Category Archives: Thought

Beta waves: The official pulses of our civilization, giving precedence to official reality

We have little idea that the psyche is inherently able to seek its conscious experience from all of the known ranges, according to the kind of experience chosen at any given “time.”


Beta was not meant to carry the full weight of conscious activity, however, although its accelerating qualities can lead to initiations into “higher” realms of consciousness, where indeed the brain waves quicken. The other patterns (delta, theta, and alpha) are highly important to physical and mental stability, being very inter-wound with cellular consciousness. In cases usually call schizophrenic, the beta acceleration is not supported by the stabilizing attributes of the other known frequencies.


If is possible, then, for a brain to register all of the known patterns at once, though our machines would note only the predominating rhythm.


A kind of inverted beta pattern, difficult to describe, often appears suddenly in the midst of the other ranges, driving through them. Accelerating consciousness to a high degree of creativity. The brain waves as they are known are separately registered segments of a greater “whole” kind of consciousness, and our machines are just as segmented, activity escapes them. They cannot note the rapidity with which we move through all the known patterns constantly. This behavior can be learned by anyone willing to take the time and effort. Some courage would also help.


We flash in and out of the reality that we know. In between one moment and the next of the waking day, there are, in our terms, long delta and theta waves that we cannot recognize. They are not recorded by our machines because quite literally they go in a different, “unofficial” direction. Each official waking brain wave is a peak in our world of a far deeper “wave” of other experience, and represents our points of continuity.


Each beta wave rides atop the other patterns. In normal sleep, the “conscious” wave rides beneath the others, with the face of consciousness turned inward, so to speak. All the recognized characteristics of consciousness are “inverted,” probing other realities than the one we know. They are quite effective and lightning fast. In sleep the beta waves are not turned off–the “conscious” part of us, with its beta rhythms, is elsewhere.


In my writing sessions the full range of brain waves are utilized as I understand them. Here, in a highly creative, disciplined, and yet spontaneous performance, a situation is set up in which knowledge is obtained from the known frequencies, combined so that consciousness can use itself more fully, reaching into many areas closed to one range of consciousness alone. The various diverse, unique characteristics of each level of awareness are given play. In a way this is like an accelerated, chosen, well organized “conscious” dream venture. Still being myself but, no longer myself, but me.


The most elemental portions of reality begin at the furthest reaches of our own reality. In sleep our ordinary brain waves as we understand them register a chaotic jungle or experience not normally processed. Biologically or psychically, there is little need for such disorientation. The normal waking consciousness, with its characteristic patterns, can indeed follow [into sleep]. A mixture of brain waves would result. Consciousness as we think of it expands tremendously under such conditions. We would follow our own pattern of continuity and understanding, weaving this into the sleep and dream states, forming a “new” pattern that triumphantly combines all, as to some extent this occurs often.


In an ideal society, each brain wave would be utilized purposefully. We would go to sleep to solve certain problems. There is an overall general difference, nationally speaking–that is, people of various nations do differ to some extent in their prevalent brain frequencies. All in all, however, the beta has predominated, and has been expected to solve many problems unsuited to its own characteristics.


Despite our reliance upon one range only, our world of consciousness draws heavily upon all of the known wave patterns, and from others of which we are unaware.

The “City” we could start building in our individual and collective dream states

I am encouraging each human to focus joint energies in this direction. We will be dealing with symbols, yet we will learn that symbols are reality, for we are symbols of ourselves that live and speak. We do not think of ourselves as symbols [but] there is no symbol that does not have its individual life.


I speak of other theoretical realities. I challenge each human now to be as creative in another reality as we are in this one. And if it seems to us, because of our beliefs, that we are limited here, then I joyfully challenge each human to create a city, an environment, and perhaps a world, in which no such limitations occur. What kind of world would we create?


This knowledge speaks to us from the known and unknown desire that gives us our own birth, and that speaks to us from the tiniest, least-acknowledged thought that flies like a pigeon within our skulls. And in this moment of our reality, and in the desire of our being, do we even create All That Is. Bow down before no man, no woman, and no belief–but know we are indeed the creators.


For some of us the city will have  theater. For some of us it will not. For those of us who like theater, it will be like none we have ever seen. In it the actors and actresses will take the parts of beliefs–of fleshed beliefs–and the morality play, so to speak, will deal with the nature of beliefs and how they are enacted through the centuries as well as through the hours. that theater then will serve many purposes, even as each of us are exquisite performers, and have chosen the roles and beliefs that we have taken.


Now there are books programming out-of-body activity; millions of us are told that when we leave our body we will meet this demon or that demon, or this or that angry god. So, instead, we will form a free city to which those travelers can come, and where those who enter can read books about Buddhism if they prefer, or play at being Catholic. There will also be certain beloved traps set about the city, that will be of an enlightening nature. Now, you think there is nothing intrinsically impossible about building a platform in [dream} space? I am suggesting, then a platform in inner reality. It is as valid–far more valid–as an orbiting city in the sky, in physical terms, and it challenges our creative abilities much more. Humans need a good challenge, and its fun! Not because we should do it, but because we desire it. It is a great creative challenge that we can throw down to ourselves from our future.


A beloved trap is one that we set for oneself. And so our city will be full of them. When we are tired of playing a Catholic priest, for example, we will fall into our own trap–in which our beliefs [as such a one] are suddenly worked out to their logical perfection, and we see what they mean.


Now when children walk down streets, they count the cracks in the sidewalks. And so our city will have its own kind of tricky walks! There will be sidewalks within, and above and below sidewalks. But it is for each individual to decide which one he or she will follow.

“You make your own sidewalks,

And I make my own sidewalks.”

And so our city will simply have alternate sidewalks, and they will be beloved traps, set by each self.


A true teacher allows us to learn from oneself. We enjoy the great vitality and exuberance of our reality, and our city will have joy and exuberance. Now  joy sounds quite acceptable, but our city will also have fun–which in many spiritual circles is not so acceptable.


We can colonize an entire inner level of reality. To do so, we must give our best with dedication and joyful creativity. This will not be an imaginary city. It will have a greater reality than any physical city that we know, and it can, in its own way, shine with brighter lights in inner reality than any nighttime city display. I hope we will work at developing skills, in terms of the, dream-art-scientist.

We will not attain spirituality or a happy life by denying wisdom and experience of the flesh.

We can learn more from watching the animals than we can from a guru or a minister. But first we must divest ourselves of the idea our creaturehood is suspect. Our humanness did not emerge by refusing our animal heritage, but upon an extension of it.


I certainly believe that our physical existences and mental experiences are quite “real” in themselves. A good general question, I think, I would like to see discussed with ideas of the inviolate nature of the individual in mind,that has to do with the prevalence of ordinary, daily, conscious-mind thinking and perception throughout much of the world. In historical terms this situation has always existed for the human species and I think it applies almost equally in Eastern lands, especially among the political leaders and ruling classes within them.


Yet Buddhist belief, for instance, maintains that our perception of the world is not fundamental, but an illusion; our “ignorance” of this basic undifferentiated “suchness” then results in the division of reality into objects and ideas. But why call our generalized awareness an illusion, instead of regarding it as one of the innumerable manifestations that reality takes? No one is free of certain minimum physical needs or of self-oriented thought. Each nation strives to expand its technological base no matter what its philosophy may be. Would a widespread use of Eastern religions doctrines be more practical on our earth today, or self knowledge? Even given their undeniable accomplishments, why didn’t the Eastern countries create ages ago the immortal societies that could have served as models for those of the West to emulate–cultures and/or nations in which all the mundane human vicissitudes (in those terms) had been long understood and abolished: war, crime, poverty, ignorance, and disease?


Certainly the species must be putting its conscious activities to long-term use, however, even with the endless conflicts and questions that grow out of such behavior. During the many centuries of our remembered history, those conflicts in themselves have been–and are–surely serving at least one of consciousness’s overall purposes, within our limits of understanding: to know itself more fully in those particular, differentiated ways.


The locations that appear to us in dreams

It is true that dream locations do not exist within our heads in the same way the physical streets exist within the place of cities. While we are within the context of a dream, however, the location appears to be immediate. In dreams we may walk down avenues which do not exist in physical terms. We receive data we would call sensual if we were awake. We hear, touch, taste, smell, and operate in a manner that we would call physical if we were awake. We walk, talk, act, work, play, while our actual bodies are at rest.


I can find any Main Street at any time I choose: for all practical purposes it is a permanent feature of any city. But I cannot return to a dream location anytime I choose. Can we say, then that dream locations are different from physical places in that we cannot return to them? Not quite, since in recurring dreams many of us do visit the same streets and houses with which we have become familiar in other dreams. If we cannot find dream locations when we are in the waking state, neither can we find physical locations when we are dreaming. There is good reason to suppose that we can return to various dream locations simply by suggesting we will do so before we go to sleep. So the dream world may possess an organized structure also, just as the physical world does, and one in which we all know our way very well–while we are sleeping.


Such matters may at first seem far divorced from a discussion of the so-called spirit world. However, perhaps you can now see that we are much more than creatures composed of physical matter. Our intimate direct experience transcends physical reality as we know it. We are a mixture of corporeal substance and something else that we can only approach through subjective experience, a something that makes us what we are, and without which consciousness would be meaningless.


It makes no difference what we call this portion of our personalities, spirit, or soul, or mind. The point is that the most vital aspects of the self are not physically materialized.


It is true, however, that clues to the existence of this portion of the human personality can be found in physical matter. Our emotions can be tampered with through the addition or subtraction of chemicals and hormones. To some extent our personalities can be manipulated. Even a subtle alteration in physical make-up will effect a change in our inner selves. But the fact remains that very significant experiences upon which our consciousness and identities depend are not physical in the usual terms.


If this reality of ourselves is not contained within matter but only connected to it, then it is quite legitimate to say that we operate and exist in both physical and non-physical dimensions. At times we are more closely allied with the corporeal universe than at other times. In dreams, for example, we are less closely bound to the physical world than we are in the waking state. Our sensual apparatus is turned down low to the idling stage. We are maintained within the physical universe, but we limit our operations within it. It becomes as unreal to us as the dream state becomes when we are awake.


It is at least conceivable that the I of our dreams is but another aspect of our own identity; an I that continues now to exist as itself despite the ego’s manipulation of the physical universe; and an that will continue to exist after the alliance with physical matter is finished.


Consciousness is precisely that part of ourselves which does not exist as an object within the physical universe, and it is composed of those thoughts and emotions and dreams in which we realize ourselves most intimately.


Consciousness is the direction in which the self looks.

Memories of past lives would not be handled by the outer ego, simply because this ego is too concerned with daily life in a physical reality to deal with extra information.


We know too little about too many things to discount such a possibility as foolish or meaningless. We do not know enough about the human personality as it exists in the present to be able to say what it was or was not in the past. Even our idea of time itself is changing. Is it possible that in dreams we see glimpses of our past environments, streets and places we knew in previous lives.


Dreams, key dream symbols, and reincarnation. Dreams are seen as containing information concerning past, present and future, with the key symbols so cunningly chosen by the inner ego that the same symbols make sense to all layers of the subconscious. One symbol, then, could refer to events from the present life and events of a past life, while also holding meaning for the future.

The electrical universe is far different from our idea of it.

Electricity as we perceive it within the physical system is merely like an echo emanation, or a sort of shadow image of these infinite varieties of pulsations. These pulsations give reality and actuality to many phenomena with which we are familiar, but which do not appear as tangible objects within our physical system.


We have seen that all experiences is retained in electrically coded data within the cells, and the material of the cells forms about this coded experience. The ego as it continues to exist gradually builds up an electrical reality of its own as its experiences form into coded data within the cells.


At any given point the ego is complete within electrical reality, as it is psychologically complete within the physical system. This includes, of course, the retention of its dreams as well as the retention of purely physical data.


The electrical system possesses many dimensions of reality that cannot be perceived within the physical system. So far our scientists have only been able to study electricity by observing the projections of it that are perceivable within their frames of reference. As their physical instruments become more sophisticated, they will be able to glimpse more of this reality. But since they will not be able to explain it within their known systems of references, many curious and distorted explanations of reported phenomena will be given.


It is most difficult to hint at the myriad complexity and dimension of the electrical actuality as it exists, when we consider that each of our own thoughts is composed of a unique intensity of impulse, shared by nothing else, and that this same may be said for every dream that you will have in our lifetime; and that all this experience is gathered together in particular ranges of intensities, again completely unique, codified; and this, the summation of all that you are, exists in one minute range or band of intensities. See how difficult it is to explain?


All human beings are also in the same manner electrically composed and everything else, with few exceptions, within the physical field whether or not it exists within physical matter. Our physical filed is contained within its own unique range of intensities, a tiny band of electrical impulses a million times smaller than any one note picked out at random from the entire mass of musical composition that has been written or ever will be written. Yet as we know this is not not meant to give us a sense of futility, for uniqueness brings its own responsibility.


All motion is mental psychological motion, and all mental and psychological motion has electrical reality. The inner self moves by changing or moving through intensities from our physical field. Each new psychological experience opens up a new pulsation intensity, and gives greater actuality within the electrical system gives the result of moving through time within the physical system.

Electrical reality of a dream is decoded.

So that its effects are experienced not only by the brain, but in the furthest reaches of the most minute cells of the human body. Dream experiences, long forgotten, are forever contained as electrically coded data. If an effect is felt in any one portion of human experience, then you can be sure that it is felt in all other possible ways, whether or not such an effect is immediately obvious.


Every effect of any kind, experienced by the human being, exists as a series of electrical signals and codes that in themselves form a pattern that is an electrical pattern.


They exist with the cells, or I should more properly say that the cells form about them. These electric coded signals then form about them. These electric coded signals then form electric counterparts of complete experience, as it has been felt by a given individual. That pattern is independent of the physical system, while residing in it. Each individual from birth on forms his own counterpart from built up, individual, continuous electric signals. At physical death his/her personality then exists in more or less complete form, and of course escapes the sort of ending that it would suffer if it were an integral part of the physical system.


The electrical pattern is the personality, with all the experiences of earthly time. It can then join or partake of the inner self. Though the ego was adapted ordinarily by the inner self and was also a product of physical heredity and environment, it does not die, but its existence is changed from physical reality into electrical reality. It is still individual. No individuality is lost but becomes part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experiences of the many personalities that have composed the inner self.

God knows itself through the flesh

God may know itself through a million or a thousand million other worlds, as so may I–but because this world is, and because I am alive in it, it is more than appearance, more than a shackle to be thrown aside. It is a privilege to be here, to look out with this unique focus, with these individual eyes; not to be blinded by cosmic vision, but to see this corner of reality which I form through the miraculous connections of soul and flesh.


Cherish the gifts of the gods. Don’t be so anxious to throw your individuality back into their faces, saying, ‘I’m sick to death of myself and of my individuality; it burdens me.’ Even one squirrel’s consciousness, suddenly thrown into the body of another of its kind, would feel a sense of loss, encounter a strangeness, and know in the sacredness of its being that something was wrong. Wear your individuality proudly. It is the badge of our godhood. We are god living a life–being, desiring, creating. Through honoring oneself, we honor whatever it is God is, and become a conscious co-creator.

This passion for nonbeing, this denial of sensual life, that drives so many gurus and prophets

They speak out against desire while propelled by the overwhelming desire to lose themselves. They luxuriate in a kind of cosmic masturbation, titillating their psychic organisms into pitches of mindless excitement; cavorting in orgasms of self-surrender. They bask in a sort of universal steam bath that drives all impurities of individuality or creativity from their souls, leaving them immerses, supposedly forever, in a bliss beyond description; in which, indeed, their own experience disappears.

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Thank God that some god managed to disentangle itself from such psychic oneness, if that’s what it’s  supposed to be. Thank God that some god loved itself enough to diversify, to create itself in a million different forms; to multiply, to explode its being inward and outward. Thank God that some god loved its own individuality enough to endow the least and the most, the greatest and the smallest, with its own unique being.


The gurus say: ‘Give it all up.’ One of those we read about today counsels: ‘When you want to do one thing, do another instead. Do not do what you want to do, but what you should do.’ Never trust the self that you are, the gurus say, but the self that you should be. And that self is supposed to be dead to desire, beyond wanting or caring; yet paradoxically, this non-feeling leads to bliss. The gurus say that All That Is is within us, yet tell us not to trust oneself. If All That Is didn’t want appearances, we wouldn’t experience any! Yet appearances, the gurus say, are untruths, changing and therefore false.


Is my body an appearance, hence an untruth amid the truth which is changeless? Ah dear body, then, how lovely and blessed our untruth, which is senate and feels desire though the hollowest of bones. How blessed, bodies, leaping alive from the microscopic molecules that combine to walk down the autumn streets; assemble to form the sweet senses’ discrimination that perceives, for a time, the precise joy and unity of even one passing afternoon. The body’s untruth then, is holier than all truths, and if the body is an untruth then I hereby proclaim untruth, and truth and all the gurus’ truths as lies.


Many scientist are agnostic or atheistic.

If science  represents the “search for the truth,” as it so often reminds us, then eventually it will contend with the kind of gifts she/he demonstrates. Subjective and objective abilities, working together, can create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

The “Dream-Art Scientist”, “The True Mental Physicist,” and “The Complete Physician”

Quite literally, we live more than one life at a time. With earth being much older than its currently estimated age of 4.6 billions years.

“Naive Realism” with out-of-body travel (or “projection”)

I have read nothing about the two together, which surely be some very interesting material on such a possible relationship. Paradoxically, our perceptions while out-of-body can be more tenuously connected to temporal reality than usual, yet more acute at the same time. However, our use if naive realism must often govern what we allow ourselves to experience while consciousness is separated from the body. I also think some out-of-body travels, apparently to “alien” nonphysical realities, may actually be based instead upon interior bodily states or events. But there are times when the projecting consciousness, free of frameworks like naive realism, at least approaches truly different realities, or probabilities.