Category Archives: Lessons


The following descriptions of consciousness activity in the Third Dimension are framed in terms of polarity, trajectories of evolution, states of consciousness, and so on. Here we hope to portray the vast field of possible visionary experience in a concise form. These are terms we use when describing phenomenon such as: remembering the Ancient Wisdom, the Awakening, and the Healing Journey.


In the telepathic network the supports all activities in the Third Dimension, you are connected to everything via the Consciousness Units. This connectivity enables the emergence into your world of your day-to-day realities with some consistency.


The New Age canon has a source that is as ancient as the Earth herself. We call this source the Ancient Wisdom. In great cycles of expression, at appropriate times in our history, this information rises up within the collective consciousness and insists on acknowledgement. Naturally it is the expressive among us who first heed this call. You are prompted by these impulses to express yourself, to express your vision. It is no coincidence, therefore, when the visionary content shows similarities across vastly different populations from all over our Earth.

Look around us at our modern media. In every country of the world we will find the visionary artists creating their works for the highest good of all. The essence of these works is the same regardless of the tongue or the territory. From the collective consciousness of All That Is, the ancient truths are finding a voice, right when material is needed the most.


All of these are indicators that we are experiencing The Visionary Perspective in our lifetimes. This perspective has a particular vocabulary associated with it as well as other elements that help to distinguish it from other perspectives. Here in this Blog Series we will discuss some of these Metaphysical concepts. We will remind that this information is timeless, for it is always there within our consciousness in all of our lives.

And we hope to demonstrate that we are all talking about the same thing, here. The spiritual authors from our personal timeframe, the metaphysicians from our past, ALL of us are presenting this Blog material in our own ways, in our own words, for the enlightenment of the average citizen of our world.


Another important aspect of this perspective is that of Awakening. We are creating this Blog Series for the person who is waking-up to their greater reality. Indeed, this Blog material will not make sense to you if you are otherwise.

How can you tell if you are one of these people? Take this simple quiz:

  • Do you find that you are deep in your Issues and Lessons, the reasons you came to Earth at this time?
  • Are you attracted to the various spiritual movements of your era?
  • Are you experiencing graphic demonstrations in your Personal reality of The shift in consciousness and other so-called “supernatural” phenomena?
  • Do you sense that time is somehow speeding up for you, as though you are quickly coming to the brink of a great transformation?

Our Free Will choices determine the specifics of how we create our reality. We also call this perspective Intent of Divine Will when it is informed by the Higher Centers of Awareness.


We are in our systems to learn how to use energy to create what we want…

The New Age Canon

” I am on Earth to be happy.” “It all works out for the best.” “There are no accidents.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Each cloud has a silver lining.” ” There is an inner world that gives birth to the outer.” “You create your own reality.” These are some of our modern sayings from the New Age, metaphysical, and spiritual genres of literature. They each have sense of magic about them, do they not? The very notion that, “You create your own reality” holds within it the presumption of power, of fertile creative energy.

Now I have some good news for you. If you subscribe to these magical Precepts you are certainly on the right track in your evolution. For you ARE on Earth to be happy, Dear Blog Reader. This is quite true. And we do create our own reality, what we now call the Personal Reality Field in my Blogs. Specifically, we are in our system to learn how to use energy to create what we want, what we desire.

I speak to you from a particular perspective, one that is outside of our much theorized space/time continuum. I see that some may doubt this statement. Some will fear that you are in your dimension to suffer and experience pain and disappointment – at least for the better part of the journey – on the way to another highly theorized locale you call “heaven.” This limited perception is a gift from our ancestors and others who have taught us through religious conditioning the “benefits” and perhaps “Spirituality” of Lack.

We could say that these New Age concepts answer the question, “Why am I on Earth?” in a very affirmative fashion. This movement, indeed, is a response to the naysayers, those who have controlled us for many hundreds of years. The New Age emphasize the Virtues of Humanity, the experiencing of Love and pleasure by everyone, healthy self-esteem with an absence of shame, guilt, and the other detrimental states of consciousness. I think that we can immediately sense how this perspective – we shall call it the Visionary Perspective – challenges the status quo espoused by our governments, our mainstream religions, our military establishments, our Negative Media, and other authorities.


We are now referring to my new Blog material as a Teaching, as a Path of Awakening. It is a path toward independence, generally, away from authority figures and towards a realization that the answers to all questions are to be found within the personal consciousness: your personal consciousness. As a student of your own existence, you are expected to examine your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors as a scientist would, a Scientist of Consciousness. Because you are studying yourself, objectively, Lovingly, you will observe instances of denial, intellectualization, cynicism, egoic pontifications, and so on. The negative emotions are noted, their origins identified, as plans are implemented to transform these negative states of consciousness into their opposites.

This is the crux of the matter. The student of the Personal Reality attempts to fine-tune the expression of Reality Creation for the highest good of all. Why “the highest good of all ?” When you make your Transition do you wish to die alone, or with the entirety of existence – the Universe – supporting you?

Now please observe that I am addressing you as a particular type of human. Obviously there may be Blog Readers who are not on-board with us in these arcane studies. These directions are not for this type. And this is where the concept of Resonance comes in quite profoundly. If this material does not Resonate with you on some level, if it does not pique your interest and compel you to read on, it is probably not for you. Resonance, you see. It is at the foundation of all activities in Reality Creation.

Let me remind you that we suggest continuous use of the Ritual of Sanctuary as you perfect your Practice and carry out your Regimens. The Ritual of Sanctuary is explained in previous Blogs.


Now we live many lives and those with whom we are experiencing our current life also live their many lives. And just as those humans with whom we interact in our current existence – our genetic family, our adoptive family, our colleagues, our acquaintances – are learning their individual Lessons with us now, so too are each of us in what we are calling the Soul Family, learning our Lessons together in other Lives. In all of our lives, in whatever era we are experiencing our lives – Renaissance Europe, for example, or perhaps within a tribal unit in our prehistoric past – we are also interacting with Soul Family members, the same group of people with whom we always interact, for they live their lives just as we do: in different bodies, in different times in different circumstances


Our Current Reality

Thank you for staying with us in our new Blog Project. To begin, as you very well know my friend. You create your own reality. This has been my primary refrain to humanity in my messages over several years, and I fervently hope that you remember. In this moment and in every moment of our life, we form the world that we know, even as everything else within our reality cooperates with us in this creation process.

Our world is made from Consciousness Units: awarized elements of energy that seek out the fulfillment of infinite values in the manifestation of Reality Constructs of infinite variety. This etheric substance – the stream of manifestation – literally travels outward from our body to create the world that we then experience. It is fantastic. It is unbelievable. It IS the way we create our reality, Dear Blog Reader. For in this endeavor of Reality Creation, everything that can happen does happen, all in the spacious moment of creation – the eternal moment of NOW.

Included in this construction project of the Soul is the creation of our own physical body within a context of multi-dimensional existence. We do indeed live countless lives; some are lived in our past, some are lived in our present, and some are lived in our future. We have referred to these as the Simultaneous Lives and also the Reincarnational Existences. These lives are our lives throughout time.


To simply, to distill, to bring forward out of darkness these ancient truths, we present a theory of reincarnation that will be understood by the average modern. You needn’t have an encyclopedic grasp of the information we are providing here, to read, to enjoy, and to employ the messages. A willingness, a desire, a rekindled memory is all that is needed to begin and sustain you in these Blog Studies.

And as I said before on other Blogs, the new theory is presented in hopes that you may come together as differences at the expense of our similarities. In the new Blog material I am rectifying that by drawing attention to this Oneness of the human consciousness. We are all one great expression of the Divine – All That Is. Now let me provide supporting material for this statement….


We have a saying:”There is a reason for everything.” This statement is quite close in meaning to another of my favorites: “There are no accidents.” Indeed, there ARE reasons for everything. There are spiritual reasons for each and every behavior, emotion, and thought created by the human being. Dear Blog Reader, this series, as well as all of the other Blog Series I have written since 2014, is a Blog on spirituality.

I hope I have not frightened you away with my revelation. I am quite aware that the term may bring up uncomfortable images and emotions for some of my Blog Readers. However, because there are no accidents, we simply assume that you are reading this Blog for very good reasons. Perhaps you were prompted by “impulse” to pick this particular Blog and read it online. Perhaps you were drawn to the image of this Blog in some search engine on the Internet or elsewhere. Perhaps you are a longtime Blog Reader of the current Blog material. Whatever the case with you, I realize that it is my job, as the host here, to catch your attention in the moment, and then hopefully keep your mental awareness focused in my direction long enough to get the message I am attempting to convey to you. I take my job quite seriously. The message is, also, of a serious nature.

Now whether you are just beginning to explore the non-physical world or whether you are an old hand at these adventures, I will know I am successful when you make the Courageous and Loving gesture toward learning the Lessons of physical reality in a conscious and deliberate fashion. Spirituality is just that, you see. It is really quite simple. That is why we call it waking up. We are waking up to our true reality: a reality of the moment-to-moment learning of Lessons.


Does this or that civilization, though, exist in fact, you may ask? Does our Western civilization or our American empire exist? These are philosophical propositions. For the more we explore our Personal Reality in an attempt to find proofs, the more we find that all is composed of consciousness.

Now consciousness, as we know, and as some of our more conscious scientists also know, is limitless. Being limitless it achieves any form. In this view, do you see that the possibility exists for not only these few theorized cultures we describe in this Blog to exist, but for ALL permutations into physical form, of any and all probable social, political, and spiritual constructs to exist? All possible civilizations exist. Period. All thoughts or images entertained by humans seek our fulfillment in the form of Reality Constructs, including civilizations.

We may take this as a disclaimer, if you wish. Yet it is, you must admit, an intensely empowering disclaimer. It is empowering for YOU the individual explorer of consciousness.