Category Archives: Thought


The New Age canon has a source that is as ancient as the Earth herself. We call this source the Ancient Wisdom. In great cycles of expression, at appropriate times in our history, this information rises up within the collective consciousness and insists on acknowledgement. Naturally it is the expressive among us who first heed this call. You are prompted by these impulses to express yourself, to express your vision. It is no coincidence, therefore, when the visionary content shows similarities across vastly different populations from all over our Earth.

Look around us at our modern media. In every country of the world we will find the visionary artists creating their works for the highest good of all. The essence of these works is the same regardless of the tongue or the territory. From the collective consciousness of All That Is, the ancient truths are finding a voice, right when material is needed the most.


All of these are indicators that we are experiencing The Visionary Perspective in our lifetimes. This perspective has a particular vocabulary associated with it as well as other elements that help to distinguish it from other perspectives. Here in this Blog Series we will discuss some of these Metaphysical concepts. We will remind that this information is timeless, for it is always there within our consciousness in all of our lives.

And we hope to demonstrate that we are all talking about the same thing, here. The spiritual authors from our personal timeframe, the metaphysicians from our past, ALL of us are presenting this Blog material in our own ways, in our own words, for the enlightenment of the average citizen of our world.


Another important aspect of this perspective is that of Awakening. We are creating this Blog Series for the person who is waking-up to their greater reality. Indeed, this Blog material will not make sense to you if you are otherwise.

How can you tell if you are one of these people? Take this simple quiz:

  • Do you find that you are deep in your Issues and Lessons, the reasons you came to Earth at this time?
  • Are you attracted to the various spiritual movements of your era?
  • Are you experiencing graphic demonstrations in your Personal reality of The shift in consciousness and other so-called “supernatural” phenomena?
  • Do you sense that time is somehow speeding up for you, as though you are quickly coming to the brink of a great transformation?

Our Free Will choices determine the specifics of how we create our reality. We also call this perspective Intent of Divine Will when it is informed by the Higher Centers of Awareness.


We are now referring to my new Blog material as a Teaching, as a Path of Awakening. It is a path toward independence, generally, away from authority figures and towards a realization that the answers to all questions are to be found within the personal consciousness: your personal consciousness. As a student of your own existence, you are expected to examine your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors as a scientist would, a Scientist of Consciousness. Because you are studying yourself, objectively, Lovingly, you will observe instances of denial, intellectualization, cynicism, egoic pontifications, and so on. The negative emotions are noted, their origins identified, as plans are implemented to transform these negative states of consciousness into their opposites.

This is the crux of the matter. The student of the Personal Reality attempts to fine-tune the expression of Reality Creation for the highest good of all. Why “the highest good of all ?” When you make your Transition do you wish to die alone, or with the entirety of existence – the Universe – supporting you?

Now please observe that I am addressing you as a particular type of human. Obviously there may be Blog Readers who are not on-board with us in these arcane studies. These directions are not for this type. And this is where the concept of Resonance comes in quite profoundly. If this material does not Resonate with you on some level, if it does not pique your interest and compel you to read on, it is probably not for you. Resonance, you see. It is at the foundation of all activities in Reality Creation.

Let me remind you that we suggest continuous use of the Ritual of Sanctuary as you perfect your Practice and carry out your Regimens. The Ritual of Sanctuary is explained in previous Blogs.


Let me answer that for you outright: to quicken your awakening. Now the longer explanation would entail divulging my secrets that I use to inspire my students and to transmit knowledge directly to the consciousness. Let me say this, however. on a superficial level, as you are engaged in experiencing the amnesia of the human in physical reality, it may appear to you as though I am relating pleasant stories for your entertainment. Please understand, though, that these examples are for purposes of catalyzing the awakening of your ” sleeping” memories – your memories of previous lives, for example, within Third-Dimensional Reality and in other dimensions. So do not be surprised when you may experience, upon reading one of my innocent examples, a reliving of experiences from one of your own Simultaneous Lives.

That is the purpose of my new Blog messages to you, after all, and so we would expect this types of phenomenon to occur in the life of the attentive Blog Reader. When these flashes of insight occur, I suggest you take a moment to write, down the sensory information that you are receiving. This data will be of use to you as you complete the exercises in this Blog Series, and indeed, as you continue with your awakening.


Does this or that civilization, though, exist in fact, you may ask? Does our Western civilization or our American empire exist? These are philosophical propositions. For the more we explore our Personal Reality in an attempt to find proofs, the more we find that all is composed of consciousness.

Now consciousness, as we know, and as some of our more conscious scientists also know, is limitless. Being limitless it achieves any form. In this view, do you see that the possibility exists for not only these few theorized cultures we describe in this Blog to exist, but for ALL permutations into physical form, of any and all probable social, political, and spiritual constructs to exist? All possible civilizations exist. Period. All thoughts or images entertained by humans seek our fulfillment in the form of Reality Constructs, including civilizations.

We may take this as a disclaimer, if you wish. Yet it is, you must admit, an intensely empowering disclaimer. It is empowering for YOU the individual explorer of consciousness.



Now we ARE living all our lives at once, here. We are now musing on the possibility of a better life for ourselves, dreaming. However, with a slight altering of perception we could, if properly motivated, Tune-In on our life in a probable reality in which we are experiencing a predominance of the common good, everyone “winning,” and so on.

We are an authority on our current existence. We know more about it than any other being. In just this way, we are also an authority on this other existence that is playing out in a probable “field” of experiencing of a Less-Than-Perfect reality to this probable reality, is the emotional state we describe as dreaming. We might also describe it as a pleasant longing. These are simple techniques here… dreaming, longing: you are essentially using your self-generated Positive emotional state as a homing device to Zero-In on the probable reality you desire. Your emotional tone will become quite positive when you do this properly.

When you indeed reached this Best-Case-Scenario life that you are living in a probable reality – remember, all probable realities are explored by your consciousness, in Perpetuity, you might say – imagine yourself luxuriating in the influences that create this positive reality. Soak up these Positive feelings.

The Positive manifestation ALWAYS exists for you as a probability. When you conduct this exercise, you divert your attention from your current moment of creating Less-Than-Satisfactory Reality Constructs, to the creation of positive, life-affirming, ecstasy-filled Reality Constructs. It only takes a moment to improve your reality in this way.


Mu is one of those lost civilizations that we as a race have created from several different civilizations. This Mystery Civilization existed as a prototypical culture within the collective of humanity’s imagination.

Now, every collective of humans, of animals, of insects and even of inanimate materials as we call them, every amalgam of Consciousness Units has a collective “vision” of itself. Of course, every conceivable vision of Mu exists within probable realities. For our purposes here in this explanation, let us think of the vision as just two fold: There is the “real time” vision, the idea on which is built the CURRENT “bedrock reality” that is experienced by the inhabitants, in this case, the humans of Mu. But it could as easily be the reality as experienced by the atoms that compose a rock upon our lawn. Anything and everything has consciousness and everything exists at once.

Now secondly, each collective, each Gestalt of Consciousness if you prefer, has a vision of the future – an idealized dream or vision of where they would like to be in a future manifestation of their present culture. This future vision or vision of the future is fed by the best case scenarios entertained within the mental environments of all participants in the collective.

Our Mu Civilization was just such an idealized society created on the mental plane of existence by the members of a civilization that existed in certainly a far less idealized manner, if I may say so.


And now a sideroad: If you were to think of the World Civilization as you are experiencing it now, what would come to mind for you? Many thoughts and images come to mind, I am sure. Now to get a feeling for Lemuria, simply consider the underside, the unspoken reality of our progressed modern culture. In other words, for every remarkable technological advance, let us say, in our modern world, there is a corresponding remarkable advance in this underworld with regards to the natural, non-synthesized, expressions of technological improvement.

You would have, for example, the proliferation of advanced forms of communication in this exterior world of the modern Earth, and on the interior, in the land of Lemuria, you might see the counterpart to this technological advance in form of superior expressions of telepathy, natural communications, you see, that do not require the sophisticated instruments developed by the modern human. This is a science of mind as compared to a science of machine, here. Another way we have described this is that what we see in the Third Dimension as the Underworld or non-physical reality, is in Lemuria, the ongoing physical reality: the only thing there is, you see. The outer world or 3D Reality is expressed inwardly in the non-physical world of Lemuria in every way, shape, and instance.

These are difficult concepts to express, however, I believe it would help if you would let go of the idea that the non-physical worlds or dimensions look exactly like the myths and other stories of the imagination expressed in our movies and other media. You might even have an advantage if you were to dispense completely with the name Lemuria, for this name is not the one accepted currently.



We maintain that this Mystery Civilization is one that exists as a “proving ground,” so to speak, for the mythological concepts and personalities of our world’s cultures. It does exist in the same sense that ALL, supposed, theorized, or visualized societies exist, in so far as they are given consistent thought energy by humans and other forms. This disclaimer applies to all of the theorized collectives we discuss in this Blog Series. The civilizations exist first in the imagination, and then “fleshed out” with the manifesting energies of people everywhere.

We also referred to Lemuria as the “place” where the seekers of visions and meetings with the non physical beings go in their ritual journeys. The shamans, visionaries, and other seekers throughout our perceived past, journey to these uncharted territories of consciousness. Each journey to this underground of the imagination by human visionaries, adds to the storyline and the character development, you might say, of the Lemuria Legend.


May we now return to the Hunza to complete this essay? Certainly at about the same time – two thousand years ago in the Himalayas – the residents gave out a call to All That Is requesting a different system of thought, a different essence, you see, that would assist them in guiding their people down a more progressive avenue of creation.

Another aside here… In previous Blogs, I spoke of the Tibetan Buddhism concepts as being the nearest description to the way reality is created by consciousness. The emissaries of The Christ incarnating within these collectives of the mountain peoples were successful, in that the concepts of Reality Creation were taken in as truth and embodied by the human practitioners “whole,” so to speak, without embellishments by priests and others. Because the people practiced in isolation, for the most part, from their colleagues in other parts of Asia, they were able to keep the teaching intact. You could say that the Tibetan Buddhist concepts are closer to the truth of the matter, therefore, than the practices of the mainland Buddhists. It was true then and it is true now.

Certainly the student may explore the Tibetan Buddhist path and see for themselves the obvious correlations between my theory over several decades and the concepts and practices espoused by this group, and kept without alteration over the centuries. That is as much as I will say on this matter for now.