Category Archives: ISSUES


However, specifically for our project here, we shall discuss the Sumari briefly. Because this group is primarily composed of the Vanguard we describe in the new Blog material – the Magicians, Shamans, Witches and Healers – I feel that we can once again speak of this group. It is germane to this discussion of the awakening of humanity, of The Shift in consciousness, of the remembering of the Ancient Wisdom, and other subjects we focus on in my new Blogs.

What has been called the New Age movement in literature, in the arts, in the social, political, and spiritual arenas, is being driven by the Sumari family of consciousness. We are always instigators of the beneficial and ENLIGHTENING movements of humankind. And so we are again gathering forces in our modern time frame to remember the Ancient Wisdom together.

Of course it is not enough to simply remember this material and reinforce it among ourselves in the Sumari collective. In order to be effective we must , as individuals and as a collective of do-gooders, see to it that our systems are transformed fo the highest good of all concerned. Simply: it is our duty to use Love with a capital in all of our behaviors to humanize all of the domains of human interaction and development. This is what we do, you see, this is our modus operandi, so to speak.

To this end, some of us will carry out our duties overtly, as in the practice of the New Agers. We will act in public under the flag, so to speak, of the Sumari: the Lovers of humanity. Others of us that are indeed the reincarnation of this Sumari family, will act covertly, undercover, without fanfare, without notice, really, yet certainly with the same precise agendas as our colleagues: to co-create a Loving world for ourselves, our families, and for all humanity.


During this time, the Earth was in upheaval in a social, religious, and political sense. The old ways were failing in all institutions, including remember, the basic structures within small tribal units. The cycle of development of humans upon the Earth was at a point in which more “information” was necessary from the Logos, you might say. A new energy, a new system of thought was required to take the place of the crumbling systems of order.

Because evolutionary consciousness – All That Is – does not seek its own annihilation, but rather a continuous development to all points of probability within all dimensions, these divine emissaries were sent into physical incarnation to “save” the planet, to save humanity. These rescue efforts of All That Is survive within our spiritual traditions in the documented mythological adventures of the rescuing gods and goddesses of the pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, for example, but also you see, within virtually ANY world religion from ANY of the thousands of collectives of humans throughout time.

As an aside, we are currently at just such a crossroad in our development, when we as a race are calling out to the Divine to be “saved;” saved from our own negative manifestations.


The Hunza are technically NOT a Mystery Civilization, for much is known of this collective within the “historical record.” However please allow me to comment on this people as representatives of what might be called the “original” teachings of the Masters. The Masters are those Teachers who come into your reality every few thousand years on Earth.

Now it is well known to us that a personality known as Christ presented himself to the people of the Middle East some two thousand years ago. Also it is well known that, around that same time, other Teachers, other masters incarnated into the societies of the Asian continent and others. Muhammad was another Teacher incarnated about the same time. The Buddha and the Buddhist teachers are quite well known as having influenced the peoples in Asia. These are all known to us, no doubt, as a spiritual practitioner and as a student of religious generally.

However, please note that during this incredibly fertile period that witnessed the propagation of these various paths within the world community, OTHER Masters, OTHER Teachers, also came into physical reality to inform the members of thousands of other collectives upon our planet. We are speaking here of small tribal units on our African continent, as well as large congregates of spiritual practitioners within our aboriginal tribes in Australia, for example.


Now GA did not exist as a pure matriarchy for the extent of its reign upon the European Continent. The country was forced to defend their extensive borders from infiltration by warring tribes of various types and nationalities. This is the way it was, in fact. However, let me take a brief side road here in my explanation. I will ask you to conceive of what we know of human history, what we have read in books, learned in school and observed in our dramatic representations, as a highly subjective and romanticized portrayal of what actually occurred.

You may know that the history of the world is the history of the victors. It is the winning tribe, country, civilization that “lives to tell the tale,” so to speak. Typically, the historian has a cultural bias. They have created their ” truthful” depictions according to their own perceptions within their individual Personal Reality Fields, you see. This is the way is has always been done. And so our written histories are lacking in truth, always.

To put it another way here: our history books and portrayals will NEVER be able to give us a comprehensive view of even one second of historical experiencing by an individual, much less a country or people. This is because, please remember, everything that has a probability of happening, does indeed happen. And so if we were to document the history of even one second of the world, to be comprehensive we would have to document the multitude of probable experiences, thoughts, imagines and emotions entertained by this single human. This is a fine point, to be sure, yet I trust I have given some perspective here in our analysis.


In other words: yes we are slaves to consumerism and the agenda of the Negative Entities, but YOU ARE ENSLAVING YOURSELF. The responsibility for our choices resides with us personally. It does not do to blame our society or some distant negative figure: “The devil made me do it.” We are responsible.


As I said, this is not technically a Mystery Civilization we are describing. Yet this does demonstrate the reality of evolutionary consciousness – of All That Is. We are reminded that the path of development much more resembles a continuum than a staged series of phenomena with discrete nameable societies existing within separate time-frames.

The Negative Entities have informed humanity forever, in our terms. They exist currently, in this moment, as probable evolutionary paths for the Soul Self. We are a physical being, yet we also inhabit the non-physical world. We are in contact with Entities of all types. These Annunaki influences, then, are quite pronounced in our collective consciousness currently. The manifestation, of collective negative realities REQUIRES the direction and energetic support of this Gestalt of Consciousness. Through our free will choice, as we live our life in the modern world, we ally with different Entities. If you ally with the Negative entities through entertaining negative thoughts, images, and emotions within your psyche, you endorse and strengthen the Negative Entities.

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Specifically here: if you accept the information stream of greed, of ruthlessness, of murderous intent, into your mental sphere, you are assisting the Annunaki in their agenda of fear, anger, domination, and despair.

With regards to the claim that these Negative Entities are enslaving mankind, I must concur. I have stated before that the modern human is a slave to consumerism, to the buying of shiny objects. The activities of the Annunaki are feeding this desire to consume. Yet this group is merely another Gestalt of Consciousness that exists for us in our mental sphere.. We could just as easily CHANGE OUR PATTERN and choose to ally our Reality Creation energies with Beings of Light.


Are we enslaved by the Annunaki? There is an author who says we were enslaved from the beginning. Is the Annunaki at it again?

Negative Entities

Certainly these beings exist within their own dimension of experiencing. These are the Negative Entities we speak of in our Blog work. This particular expression within physical reality, the Annunaki, was thought of as extraterrestrial in origin – “from another planet,” as we say – and indeed this was their genesis originally. Yet we well know that ALL OF US, all of the Earth beings, have come from other systems originally.

Our Earth is quite young compared to other planets and other environments that hold upon them the living organisms. These Negative entities, the Annunaki, are quite ancient.

Now this collective was not completely embodied within physical reality as we think of it. Their consciousness did not seek out complete expression within human form. The main expression was one of concerted influence upon the mental functioning of the residents of Earth in order to control “productivity.”

Over the generations, then, we have the influence of this Negative Entity exerting control over humanity through the Negative Emotions. The negative Entities, remember, thrive on the emotional states of fear, anger, anxiety, greed, ruthlessness. These negative Idea constructs – composed of Consciousness Units, again I remind – coalesce on the subtle levels where they act as blueprints for the fabrication of negative Reality Constructs.


It is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were…

In our Blog Thought Reality we gave the reader a review of this current material. In that Discussion we spoke of the “folly” of believing in the death of God. Some can sense this thoughtform that was entertained by great numbers of you. You in the West were looking for something more, something less religious, something more easily grasped, I suppose.

The irony in this statement – God is Dead – is that it is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were. The ego/intellect dissolves abruptly during the Transition revealing only the Soul’s perspective. This perspective sees no duality with relation to the Divine. The Soul knows that it IS eternal, it is NOT separate, it IS both a part of and the complete whole of All That Is.

It is unfortunate that many, perhaps out of fear of being perceived as “weak” or perhaps “mentally challenged,” do not go on that inner journey. To these humans it is a surprise that they ARE God, they ARE eternal, they are NOT dying, but merely transforming their energy into something else.


We are now experiencing bleed-throughs to our other existences…

We are visionary. The vision we will perceive is wholly dependent upon our personal experiences, our thoughts, the images we have within our consciousness at any one time. It is a very personal thing, then, this vision. It is in truth an intimate portrayal of our momentary spiritual awakening.

We have said that the vision is often quite brief: a fraction of a second, usually. However, because these events exist outside of time for the most part, we may return to these visionary experiences and witness them in their full sustained glory. You do this in the Trance state or the meditative state, of course, in a ritual fashion. Using our Intent we revisit the visionary glimpse and we focus upon the various aspects of the event.

For example: suppose you are going about your business in your waking existence, and you quite suddenly have a powerful, yet brief epiphany, as we call it. Let us say that previously you were perplexed about the actions and hurtful behaviors of a loved-one. Now suppose that this loved-one “acted out of character,” and was intentionally cruel to you. You have been wondering why for many days or weeks. Then it occurs to you: because you are a researcher of your personal reality, and because you are now experiencing bleed-throughs to your other existences, you are finding correlations between the Issues and Lessons of your current existences and those Lessons you are learning in other existences, in your perceived past, let us say.

Now this will seem outrageous to those of us who are not doing the work in these Blogs of mine. Please bear with me…


The subtext of the reincarnational drama: the hidden meaning , in other words..

Suppose that, because you have found a similarity of behavior in a loved one from this past existence and the behavior of your current loved one, you are therefore receiving more information – background information, quite literally – concerning your current existence and the current problematic loved one. This we also call the subtext, as in the subtext of the reincarnational drama:the hidden meaning, in other words.

With this new information a threshold of understanding is reached subconsciously. Suppose you have a brief glimpse into your past-life and witness the counterpart to your current loved one experiencing harm at your hand. This could indeed be violent harm directed at this loved one from another life, by you in your past-life body, your Simultaneous Life.

Now in your current existence you are using an entirely different body than in the past and the human that you abused in the past-life is inhabiting the body of the loved one that has been intentionally cruel to you for no apparent reason. Yet now, after the epiphany, the moment of increased understanding, you have an apparent “cause” of the intentionally cruel behavior. This may be “pay back,” in a sense, in response to a relatively innocuous perceived slight experienced by the loved one in question. The loved one is responding to a much greater slight received AT YOUR HAND in the past-life.

The epiphany is quite productive and healing, here, if you take the time to meditate on it. It may allow you to take this behavior with a grain of salt, as we say. Yes, they are overreacting currently. However, in the past-life experience. YOU were the perpetrator of much greater abuse on this loved one. It is an opportunity, therefore, to not react with anger and fear but with Loving Understanding and Courage, having seen the bigger picture.


Gradually you gain some control over these bleed throughs…

You may at this time be sensing bleed-throughs from some of these lives in which you are experiencing negative emotional states. I have discussed this briefly in my Blogs of decades ago. The bleed-throughs begin spontaneously without any foreshadowing. The emotional materials, at first, is difficult to assess. One moment you may be in quite good spirits, and the next moment, though nothing has changed in your current existence, you are in quite low spirits. Your current mental environment has been contaminated by the past-life negative emotions.

It would be advantageous at these times to bring in your Sanctuary and protect your consciousness from further encroachment. Over time, using Sanctuary as a protective mechanism, the spontaneous connections to the negative past lives occur less often. Gradually you gain some control over these bleedthroughs, so that you can experience them on your terms.

For example: this type of information from your other lives may be necessary for your continued growth. Facing the negative aspects of your greater self may be a part of your awakening experience. Exploring these past-life sources of current negative experiencing may help you to achieve control in other areas of your life.