayers and other spiritual observances of countless Souls over the millennia. The personality aspects of the human are constellated “out” onto the physical world from “within.” Each of the separate Earthly cultures, then, creates their individual divinities according to the needs of their particular group. So that the Nordic peoples, for example, developed an entirely different pantheon than did the Indonesian islanders. Different divine beings evolve from the different cultural needs of the people who live in the collective. Now let us relate this to the individual researcher living in our current timeframe.


First, we are awakening now. I believe I may safely say at this time. You are reading this Blog material because you are interested in the Unknown Reality and other metaphysical concepts. You are of this type, quite probably, that honors the sacred within consciousness. You look for it, you find it sometimes, and allow it to transform you, to wake you up. As this occurs within the consciousness of, let us say, a production worker in an automobile plant, you may feel prompted to tell others about your experiences. As you share your findings with others you catalyze the awakening experience in them. Each of you in this collective of awakening humans becomes YOUR OWN leader. You are leading yourself away from authority and to your own truth.

This is the Visionary Leader: the one who learns how to access their truth, teaches it to others, and then leads by example, you see. The Virtues of Humanity are their leadership principles. The highest good for all concerned is their focus of creation, of manifestation. The awakening human, in short, Resonates their improved reality into existence, by allowing these inner Precepts we call the Ancient Wisdom to replicate themselves in the Third Dimension. The etheric is physicalized through this process of Resonance. The sacred is established in the physical world for the greater improvement of all that exists in our world.

Now, your primary Lesson in this reality concerns how you, as an individual with your own aspects of personality, will respond to negativity. You are on Earth to experience negativity and your reactions will determine how long you will stay in the physical body in any particular incarnation, as well as other particulars of physical existence, such as when and if you shall return to a human form to experience the opportunity to deal with your Issues and Lessons: those experiences you have avoided or not dealt with properly.

I do not wish to compare this phenomenon with the stories from our world scriptures. For the most part, these stories quite literally HIDE FROM VIEW the essential meaning of the reincarnational journey. That is quite simply because these Blog manuscripts were written by human beings with an agenda, an agenda of the ego. What we are here discussing is the Soul’s Agenda. The Soul sends out particles of itself, of its energy, into human babies to grow with the human and experience the Lessons.

Beyond your initial Lessons of reacting appropriately to negativity come the Lessons particular to individuals. Your focus, your perspective, your orientation, the lenses of belief through which you create your reality, determine to the most minute detail the presentation of your Personal Reality Field before you. It is feedback, it is a recapitulation, it IS a replication of the interior processes of consciousness. The reality constructs of your world assemble into solidity at the bequest of ALL consciousness involved.


Now as you refuse from authority figures, you quite naturally learn how to trust YOURSELF. Again, this is a learned habit, like anything else in your reality. What you focus on habitually, whether subconsciously or consciously, you tend to create. The Courageous step of relying on your Inner Self to provide the information you seek, becomes a faithful expectation that you will receive what you desire and need. Over time it does indeed become second nature. You might also call it a faithful, trust-filled precognition that what you ask for is being provided.

This is the Ancient Wisdom, in fact, and this communication stream arrives from your greater Gestalt of Consciousness. It is personalized, this stream of data, for your perception. It is tuned to your frequency, specifically, to the frequency of your awakening Spirit. Thus, the awakening human becomes an expert on their own unfolding consciousness. And simply because you are connected to everyone/thing in the Universe, you are also mastering a perception of the macrocosm here: the greater gestalt you may call All That Is.


Please begin to note the lines below, the perceived outcomes of your Practice and Regimens.



Let’s end this Blog Series with another quiz…

What would you expect to be the probable outcomes of the Reality Creation projects of an unhappy, spiteful, angry human? Can you name some specifically? I would suggest a few that come to mind. Let me speak about them If I may:

This human would probably experience unhappy, unfulfilling outcomes. Because they were creating through the emotional templates of anger, spite, unhappiness, they would experience probable outcomes that veritably ring with these negative states of consciousness. They would be choosing, probably unconsciously, from this pool of negative emotion, the particulars of emotional nuance with which they would color their Reality Creation efforts.

As this person awakens from sleep, then, perhaps it is automatic for them. They have experienced days, weeks, months and perhaps YEARS of unhappy, spiteful, and angry states of consciousness. They have become an expert at creating these states, simply because they have been at it now for quite some time. So rather than bounding out of bed, eager to approach the day, perhaps they are pulling the covers over their head, to attempt to keep the day at bay. Then, as they are forced to react to the alarm that they have programmed into their alarm clock, they begrudgingly roll out of bed and trudge into the bathroom.


Let us cover probable effects of consciousness in the Third Dimension. To begin, as we know, our individual and collective realities are created from limitless probabilities. These probable thoughts, images, emotions, and so on, exist within the etheric, what we also call the pre-manifestation domain. It is from this dimension that our Earthly dimension emerges.

Now all probable effects have a singular charge. This tendency to appear in the particular way of the proposed effect, has, as I said, bioelectric and electromagnetic properties. In our terms, everything in the etheric domain. With your imagination, with your consciousness, you consistently add to this repository of potential. By thinking about the goodness of humanity, for example, you positive imagery, emotions, thoughts and other elements seek out their likeness in this pre-manifestation domain, as well as their opposites. The opposites serve to give depth and counterpoint. Through Resonance these correlations are energized, amplified, supported, given life, you see.

In a sense, the negative is inferred through the positive expression, in contrast, you see, in relative contrast. If you wish to think in terms of dynamics within a system, a system of reality, you could theorize that through Resonance, both the positive and the negative, in addition to all expressions in between these two polarities, are expressed to the nth degree throughout the past, present, and future. Value Fulfillment occurs simultaneously with this expression.


What areas of your life need improving? What projects are you willing to devote your time and energy to in order to get results? List in order of importance the areas in your life that need this attention. I do think that it is counterproductive to be shy about this, to be fearful that someone may read this Blog material and wonder about your sanity. However, write this in a diary that is secure if you feel that it is necessary.

Now write down what you would like to change.



Now here is a time for everything, here, in your Ritual processes. Let me go on a bit about just what I mean with this statement…

Just as this Resonance exhibits both the attractive and repulsive principles, and finds cohesion and momentum “over time,” you may find it advantageous to, in a sense, ride this wave of manifestation with your awareness. There is a time for holding on and letting go, resisting/assessing and “going with the flow.” You cannot have one without the other in this natural process. It is not “wrong” or “bad” to favor one over the other. It is quite fruitful to embrace both in this practice.

In a very natural way, the student attends to the current moment, for example, with focus and energy. In the next moment, however, you might relax and let go, you see: Distraction. The natural distractions of living will occur for you, taking your focus off of your creative enterprises. Simply let go of your focus in that moment and ride the wave of manifestation. The next moment may call for a return to your focus on the matter at hand. Simply do so, not abandoning the distraction but simply diverting your attention back to the Regimen. This is multitasking. The more you practice, the more proficient you become.