Category Archives: Etheric Body


Let me clarify this for you. You know that everything that can exist is created NOW, in the eternal moment that holds all. Yet you exist within the confines of a linear time construct that depends on these laws of cause and effect , and others. If it helps you, please think of this Resonance as a process THAT INCLUDES what we call the attractive principle, the principle stated in our so-called Law of Attraction. It exists within the activity of the Consciousness Units. The Consciousness Units are active multi-dimensionally, past, present, and future, in our terms. They express themselves as different Reality Constructs in different dimensions of time. As these units of energy come together through an affinity of shared attributes, THE OPPOSITES ARE ALSO PULLED TOGETHER, expressing what you might call the “glue” of consciousness: that which gives thought form.

This occurs in somewhat the opposite manner as when centrifugal forces separate out the constituents of a liquid substance with matter dissolved within it. Bioelectric forces, meaning, the energies that animate ALL substances, in league with natural cosmic magnetic forces, all at the same time, remember, in this spontaneous process, in a sense, “push and pull” the Consciousness Units into the desired form of consciousness manifestation: consciousness in action, evolutionary consciousness expressing itself in all ways, in all forms, at all times. There is a Holographic Insert attached to this message, if you would care to look for it in your mental environment. Please note my use of the word desired as a pun.


Let us move to the Foundational Statement. Here the practitioner looks to the primary outcome they wish to create. The end results is considered and then expressed in simple evocative terms. We need not spend hours struggling with the proper words and syntax. This is a spontaneous exercise to be completed within just a few minutes after our exercise in Getting Clear.

For example: suppose a reader has done their assignment and they have surmised that they are learning Lessons of independence and empowerment in this lifetime. In previous partnerships they were prevented from empowering themselves. Their partners did not allow them any sort of independent expression.

This subject may then desire a partner who would support their search for empowerment and independence. We might say that this proposed partner would of necessity already have mastered these aspects of living so that they could assist our subject in their search for personal empowerment and independence.

In return, let us further postulate that our subject, though admittedly thwarted by their past mates in the quest for these states of consciousness, had developed a capacity for nurturing and for mastering the domestic realm. This person could bring these skills to the relationship.


My Soul Mate will understand my needs for independence and personal power and will assist me in meeting those needs. In return I will teach them what I know of nurturing in relationship…

Now write down your own Foundational Statement . Do not worry about getting it just right. You may always amend it as your project moves forward and you gather your Findings.


These are the powerful manifesting tools that we create from our imagination to use for specific purposes in our investigative work. We are already familiar with the Radio Dial that we used in earlier Blogs to tune-in on the non-physical beings and other phenomena that exists at particular wavelengths of energy.

You may already have created your Etheric Vehicle that you use to travel anywhere in space and time. The more we use these tools, the more data we collect, the more effective the tools become as aids to manifestation. Be creative, therefore, in the creation of your personalized Metaphorical Tools.


Now there is an ideal in these matters. These are the basics regarding this theory of mine, and I shall elaborate for a bit, if I may… Remember, Dear Blog Reader, that anything that can occur within our system does indeed occur. ALL probable manifestations are explored by consciousness in terms of Value Fulfillment. All values are fulfilled in all cases.

With this in mind, the Soul Mate could be considered the ideal for the human relationship. As such it exists latently within the pre-manifestation domains: that ethic realm that contains the blueprints for all conceived reality. This ideal stands as an example of what YOU the human individual may co-create with All That Is with regards to the human Love relationship.


The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


Hypothesis: By anticipating the positive future we create it.

Anticipation occurs in the spacious moment. In past Blogs I have defined for you the Moment Point and the Point of Power. These are terms that describe the current full moment in your present co-creation activities. Simply, it is your Moment Point if you say it is, Dear Blog Reader. You are bringing your Intention and power to bear on the manifestation phenomenon in the present moment.

Perform your Ritual of Sanctuary

Relax and attain your Trance State. You might experiment with achieving this through linking the Divine state of consciousness to sitting down in your comfortable chair or wherever you hold your meditations.

Now… you are in your Moment Point. Your Point of Power exists Now as your portal to affecting your future IN A POSITIVE WAY. Imagine before you all the positive realities you have related while working with this material. The ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness supports you. The contact with the Divine may be experienced as a tingling sensation between your physical eyes. All of your Guides and Helpers, known and unknown, surround you and support you. Bring all of your Inner Senses into this exercise to enliven it and strengthen the manifestation. Stay with it for a few minutes. Return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your experiences.

EXERCISE – Consolidate your findings.

While working with the many techniques and experiments provided for you in this Blog, you have no doubt had differing outcomes of success. You are an individual with individual educational needs. Hopefully you are taking what serves you best and incorporating it into your Reality Creation agendas.

In this final exercise we are asking you to make a list of those techniques and experiments that have helped you the most in the creation of positive realities and in the learning of lessons. Please take a few minutes to go over your notes and Findings and assemble the material that “speaks to you” most strongly and authentically here. This should be a pleasant and easy exercise. The material that did not work quite well enough for you may be saved for another day. For now, simple make your list of five to possibly ten relevant Findings and particularly successful outcomes of the techniques and experiments we have offered in these Blogs.


Now these groupings of humans engaged in concerted collective efforts, such as this Vanguard, exist over time. For purposes specific to the group, members will incarnate during the same timeframe, and experience the Value Fulfillment achieved through their activities.

For example: a group of religious devotees who incarnate in the time of the prophets to study and worship as a collective, may upon death of the physical form, go on a sabbatical of sort in the Home Dimension and others, and not obtain a physical body for hundreds of years. This group may then take a bodies as a group of scientists working on a problem in physics within one of our universities in our present timeframe.

Soul Family groupings exist at all “levels” of consciousness manifestation. Consciousness creates realities. What you might call “negative” or “cynical” or perhaps “regressive” consciousness, therefore, seeks out opportunities to create negative, cynical, regressive realities, again, for purposes of fulfilling these particular values. So at any one point in our history, you see, we may have unfolding many different mass movements of Reality Creation upon our planet.

Currently, for example, we have the movement of healers, lightworkers, our New Age who share the planet and our timeframe with the practitioners of the extreme opposites of these values. I trust I am not appearing unnecessarily vague. You know what I mean here, Dear Blog Reader. We have our work cut out for us, to coin a phrase.

Our gains in fulfilling values of Loving Understanding, Courage, compassion and the like, will of necessity come at a “price,” in or view of things. There is no good or evil, only our thinking makes it so, to again coin a phrase for illustration. Yet thinking and consideration and study are precisely what are required here. This means finding distinctions, marking off where we stand ethically, as perhaps “opposed” to other ethical standards.

Certainly we will be waging what appears to be a war against evil, of good against evil. Yet may I remind here, since all is one, we are in essence merely confronting our own “unacceptable” self. We are always reacting to our own projections. Here we are reacting to the projecting of our personality aspects out onto the world.


The following experiment has as its objective, accessing the state of emerging reality we are calling the Consensus Reality Field. This is indeed a timeless experiencing, for we are within the webwork of creation in a pre-manifestation stage of awareness. Time as we think of it – linear time -does not exist.

In this state of awareness we will be cultivating, we will witness the emerging reality of the moment. As we know, the moment is all we have, Dear Blog Reader. The moment is all there truly is. It is only the emotional attachments to past, present and future moments that keep us tied to the wheel of life – the continuous unfolding of “events.” So this awareness we are asking to develop exists beyond time as we understand it. This state may be experienced through the use of the Inner Sense or Intuition.

This Reality Field is vast within our current Moment Point. For this reason, the researcher must narrow the focus of study to a simple line of inquiry. The World reality expressed in the “historical narrative,” you might say, includes the reputed “true” narratives of the various mass media of our planet. From this soup of converging “facts,” incidents, ideas and images, emerges what we are describing in this Blog as the status quo or Consensus World Reality.

So this Gestalt of Consciousness is largely a product of our Negative Media. Are you beginning to understand my point here? If we as a Scientist of Consciousness are to adequately access, understand and change for the better our perceived Consensus World Reality, we must certainly be at first very skilled in focusing on our subject. If we are not ultimately focused and strong in this endeavor, we will be “blown away” – a metaphor we have used before – by the energy, ideas and images we will face in this experiment.

We must be strong. The negative energies that seek to dominate our world are quite formidable, in that they are energized through the tapping into of fear within the population. Fear, hatred, anxiety, ruthlessness… these are the states of consciousness that feed the growth of the Negative Entities. So we must be fairly adept at transforming fear and anxiety into Courage, Loving Understanding and personal power. We must have reached an advanced state of self-awareness so that we will not be overcome when you enter the arena in which these Entities exist.

Now as we have also documented in these Blog writings, the Beings of Light, in a sense “riding” on a wave of benevolent energy – Love and Courage – are also active in the domain of Consensus World Reality creation. These Higher-Dimensional Beings and Spiritual MastersGestalts of Consciousness energized by the Loving energies of generations upon generations of “do-gooders” from our planet Earth and elsewhere – are actively confronting the Negative Beings on these levels of consciousness.

I trust you are with me so far. This may now all seem like a colorful fairytale for some of you in a fashion so that more are inclined to understand than deny.


Now this process begins with you. We are connected to everything in the created Universe through a divine relationship between the (CUs) Consciousness Units that make up our physical and etheric body and the CUs that combine to create those Reality Constructs that “seem” to reside outside of our consciousness. We only appear to be separate. We only seem to be disconnected from our environment. In actuality, our entire exterior world is first within us – within our creative consciousness or mind.

We have spoken of this essential within-ness of our world. Each and every physical Reality Construct is “born” from an idea within us that is cast upon our outside world, much as a motion picture projector casts the images onto a screen for our perception. This we already know.

Now these projections of physical reality serve a purpose for us individually, for others in our Soul Family and for those in our greater Soul Family – humanity. Much as we might learn a lesson from an educational film at our school, we learn our Life Lessons from the self -created “projections” of our ultimately creative human consciousness.

We might be thinking to ourselves, “Wonderful! I am connected to everything. This is a good theory to think about, but how can I use it practically in my daily life?” Of course, we are already using this knowledge in our everyday life. We are just doing so unconsciously in a rote fashion.

Knowing and accepting that we are the creator of our world may allow us to experiment with conscious creation. We will in fact be consciously co-creating our Soul’s agenda for learning. Victimhood falls away when such a perspective is established within our human mentality. Also, of course, we gain the great responsibility for creating positive Loving realities for the greater good of all.


The creation of positive realities is our responsibility. It is a personal issue. Because we are the creator in physical reality, it is a matter of how aware we become of our responsibilities.

Now the great majority of us, it is true, will remain in a sleep state, in a manner of speaking, right up until the time of the Dimensional Shift. On the surface it will appear as though we are unaware of the changes that our civilization is going through. Yet for most of us, there will be a great change already underway on the subtle levels.

We are being prepared for the transformation in the dream state. We are not aware of this, however, as we go about our waking reality. We prefer to “pretend” that life as usual continues to unfold, without any great upheavals to anticipate.

For this group of people the shift will take place over-night, quite literally. They will awaken one day and suddenly appreciate the vast changes they have undergone, as individuals and as parts of the collective. These are of the type of humans that wishes to “not think about” the future that much, for the future will “take care of itself.” This group comprises many millions of us on our Earth,

To pretend that business as usual is being experienced at this time in our history is a form of denial, a denial of the Soul Self. On the level of the Soul’s experiencing, we know full well that great changes are underway for us.

Constantly we are reminded of this by Beings of Light as they transmit their messages into our mental sphere. It is a simple matter to ascribe these messages, as we stated in the first couple Blogs of this Series, to bad memories or other forms of “negative thinking.” Then we may go on our way, blissfully unaware on an ego/intellect level, of what our Soul most surely knows. Let us present an example to make this clear for the Blog Reader.

Suppose you are a typical human of the type I am describing. That is, you are one who discounts, perhaps as spiritual bullshit, the statements of your associates that describe the hearing of the voices of dead ancestors. Or else you deny accounts of those who describe the means to avoid a calamity they faced on the highway, as in an accidents or some such thing, as coming from a nonphysical source. The intuitive voice is discounted here, you see. These humans may even ascribe the great luck of winners of various prizes or monies from the inside information given to them by their Angels or etheric advisers to mere coincidence. They deny the voice of the sacred in the lives of others, and so they must be consistent as they deny the voice of the sacred within their own lives.


We often use the phrase in these new Blog messages, “I am not telling you to something you do not already know.” This is a statement of fact. We are merely reminding you the Blog Reader of the knowledge you have acquired in your many voyages into physical form. This information on the nature of reality and the use of energy, you first brought with you from your existence in non-physical reality, before your ” physical” birth into human body. Now this knowledge also is a part of your FUTURE heritage, if you may understand this conundrum of mine.

Perhaps a better way to describe the relearning phenomenon in which we are engaged is this… bleed throughs – the perceptual breakthrough of our current self into other Simultaneous Lives – occur throughout our waking and dreaming periods. These are learning “field trips” in which our current conscious perception tunes-in on one or more of our past, other current or future lives. This is a function of the multitasking Soul Self as we awaken to our multidimensional experiencing. This is the acquiring of the Divine Knowledge we constantly refer to in these Blog manuscripts.

On a basic level, we already know this material. That is why it seems so familiar to you. That is why it seems so true. You have perfected this system in your numerous future incarnations, again in your familiar terms, assuming the linear time illusion that is favored in our dimension. And so you see, I use the phrase “this you already know” as a device to hopefully trigger memories here.

The little bleed-throughs that we experience I hope will keep us motivated enough to continue the voyage. These are tools the non-physical beings use as we attempt to educate humanity. The phrase is a deep and empowered one, a profound suggestion. However, just accepted it playfully and see where it leads us. This phrase may help us to wake-up to our greater reality.