Category Archives: TELEPATHY

Coming To Life During Dreams

The experience of “coming to life during dreams” with any consistency, having some critical awareness, some rational control, some glimpse of other-dimensional reality — these events in the overall are bound to transform ordinary concepts regarding the nature of consciousness.


And it is always strange to realize that physical reality has that little hold, comparatively speaking, that we can slip out of it so easily, that it is more like bright transparent cellophane than solid wood or rock. We can go in and out of it, through it and back, without leaving a tear. Yet the world is so smooth and unseamed when we’re in the body and focused there.


Instructions for Projection from Trance and Dream States.


Whatever information I can give you will be of great practical benefit. I do not want my blog readers traveling about unless they know what they are doing. Again I want to mention the matter of subconscious fabrications. Initially, particularly, you will meet with them. You must remember that you are wandering in completely different dimensions, and the rules with which you are familiar simply do not apply.


I have told in previous blogs that the form in which you are traveling can be a tipoff to you. If your levitation experience seems to carry you outside of the solar system, then you know that you are in the third form and that your abilities for the time are almost limitless, comparatively speaking. Any image you see here must be accepted. It does no good to call these forms hallucinations, for they are no more hallucinations than the chair in which I now sit. ‘ Whether or not the automobile is a sensory hallucination, it can kill you.’


And I tell you that whether or not these projection images are hallucinations, they can be dangerous and you must respect the reality in which they exist. I want to be sure that you realize that some of these constructions will belong to other systems. You are safe as long as you do not meddle. You may explore, and freely, and that is all.


Now, here are my instructions. You may induce a medium trance in whatever way you choose. On occasion, this will be almost spontaneous, as you know. For best results in the beginning, make a projection attempt when you feel slightly drowsy, but pleasantly so. When you have induced the trance state, then begin to examine your own subjective feelings until you find recognition of the inner self.


This involves a recognition of yourself as distinct from the flesh fibers in which you reside. Then, begin to imagine this inner self rising upward. You should experience at this point an internal sense of motion. This motion may be from side to side as you gently shake yourself loose.


It may, instead, be a rushing upward. Whichever motion you experience, there will be a moment when you feel your identity and consciousness definitely withdrawing from the physical organism. Before you begin the experiment, the suggestion should also be given that the physical organism will be well protected and comfortable.


When you feel your consciousness withdrawing, the first step is this: Forget the physical body or what you are to do with it. Will yourself out in a quick motion. There is no need to experience hallucinations. If the projection is a success, you will instantly lose contact with the body using this method. You simply will not be in it.


It will be far from lifeless, of course. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which I have spoken in past blogs. I will give you alternate methods of projections, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the first few moments after leaving the body.


Once you are  out of the body, then you are dealing with a different kind of reality, but the experience is as valid as any other. You may or may not have the sensation of traveling through doors or windows. This is dependent upon the kind of projection involved. The molecular structure of the projecting self is of a different nature than that of the physical body. there is no change in the physical nature of the door, for example. The molecular structure of the traveling self changes.


There is no danger of not returning to the body, generally speaking. If  in your projection you seem to be flying past treetops, then you are doing so. You can meet and speak with others on some of these excursions. It is possible, with training, to arrange such meetings. For any kind of scientific proof, of course, this would be a necessary preliminary.


Remember that I told you in previous blogs, you may visit not only the past, present or future as it exists or will exist in your terms, but you may also visit realities that never existed physically. In our early blogs, I mentioned that intensity regulated the ‘duration’ of experience. Now, many events that were only imagined never took place physically, yet they exist. They simply are not a part of your definition of reality. You may, therefore, visit a museum that was planned in the sixteenth century but never built. Such a museum has a reality as valid as the home in which you live.


I have been speaking of projection from the trance state. Projection from a dream is something else again, and when executed successfully, you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of awareness. Here the critical consciousness can be fully alert while the body sleeps. Spontaneous, unrecalled projections of this kind happen often. It is beneficial that they be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn, therefore, to manipulate your own consciousness and to experience its mobility. Quite simply, such projections allow you practice in dealing with realities that you will meet when you no longer operate in the physical system.

Living Time

Great as things are, there is a totality of experience and sensation that includes all, a vortex that contains and transforms infinite parts. I know that of which I speak. Yet, each minute event immeasurably  increases not only itself but all other events, bringing into birth by its own actualization an infinitude of novus actions and events, an unfolding or multi-dimensionalizing of itself, an initiation into dimensionalization. For all versions and possibilities of each event must be actualized in the limitless multiplication of creativity.


And warping outward from each act are a million openings, roads traveled and experienced by the soul, naturally and spontaneously following its attributes.


Any one moment in physical time then is a warp, opening into these other dimensional of actuality, and any one moment can be used as a passageway or bridge. The act of crossing will be reflected in a million other worlds, but these reflections will be themselves alive and the act of perceiving itself will create still another vortex of actualization.


Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust — a sliding off of.


Each probable event is changed by each other probable event. There is constant simultaneous interaction. These ‘separate’ probable systems do not operate isolated from each other, then, but are intimately connected. All systems are open. The physical moment is transparent, though we give it a time-solidity. We see it as opaque.


Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust, a sideling off of focus, if the mind can get over its fear of dying to itself.

In what other worlds, for example, do we sit writing these blogs?


Slide imaginatively into a world where we do not perform the next small action  we will perform in this world. Cough, smile, sneeze — in some other actuality our actions are non-actions and our non-acts are realized.


Greet the now-realization of all of your dreams, for they also participate in the probable system. As our dreams bleed into our normal conscious life, so do they bleed into other probabilities. A dream act is actualized by a waking ‘I’, as a waking ‘I’ is actualized by a dreaming self.


The soul is too great to know itself, yet each individual portion of the soul seeks this knowledge and in the seeking creates new possibilities of development, new dimensions of actuality. The individual self at any given moment can connect with its soul. There is initially a sidewall movement of consciousness, a dropping away sensation.


We step sideways, as though we are squeezing between two bars. We attempt to save even the shadows of ourselves, and we create light in even the darkest recesses of our own hidden fragments. To that extent and in those terms, we are our own redeemers.

So one portion of the self lends a helping hand to another, in the same way that I give my blog readers a helping hand.


What I want to explain here is that the communications do not just operate in a vertical, ascending or descending fashion, but horizontally, in those terms.


The experience brings up several points that have not been discussed in previous blogs in connection with probabilities. Because we are born physically into our system, we take it for granted without thinking of it that we are born in the same manner into other systems. This may or may not apply, but it is definitely not applicable to the system of probabilities as a whole.

Energy created in such a fashion, as we know, cannot be negated and must continue along its own lines of development.


From this standpoint these are fragment personalities; therefore, they have our memories up to that point of their initiation, and they continued of from there. Such personalities can be created and are created under varying conditions too many enumerate.


Unconsciously, we are aware of their progress, as unconsciously they are aware of ours. We see to it that they will be helped. Remember that regardless of anything, we give them existence and consciousness, a gift of creativity, and potentials that they will try in their own way to fulfill. Their experiences have been different from ours. Their fulfillment, when they achieve it, will, therefore, be of a different nature, bringing out facets of activity that will not exist in our circumstances.


Now, in the life of each personality there are, of course, moments of deep crisis and decision, where a personality decides upon one of various possible choices. These moments are not necessarily conscious at all, and the choices are not necessarily conscious, though often they rise to consciousness. But by then, the inner work and decision has been done.


This is the next line of our development, however. We clear away debris. We give ourselves psychic breathing space so that our creative abilities could arise, and see that the way was open.


It’s one thing to accept the idea of probable systems and probable selves selves as an exciting intellectual concept, and quite another to accept the practical considerations involved if we think of probabilities as plain facts or existence. Through our experiences, the concept becomes a reality with which we are confronted.

Precognition, Clairvoyance and Mass Dreams

Each individual creates matter, including objects and his or her own image. Coherence, illusion of permanency, placement in space, mass and color are all arrived at and agreed upon in the ways already explained in previous blogs. Telepathic communication is one of the methods by which such agreement is reached.


Long ago, primary and secondary constructions were explained. I emphasized that each individual perceives only his own physical constructions. Basically, there is no difference between telepathy and clairvoyance. The apparent difference is the result of an inadequate understanding of the nature of time. The important fact in both cases is that information is received that does not come through normal sense channels.


When an individual clairvoyantly ‘sees’ an event, this is what happens: First he forgets the concept of continual moments that usually hampers perception. His or her perception changes focus so that he or she is aware of an event that otherwise would seem to be in the future. Unconsciously, as always, he or she constructs material objects in line with the available data.


It goes without saying, then, that he or she helps to form the clairvoyantly perceived event, just as he or she helps construct any event in the present. The agreement as to physical dimensions is reached in the same manner as usual.


Sense data is not basically dependent upon the physical body. The mind can bypass the senses and receive data in a more direct manner, translating what it perceives automatically, as it translates ordinary sense data.


Under ordinary circumstances, data is received through the physical senses and then interpreted by the brain. When a clairvoyant event is perceived, the data is received by the mind, then given to the brain which then interprets it. The physical body becomes aware of it, but the senses have actually been bypassed. The interpretation is made, however, in the same way as it usually is. Otherwise, the information would not register for the physical organism.


Actually, of course, much information perceived directly by the mind does bypass the physical organism completely. In some such cases, the subconscious does receive the data. In other cases, it is not recorded in any way within the physical system but is recorded at deeper layers of the self.


Even this data is available to the subconscious, however, if the need for it arises. Before it can be used by the physical organism, it must first be taken from the deeper layers to the brain for interpretation, as if it were new sense data.


In the dream state, we smell odors that are not in the physical room. The memory of these is imprinted and registered by the body as faithfully and realistically as any ‘real’ odor. The experience becomes a part of buried memory and may be recovered through hypnosis. Sometimes it may arise spontaneously.

There are many kinds of mass or shared dreams. For now, we will be concerned with mass dreams that have an almost universal nature; that is, dreams  that are shared at one time or another by the majority of living persons on our planet.


This particular kind of dream is concerned with working out certain problems concerning physical reality. The dreams usually are not precognitive, although they might appear to be, since many of the dream events will later occur. They are not precognitive, however, because in a large measure they bring about or cause the later events.


They occur, comparatively speaking, just above that layer which Jung refers to as the collective unconscious. If we could tune into these dreams, we would have a good idea of the main events of the future because we would see them being born. They are concerned with significant events that affect many countries. They represent deep intents, wishes and purposes. At times they have immense power to bring about world-shaking changes of beneficial or destructive nature.


One individual is more important than we have ever dreamed, however, for the intensity and intent are important. One man or woman passionately willing good or evil can overbalance literally a hundred men or women. And in the dream state, also, leaders can be born and make themselves known. The people already know them in mass dreams before they are recognized in physical reality.

Precognition and Association

Association is not clearly understood, because psychologists, at present, believe that it works only in connection with past events. They also underestimate dream events, for many associations are the result of events that happen in the dream state, where the mind continues its associative processes.


Any given personal association may originate from a dream event, as well as from a past waking one. Psychologists, generally speaking, have not yet accepted the theories of our own physicists, and they continue to consider time as a series of moments. The inverted time system recognizes the actual nature of time. There is room in it for a rather complete explanation of the mind’s associative processes. The mind, as opposed to the brain, perceives in terms of a spacious present. Therefore, it draws its associations not only from our present and past but also from our future.


Take an example: Dorian X, becomes ill whenever he smells a certain perfume. He does not know the reason. An Online Psychologist Australia (or any country for that matter) might explain the reaction by presuming that some unpleasant event from the past was connected with his perception of the perfume. The explanation is a good possible one; however, it is often the only one that would be considered.


Dorian may be reacting to an unpleasant event experienced in the dream state in which the upsetting situation was accompanied by the particular odor. But he could also be reacting to a future event of the same nature, for again, the mind does not break time into a series of moments. This is done by the physical brain.


The ego, as a rule, is not aware of this broader time experience, but the subconscious often is; and associative processes of the mind can and do react to the future. Therefore, it is possible for our Dorian to becomes ill this year at the smell of a particular perfume because, say, subconsciously he knows that in 2022 his mother will be wearing it when she dies. The associative processes work both forward and backward.

Subconscious Layers of Precognitive Dreams

We will discover definite correlations that exists between the incidence of precognitive dreams and data having to do with the temperature and weather. I don’t believe it is possible for us to carry our dream experiments far enough to discover certain other factors that exist between various layers of subconscious and falling temperature rates in the body; therefore, I mention it here.


It would be necessary to take our temperature many times during the night and to correlate the findings with the levels of the subconscious as they showed themselves within the dream series. It should be noted, however, that with the exception of several other circumstances, these various subconscious levels fall within definite temperature ranges. To some extent, this can be ascertained through hypnosis. However, suggestion to the effect that the subject’s temperature rise and fall would tend to obscure the effect.


This correlation is observable only when the personality is in an inactive state. Suggestions of motion or excitement would change and affect the temperature reading, so that this characteristic temperature range would go unnoticed. Illness can also obscure the effect.


If we can see future events in dreams, does this mean that the theory of free will is a myth? Not at all. Consider this question along with the nature of time and probable events.


Sometimes precognitive information will appear to be wrong. In some cases, this is because a different probable event has been chosen by the self for physical materialization. To me, our past, present, and future merge into one. For example, if you were to have a dream of a horse and you’re convinced this has some significant meaning, you yourself might actually be able to change the meaning further into the future depending on self-perception.


On the other hand, as I have told , our past itself continually changes. It does not appear to change to us, for we change with it. The question of precognition, however, is not at issue with information concerning the past. Our future changes as the past does. Since precognition deals with future events, it is here that the issue of changing time shows itself.


In such cases, it is necessary that the correct channel of probable events be perceived; ‘correct’ meaning the channel which will ultimately be chosen in our terms. The choice is dependent upon our choices in both past and present. These choices, however, are based upon our changing perceptions of past and present. When we have a greater scope of perception , we can predict what may happen with better facility. But this is still dependent upon our prediction of a choice we will make.


Predictions, per se, do not contradict the theory of free will, though free will is dependent upon much more than the freedom of the ego alone. If the ego were allowed to make all the choices, with no veto power from other layers of the self, we would all be in a sad position, indeed.


The probable system and its connections here.

The field of probabilities is quite as real as our physical universe. The experiences encountered there by other portions of the self are used by the whole self. The knowledge gained there is invaluable, not only in terms of overall experience, but as a means of training the ego and subconscious to choose between various activities.


All of this data is instantly available; only the ego is unaware of this field of reality. It would be snowed under. From this field of probabilities we choose patterns of thought which we will weave into the physical matter of our universe. The dreaming self sees both fields and operates in each. It should be realized that the probable self also has its own dreams.


This probable field seeds many other systems beside our own. It is composed of thought images, not physically materialized in our terms, but vivid storehouses of energy. Here is the material from which all pasts, presents and futures are made. It is far from a closed system. Not only does it feed the physical universe, but in it, many aspects of our own dreams become actual. Do we dream of an apple? The apple appears in the field of probability.

What is Transmitted in Telepathic, Clairvoyant and Precognitive Dreams

I have mentioned in past blogs that any action has an electromagnetic reality. In telepathic and clairvoyant experiences, the electromagnetic pattern is transmitted. It must then be transformed into a pattern that can be distinguished by the ego, if the individual is to be consciously aware of the data.


Often the information is picked up translated by the subconscious and acted upon without conscious approval or recognition. In almost all cases, however, there must be an emotional attraction, for this is what allows for the initial transmission, and makes it possible.


The ego chooses channels of reception with great discrimination, and again, it censors anything which it feels is a threat to its dominance. In sleep, however, many dreams are of a telepathic nature, with strong clairvoyant overtones. You might want to consult a reliable clairvoyant or a tarot card reader to get your dreams interpreted. Understandably, the tarot card reader must be someone who is reliable and who could give you an insight into your subconscious thoughts and an article such as could help you find the right psychic to consult.

[However, it is to note that it is the ego’s persistent discrimination in choosing the stimuli to which it will react that determines the nature of physical time as it appears to the personality.] The ego, because of its function and characteristics, cannot make swift decisions as can the intuitive self. Therefore, it perceives events almost in slow motion.


What’s the job of the intellect, then?

In the future, the ego and intellect will expand to contain, use and appreciate all the other portions of the self which they now mistrust. Individual identity will expand to include a greater variety of impulses and stimuli. The ego will become more of an organizer, in general, letting in, literally, a barrage of experiences and forming them into meaningful patterns. Now it fears such experiences because it is not certain of its strength or of its ability to organize them.


I mentioned in our last blog that our scientist do not realize that man and woman have, indeed, evolved since the development of the brain. For it has learned to form millions of new connections, meanings and concepts, new gestalts that have made man  and woman something different than he or she was. All of these are new electromagnetic patterns which are now indelibly a part of the race.


The size of the brain has little to do with this beyond a certain point. The number of electrical connections are important, however, and even the old portions of the brain are affected by them. The old portions are not the same as they were. Physical examination only discloses their condition in the present.

Recorded Dream Documents

What is the point of it all? For one thing, records of our own precognitive dreams will convince us that we can perceive segments of the future. This personal knowing is far more vital than a bland intellectual acceptance that precognition may exist or is generally possible.


We don’t have to take precognition on faith. If we keep careful dream records, sooner or later we’ll find our own evidence of it. Each of my own precognitive dreams made a significant impression on me at the time and represented proof that I was moving in the right direction. Now I am much more interested in how precognition works, what triggers it and what translates into dream experience.


Each recaptured dream is not only a highly personal document but a clue into the nature of dream existence. Precognitive dreams are most evocative from this standpoint. The dreamer is baffled at his or her own ability to foresee a future event, and this makes him or her more than ordinarily curious about the nature of dream life in particular.


Even this intense interest waxes and wanes, however, in ordinary sequence of events. Some blog readers and I both go through periods when we forget to remember and wake up for weeks at a time with only a few dream fragments. Often, months go by without a precognitive dream, and then there is that odd sense of discovery — always fresh — of an event foreseen. Then the excitement hits again — of spying out the dreaming self and charting the strange environment in which it has its experience. Once more, I’m up at all hours, scribbling down my latest dream notes, checking them eagerly against daily happenings.


In such dreams, the physical future event is often perceived opaquely, distorted in at least some aspect, just as dream events are when seen from the viewpoint of waking life.


For those of you who want to conduct your own experiments, remember: A precognitive dream is one in which you receive future information that you could receive in no normal manner. The dream should be recorded and dated. Write everything down, no matter how trivial. If you remember only dreaming about a person or name, record that. When you awaken, do not make intellectual judgments concerning the relative importance of a dream or decide it is not pertinent enough to record. We often foresee very trivial events that seem to have no particular meaning to us. But as you’ll see, association can be at work, relating such experience in an intuitive rather than logical manner.


If possible, read your dream records at night, checking them against the day’s happenings. Once a week, check the whole series. Remember that symbolism is important. Often, you must learn your own way of handling dream symbolism to make sense of dream. Not every dream is precognitive, nor is there any reason to waste much time with interpretations that seem too nebulous. Some precognitive information will be in symbolic form. However, as a few of dreams will clearly show, if you do not know the meaning of a symbol, give yourself the suggestion that it will be made clear to you intuitively — thus trust your answer.


Precognition in dreams can give us pertinent information about events in which we have deep emotional interest.

The Inner Senses

The inner senses give much stronger impressions than those given by the outer ones. We should, in the future, be able to achieve the counterparts of sight, sound, smell and touch, embellished by inner counterparts of width and existence, using the inner senses. We have trouble now with the duration of our inner visions because we are trying to transpose them according to physical time — and this is going about it in the wrong way. As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, we have at our command, even now, an inroad, a relatively accessible one, in what is termed psychological time.


This is closely related to the second inner sense, and it is upon psychological time that we must try to transpose our inner visions. You can see how handicapped we are because of the difficulties involved in trying to explain inner data in terms of outer data. For instance, when I tell you that the second inner sense is like our sense of time, this does give some understanding of what psychological time is like, but we are apt to compare the two too closely.


Any communications coming through the inner senses will exist in our psychological time. Psychological time operates during sleep and quiet hours of consciousness. Now, in dreams we may have the feeling of experiencing many hours or even, days. These days and hours of psychological experience are not recorded by the physical body and are outside of the physical time camouflage. If in a dream, we experience a period of three days, physically we do not age for these days.


Psychological time is so a part of inner reality that even though the inner self is still connected to the body, we are, in the dream framework, free of some very important physical effects. Now, as dreams seem to involve us in duration that is independent of clock time, so can we achieve the actual experience of duration as far as our inner visions are concerned.


But the minute — the physical minute — we try to transpose these visions upon the physical minute, then we lose them. Many times, in so-called daydreaming, we have lost track of clock time, and this experience of inner duration has entered in.

“What did we intend clock time to begin with? Some ask.


It was invented by the ego to protect the ego, because of the mistaken conception of dual existence; that is, because man and woman felt that a predictable, conscious self did the thinking and manipulating, and an unpredictable self did the breathing and dreaming. He and she set up boundaries to protect the ‘predictable’ self from the ‘unpredictable’ self and ended up by cutting the whole self in half.


Originally, psychological time allowed man and woman to live in the inner and outer worlds with relative ease, and man and woman felt much closer to their environment. In prehistoric times, mankind and womankind evolved the ego to help him and her deal with camouflage patterns that they had created. This is no contradiction, as will be explained in later blogs. He and she did the job so well that even when he or her had things well under control, he or she was not satisfied. He and she developed at a lopsided level. The inner senses led him and her into a reality he and she could not manipulate as easily as he and she could physical camouflage, and he and she feared what he and she thought of as a loss of mastery.


Hypnosis can be used to better our condition. It is, after all, a method of acquainting the ego, through effects, with the abilities of the whole self of which it is a part.

When my readers reread my blogs, they will see that it must be studied carefully. One, point, however: conscious fear is usually the main hindrance as far as inner data is concerned. Therefore, a realization that theses senses belong to us and that they are quite natural, will help avoid the closing off of such data by the conscious mind.


If we remember this, inner data will come through much more easily, and we will be able to control it. It is never of itself overpowering. We can train ourselves in the recognition of such data, its utilization and control. Within the framework of psychological time we can also lengthen such experiences.


They are always paramount in evolutionary development, being the impetus behind the physical formations. The inner senses themselves, through the use of mental enzymes, imprint the data contained in the mental genes onto the physical camouflage material.


I become impatient, though I shouldn’t, with this continued implied insistence that evolution involves merely the human species –or, rather, that all evolution  must be considered some gigantic tree with humanity as the supreme blossom.


Humanity’s so-called supreme blossom seems to be the ego, which can be, at times, a poisoning blossom, indeed. There is nothing wrong with ego. The point remains, however, that man and woman became so fascinated with it that he has ignored the parts of himself or herself that make the ego possible, and he or she ignores those portions of himself or herself that gives to the ego the very powers of which he or she is so consciously proud.

Explore Places That Seem Empty

Our scientists are correct in supposing that the universe is composed of the same elements that can be found in our plane. However, the elements that they know are, of course, camouflage patterns, that may show themselves in a completely different form somewhere else.


The elements — those that we now know and those we will create — are camouflage of the basic stuff or vitality which we cannot discover with our outer senses. Our scientists will find that their tools are no longer adequate. Because man and woman have such a sense of curiosity, scientists will be forced finally to use the inner senses. Otherwise they will be dealing with camouflage only and find themselves in a blind alley — not because their eyes are closed, but because they are not using the right set of eyes.

The camouflage is necessary at this stage of development — intricate, complicated, various and beyond the understanding of the outer senses, which are the preceptors of the camouflage itself, peculiarly adapted to see that will give us any evidence at all of the basic nature of life.


Since very often the vitality or stuff of the universe seems as innocuous as air, then look for what we do not see. Explore places that seem empty, for they are full. Look between events. What we see clearly with the outer senses is camouflage. I am not suggesting that you take all this on faith. I am saying that what seems vacant lacks camouflage, and, therefore, if this is explored, it will yield evidence.

Effects would seem to be evidence. In correct terms, if a tree branch moves, then we take it for granted that something blows it. We know wind by its effects. No one has seen wind, but since its effects are so observable, it would be idiocy to say that it did not exist. Therefore, we will come up against the basic stuff of the universe and feel its effects, though our physical senses will not necessarily perceive it.


Granted, camouflage is, in itself, an effect. If we look at the observable world we can learn something about the inner one, but only if we take into consideration the existence of camouflage distortion. There is so much to be said here, and we have so much to learn, that sometimes I have to admit that I’m appalled.

Our own experience with creativity should help out here.


When we paint a picture, we are dealing with a transformation of energy and transformation of camouflage pattern. There is a brief but vital moment when we are dealing with the underlying vitality of which I have spoken.


We are forced to transform this energy into another camouflage pattern because of our earthly situation. There is nothing else we can do. But for this moment, we pluck this vitality from the inner senses. Then we transform it into a somewhat different, more evocative, new camouflage pattern that is, nevertheless, more fluent, more fluid than the usual pattern, and gives greater freedom and mobility to the vitality itself. We approach a transmigration of plane.


A certain distortion must be expected. The painting, however, achieves a certain freedom from camouflage, although it cannot escape it, and actually hovers between realities in a way that no thoroughly camouflaged object could do. Music and poetry also can achieve this state.

The more camouflage (physical dimensions) an art object has, the less its validity to the inner senses.


Our scientists can count their elements, and while they are on the wrong track, they will discover more and more elements until they are ready to go out of their minds. And while they create instruments to deal with smaller and smaller particles, they will see smaller and smaller particles, seemingly without end. As their instruments reach further into the physical universe, they will see further and further, but they will automatically and unconsciously transform what they apparently see into the camouflage patterns with which they are familiar. They will be, and are, prisoners of their tools.

More galaxies will seemingly be discovered, more mysterious radio stars perceived, until, the scientists realize that something is wrong. Instruments designed to measure the vibrations with which scientists are familiar will be designed and re-designed. All kinds of seemingly impossible phenomena will be discovered with these instruments.


The trouble is that the instruments will be designed to catch certain camouflages, and they will perform their function. They themselves transform data from terms we cannot understand into terms that we can understand. This involves a watering down of data, a simplification that distorts the original information out of shape. The original is hardly discernible when they are done. When we decipher one phenomena in terms of another, we always lose sight of whatever glimmer of understanding that may have reached us.

It is not a matter of inventing new instruments any longer, but of using the ‘invisible’ ones we have. These may be known and examined. This material itself is evidence. It is like the branch that moves, so that we know the wind by its effects; and a wind bag like me by the billowing gale of my mono-blogs.


Scientists realize that the atmosphere of the earth has a distorting effect upon their instruments. What they do not understand is that their instruments themselves are bound to be distortive. And, material instrument will have built-in distortive effects. The one instrument which is more important than any other is the mind (not the brain), the meeting place of the inner and outer senses.

The mind is distributed throughout the entire physical body, and builds up about it the physical camouflage necessary for existence on the physical level. The mind receives data from the inner senses and forms the necessary camouflage.


The brain deals exclusively with camouflage patterns, while the mind deals with basic principles inherent on all planes. The brain is, itself, part of the camouflage pattern and can be interpreted and probed by physical instruments. The mind cannot. The mind is the connective. It is here that the secrets of the universe will be discovered, and the mind itself is the tool of discovery.

We might say that the brain is the mind in camouflage. Imagination belongs to the mind, not the brain. Instruments may be used to force imagination to move along in terms of its owner’s personal memories, but it cannot be forced to move along the lines of conceptual thoughts because the imagination is a connective between the physical individual and the non-physical entity.


Mental enzymes, by the way, have a chemical effect or reaction on our plane, but the effect itself is, of course, distortion. On the other planes, the distortion effect may not be chemical at all.

As I have told in previous blogs, mental enzymes transform vitality into the particular camouflage patterns. A chemical imbalance in a physical body will also show itself as a corresponding distortion of sensual data. That is, when the chemical balance is disturbed, the physical world will appear to have changed. For the individual involved, the camouflage actually has changed.


The subconscious is a property of mind and is, to a large degree, independent of camouflage. While part of the subconscious must deal with camouflage, for example, the deeper portions are in direct contact with the basic vitality of the universe. When you wonder if this material comes from our subconscious, take it for granted that the subconscious is personal, dealing exclusively with matters of our past. We are sometimes willing to concede that perhaps some element of racial memory might enter in.


The subconscious, however, also contains the undistorted material of the mind, which is uncamouflaged and which operates between planes, knowing no boundaries.

Inner Backbone of Perception

Master events are those that most significantly affect our system of reality, even though the original action was not physical but took place in the inner dimension. Most events appear both in time and out of it, their action distributed between an inner and outer field of expression. Usually we are aware only of events’ exterior cores. The inner processes escape us.


Those inner processes, however, also give many clues as to some native abilities that we have used “in the past” as a species. Those inner processes do sometimes emerge, then. Here is an example.

One morning last weekend I found myself suddenly and vividly thinking about some married friends. They lived out of town, separated in time by a drive of approximately half and hour. I found myself wishing that the friends lived closer, and I was suddenly filled with a desire to see them. I imagined the couple at the house, and surprised myself by thinking that I might indeed call them later in the day and invite them down for the evening, even though my wife and I had both decided against guests that weekend.


Furthermore, I did not like the idea of making an invitation on such short notice. Then I became aware that those particular thoughts were intrusive, completely out of context with my immediately previous ones, for only a moment or so earlier I had been congratulating myself precisely because I had made no plans for the day or evening at all that would involve guests or other such activities. Very shortly I forgot the entire affair. Then, however, about fifteen minutes later I found the same ideas returning, this time more intently.

They lasted perhaps five minutes, I noticed them and forgot them once again. This time, however, I decided not to call my friends, and I went about my business. In about a half hour the same mental activity returned, and, finding myself struck by this, I mentioned the episode to my wife and again cast it from my mind.


By the time it was somewhat later in the day, my wife and I ate lunch, and the mail arrived. There was a letter written the morning before (on Friday) by the same friends that had been so much in my mind. They mentioned going on a trip (on Saturday), and specifically asked if they could visit that same afternoon. From the way the letter was written, it seemed as if the friends — call them Drick and Dorian — had already started on their journey that (Saturday) morning, and would stop in San Diego on their return much later toward evening. There was no time to answer the letter, of course.

Drick and Dorian would be on the road, it seemed, unreachable by cellphone, though they had included the number of their answering service, and had also written that they would call before leaving — yet no such call had been received.


It would be simple enough, of course, to ascribe my thoughts and feelings to more coincidence. I remembered the vividness of my feelings at the time, however. It looked as if Drick and Dorian were indeed going to arrive almost as it I had in fact called and invited them. That evening the visit did take place. Actually, some work had prevented the couple from leaving when they intended. Instead, they called later from their home to say that they were just beginning their trip, and would stop on their way.

I was well prepared for the call by then, and for the visit. Now the visit and my earlier feelings and thoughts were part of the same event, except that my subjective experience gave me clues as to the inner processes by which all events take place. More is involved than simple question: Did I perceive the visit precognitively? More is involved than the question: Did I perceive my information directly from the minds of my friends, or from the letter itself, which had already been mailed, of course, and was on its way to me at the time?


What we have is a kind of inner backbone of perception — a backup program, so to speak, an inner perceptive mechanism with its own precise psychological tuner that in one way or another operates within the field of our intent. This is somewhat like remote sensing, or like an interior radar equipment that operates in a psychological field of attention, so that we are somewhat aware of the existence of certain events that concern us as they come into the closet range of probabilities with which we are connected.

In a certain fashion we “step into the event” at that level. We accept or reject it as a probability. We make certain adjustments, perhaps altering particular details, but we step into and become part of the inner processes — affecting, say, the shape or size or nature of the event before it becomes a definite physical actuality.


For centuries that is the main way in which man and woman dealt with events of his or her life or tribe or village. Our modern methods of communication are in fact modeled after our inner ones. My thoughts almost blended in enough to go relatively unnoticed. They were almost innocuous enough to be later accepted as coincidence. They did have, however, an extra intentness and vitality and peculiar insistence — qualities that I have learned are indicative of unusual psychological activity. The point is that in most such cases the subjective recognition of an approaching event flows so easily and transparently into our attention, and fits in so smoothly with the events of the day, as to go unnoticed. We help mold the nature and shape of events without realizing it, overlooking those occasions when the processes might show themselves.

Even the conscious mind contains much more information about the structure of events than we realize we possess. The physical perceiving apparatuses of all organizations carry their own kind of inner systems of communication, allowing events to be manipulated on a worldwide basis before they take on what appears to be their final definitive physical occurrences in time and space.


Individually and globewide, value fulfillment is in a fashion the purpose of all events. Value fulfillment, again, is the impetus that drives the wheels of nature, so to speak. As the origin of our world did indeed emerge from the “world of dreams,” so the true root of all events lie in such subjective activities, and the answers to individual challenges and problems are always within our grasp, ready to appear in physical actuality.


In my next blog I hope to show the importance of value fulfillment on our own life, and give clues that will allow us to take better advantage of our own subjective and objective opportunities for such development.

Time Overlays

Time overlays are versions of master events, in that they occur in such a fashion that one “face” of an overall event may appear in one time, one in another, and so forth.


Time overlays are the time versions of certain events, then. These time overlays always exist. They may become activated, however, by certain associations made in our present, and therefore  draw into our present time some glimpses either from the future or the past. So-called present time is thickened, then, by a psychological realization on deep levels of the psyche that all events are interrelated, and that the reincarnational experiences of any given individual provide a rich source of experience from which each person at least unconsciously draws.

Such usually unconscious knowledge is of great benefit to the species itself, so that at certain levels, at least, the knowledge of the species is not imprisoned within any given generation at once, but flows or circulates within the overall larger reincarnational picture. Probabilities are very much involved here, of course, and it is easier for particular events to fall within one time sequence than  another.


I do not want us to feel that we are fated to experience certain events, however, for that is not the case. There will be “offshoots” of the events of our own lives, however, that may appear as overlays in our other reincarnational existences. There are certain points where such events are closer to us than others, in which mental associations at any given time may put us in correspondence with other events of a similar nature in some future or past incarnation, however. It is truer to say that those similar events are instead time versions of one larger event. As a rule we experience only one time version of any given action. Certainly it is easy to see how a birthday or anniversary, or particular symbol or object, might serve as an associative connection, rousing within us memories of issues or actions that might have happened under similar circumstances in other times.

Actually, that kind of psychological behavior represent the backbone of social organization as far as the species is concerned, and it is the usually hidden but definite past and future memories of reincarnational relationships that cement social organizations, from small tribes to large governments.


To a certain extent, or course, we have been or will be each related to the other. In that light all of the events of time rub elbows together. We brush against the elbow of a future or past event every moment of our lives.

In the culture that we know, such information remains hidden from us. Our main belief systems lead us to feel that our present life is singular, unsupported by any knowledge of prior experience with existence, and fated to be cut off or dead-ended without a future. Instead, we always carry the inner knowledge of innumerable available futures. Our emotional life at certain levels is enriched by the unconscious realization that those who love us from past or future are connected to us by special ties that add to our emotional heritage and support.


As many have supposed, particularly in fiction, love relationships do indeed survive time, and they put us in a special correspondence. Even as we were aware of reincarnational existences, our present psychological behavior would not be threatened but retain its prominence — for only within certain space and time intersections can physical actions occur. The more or less general acceptance of the theory of reincarnation, however, would automatically alter our social systems, add to the richness of experience, and in particular insert a fresh feeling for the future, so that we did not feel our lives dead-ended.

In earlier blogs I mentioned several times that we must reach a point at which we are able to see around the corner of seemingly contradictory material, and this is one of those occasions. Time overlays present us with a picture in which we have free will — yet each event that we choose will have its own time version. Now those time versions may be entirely different one from the others, and while we certainly initiate our own time version, in terms of usual understanding there is no true place or time in which that version can be said to actually originate.


Such a time version suggests an occurrence in time, of course, and yet the event may leave only a ghostly track, so to speak, being hardly manifest, while in another life the time version may be of considerable prominence — while in our own experience it represents a fairly trivial incident of an ordinary afternoon.

The inner core of events, however, is held together by just that kind of activity. We are at every hand provided an unending source of probable events from past and future, from which to compose the events of our lives and society. Again, let me remind  you that all time exists simultaneously.


In an experience last evening in the dream state, I received fresh evidence by viewing for myself portions of two other lives — merely snatches of environment, but so dearly filled with precious belongings and loved ones, so alive with immediacy — that I was shocked to realize that the full dimensions of existence could continue so completely in such detail and depth at the same time as my present life.

It seemed that I could step from any one such existence to the other as we might walk from one room to the other, and I knew that at other levels of the psyche this was indeed possible– and, of course, at other levels of the psyche those psychological doors are open.


I have had particular difficulty, however, with “the theory of reincarnation,” because as it is usually described, it seemed that people used it to blame as the source of current misfortune, or as an excuse for personal behavior whose nature they did not otherwise understand, and it has been so maligned. Its reality, however, serves to generate activity throughout time’s framework as we understand it, to unite the species, to reinforce structures of knowledge, to transmit information, and perhaps most of all to reinforce relationships involving love, brotherhood, and cooperation between generations of men and women that would otherwise be quite separate and apart from each other.

Through such relationships, for example, say, the cavemen and cavewomen and the people of the 22nd century rub elbows, where in strict terms of time the species would seem to be quite disconnected from its “earlier” or “later” counterparts.


Through such behavior the overall value fulfillment purposes and intents of the species are kept in focus, and those necessary requirements then planted in whatever space or time is required. Again, free will still operates in all such ventures.

Now while it seems that our world contains more and more information all the time, our particular brand of science is a relatively narrow one, in that it accepts as valid only certain specific areas of speculation. The areas outside of its boundaries become taboo, so that the realm of the unknown is no longer the material universe or the mysteries of space, but the interior universe and the mysteries of the mind as these are experienced or suspected to exist outside of those official areas. To that degree, the unknown is more feared by science than it ever was by religion.


Religion was hampered — and is — by its interpretation of good and evil, but it did not deny the existence of other versions of consciousness, or different kinds of psychological activity and life. Reincarnation suggests, or course, the extension of personal existence beyond one time period, independently of one bodily form, the translation or transmission of intelligence through non-physical frameworks, and implies psychological behavior, memory and desire as purposeful action without the substance of any physical mechanism — propositions that science at its present stage of development simply could not buy, and for which it could find no evidence, for its methods would automatically preclude the type of experience that such evidence would require.

People can become quite frightened, then, of any kind of experience of a personal nature that imply reincarnational life, for they are then faced with the taboos of science, or perhaps by the distorted explanations of some religions or cults. We therefore protect ourselves from many quite natural up thrusts that would on their own give us experience with our own reincarnational existences, and we are often denied psychological comfort in times of stress that we might otherwise receive.


I do not necessarily mean that full-blown pictures of other existences would necessarily come into our mind, but that in one way or another we would receive a support or change of mood as those loved by us in other lives in one way or another sensed our need and responded.


The entire nature of events, then, exists in a different way than we have supposed, only small portions slicing into the reality that we recognize — yet all underneath connected to a vast psychological activity. We might compare events to psychological consonants that underlay or underlie the more unusual features of physical psychological environment.