Category Archives: Gestalt

Inborn Cooperation

The picture of man, woman, animals, and nature depicted in movies, is the only possible portrayal of reality that could be logically shown, considering the beliefs upon which the premise rests.

The environment, man, woman and the animals are all characterized as ferocious, hostile to each other, each one determined to attain survival at the expense of the other. Man and woman could not have existed under the conditions fostered in most movies — nor for that matter could any of the animals. Despite any other theories to the contrary, the world, all of its physical aspects, and all of its creatures depends upon an inborn cooperation. The species do not compete with each other over a given territory, no matter how frequently that appears to be the case.

Science has promoted the idea that hostility is a constant attribute of nature and all of its parts, while it sees the cooperating characteristics of nature as rather infrequent or extraordinary — but certainly outside of the norm.

Even biologically on the most microscopic of levels, there is a vast inbred network of cooperating activity, and these unite the animals and mineral kingdoms with all the other aspects of earthly existence. Each organism has a purpose, and it is to fulfill its own capabilities in such a way that it benefits all other organisms.

Each organism is therefore helped in its development by each and every other organism, and the smooth operation of one contributes to the integrity of all. Men and women did not begin hunting animals until certain groups of animals needed a way to control their own population. As I have said before in previous blogs, men, women and animals learned from each other. They were immediate allies, not enemies.

Men and women also domesticated animals almost from the very first, so that men, women and animals both did each other a service — they worked together. The stability of planetary life depended above all upon this basic cooperation, in which all species pooled together.

Man’s and woman’s brain was always the size that it is now, and the animals existed in the forms by which we know them today. No animal — or virus — is truly extinct. All exist in an inner web-work, and are held in the memory of an overall earthly knowledge — one that is biological, so that each smallest microbe has within it the imprinted biological messages that form each and every other microbe. The existence of one presupposes that existence of all, and the existence of all is inherent in the existence of one.

In those early days men and women did live to ages that would amaze today — many living to be several hundred years old. This was indeed due to the fact that their knowledge was desperately needed, and their experience. They were held in veneration, and they cast their knowledge into songs and stories that were memorized throughout the years.

Beside this, however, their energy was utilized in a different fashion than ours is. They alternated between the waking and dream states, and while asleep they did not age as quickly. Their bodily processes slowed. Although this was true, their dreaming mental processes did not slow down. There was a much greater communication in the dream state, so that some lessons were taught during dreams, while others were taught in the waking condition.

There was a greater and greater body of knowledge to be transmitted as physical existence continued, for they did not transmit private knowledge only, but the entire body of knowledge that belonged to the group or tribe as a whole.

Now: our dreams represent the larger rooms of beliefs into which we are emerging. The many people, and connecting rooms, represent the new structure of vaster beliefs that are all interconnected while we are still, however, concentrating upon the private creative self, and from that viewpoint viewing the world — hence our private corner in which we paint, as from that corner of private creativity we view the large interacting structure of new beliefs.

The Bible is a conglomeration of parables and stories, intermixed with some unclear memories of much earlier times .The bible that we recognize — or that is recognized — in not the first however, but was compiled from several earlier ones as man and woman tried to look back, so to speak, and recount his and her past and predict his and her future.

Such bibles existed, not written down but carried orally, as mentioned some time ago, by the Speakers. It was only much later that this information was written down, and by then, of course, much had been forgotten. This is apart from the fact of tampering, or downright misinformation as various factions used the material for their own ends.

The paternal feelings of our dreams, allow us to expand our experience while in the dream state. This also presents us with an example of the ways in which early man and woman expanded his and her own knowledge and experience in the dream state. In the same way, as mentioned in a previous blog, man and woman also had dream images of actual geographical locations to which he or she had not physically traveled.

Playing Consciousness At different Speeds

The analogy of the many speeds of consciousness actually fits in well with the actual neurological sequences upon which consciousness plays. As we know, everything alive is conscious — and even so-called dead matter possesses  its own variety of self-awareness.

In our terms, the rhythm of some kind of consciousness would seem exceedingly slow, so that a century might pass between one perception and the next. Other variations might seem amazingly quick — the perceptions following each other so swiftly that they would indeed escape our perception entirely; yet in the wondrous marvels of inner nature, all of these rhythms are connected one to the others, and in a matter of speaking — excuse the pun — they each balance each other.

It is not so much the actual rhythms that are manifested that make the difference in perception, but the absence of certain other rhythms, upon which perception ride.

The Present Becomes the Past

Apropos of our discussion concerning time.

The nature of universal creativity is so remarkable that it’s true reaches are literally beyond most understanding. The implications are staggering — so that the affair is almost impossible to explain.

The past, and every moment of the past, are being constantly changed from the operation point of the present. In our terms, the present becomes the past, which is again at every considerable point from the latest-present. Yet through all of this immense, continuous creation, there is always a personal sense of continuity: We never really lose our way in the distance between one moment and the next.

In somewhat of the same fashion the objects about us are constantly in motion, as we know. The atoms and molecules are forever moving, and in a way the electrons are the directors of that motion.

Our own focus is so precisely and finely tuned that despite all of that activity, objects appear solid. Now objects are also events, and perhaps that is the easiest way to understand them. They are highly dependent upon our own subjective focus. Let that focus falter for a briefest amount of time, and the whole house of cards would come tumbling down, so to speak.

Remember that we are also objects, and also events, and as physical bodies our organs are also composed of atoms and molecules whose motion, again, is directed by the electrons.

The electrons themselves have their own subjective lives. They are subjective events, therefore, so there is always a correlation between those electrons in our bodies and those in the objects we see about us. Nevertheless again, subjective continuity itself never falters, in that it is always a part of the world that it perceives, so that us and the world create each other, in these terms.

When we change the past from each point of the latest-present, we are also changing events at the most microscopic levels. Our intent has also an electronic reality, therefore. It is almost as if our thoughts punched the keys of some massive computer, for our thoughts do indeed have a force. Even as sentences are composed of words, there is no end to the number of sentences that can be spoken — so “time” is composed of an endless variety of electronic languages that can “speak” a million worlds instead of words.


Dates are but designations applied to the days.

Mankind and womankind lived without such designations for a much longer period than he or she have used them. Animals, without such designations, still know their position on the planet itself, and they are aware of tides and the movement of the earth and planets.


Secondary Personalities

People who have epilepsy are afraid of their own energy.

They do not trust it, nor do they trust the spontaneous portions of the self. They are afraid that left alone their energy might strike out against others, and so they short-circuit its use, having attacks that momentarily render themselves helpless.

People with so-called secondary personalities also fear their own energy. They divide it up so that it seems to belong to different personalities, and is therefore effectively, divided. In basic terms, true amnesia does not exist in such cases, though it appears to. The people involved are quite aware of their activity at all times, but they behave in a fashion that is not continuous — that is, the main personality does not seem to behave in a continual manner, but is broken up, or again, seemingly divided. This psychological ploy neatly prevents the so-called main personality from using all of its energy at any one time.

The individuals concerned pretend to themselves that they have no memory of the other personalities’ existences or activities. These personalities, however, store up their energy so that one personality often exhibits explosive behavior, or makes certain decisions that seem to go against the wishes of the main entity. In this way, different kinds of behavior may be exhibited, and while it would seem that many decisions are made by one portion of the self, without another portion of the self knowing anything about it, such usually is not the case. In fact, the main personality is able to express many different kinds of probable action, but the entire personality is prevented from acting with its full energy or power. Instead the energy is diverted into other channels.

All portions of the self are indeed conscious, and they are also basically conscious of each other, though for working purposes they may seem to be separate or isolated.

The idea of the sinful self will not be predominant in my blogs, but I certainly will delve into the many unfavorable concepts that are held by the various religions — concepts that certainly make many people feel that the self is indeed sinful rather than blessed.

The self is indeed blessed, and just the reminder of that fact can often short-circuit negative beliefs, particularly if they are not too deep-seated.

The Magical Precognition Approach

In our terms, whether a minute or 10 minutes, or an hour or two hours were involved, we react ahead of time to a headline that have not as yet physically encountered. We react creatively, using the precognitive story as a basis for a fictional endeavor. We turn it into art’s purposes.

The idea, then, of the my blogs came from past and future events, though I were to catch up with those future events very quickly. My mind intuitively organized all of that material, and put it together in a completely new fashion. Sometimes when such events occur, the precognitive trigger is not recognized when it is encountered physically, because it happens too far ahead of time. We organize mental and physical events in a creative manner. In this case my blogs were involved because the concept, while strongly involving images, carries a time span that would make narrative necessary.

I used the magical approach. I caught myself in the act of acting naturally, of demonstrating abilities that our society to a large degree does not admit. That same kind of lighting-swift organization goes on within the body itself constantly, as it deals with probable scenarios to which we may or may not end up reacting to.

The events themselves discussed in any newspaper article point up the same kind of magical affiliations. We live personally in a world of lush creative ideas. Our intellect is aware of that. It is used to working creatively. The focused intellect can indeed activate the intuitive abilities — and the healing abilities. We get what we concentrate upon.

The intellect is a vital organizer even if it is not aware of the magical levels of activity from which often it’s best ideas emerge.

When we look at world events, however, the present world situation for example ( wars in the Middle East), try to enlarge the scope of our intellectual reach, so that we consider world events as living multidimensional “blogs” being formed in the present in response to both future and past triggers. The impact of the future on the past, in our terms — or rather, the implications of the future on the present — are highly important, and such precognitive reactions are as vital, numerous, and real as we ordinarily think that the reactions to past events are.

This puts present world events in an entirely different perspective. Men and women act, then, in relationship to events happening, say, in the future, in certain terms cast their shadows back into the present, or illuminate the past according to the events’ characteristics. There is always more going on than ordinary sense data show.

In our comparatively simple experience, we can see, however, the implications of such activities. Men and women react to future events by unconsciously translating them into art, or motion pictures. They may react by unconsciously taking certain steps of a political nature that seem at the time either unreasonable, or even incomprehensible — steps whose logic appears only in hindsight.

The same occurs, of course, in all areas of human behavior, as well as in the behavior of animals and even of plants. This future shadowing the presents, or future illuminating the present, represents a vital elements in the formation of events as they are perceived in time. In a fashion triplets are reacting in their past to a future event that now can catch up with them, so that each of their actions in any moment of that past happened as a result of a tension — a creative tension — between the event of their original separation and the event of their future reunion.

I do not mean that the reunion is inevitable or predestined, but the vigor of that probabilities, we might say, magnified the original tension. I want to apply all of this to my own situation, both in terms of creative endeavors and my physical situation, so that I begin to understand that I can start to react in the present to a future change.

I can see how important periods of letting go are. My experience happens where I am nearly asleep, but merely relaxed, not worrying, with my intellect in a kind of free flow. I am not hampering it. It is momentarily free of limiting beliefs, and it naturally used — and chose to use — the magical approach to answer what is very simple, now-forgotten intellectual question: What might be in today’s news?

The usual answer, or the usual method of obtaining an answer, is at times inconvenient: I was not about to get up , go to the TV or computer and get the news, so on it’s own the intellect pressed the magical-approach button, I might say, getting the information the quickest and easiest way possible.

It did not give me the bare headline, however — even though that and the blog story were perceived far too quickly for me to follow. What I was aware of was my own creative reveries in response to that information.

Now left alone, the intellect will often solve problems in just such a fashion, when it is allowed to, when we forget what is supposed to be possible and what is not, when we forget that our mind is supposed to be pedestrian and parochial.

Inserting New Ideas Into The World

Under its overall auspices we have the most conventional establishment-oriented textbooks, devoted to continuing traditional ideas. We have, there, a concentration upon education as it is understood at that level.

My blogs do not appear under traditional headings. They are too anti-establishment to be in college networks, but in their way far too reasonable to be considered eccentricities — in the same fashion, now, that traditional blogs are. Maybe I will expand my message to social networks more in the future? I hear that it would be smart to get Facebook followers for free to grow the spread of my message

My blogs are attempting to insert new ideas into the world as it now is, by combining the powers of the intellect and the powers of the intuitions — in other words.

We have been dealing with the magical approach, and let me gently remind my blog readers that I have said we must be willing to change all the way from the old system of orientation to the new, if we want the new approach to work fully for us in our lives. That will, as it happens, include our approach to traditional thought, of course.

As I have said before, also, when faced with the difficulty, the conventional, rational approach tells us to look at the problem, examine it thoroughly, project it into the future, and imagine its dire consequences — and so, faced with the idea of a disclaimer.

That is an excellent example of what not to do.

Some people indeed, will begin to pull out of that, and at least question the approach. In the meantime, of course, our nervous systems reacted to the implied threat against our problems, a threat that now existed in the past, present and future.

We are protected. Our work is protected. When we realize that, we act out of confidence. We indeed catch ourselves. When we realize that we are protected, our own intellects can be reassured enough through experience so that they do not feel the need to solve problems with the rational approach in instances where that approach is not feasible.

In the deepest of terms it was not reasonable to nearly assume that a disclaimer, if used, would therefore be retroactively and then continuously used. It was not a conclusion based upon fact, but a conclusion based upon a reason that applied to one probability only, one series of probable acts — or based upon the probable act of a disclaimer being used to begin with. So again, what we are dealing with is an overall lesson in the way in which the reasoning mind has been taught to react. These are really instances where the intellect has been trained to use only a portion of its abilities, to zoom in the most pessimistic of any given series of probable actions — and then treat those as if they were facts.

I will, of course, have more to say in future blogs, that will hopefully allow our intellect to use in a clear fashion, to better our performances. So if I do decide to expand into social networks, make sure that you keep an eye out for me because I would love the chance to grow my Facebook followers and my blog more. I definitely have a lot of other things to say. We are quite right, again, to say that “There are elements in this situation — or any given situation — impossible for my intellect to know,” so the intellect can take that fact into consideration. Otherwise, we expect it to make deductions while denying it the comfort it should have, of knowing that its deductions need not be made on its own knowledge alone, but on the intuition’s vast magical bank of information — from which, in larger terms, all of the intellect’s information must spring. So I think we are finally trying to use a new approach in that direction.

The magical approach will get us through, if we use it.

“The light of the universe.”

It’s obvious that in this blog adventure I have once again cleverly protected myself from confronting the full creative blast of the life of the universe by allowing myself just a peek at it, and a careful one at that, at the top of a door. As a physical creature I’d be overwhelmed if ever I came even close to facing that awesome conscious and creative power.

Spiritual Multidimensional Dramas

Christ was not crucified — therefore he did not resurrect, coming out of the tomb, nor did he then ascend into heaven. In the terms  of the biblical drama, however, Christ was crucified.

He arose from the tomb and ascended into heaven. The resurrection and the ascension are indeed, however, the two parts of one dramatic event. Dogmatically, arising from the dead alone was clearly not sufficient, for men and women were to follow where Christ led. We could not have a world in which the newly-risen dead mixed with the living. An existence in a spiritual realm had to follow such a resurrection.

Now in the facts of history, there was no crucifixion, resurrection, or ascension. In the terms of history there was no biblical Christ whose life followed the details given. The organization of the church is a historical fact. The power, devotion, and energy the organizational expertise of Christianity, cannot be disputed. Nor can it be disputed that Christianity was based upon great religious and psychic vision. To some extent it involved the intuitional reorganization of subjective, and then objective, realities.

I have told in past blogs, however, that the world of events springs from the world of ideas. It seems certain that “something” happened “back then” — and that if we could go back there, invisibly studying the century, we would discover the birth of Christianity. But Christianity was not born at that time. We might say that the labor pains were happening then, but the birth itself did not emerge for some time later.

Jewish shepherds represented the placenta that was meant to be discarded, for it was Jewish tradition that nourished the new religion in its early stages before its birth. Christ, as we know, was a common name, so when I say that there was a man named Christ involved in those events, I do not mean to say that he was the biblical Christ. His life was one of those lives that were finally used to compose the composite image of the biblical Christ.

The mass psyche was seeking for a change, an impetus, a flowering, a new organization. The idea of a redeemer was hardly new, but ancient in many traditions. As I stated before, the part of the world was filled with would -be messiahs, self-proclaimed prophets, and so forth, and in those terms it was only a matter of time before man’s and woman’s great spiritual and psychic desires illuminated and filled up that psychological landscape, filling the prepared psychological patterns with a new urgency and intent. There were many throw-away messiahs — men or women whose circumstances, characteristics, and abilities were almost the ones needed — who almost filled the psychic bill, but who were unfitted for other reasons: They were of the wrong race, or  their timing was off. Their intersection with space and time did not mesh with the requirements.

We must understand the long trail of psychological reality that exists before we have a physical event. We must understand man’s and woman’s need and capacity for fulfillment, dramatization and psychic creativity.

There is nothing that happened in those times that is not  happening now in our own: We have numberless gurus, people who seemingly perform miracles ( and some do). So there were in those days some rather disconnected events that served as the focus point for great psychic activity: People wanted to believe, and their belief changed the course of history. It doesn’t matter that the events never happened — the belief happened. And the belief was man’s and woman’s response to intuitional knowledge, to inner knowledge, and to spiritual comprehension.

These all had to flow into reality, into psychological patterns through man’s and woman’s own understanding. They had to flow into the events of history as he or she experienced history. They had to touch the times, and they did so by transforming those times for later generations.

I want it understood that the accomplishment is breathtaking in its grandeur — more so because man and woman formed from his and her psyche such a multidimensional spiritual drama that its light struck upon this or that person, this or that place, and formed a story more powerful than any physical event could be — hence its power.

In those terms, however, again, the gods of Olympus were as real, for all of men’s and women’s riches are representations, psychic dramatizations, standing for an inner reality that cannot be literally expressed of described — but can be creatively expressed or represented.

Too-literal translations of such material often lead to grief, and the creative thrust becomes lost. The great mystery, of course, and great questions, rest in the nature of that inner reality from which man and woman weans his and her religions, and in the power of the creative abilities themselves that bring them into birth. Such activities on a large scale are the end result of each natural person’s individual relationship with nature, and with nature’s source.







The Intellect As A Cultural Artifact

The intellect is far more socially oriented than is generally understood.

Some of this, again, is difficult to explain, but in a fashion the intellect is a cultural phenomenon. It is amazing resilient, in that according to the belief structures of any given historical period, it can orient itself along the lines of those beliefs, using all of its reasoning abilities to bring such a world picture into focus, collecting data that agree, and rejecting what does not.

Obviously, the mind can use its reasoning abilities, for example, to come to the conclusion that there is a single god behind the functioning of the world, that there are many gods, that divinity is a fantasy, and that the world itself springs from no reasonable source. Like statistics, the reasoning abilities can be used to come to almost any conclusion. This is done, again, by taking into consideration within any given system of reasoning only the evidence that agrees with the system’ premises.

This flexibility allows the species great variation overall in its psychological and cultural and political and religious activities. When any system of reasoning becomes too rigid, however, there are always adjustments made that will allow other information to intrude — otherwise, of course, our belief systems would never change.

Our species shares with the other species a feeling of kinship for its kind. There is a great give-and-take of ideas. We end up, then, with a consensus, generally speaking, as to what a reasonable picture of agreed-upon reality is. Our system has frowned upon many experiences, considering them eccentric behavior in an adverse fashion, since our belief systems have so regimented behavior, and so narrowly defined sanity. The intellect, I want to stress, is socially oriented. It is peculiarly suited, of course, to react to cultural information. It wants to see the world as it is seen by the minds of others. Through that kind of action it helps form our cultural environment, the civilization of which we are justly proud.

The intellect, then, helps our species translate its own natural purposes and intents — the purposes and intents of the natural person — into their “proper” cultural context, so that those abilities the natural person possesses can benefit the civilization of its time. Those purposes and intents literally change the world. The intellect’s expectations and intents spontaneously and automatically trigger  the proper bodily mechanisms to bring about the necessary environmental interactions, and our intent as expressed through our intellect directs our experience of the world.

I am speaking about the intellect here for our discussion, but remember it is everywhere cushioned also. There are backup systems, in other words. If the intellect believes that the world is a threat to existence, then that belief will alter its intents, of course, and therefore the body’s activities. The beliefs of the intellect operate then as powerful suggestions, particularly when the intellect identifies with those beliefs, so that there is little distance between the intellect and the beliefs that it holds as true.

I am doing my best to explain the very practical aspects of the intellect’s beliefs, and their strength in drawing experience to us. At one time I had difficulty with understanding some of these ideas. Our own relationship, our private beliefs about the sort of persons we want individually for mates, brought about incalculable actions that lead finally to our meeting — yet it all happened “quite naturally,” of course. Our beliefs bring us into correspondence with the elements likely to lead to their affirmation. They draw from Framed-mind-2 all of the necessary ingredients. They elicit from other people’s behavior that is in keeping with those beliefs.

Our own attitudes, for example — and beliefs — about foreigners, people’s stupidity and lack of integrity, put us in correspondence with those same beliefs on the part of others, resulting in a translation fiasco. An entirely different kind of behavior could have been elicited from those same people. Like attracts like in that regard. Those same people, for example, all have, as we do, beliefs in people’s trustworthiness, and so forth — but under those conditions, at that time, we each — or rather us all — are in correspondence at many levels. My blogs are published. They have helped many people, and that is because we are also in correspondence as far as many of our more positive beliefs are concerned, and those outweigh the others.

We get what we concentrate upon, and our beliefs are largely responsible for those areas in which we concentrate.

There are no magical methods, only natural ones that we use all of the time, although in some cases we use them for beliefs that we take for truths, when instead they are quite defective assumptions. A small example — one, incidentally, that I finally realized; but it is a beautiful instance of natural methods.

I heard the next day’s weather report, groaned, thought of a very uncomfortable 90-degree temperature tomorrow and imagined myself miserable with the heat. Indeed, I began to feel warmer. In a flash I remembered previous days of discomfort, and in the next moment I projected those into the weekend. I felt trapped. Midway through this process I tried to catch myself, but I believed that my body could not handle the heat — and that belief outweighed my intent to change my thoughts, so they kept returning for perhaps ten minutes.

I continued, however, to remind myself that I was not going to worry about tomorrow today, regardless. I told myself that the prediction might be wrong, and I began with my intellect to pile up evidence that could in one way or another bring about a different, more beneficial experience. I did this by recognizing the way I had earlier been building up the picture in the old manner, by collecting all the evidence that fitted it. I used the same process, only for a more beneficial picture, and the process works. We have only to become aware of it.

Our experience will follow our concentration and beliefs and expectation. The mind is a great discriminator. It can use its reasoning to bring about almost any possible experience within our framework.

The Ilda Family is Composed of The “Exchangers.”

They deal primarily in the great play of exchange and interchange of ideas, products, social and political concepts. They are travelers, carrying with them the ideas of one country to another, mixing cultures, religions, attitudes, political structures. They are explorers, merchants, soldiers, missionaries, sailors. They are often members of crusades.


Throughout the ages they have served as the spreaders of ideas, the assimilators. They(The Ilda) turn up everywhere. They were pirates and slaves as well, historically speaking. They are often primarily involved in social changes. In our time they may be diplomats, as they were also in the past. Their characteristics are usually those of the adventuresome. Very seldom do they live in one place for long, although they may if their occupation deals with products from another land. individually they may seem highly diverse in nature, one from the other, but we will not find them as a rule in universities as teachers. We might find them as archaeologists in the field, however.


A good many salesmen belong in this (Ilda) category. In our terms they may be cosmopolitan, and often wealthy, so that frequent travel is possible. On the other hand, however, in certain frameworks, a humble merchant in a small country who travels through nearby cities might also belong to this family. They are interested in the outsides of things, social mores, the marketplace, current popular religious ideas. They spread these from place to place. They are the seed-carriers, both literally and figuratively.


They can be “con men,” selling products supposed to have miraculous values, blinding the local populace with their city airs. Yet even then they will be bringing with them the aura of other ideas, often inserting into closed areas concepts with which others are already familiar.

The members of this family of consciousness provide frequent new options. They may be scientists, or the strictest kind of conventional missionaries abroad in alien lands. In our present time they are sometimes Indians (from India, that is), or Africans or Arabs, journeying to our civilization. They add to the great flow of communication. They may be emotional rather than intellectual, as we understand those terms, but they are restless, usually on the move. They can be actors, also.


In the past some (Ilda) have been great courtesans, and even though they were not able to travel physically, they were at the heart of communication– that is, a part of court life, or involved with diplomats who did travel.

Many of the courtesans who rule the salons of Europe belonged in the (Ilda) category. The Crusades involved great movement of this family, in which trade and commerce, and the exchange of political ideas, were far more important than the religious aspects. Some members of this family served as initiators of new orders in the (Catholic) church in the past–the worldly Jesuits, for example, and some of the more sophisticated popes, who had a fine eye out for commerce and wealth. These people may be appreciators of fine art, but usually for its commercial value.

Now we can often find then in the departments of government, in these areas where travel is involved, or in finance. They frequently enjoy, intrigue. All in all, they mix mores.

The Present Is The Point Of Power

The point of power is where flesh and matter meet with spirit. That juncture embodies the actions and beliefs we choose to draw from all of our previous points of power. From our current present we project, for better or worse, those choices, plus any new ones we may decide upon, into each of the presents we’ll be creating throughout the rest of our lives. The contents of our projections, then, are of supreme importance.

Through even a five-minute exercise, in which we sit quietly and look about, we can become aware that the present is the point of power. In this exercise, we gently remind ourselves that we aren’t at the mercy of our past beliefs unless we think we are. We have the full freedom to insert new creative goals in our point-of-power exercises. Next, we relax, to give our fresh suggestions time to begin working within us. Next, physically we make a simple gesture or act, no matter how modest, that is in line with our desires for the future. Periodically we repeat the exercise — but easily, without pressure, confident that we’re doing well. Action is thought in physical motion.

My wife and I are “counterparts” — entities psychically connected to each other, and to other men, women and children alive now in this country and in others. The connection can be conscious, unconscious, or both. Many of us will never meet physically, but as a group all of us are exploring related lifetime themes in ways that no individual can do.

Everything on Earth Remains The Same Except Human Activity

I could list hundreds of examples of what I mean. This is one of those obvious ideas that seem childish once it’s thought of. I don’t care whether or not it’s profound thought; it has meaning for me. But as far as I know, we humans are the only species that’s obsessed with ‘change’ , and ‘progress’ , and ‘controlling or mastering nature’ ; with learning about our past and with charting our future. We strive toward an impossible , or at least rosy, future in which we will have met all our challenges, so that we’ll live in some sort of unreal wonderland on earth. What do we do next — or will we give up on that idea too? Perhaps we’ll spend all of our time contemplating each other!

The rabbits in our neighborhood would continue to live as usual without our help. although they might miss nibbling upon the leafy vegetables in the local gardens. The fish and all of the complex minutiae of the local river bottoms would go on living as they always have. The sheep I see in the woods north of Vegas would continue to bound through the brush and among the mountains. They’d live  the same as ever, since it’s illegal for us to feed them — although they do like to move down the mountains at night and sample certain shrubs we have kindly planted about our houses.

In my darker moods I find myself thinking that I love the earth and everything upon it except the increasingly destructive activities of human beings — and sometimes I wonder about the human beings themselves! I love the deserts and forests, the oceans and rivers and lakes of the earth, the plains and the poles, the marshes and the mountains. And I know that in the Puerto Rico trench in the Atlantic Ocean, life in the sea at more than 8,000 feet down goes on just as it has for many millennia. It’s been like that for all of the interwoven life forms of the poles and the tropics, of the deserts and woodlands and prairies. Each species lives within its environment, whatever its conditions. And I think that in it way each life form must know that and love its home and has no desire to change or destroy it.