Category Archives: HEALING


In other words: yes we are slaves to consumerism and the agenda of the Negative Entities, but YOU ARE ENSLAVING YOURSELF. The responsibility for our choices resides with us personally. It does not do to blame our society or some distant negative figure: “The devil made me do it.” We are responsible.


Our star system is hidden from view by other systems. I commented on this in my Blog Series on Soul Evolution. Our North American tribes originated from this star system. Inter-dimensional travel is instantaneous, in that one moment, the subject is existing on their home planet and in the next, they are living their life upon Earth, many light years from home, in our terms. To extend this description somewhat: the subject here would not be surprised or traumatized by this event. The subject, as an Etheric Being, would know quite well what was instore for them. They would know that they were to travel to Earth as an envoy of the sacred. All That Is, to assist in the creation of civilization.

Some of these beings traveled to the Third dimension of earth to serve as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This group serves humanity as the intermediaries between the physical and non-physical worlds. They are the beings that have been personalized by humanity to act as various gods, goddesses, and sacred beings.

These sacred beings, then, served as the Gestalts of Consciousness – the energy blueprints – for the creation of the spiritual world of the Native American tribes and indeed for many of the tribes of the South American continent. This simply means that the origin myths of the aboriginal tribes are not “imagined” – they are not the product of the ingestion of herbs and other potent screments, though these have certainly assisted the psychic voyagers within these tribes in identifying and cataloguing the divine spirits – they are as real as any other perceived/created Reality Construct we care to name.


As do all of our exercises and experiments in this new Blog material, The Healing Regimen begins with the Ritual of Sanctuary. This act of protection and Sanctuary I suggest you perform in the morning as you rise for the day and at regular intervals throughout your waking day.

In the beginning I would also suggest that you use your Intention and perseverance to cut your affiliations – your metaphysical, psychic connections – to any Gestalts of Consciousness that feed to you negative information, such as symptom- creation strategies, dire predictions, negative prognosis information etc. The “voices” of these Energy Forms are the energetic supports onto which you fasten the body of your created reality. So it is very important for you, on your Healing Quest, to heed the voices of ONLY those Energy Bodies that may assist you in bringing balance to your physical, mental and spiritual being. These benign and beneficial energies are easy to recognize. As you attempt to find these “voices,” you may notice that your emotional state is transformed as you “tune-in” to the Loving energies.


Hypothesis: By embodying the opposite of the inflated ego/intellect humility is achieved.


We have spoken in our Blogs on the value of a concept we call “the humble god or goddess.” The basis here is Love with a capital L. This Love is pervasive: for oneself, for others, also. Love predominates in all of our interactions.

Yet in this description lies an inherent dichotomy, for the humble human is also charismatic. The lover of humanity is a beacon to others. It is quite attractive this humility of spirit. To manifest both charisma and humility is the mark of the self-realized, the enlightened, the awakened ones.

No polarizing means embodying the opposite of the identified emotional state. You intentionally live the opposite of, for example, the egotistical state. The opposite might be described as a state of humility. Thus, you would visualize yourself as the humble one, and all that it might entail. Imagine how that would feel. Imagine your specific behaviors as the humble one and then embody them. Act them out in your waking reality.

During this experiment it may dawn on you that you are also polarizing your state of humility. The opposite of a state of humble awareness you might call charisma. In this way, you are holding together the poles of human emotion. Within the two extremes there exists a broad field of emotional experiencing for the awakening human.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings.


The churches and the religious will become more democratic…

We have systematically over the generations given away our creative powers to those in perceived authority. Of these authorities the religious authority is perhaps the most powerful. It is not uncommon, for example, on our Sunday observance, for millions of humans to engaging in the obedience to religious authority. See what occurs in our communities in the Christian nations during our religious holidays. Whole peoples are seen enacting rituals of the holidays, celebrating the life of The Christ.

Now we’re here does the authority lie? Primarily, as the intermediary between humanity and the Divine, it is with the priest first, and then the members of the church hierarchy. The officials are entrusted with the powers of creation given by the practitioners.

Now we have spoken elsewhere of the necessity in this time of awakening, to think these power exchanges that the individual has with the intermediaries of the Divine. As this occurs, and many of us begin to take back power from religious figures, the churches and the religions will become more democratic. They will become humanized. The rituals will be transformed into more truthful demonstrations of the manifestation process.


We are centered within All That Is…

All That Is represents in physical reality, the collective mentalities and energies of all forms on Earth and including the very Earth itself. We have stated before that there is no beginning nor any ending to our Universe. There is only the present moment of creation in which All creates All That Is.

We live under a necessary assumption of linear time and cause-and-effect, and so we take it for granted that everything has a beginning and ending. This assumption, however, when brought to an attempted understanding of spiritual concerns, can lead to mis-perceptions and confusion. We encourage the Blog Reader to momentarily abandon these preconceived notions and root assumptions as we attempt to further illustrate the truth of the matter. For when we can, even for the moment, release our hold on physical reality, and experience the timeless moment of the Now, we automatically gain a more truthful perspective of our reality.

When we let go, when we go with the flow of creation in the moment, we are centered within All That Is and we are participating as a co-creator with the Loving force. As many of us at the same moment in linear time, for example, conduct this experiment, we as a collective of researchers create a subgroup from all of humanity, whose focus in those moments is the recreation of Love with a capital L.

As we, perhaps at the same time each day conduct our investigations, a tendency is created within the greater collective of which our subgroup is a part, to defer to the positive Loving manifestation, rather than the mundane or the negative manifestations. This is the resonance phenomenon in action, if we care to identify it. This process of Loving our Earth through this multitude of subgroups composed of visionaries, will be the critical factor in The Shift we are experiencing.

The “strength in numbers” phenomenon is demonstrated here as well. The Positive Manifestation is reaching the tipping point of inevitability, you see. I sense that you are receiving the messages I am attempting to convey.


It is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were…

In our Blog Thought Reality we gave the reader a review of this current material. In that Discussion we spoke of the “folly” of believing in the death of God. Some can sense this thoughtform that was entertained by great numbers of you. You in the West were looking for something more, something less religious, something more easily grasped, I suppose.

The irony in this statement – God is Dead – is that it is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were. The ego/intellect dissolves abruptly during the Transition revealing only the Soul’s perspective. This perspective sees no duality with relation to the Divine. The Soul knows that it IS eternal, it is NOT separate, it IS both a part of and the complete whole of All That Is.

It is unfortunate that many, perhaps out of fear of being perceived as “weak” or perhaps “mentally challenged,” do not go on that inner journey. To these humans it is a surprise that they ARE God, they ARE eternal, they are NOT dying, but merely transforming their energy into something else.


Gradually you gain some control over these bleed throughs…

You may at this time be sensing bleed-throughs from some of these lives in which you are experiencing negative emotional states. I have discussed this briefly in my Blogs of decades ago. The bleed-throughs begin spontaneously without any foreshadowing. The emotional materials, at first, is difficult to assess. One moment you may be in quite good spirits, and the next moment, though nothing has changed in your current existence, you are in quite low spirits. Your current mental environment has been contaminated by the past-life negative emotions.

It would be advantageous at these times to bring in your Sanctuary and protect your consciousness from further encroachment. Over time, using Sanctuary as a protective mechanism, the spontaneous connections to the negative past lives occur less often. Gradually you gain some control over these bleedthroughs, so that you can experience them on your terms.

For example: this type of information from your other lives may be necessary for your continued growth. Facing the negative aspects of your greater self may be a part of your awakening experience. Exploring these past-life sources of current negative experiencing may help you to achieve control in other areas of your life.


We are allowing the Soul’s perspective to predominate…

In our new Blog Series we have given many words of explanation regarding the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. This transformative period in which we find ourselves, as a species and as a world, comes at the end of a long evolutionary cycle in physical reality. Many hundreds of thousands of years of consciousness manifestation have brought us here to the doorstep of a great awakening for humanity. We call it “consciousness becoming aware of itself, ultimately, to the nth degree.” Evolutionary Consciousness, or All That Is, has reached a culmination in the reality of the Third Dimension.

For practical purposes, for You-The-Reader, this Shift is having great effects on our Personal Reality as we speak. Undoubtedly we are “in our issues” with regards to the learning of our individual Lessons. So you do indeed know what I am speaking of here with The Shift, in so far as your personal relationship to it is concerned.

Now here is where our ego/intellect most probably will defend itself with “reasons” and “proofs” that we are different from the rest. We have no Lessons to learn. We are doing quite well and do not need personal critiques from someone who doesn’t even know us, from a discarnate being, no less. This we call intellectualization and denial in our Blogs. It is a normal response to these perceived allegations we proffer to the reader on a continuing basis.

However, if you continue to read the Blogs, you ARE looking for something of value, even as you somewhat deny the worth of these messages. So gradually you are making your way at your own pace, Dear Blog Reader. You are opening up slowly, on your own schedule. You are allowing the Soul’s perspective to predominate in your Reality Creation activities rather than the perspective of the ego/intellect.


I often use the phrase in these New Blogs, “from my perspective.” Let me speak a bit about what that might mean. Now please remember, here in our discussions it is perception that causes Reality Creation. The Percepts, as we have defined it in our Blogs, is that aspect of consciousness that simultaneously and instantaneously creates and perceives the Reality Construct. Therefore, can you see that from my perspective I am witness to our greater multidimensional experiencing? This enlarged perspective of mine includes the goings-on within our probable futures.

The mind reels here in contemplation of this perspective. However, if you are with us on this voyage, and you are attending to the exercises and experimentation we present to you, I would suggest that your mind may now be in the beginning stages of a new stability with regards to witnessing the multidimensional nature of the self that is quite commonplace to Light Beings.

That is what it is all about, this shift to 4th Dimensional Awareness. From my perspective, many of us are becoming quite expert at “holding” this state of awareness for extended periods of time. We are on the same wavelength, in a very literal way. We are focused on this same compelling subject of interest. We are all of us witnessing the divine creation of realities moment-to-moment.


Conscious co-creation entails the intentional learning of Lessons. The Lessons of physical existence are not denied nor are they intellectualized. This is also what we call Enlightenment or Soul Evolution.

For each second that we are consciously co-creating a Loving reality, we are also awakening in the spiritual sense; we are awakening to our Higher Self. Now, for each second that we co-create fear and anger we are being controlled by the negative Gestalts of consciousness. Thus we have this simple dynamic that I have described for you before: Loving co-creation is godbuilding; the re-creation of anxiety, fear, anger and cynicism supports the Negative entities. These Entities are the negative gods of our religious systems.

You see, each of us reacts differently – in a personalized manner – when we encounter the negative emotions. It is true that the emotional states of the human are easily recognizable, broadly speaking, in that an observer could easily surmise what are the emotional states currently of those before them. However, the internal manifestation of the emotional state is colored by characteristics of personality and individual temperament. It is in this arena of the personality consciousness of the individual where the “decision” is made to either meet and transform the emotional state or to recreate it without thoughtful input – subconsciously, you see.

In this realm of perception is where the student gains their findings in the exploratory venture as a Scientist of Consciousness. OUR consciousness is the laboratory here, to continue our quaint little metaphor. Our unswerving crystal-clear focus on the phenomena within our “mind” represents the requisite objective critical thinking aspect of the scientist: the empirical perspective. We are referring in this section the two Blogs from our last series, in which we outlined the path for the Scientist of Consciousness and made our case for the necessity of this approach at this critical time in our history.