You have your personalized images, thoughts, and emotions on what constitutes the Soul Mate. We have previously determined what are your “true” personality aspects. You have taken a self-assessment and noted those parts of your personality that assist you and those that do not assist you in the attainment of Love. You are now intentionally empowering an Essential Identity that will contain within it, all of the Attributes that you will use to be recognized by your complementary partner.

Now you are being quite honest here, Dear Blog Reader. You are not hiding from your Issues, nor are you attempting to explain them to yourself in rational terms. You are not making excuses. Here you are using your powerful imagination to imagine a Soul Mate relationship.

Let me explain… As you visualize and empower the image of the Soul Mate you wish yourself to be, you also empower and are able to recognize the Soul Mate you desire. This is the Resonance Phenomenon in action, once again, as we have described to you previously. What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance– the electromagnetic assemblage of Conscious Units into Reality Constructs through thoughtful emotional creativity.

In this Trance State you not only envision your improved personality aspects – while, for example, picturing yourself as embodying your new alluring Loving attributes – but you also dramatize with emotion the attainment of the desired relationship in physical reality.

You would thus visualize what your Soul Mate looks like, insofar as physical appearance goes: body type, hair color, eye color, facial features, and so on.
What is the temperament of the desired partner?
What are the occupation and past-time activities of this human? I am certain you can come up with more relevant criteria to fill in the picture here.

Do you see how this unique perspective – the sensing of the Auric Display – may assist you in identifying Soul Mates and Soul Family members? This is the psychic mechanism for the phenomenon you know as “love at first sight.” It is a glimpse through the ego/intellect by the Soul Self. The perception is captured without censoring by the personality. Often prophetic material is presented to the mind’s eye, as in visions of a happy union years in the future when you are mated, perhaps having children, living successfully, and so on.
With this in mind, let us try some experimentation…