Category Archives: Evolution

Atlantis, was actually a composite of three civilizations.

Atlantis is a myth in response to a truth. Plato picked up the Atlantis material himself, psychically.


In his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, the Greek philosopher Plato [427?-347? b.c.] described how the fabled island continent of Atlantis sank beneath the ocean west of the Pillars of Hercules–the Strait of Gibraltar–some 12,000 years previously. Looking backward in time, Plato heard the story of Atlantis from his maternal uncle, Critias the Younger, who was told about it by his father, Critias the Elder, who heard about it through the works of the Athenian statesman and lawgivers, Solon, who had lived two centuries earlier [ 640-559 b.c.); and Solon got the story of Atlantis from Egyptian priests, who got it from—-? Whether Atlantis actually existed in historic terms, its location, the time of its suggested demise, and so forth, are of course points strongly contested by scholars, scientists, and others.

perceptions of consciousness are not limited.

For example, that the consciousness of the tree is not as specifically focused as our own. To all intents and purposes, however, the tree is conscious of 50 years before and 50 years hence.


In sense of identity spontaneously goes beyond the change of its own form. It has no ego to cut the “I” identification short. Creatures without the compartment of the ego can easily follow their own identities beyond any changes of form. The inner self is aware of this integrity of identity, but the ego focused so securely in physical reality cannot afford this luxury.

Many scientist are agnostic or atheistic.

If science  represents the “search for the truth,” as it so often reminds us, then eventually it will contend with the kind of gifts she/he demonstrates. Subjective and objective abilities, working together, can create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

The “Dream-Art Scientist”, “The True Mental Physicist,” and “The Complete Physician”

Quite literally, we live more than one life at a time. With earth being much older than its currently estimated age of 4.6 billions years.

The True Mental Physicist.

Such scientist in our future will be able to allow his/her consciousness to flow into the many open doors (of inner realities) that can be found with no instrument, but with the mind. To throw ones’ consciousness into small physical instruments (computer components, for instance), and perceive their inner activity at the level of, say, electrons. Tuned into his/her own “side-pools of consciousness,” his/her own “probable neurological materialization.”

the sort of “time” available to molecular consciousness

Biological precognition is firmly based in the chromosomes and genes, and reflected in the cells. The cell’s practically felt ‘Now” includes, then, what we think of as past and future, as simple conditions of Nowness. They maintain the body’s structure in our poised time only by manipulating themselves in a rich medium of probabilities. There is a constant give-and-take of communication between the cell as we know it in present time, and the cell as it ‘was’ in the past, or ‘will be.’

DNA, the “master molecule”, of the “basic building block” of life.

DNA is an essential component of the protoplasmic substance of which genes and chromosomes are formed in the cell nucleus, and governs the heredity of all living things.


In microbiology, the first stages of exciting and controversial “genetic engineering” are at hand. This long-sought goal of science involved the very sophisticated recombination of DNA from such different life forms as plants and mammals, say, into new forms not seen on earth before. Such work has been called vital for the understanding of many things–the genetics of all species, the control of at least some diseases, great improvements in the quality of food, plants, and so forth. It’s also been called outright interference with the evolutionary constraints that prevent the interbreeding of species. Although risks may be present in DNA research, such as the unforeseen creation of new diseases, it seems that within strict safeguards recombinant techniques are here to stay.


Once again, however, it’s obvious that as a whole, science is far removed from the idea that each of us–whether that “us” is a human being or a molecule of DNA–creates our own reality. And what if we can learn to assemble sections of DNA from various life forms into new forms? To at least some extent such basic genetic substances would cooperate in the efforts at recombination: for no matter what kind of life developed, it would represent a gestalt of myriad consciousnesses, embarking upon unique explorations.


For centuries now–most of them obviously preceding Darwin–man/woman themselves has been playing the role of a designer through his/her creation of certain breeds of animals and hybrid plants. But we see now that man/woman is no longer content to bring about changes within species, as in cattle, for instance: With vast excitement he/she faces the challenge of “engineering” new kinds of life. Those urges are creative even when, as a designer, he/she goes against his/her own Darwinian concepts that there is no conscious plan involved in the design of his/her world.

“Naive Realism” with out-of-body travel (or “projection”)

I have read nothing about the two together, which surely be some very interesting material on such a possible relationship. Paradoxically, our perceptions while out-of-body can be more tenuously connected to temporal reality than usual, yet more acute at the same time. However, our use if naive realism must often govern what we allow ourselves to experience while consciousness is separated from the body. I also think some out-of-body travels, apparently to “alien” nonphysical realities, may actually be based instead upon interior bodily states or events. But there are times when the projecting consciousness, free of frameworks like naive realism, at least approaches truly different realities, or probabilities.

Evolutionary Thinking is challenged not only by questions of proteins synthesis, and energy/entropy

Equally insistent are the puzzles posed by the missing intermediate forms in the fossil record: Where are all the remnants of those creatures that linked birds, reptiles, cats, monkeys, and human beings? The hypothetical evolutionary tree of life demands that such in-between forms existed; it seems that by now paleontologists should have unearthed enough signs of them to make at least a modest case for their belief systems; the lack of scientific evidence is embarrassing. Since  my mind works that way, I could make minutely detailed drawings of a graduated series of such entities (gradualism being a basic premise in Charles Darwin’s theory), but would the creatures shown have been viable? Could they actually have existed for the necessary millennia while evolving into the species whose fossil remains have been discovered, or that live today? Evolutionists are serving goodly portions or speculation along with inadequate theory–or, really, hypothesis.


It is truer to say that heredity operates from the future backward into the past, than it is to say that it operates from the past into the present. Neither statement would be precisely correct in any case, because our present is a poised balance affected as much by the probable future as the probable past.


In our terms–the phrase is necessary–the moment point, the present, is the point of interaction between all existences and reality. All probabilities flow through it, though one of our moment points may be experienced as centuries, or as a breath, in other probable realities of which we are a part.


All kinds of time–backward and forward–emerge from the basic unpredictable nature of consciousness, and are due to’series’ of significances.

contrary to DARWINISTic belief, MATHEMATICALLY…

…Enormous time spans (in the millions of years, say) will not aid in the chance formation of even the chemical precursors to life–the protein or nucleic acid molecules–but will instead   make their creation even less likely. For with time, the even distribution or equilibrium of matter increases, moving it away from the ordered sequences necessary to support life. Scientifically, in the closed system of our universe, the second law of thermodynamics and entropy eventually conquer all.


Nor can solar energy be thought of as the agent that directly turned nonliving matter into its living counterpart; in those terms, life required its inter-mediate molecules, which sunlight is not able to construct. Life needs protein in order to “be”, and to sustain it through metabolism–then it can use solar energy! Darwin’s theory that life arose by chance poses a basic contradiction: What made the protein that sustains the processes of life, before that life was present to make the protein?


Many times in laboratory studies, substances called proteinoids (often misleadingly defined in dictionaries as “primitive proteins”) have been observed forming from amino acids, which are sub units of proteins. Some researchers think of proteinoids as the forerunners of the protein that life needs to ride true biological proteins and do not lead to life. I strongly object to being told that dead matter turns itself into living matter. Just how does this transformation come about?

a true Darwinist would find the statement “survival of the fittest,” to be anathema.

Psychic and religious ideas, then, despite many drawbacks, are far more important in terms of ‘evolution’ than is recognized. And I am telling you that so-called evolution and religion are closely connected. Consciousness always creates form, and not the other way around.


We are biologically connected, chemically connected with the Earth that we know. How is it that as living creatures we’re made up of ingredients–atoms of iron, molecules of water, for instance–from a supposedly dead world? In the scientific view we’re utterly dependent upon that contradictory situation. No one denies the amazing structure or design of our physical universe, from the scale of subatomic particles on “up” (regardless of what cosmological theory is used to explain the universe’s  beginning). The study of design as one of the links between “living” and “nonliving” systems would certainly be a difficult challenge–but a most rewarding one, I think–for science. I have little idea of how the work would be carried out. Evidently it would lead from biology through microbiology to physics with, ultimately, a search that at  least approached electromagnetic energy units and units of consciousness. Both classes of “particles” are in actuality nonphysical; as best words can note, they have their realities on scales so minute that we cannot hope to detect then through our present technology.


Yet here we run into irony and paradox: Any scientist who considered the existence of electromagnetic energy units and units of consciousness would be called a heretic by his more conventional colleagues, for he would be acknowledging the possibility that all matter, being made up of such conscious entities, was living. From that viewpoint, at least, there would be no link through design to be discovered.


I think it very interesting and revealing that several millennia before Darwin, man himself began playing the role of a designer within the framework of nature, through his selective breeding of animals and his hybridization of plants. These activities certainly represent evolution through conscious intent, guided by the same creature who insists that no sort of consciousness could have been responsible for the origin or development of “life,” let alone the “dead” matter of his/her planet. Not only that: We read that even now in his/her laboratories man or woman is trying hard to create some of that life itself. This is always done, of course, with the idea that the right combination of simple ingredients (water, methane, ammonia, ethanol.) in the test tube, stimulated by the right kind of energy under just the right conditions, will automatically  produce life. It’s confidently predicted that eventually at least one such experiment will succeed. I have yet to see in those accounts anything about the role consciousness will play in this truly miraculous conversion of dead matter into that of living. Perhaps those involved in the experiments fear that the idea of consciousness will impugn the scientific “purity” of their work.


Souls in terms of Value Fulfillment to Cellular Growth in Physical Reality.

According to my interpretation of this sentence, it stops short of telling us that in our reality all species–man, animals, and plant life (and viruses and bacteria too, for that matter)–developed from a single primordial living source. Evolutionary theory maintains that such a source spontaneously came into being, riding upon various protein molecules (or certain other kinds of molecules) that had themselves chemically–and miraculously–evolved out of nonliving matter, then demonstrated the ability to duplicate themselves.


Proteins, for instance, are very complex chains of amino acids, and consist of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and or certain other elements. They exist in great variety in all animal and vegetable matter; in the body each protein supports a very definite function. But the the view that all life had a common origin, that by pure chance it originated on the earth–just once–without the aid of God, or any sort of designer, is today accepted by most scientist in biology and related disciplines. Such thinking stems from the work done in the 19th century by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace.


I believe that at most the “facts of evolution” make up a working hypothesis–or unproven proposition–only, for many of evolution’s tenets, especially those involving energy/entropy are open to serious challenge. There’s plenty of evidence around for changes occurring within species, but the “upward” transmission of one species into another has not been scientifically proven from the index fossil record, nor has it been experimentally verified. The arguments about evolution can get very technical.