Category Archives: Gestalt

The earth has an atmosphere we recognize.

In our limited space travel we take for granted the fact that different conditions will be met from those encountered upon our planet.

There are alterations taken into our calculations, so astronauts know ahead of time that they can expect to encounter weightlessness, for example. Our ideas and experience with space and matter, however, are determined by our own sense apparatus. What matters to us might be an “empty space” for being equipped in an entirely different fashion. Our conscious mind as we understand it is the “psychological structure” that deals with conditions on a physical basis. Sense data is served up, so to speak, more or less already packaged. The greater inner reality of the psyche, however, is as extensive as outer space seems to be.


When information “falls” into our conscious mind from those vaster areas, then it also is changed as it travels through various levels of psychological atmosphere, until it finally lands or explodes in a series of images or thoughts.

We are bombarded with such “alien intrusions.” The focus of our consciousness blots these out while we are in a normal waking state. There are falling stars everywhere tumbling through the heavens, for example, though we only see some of these in the night sky. It is important during the day that a screening process be used, so that the precision of our actions can be maintained. Again, however, that fine precision rests upon an endless amount of information that impinges onto other levels of our psychological reality. That data then becomes the raw material, so to speak, from which our physical events are formed.


In the dream state, with our body more or less safe and at rest, and without the necessity for precise action, those psychological intrusions become more apparent. Many of our dreams are like the tail end of a comet: Their real life is over, and we see the flash of their disappearance as they strike our own mental atmosphere and explode in a spark of dream images. They are transformed, therefore, as they travel through our own psychological atmosphere. We cannot perceive them in our own state — nor can they maintain their native state as they plunge through the far reaches of the psyche. They fall into patterns, forming themselves naturally into dream contents that fit the contours of our own minds. The resulting structure of the dream suits our reality and no other: As this intrusive matter falls, plummets, or shifts through the levels of our own psychological atmosphere, it is transformed by the conditions it meets.


Raindrop patterns in a puddle follow certain laws having to do with the contours of the land, the weather, the nature of the rain, of the clouds, the height from which the raindrops fall, and the conditions operating in the nearby and far portions of the world. If we could properly understand all of that, then by looking into a single puddle we could tell the past and present weather conditions for the entire planet, and follow the probabilities in terms of storms, or volcanic eruptions. We cannot do this, of course, yet it is possible.

Dreams patter down into psychological puddles. They follow the contours of our psychological reality. They create ever-moving psychic patterns in our minds, rippling outward. The rain that hits our backyard as warm drops, soft and clear, may be hailing in areas far above our rooftop! But it might also come down to us, harming buildings, cars and humans alike – making us witness the glory of Mother Nature. While we look for hail damage repair for all the materialistic things near us, do we stop to wonder about the how Nature often represents us, in ways that we often tend to overlook? How often do we stop and think about the similarity between these ‘alien intrusions’ and our dreams – very much representing the raindrops – for at other “higher” levels they may have quite a different form indeed. As much as Nature leads us to specialist repair shops (similar to a body shop Lynchburg) to repair our damaged materialistic possessions, it also gives us the beauty of believing and witnessing how broken too, could look just as beautiful.


There are gullies, hills, mountains, valleys, large continents, small islands upon the earth, and the falling rain fits itself to those contours. Our own thoughts, dreams intents, emotions, beliefs– these are the natural features of our mind, so that information, impinging upon our mental world, also follows those contours.

If there is a gully in our backyard, it will always collect the rain that falls. Our beliefs are like receptive areas — open basins — that we use to collect information. Intrusive data will often fall into such basins, taking on the contours, of course. Beliefs are ways of structuring reality. If we over-structure reality, however, then we will end up with a formal mental garden — whose precise display may be so rigidly structured that the natural aspect of the plants and the flowers is completely obscured. Even our dream information, then, will flow into structured patterns.


We know that the natural world changes its form constantly. Objects, however, follow certain laws of a physical nature as we experience them, just as violets on the ground do not suddenly change into rocks.

These conditions, however, only exist at the conscious level of our perception. The larger psyche deals with the greater dimension of events, and the dream state itself is like a laboratory in which our waking reality is constructed. The physical earth is bombarded in the same way by phenomena important to out survival. In the laboratory of dreams this information is processed, collected, and finally formed into the dreams that we may or may not remember; dreams that are already translations of other events, shaped into forms that we recognize.


Each dream we remember is quite legitimate in the form in which we recall it, for the information has broken down, so to speak, fitting the contours of our own intents and purposes. But such a dream is also a symbol for another unrecalled event, a consciously unrecorded “falling star,” and a clue as to how any environment if formed.

Waking events happen and vanish quickly.

They are experienced directly with the senses fully participating, but for the instant involvement we give up larger dimensions of the same actions that exist, but beneath the senses’ active participation.


In dreams the preparations for experienced events take place, not only in the most minute details but in the larger context of the world scene. Events are connected one to the other in a psychic webwork that is far more effective than our physical technological system of communication. Here, reality codes are utilized. Knowledge is received and transmitted in electromagnetic patterns so that one pattern can carry far more units of information than anything we have technologically speaking. Each cell in the body does its part in picking up such signals and transmitting them. Some decoding also takes place at that level, so that pertinent information is sent where it belongs, physically speaking.


Much information does not even reach the brain (the mind is aware of such data, however). In man or woman, the psychic-physical structure has at every moment a complete up-to-date picture of pertinent information about all events that will in any way affect the organism. All actions are taken with this information available. In the dream state such data become transformed, again, into pseudo-physical pictures — reflections of events that might occur, previews of probable sequences. These are flashed before a consciousness that momentarily focuses upon the inner rather the outer arena of reality.

Now these previews are played out not only for the mind but for the body as well. In sleep, each cell calculates the effect of various probable events upon its own reality. Computation are made so that the body’s entire response can be ascertained ahead of time, and the advantages and disadvantages weighed. The body participates in dreaming at the most minute levels.


The atoms and molecules themselves possess kinds of consciousness impossible for us to analyze, because the scales of our activities are so different. They are information-gathering processes, however, containing codified electromagnetic properties that slip between all of our devices. The atoms and molecules and all of the seemingly smaller “particles” within them are, again, information-carrying processes, and upon them depends our entire interpretation of the nature of events.

Cellularly-attuned consciousness generates dreams. Consciousness, riding on a molecular back, generates a physical reality and events suited to it.


Thought takes time, and exists by virtue of cellular composition. Consciousness not focused in cellular construction involves itself with a kind of direct cognition, involving comprehensions that come in a more circular fashion.


The creative act is our closest experience to direct cognition. While our consciousness thinks of itself in physical terms, whether we are living or dead, then we will still largely utilize thinking patterns with which we are familiar. Our consciousness is cellularly attuned in life, in that it perceives its own reality through cellular function that forms the bodily apparatus. The psyche is larger than that physically attuned consciousness, however. It is the larger context in which we exist. It is intertwined with our own reality as we think of it. On those occasions when we are able to to alter our focus momentarily, then the psyche’s greater experiences come into play. We are able to at least sense our existence apart from its cellular orientation. The experience, however, is circular, and therefore very difficult to verbalize or to organize into our normal patterns of information.

Information flows, at such a rate and in such quantities that we could not possibly process any but a small portion.

Our physical senses, act almost like a biological alphabet, allowing us to organize and perceive certain kinds of information from which we form the events of our world and the contours of our reality.


Our conscious knowledge rests upon an invisible, unspoken, psychological and physical language that provides the inner support for the communications and recognized happenings of conscious life. These inner languages are built up as cords, and cords are psychic organizational units from which, then, all alphabets are born. Alphabets imply cords, but cannot contain then , any more than English can contain Russian, French, Chinese, Tagalog, or any combination. If we try to speak English we cannot speak Chinese at the same time. One precludes the other, even while one implies the existence of the other, for to the degree all languages have some common roots.


In a way events are like the spoken components of language, yet voiced in a living form — and not for example only sounded. These are based upon the sensual alphabet, which itself emerges from non-sensual cords. A sentence is built up as words, parts of speech, verbs, and adjectives, subjects and predicates, vowels and syllables, and underneath there is the entire structure that allows us to speak or read to begin with. To some extent, events are built up in the same fashion. We form and organize sentences, yet we speak on faith, with out actually knowing the methods involved in our speaking. So we only recognize the surface of that activity.


In the same way we form events, often without being aware that we do so. It seems that events happen as it seems words are spoken. We were taught how to construct sentences in school, and we learned how to speak from our elders. We were involved with event-making before the time of our birth. The psyche forms events in the same way that the ocean forms waves — except that the ocean’s waves are confined to its surface or to its basin, while the psyche’s events are instantly translated, and splash out into mass psychological reality. In waking life we meet the complete event, so to speak. We encounter events in the arena of waking consciousness. In the dream state, and at other levels of consciousness, we deal more directly with the formation of events. We are usually as unaware of this process as we are in normal practice of the ways in which we form our sentences, which seem to flow from us so automatically.

The psyche, as it is turned toward physical reality, is a creator of events, and through them it experiences its own reality as through our own speech we hear our voice.


In dreams, then, we are involved in the inner process by which physical events are formed. We deal with the psychological components of actions which we will, awake, form into the consecutive corporal “language” that results in the action of our days.

The events that we recognize as official have a unitary nature in time that precludes those probable versions of them, from which they arose — versions that appeared to one extent or another in the dream state. Again, if we speak the English sentence “I am here,” you cannot speak the Chinese version at the same time. In that regard, in our framework of action we choose to “speak” one event rather than another. Our formulation of events, however, does not simply reside in our unique psychological properties, of course, but is possible because of the corporal alphabet of the flesh.


Now as it is possible for any one human being to speak more than one language, it is also possible for us to put physical data together in other ways than those usually used. The body is capable then of putting together different languages of reality. In usual terms, for example, our body can only be in one place at one time, and our experience of events is determined in large measure by our body’s position. Yet there are biological mechanisms that allow us to send versions or patterns of our body outside of its prime position, and to perceive from those locations. In sleep and dream states we do this often, correlating the newly perceived data with usual sense information, and organizing it all without a qualm. For that matter, the preciseness of our flexibility, which gives us a broad base from which to form our secure focus.

Events emerge like spoken words, then, into our awareness. We speak, yet who speaks, and in our briefest phrase, what happen? The atoms and molecule within our vocal cords, and lungs and lips, do not understand one word of the language they allow us to speak so liquidly. Without their cooperation and awareness, however, not a word would be spoken.


Yet each of those nameless atoms and molecules cooperates in a vast venture, incomprehensible to us, that makes our speech possible, and our reality of events is built up from a “cord” of activity in which each spoken word has a history that stretches further back into the annals of time than the most ancient of fossils could remember. I am speaking in our terms of experience, for in each word spoken in our present, we evoke that past time, or we stimulate it into existence so that its reality and ours are coexistent.

In dreams even the past is in present tense. Events are everywhere forming. We make and remake the past as well as the future. We choose from those experiences certain ones as events in normal waking reality.


While we can only speak one sentence at a time, and in but one language, and while that sentence must be sounded one vowel or syllable at a time, still it is the result of a kind of circular knowledge or experience in which the sentence’s beginning and end is known simultaneously. If the end of it were not known, the beginning could not be started so expertly.


In the  same way the experienced event occurring in time is dependent upon a circular happening, in which beginning and end are entwined, not one occurring before the other, but coexistent.

The physical world implies the existence of God

God’s existence also implies the existence of a physical world.

This statement implies the unstated, and the reverse also applies.

To deny the validity or importance of the individual is, therefore also to deny the importance or validity of God, for the two exist one within the other, and we cannot separate them.

From one end of reality we shout: “Where is God?” and from the other end the answer comes: “I am Me.” From the other end of reality, God goes shouting: “Who am I?” and finds himself in us. We are therefore a part of the source, and so is everything else manifest. Because God is, we are. Because we are, God is.

On a conscious level certainly we are not all that God is, for that is the unstated, un-manifest portion of oneself. Our being rides upon that unstated reality, as a letter of the alphabet rides upon the inner organizations that are implied by its existence. In those terms our unstated portions “reach backwards to Source called God,” as various languages can be traced back to their source. Master language can be compared to the historic gods. Each person alive is a part of the living God, supported in life by the magnificent power of nature, which is God, translated into the elements of the earth and the universe.

Long sound

The moment point, the present, is the point of intersection between all existences and reality. All probabilities flow through it, though one of our moments may be experienced as centuries, or as a breath, in other probable realities of which we are part. There are systems in which a moment, from our standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe.
These are “side pools” of consciousness.
All consciousness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties.

As long as we think in terms off [subatomic] particles, and WAVES we are basically of track .

The idea of interrelated fields comes closer, of course, yet even here we are simply changing one kind of term for one like it, only slightly different. In all of these cases we are ignoring the reality of consciousness, and its gestalt formation and materialization. Until we perceive the innate consciousness behind any ‘visible’ or ‘invisible’ manifestations, then, we put a definite barrier to our own knowledge.

There is now real different between the concepts of fields and wave/particles.