Category Archives: Physical Life


We are the Vanguard. As I have discussed previously, we have in all probability incarnated this time around to fulfill our obligations once again as advocate for our Mother Earth and for humanity.

Believe me when I say this…. it will take many hundreds of thousands of us to turn the tide of negativity and destruction on our world. Yet that is exactly what I propose in these Blog writings… that those of you who read my Blog words here and understand them, call upon your friends and family and business associates who may be of similar mind as you, to join us in this Research Project – the creation of positive realities.

Yet the majority of newly enlighten members of this family of ours will already be engaged on the subtle levels. Telepathy is the communication network on the Etheric Planes and all of us are well-versed in this system.

Additionally, of course, we also create worlds both probable and actual with our powerful thoughts. And so you see, this is the method. This is how we shall recreate the current Consensus Reality into one more attuned to the positive aspects of humanity: Love, Compassion, Courage.


The following experiment has as its objective, accessing the state of emerging reality we are calling the Consensus Reality Field. This is indeed a timeless experiencing, for we are within the webwork of creation in a pre-manifestation stage of awareness. Time as we think of it – linear time -does not exist.

In this state of awareness we will be cultivating, we will witness the emerging reality of the moment. As we know, the moment is all we have, Dear Blog Reader. The moment is all there truly is. It is only the emotional attachments to past, present and future moments that keep us tied to the wheel of life – the continuous unfolding of “events.” So this awareness we are asking to develop exists beyond time as we understand it. This state may be experienced through the use of the Inner Sense or Intuition.

This Reality Field is vast within our current Moment Point. For this reason, the researcher must narrow the focus of study to a simple line of inquiry. The World reality expressed in the “historical narrative,” you might say, includes the reputed “true” narratives of the various mass media of our planet. From this soup of converging “facts,” incidents, ideas and images, emerges what we are describing in this Blog as the status quo or Consensus World Reality.

So this Gestalt of Consciousness is largely a product of our Negative Media. Are you beginning to understand my point here? If we as a Scientist of Consciousness are to adequately access, understand and change for the better our perceived Consensus World Reality, we must certainly be at first very skilled in focusing on our subject. If we are not ultimately focused and strong in this endeavor, we will be “blown away” – a metaphor we have used before – by the energy, ideas and images we will face in this experiment.

We must be strong. The negative energies that seek to dominate our world are quite formidable, in that they are energized through the tapping into of fear within the population. Fear, hatred, anxiety, ruthlessness… these are the states of consciousness that feed the growth of the Negative Entities. So we must be fairly adept at transforming fear and anxiety into Courage, Loving Understanding and personal power. We must have reached an advanced state of self-awareness so that we will not be overcome when you enter the arena in which these Entities exist.

Now as we have also documented in these Blog writings, the Beings of Light, in a sense “riding” on a wave of benevolent energy – Love and Courage – are also active in the domain of Consensus World Reality creation. These Higher-Dimensional Beings and Spiritual MastersGestalts of Consciousness energized by the Loving energies of generations upon generations of “do-gooders” from our planet Earth and elsewhere – are actively confronting the Negative Beings on these levels of consciousness.

I trust you are with me so far. This may now all seem like a colorful fairytale for some of you in a fashion so that more are inclined to understand than deny.


Now this process begins with you. We are connected to everything in the created Universe through a divine relationship between the (CUs) Consciousness Units that make up our physical and etheric body and the CUs that combine to create those Reality Constructs that “seem” to reside outside of our consciousness. We only appear to be separate. We only seem to be disconnected from our environment. In actuality, our entire exterior world is first within us – within our creative consciousness or mind.

We have spoken of this essential within-ness of our world. Each and every physical Reality Construct is “born” from an idea within us that is cast upon our outside world, much as a motion picture projector casts the images onto a screen for our perception. This we already know.

Now these projections of physical reality serve a purpose for us individually, for others in our Soul Family and for those in our greater Soul Family – humanity. Much as we might learn a lesson from an educational film at our school, we learn our Life Lessons from the self -created “projections” of our ultimately creative human consciousness.

We might be thinking to ourselves, “Wonderful! I am connected to everything. This is a good theory to think about, but how can I use it practically in my daily life?” Of course, we are already using this knowledge in our everyday life. We are just doing so unconsciously in a rote fashion.

Knowing and accepting that we are the creator of our world may allow us to experiment with conscious creation. We will in fact be consciously co-creating our Soul’s agenda for learning. Victimhood falls away when such a perspective is established within our human mentality. Also, of course, we gain the great responsibility for creating positive Loving realities for the greater good of all.


Millions of us are assisted in our denial of the sacred by our leaders, by our nation, by our colleagues. This is why we continue to suffer the negative outcomes of our Consensus Reality creations. Excuse me for just one moment while I speak directly to those of you in the U.S.A. on the subject of “The Ugly American.”

It may well make you feel uneasy as I describe to you the shadow of our once great country. It is the negative counterpart to the positive expressions of our America. We will not hear of these discussions in our mass media, the Negative Media I have just described. This is the unofficial version of what has come from our actions as a nation upon the world stage.

With our very negative actions at this time, we are quite effectively preventing the manifestation of the New World – the Unity of Consciousness Dimension – within our collective awareness.

Our country, through our several wars, through our Negative Media and propaganda, through the tainting of our very culture with the evil of our leaders who have no sense for what is right for the people or the country, is preventing the perceptual breakthrough into the Fourth Dimension that I have been discussing in these Blog messages.

There are many of us who believe the lies told to us by our misguided leaders. It is true, often it is much easier to believe a lie. That is why many of us believe that all is well with our leaders and our country. For to question that authority would force us to acknowledge that the reality for us is just the opposite of the propaganda. Who wants to admit that they have been swindled? Who would easily admit that they were wrong on matters of such great importance?

It is a very, very important task to find and admit the TRUTH in these matters. For when the truth is found and acknowledged, only then does the work begin. All of the years of lies and manipulation have left us with a stagnant culture. The Soul’s evolution has been cut short. It is now time to begin our individual and collective transformation.


The creation of positive realities is our responsibility. It is a personal issue. Because we are the creator in physical reality, it is a matter of how aware we become of our responsibilities.

Now the great majority of us, it is true, will remain in a sleep state, in a manner of speaking, right up until the time of the Dimensional Shift. On the surface it will appear as though we are unaware of the changes that our civilization is going through. Yet for most of us, there will be a great change already underway on the subtle levels.

We are being prepared for the transformation in the dream state. We are not aware of this, however, as we go about our waking reality. We prefer to “pretend” that life as usual continues to unfold, without any great upheavals to anticipate.

For this group of people the shift will take place over-night, quite literally. They will awaken one day and suddenly appreciate the vast changes they have undergone, as individuals and as parts of the collective. These are of the type of humans that wishes to “not think about” the future that much, for the future will “take care of itself.” This group comprises many millions of us on our Earth,

To pretend that business as usual is being experienced at this time in our history is a form of denial, a denial of the Soul Self. On the level of the Soul’s experiencing, we know full well that great changes are underway for us.

Constantly we are reminded of this by Beings of Light as they transmit their messages into our mental sphere. It is a simple matter to ascribe these messages, as we stated in the first couple Blogs of this Series, to bad memories or other forms of “negative thinking.” Then we may go on our way, blissfully unaware on an ego/intellect level, of what our Soul most surely knows. Let us present an example to make this clear for the Blog Reader.

Suppose you are a typical human of the type I am describing. That is, you are one who discounts, perhaps as spiritual bullshit, the statements of your associates that describe the hearing of the voices of dead ancestors. Or else you deny accounts of those who describe the means to avoid a calamity they faced on the highway, as in an accidents or some such thing, as coming from a nonphysical source. The intuitive voice is discounted here, you see. These humans may even ascribe the great luck of winners of various prizes or monies from the inside information given to them by their Angels or etheric advisers to mere coincidence. They deny the voice of the sacred in the lives of others, and so they must be consistent as they deny the voice of the sacred within their own lives.


The Consensus Reality Field is our term for the broader field of Reality Creation of which we are a part by virtue of our individually created world. Our Personal Reality Field serves us well within our niche in our environment. It is “tailor made” according to our specifics, both conscious and unconscious. Now the broader field of Reality Creation may be thought of as comprising, for example, our neighborhood, our city, our state, our country, our hemisphere and finally our world – the planet Earth.

I will not bore you with more descriptions of how we create the Personal Reality Field. Suffice it to say that you and the others who live in our neighborhood, achieve a consensus while sleeping on what will be created, in so far as our neighborhood goes, upon awakening. Obviously this holds true for the manifestation of our city’s Consensus Reality, our state’s and so on.


Now briefly, our world is in the middle of the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. In our U.S.A. and other countries we risk succumbing to the forces of hatred and totalitarianism. As our election will again demonstrate, the system is broken. The will of the people is subverted.

It will take action on the part of many millions of us in the West to turn the tide. We do not have the numbers yet because we are complacent and afraid. But as the media gradually begin to present truthful stories for all to read, our numbers will grow. Act now to help make it happen. Participate in our community to encourage the truthful representation of reality within our media and within our communities.


We often use the phrase in these new Blog messages, “I am not telling you to something you do not already know.” This is a statement of fact. We are merely reminding you the Blog Reader of the knowledge you have acquired in your many voyages into physical form. This information on the nature of reality and the use of energy, you first brought with you from your existence in non-physical reality, before your ” physical” birth into human body. Now this knowledge also is a part of your FUTURE heritage, if you may understand this conundrum of mine.

Perhaps a better way to describe the relearning phenomenon in which we are engaged is this… bleed throughs – the perceptual breakthrough of our current self into other Simultaneous Lives – occur throughout our waking and dreaming periods. These are learning “field trips” in which our current conscious perception tunes-in on one or more of our past, other current or future lives. This is a function of the multitasking Soul Self as we awaken to our multidimensional experiencing. This is the acquiring of the Divine Knowledge we constantly refer to in these Blog manuscripts.

On a basic level, we already know this material. That is why it seems so familiar to you. That is why it seems so true. You have perfected this system in your numerous future incarnations, again in your familiar terms, assuming the linear time illusion that is favored in our dimension. And so you see, I use the phrase “this you already know” as a device to hopefully trigger memories here.

The little bleed-throughs that we experience I hope will keep us motivated enough to continue the voyage. These are tools the non-physical beings use as we attempt to educate humanity. The phrase is a deep and empowered one, a profound suggestion. However, just accepted it playfully and see where it leads us. This phrase may help us to wake-up to our greater reality.


Let us provide another example here. To recap for the Blog Reader, it is my suggestion that the great majority of human beings realize what are the Lessons they have come to Earth to learn. They are perceived as faint memories by most of us.

These distant perceptions are glimpses of the Soul Self as it attempts to penetrate the barrier of the ego/intellect. These “memories” may indeed be “powered” by the Negative Emotions. That is precisely why we avoid thinking about these Lessons. It is a wholly natural response to the Negative Emotions: avoidance.

Now the example concerns a human in the throes of bringing up to the surface of consciousness their Wisdom Lessons. Perhaps they have avoided thinking about these issues for many years, perhaps the majority of the life lived. However, now it is time to confront this difficult material, come what may.

Specially, let us say that this human has avoided social contact with others to any degree out of fear of being criticized. Perhaps they were criticized relentless by others when they were young. This fearful approach has become a lifestyle, forcing the subject to live behind closed doors, in a sense, even though they secretly yearn for human contact.

As we have stated in The Healing Regimen Blog, the diabetic, for example, may be learning Lessons of appreciation and Love with this illness. They have not enjoyed the sweetness that life offers, such as perhaps the special contact so necessary to normal development for the human. To remedy this, it is suggested that one would intentionally LEARN how to appreciate the life being lived.

The human would do well to attempt to EMBODY appreciation, to BECOME appreciation. The next simple step would be to courageously transmit this LEARNED emotional state to others intentionally. The sweetness of life is sweet indeed, but only when we notice it and experience it and then “pass it along” to others, to use the vernacular.

I am certain that this message from The Entity is appropriate for many of us, beyond those who are “diabetic.” To embody the opposite of the Negative Emotions we are experiencing, is a very potent method of magical creation.


Now there are times for us, as researchers and learners of Lessons, when we may seem to be engaged in ardently co-creating our reality in a very responsible fashion. We are “doing everything right,” let us say, and diligently attending to the transformation of Negative Emotions into their divine opposites. We are doing so very well in this endeavor that we perhaps feel as though we should be rewarded in some way, feeling that the Powers That Be could “have mercy” on us, so that we might relax and enjoy ourselves for a period of time. Yet let us say that we still continue to experience a challenging existence with a series of quite negative events serving to “drive home” this harsh reality.

“Am I being singled out for punishment,” you might ask yourself. Now we must at times such as these, revert back to first principles. We create our own reality. If we are feeling victimized, we are ultimately the tormentor. If we are in the midst of painful, negative personal dramas, we are ultimately the director, the producer and also the cast of these dramas.

We are composed of many personality aspects within our Personal Reality ego/intellect. But our greater personality or Higher Consciousness also participates through a lending of energy to the “dramatic flow” of the events in our life. In this way, we are whole – the cosmos – and us are also the individuals living component of the whole. I believe I must elaborate further on this phenomenon for our ULTIMATE understanding.

The reason that we sense a familiarity in the scenes of our everyday life, as if all of the characters in these daily dramas of ours are our “relations,” is that everyone we meet and interact with moment-to-moment is indeed our relation. The relevant aspects of our Higher Self are reflected through these other personalities relative to the learning of our individual, Soul Family and Entity Lessons.

Naturally there would be a familiarity in this dance of synchronicity we know as physical reality. We act in concert, then, at any one time and all of the time, with our cohorts, keeping our appointments with “perfect strangers,” to enact our behaviors in the quest for Value Fulfillment. We shall have more to say on this phenomenon in our forthcoming Blog on Soul Family.


This is our life, you see. This dramatic and sometimes comedic performance in Earthly flesh is our life, for which we have PURPOSEFULLY incarnated. We are experiencing both the positive and the negative life has to offer. Yes it is true that we inevitably age and die, perhaps being subject to much pain and suffering; yet there is also joy in these sequential moments of our life.

With the proper attitude we may even experience our suffering moments in what can be described as “joyful appreciation.” This may be difficult to comprehend for some of us. Let us have an example of how this paradox of feeling and behavior might be experienced by any one of us as we go about our meaningful lives.

As we awaken to the Unity of Consciousness Dimension, we will gradually become more aware of our Simultaneous Lives. Within these lives we are living the broad spectrum of existence. Thus, as we retain memories of a life lived within a society as a tortured being who is daily subjected to painful living experiences, we may compare this life with our current existence in the modern world.

Do you see how we might experience a sense of joyful appreciation for our current life? Relative to other lives we are living in the midst of great pain and suffering, our current existence may be regarded as joyful and complete.