Category Archives: Emotions


For the sake of argument, though the situation is exceedingly complex, let us suppose the our subject could go either way here. They may choose to ignore the advice of trusted friends and family and continue on the path of excess, or they may indeed heed the advice of Soul Family Members and pay attention to the signs within their mental environment that seek to direct them onto a different and more productive path.

Our subject has free will to choose one course of development over the other. All members of the Soul Family also have free will to choose their level of participation in the learning experience. At any second in linear time, then, each member of the ensemble CHOOSES, on either a conscious or unconscious level, to participate or not participate in the drama and to what degree.

Again, the Soul Self of each participant ALWAYS comprehends the subjective value in each choice. The Soul Self informs each participant in this example, through impulses received within the mental environment, on the unlimited probabilities for Reality Creation within any particular moment.


A simple example to illustrate: we are introduced to someone at an event or on the job and we shake hands with them. As we shake hands, let us say we look into their eyes, perhaps in an attempt to learn more about them or simply because it it required thing to do in our culture. As we maintain eye contact with this human, we have a deja vu type of experience in which we receive impressions on the mind.

In this split second of perception, images, sounds, feelings arise. We are busy shaking hands and do not have time to pursue these sensations. Yet we do note a connection of some sort with this human. We note to ourself the feeling-tone generated within this meeting. Most humans have had these experiences I am sure, not merely the seekers of wisdom we address in our blogs.


Taking ownership of the difficulty is an important first step in creating this relationship of conscious co-creation. For example: in terms of health and the cessation of symptoms, we have suggested that the practitioner first own the malady. Take responsibility for our creation. Learn the Lesson. Then begins the task of doing things differently to create an improved reality. This is made easier through the realization of culpability.

Our strategies for creating the negative reality are apprehended and understood with all of the shame and other negative emotions that entails. The denial lifts to reveal our TRUE self. The intellectualization FAILS at long last, forcing us to encounter YOU, Dear Blog Reader. When it occurs, grasp it closely to our self and do not forget what you are learning in those moments. Use this knowledge to move forward in our Soul’s evolution.


There is a great practical advantage in selecting the conscious co-creator perspective. When we take responsibility for the creation of our own reality, and we begin to learn our Lessons with Courage and Loving Understanding, our awakening does indeed quicken, so that we are given more and more information.

This may take the form of knowledge regarding other lives we are living on our Earth and perhaps in other systems of reality, probable systems for example, as we have just discussed. It could take the form of valuable information regarding a profound question we might have, or simply an insight into a mundane matter that concerns us in the moment.

Conscious co-creation entails the intentional learning of Lessons without denial or intellectualization. To illustrate: consider what occurs when the average human in the throes of learning their difficult Lessons tries to “figure things out.” Typically, the human will look for “reasons” that support their own beliefs, their own behaviors, their Personal Reality Creation.

Though intellectualization and denial, any evidence of responsibility in the creation of Negative Realities is overlooked, while information supportive to the ego/intellect is noted and confirmed.

These rationales are commonly called “excuses” by many of us. Indeed, they do deserve this negative connotation, if in so intellectualizing and denying we are shirking our responsibilities in the matter. Figuring things out becomes figuring a WAY out of our predicament: a way that does not entail personal ownership of the difficulty.


There is no “fate” involved here, however. All realities are created at once, and expand, in a sense, “forever” within the eternal moment. Can we grasp this crucial point? We have free will within each moment of our life to select from infinite probabilities, those we wish to manifest.

Yet I do realize that these descriptions may appear as though there is no free will at all. This is how it looks from the outside looking into our reality. I sense, for example, not only me David as I write on this computer on the patio in my backyard, but the Soul Self of David as it presents itself within numerous other human life-forms on our Earth in other eras. All of these manifestations I can see if I wish.

What looks like destiny to us from within our system – the “fateful” meeting of our Soul Mate, for example – appears as infinite choice to my eyes as I observe all of us making our spontaneous free will choices within this moment in time. In other words, the end result of any reincarnational activity is determined by the Free Will choices of the participants.

In addition, we may remember that even the probable realities NOT chosen, continue on their trajectories of manifestation and development. Thus, we have these numerous probable worlds, parallel realities given birth by our varying choices moment-to-moment.


We are on our Earth for a purpose at this time: a “greater” purpose, if we accept spiritual concepts such as this. Forever as we are engaged in our normal activities – we awaken, we eat, we have experiences, and we sleep – we may find oneself looking for something more. We may be at a stage in our development when we are capable of looking beyond the surface reality to find the true meaning of our existence.

This is our greater purpose. We are not satisfied with the status quo explanations. Perhaps a Death in the family or a “failed” relationship drives us to enter on this quest. Whatever the reasons, we may now be encountering our Lessons directly and asking for the meanings of the events in our life.


Our individual awakening is an awakening to our other lives. We have suggested before that we are not always a sweet and loving people in our many lives. In some of those lives we are, quite naturally, the opposite of Sweet and Loving.

Thus, when we are mastering this awakening exercise, we become aware of our own “baggage:” the leftover negative ideas, images, and emotions that we carry with us Lifetime-After-Lifetime. It is a distinctive residue of negativity, made up of the essence of every shameful, hurtful, hostile, envious thought or behavior of our Simultaneous Lives.

Now in this example, we are witnessing a religious zealot attempting to convince us of the value of their system. Yet something is not right here. Something is very distasteful indeed. Let us say for the benefit of this discussion, that we are being triggered by this human to re-experience our own negativity as we have expressed it in other lives.

That is why it is so personal, you see. That is why we may overreact with this human, and perhaps respond in an angry fashion. This time it IS personal, for they are our reincarnational mirror, reflecting back to us our shameful angry past. Perhaps we have even lived a life as a religious zealot, so that we are witnessing the negative lifetime in all its glory, in all of its educational power.

Soul Family(Computer Analogy)

Perhaps the computer analogy will help in this presentation. We have used this before… Imagine that this process of Soul Family member negotiation, acceptance, and denial occurs as though within the processors of the world’s fastest computer. Our subconscious mind, which is related to the Collective Consciousness of all humanity, is like this great computer, in that, without expending great amounts of energy, it instantaneously assesses each individual we meet in our existence and notes Soul Family connections throughout time.

We are unaware of this activity as we observe the person in front of you. We may be thinking to ourselves, “I am drawn to this person,” or, “I would like to feel this person out, to see if there is something to be discovered here.”

Now obviously, this great computer of consciousness may not reveal to us ALL of data it is processing about human individuals we meet. Our mental environment would become quite disoriented and flooded with information if this were the case.

And so we place amnesia upon the majority of this information and allow in only what is necessary to allow us to make our decisions and learn our Lessons.


The concept of spontaneity can further our discussion of creating the Personal Reality Field. To be spontaneous, according to one of our Earthly definitions, is to act without forethought, willy-nilly, according to the present moment’s frivolous inclinations. Now I may be casting this term in a negative light somewhat, yet is it not true that spontaneous is thought to be somewhat reckless and unthinking, is it not? The spontaneous are thought to be irresponsible, in many ways, and lacking in maturity and good judgment.

I am a big fan of spontaneity, and the accompanying practice of recognizing and “following” life-affirming impulses. But for now, let us investigate how the practice of spontaneity may have earned such a bad reputation in our culture.

To begin, the founders of our American nation were of a strong puritanical bent. They were hard working, intensely religious humans, who were taught that “idle hands are the devil’s playground.” So the natural spontaneous behavior of humans enjoying the moment, even of children in many cases, during those seminal years of occupation in our country was discouraged.

Now this is speaking of the U.S. only here. Other nations had obviously different beginnings, yet some were similar. So we, as a people, were not generated from hedonistic loins, in other words. Our culture has proceeded from day one until the present on a decidedly anti-pleasures trajectory, admittedly with a few pleasure-seeking counter-culture movements in between.

So given this history it is no surprise that, for the most part, Americans are not a spontaneous lot. This type of behavior is not rewarded in a society that values business interests and profit-taking over positive human development. Currently, as a culture, the U.S. has entered an era of warlike anti-pleasure such as our modern Earth has never seen. Surprisingly, many of our citizens appear to accept this state of belligerence and negativity, if one is to believe the many polls that are taken and the results proclaimed to the world.

For now, let me simply suggest an alternative to the anti-pleasure movement in our country. This would be the search for pleasure within our Personal Reality and the creation of pleasure through the acknowledgment of and acting on pleasurable, life-affirming impulses. These are behaviors that may lead us to experience the feeling of being supported like a beloved child on a wave of ecstasy that is indeed the embodiment of All That Is.

Now let us clear up some of the misconceptions some may have of spontaneity with a description of “true spontaneity.” we need look no further for a graphic example of true spontaneity than the experience of accessing one’s Inner Senses and learning one’s lessons. The first requirement for this communication is a lowering of the ego defenses: that quality of mind that protects and defends one’s beliefs and one’s worldview against “attack” from differing and differing world views.

The ego must release its stranglehold on the physical perceptions before divine information – spontaneous impulses – can be adequately perceived with the Inner senses, and then acted upon if appropriate. So true spontaneity is ultimately profoundly responsible and ethical at its base. True spontaneity is not necessarily the actions of the “free spirit,” however, in our terms.

This aspect relates to the terms “Young Soul” and “Old Soul” that we discussed in previous blogs. Let us go further here. The idea of a free spirit, in our culture and other of the world’s cultures, who acts on every whim that comes to mind, is not the spontaneous spirit I am describing. True spontaneity requires discernment as to which impulses within consciousness to act on to further the learning of lessons for oneself and for the higher good of everyone else. This is critical.

The awakening human learns their lessons consciously and with courage, relishing the life experience whatever the “conditions,” positive, negative or in between, in our terms. Then, as I said, contributing to the consensus manifestation in positive, life-affirming ways, always.

Now further… we are awakening, some of us, within lives that some would call “miserable.” Some of us will use our formidable powers in collaboration with All That Is to heighten our vibrational rate in this lifetime and bring an end to our miseries. Yet some of us will live out our lives in these subjectively named “miserable conditions,” knowing that we are fulfilling our contract with oneself, and learning our lessons for our Soul Self and for All That Is.

Both of the examples I have just described are becoming fully awakened and finding pleasure there, yet only they know this on a Soul Level. Again, to outside observers it would appear that some are trapped in their misery. If one were to look closer though, perhaps one would see the spark of Soul Wisdom in the eyes of those I am speaking about. We are all involved in a complex dramatic presentation for the benefit of oneself and All That Is.

Natural Healing

HYPOTHESIS: You can heal yourself and others via the Etheric grid-works.

The Etheric grid-work the sustain the realities of our Universe. These energetic lattice-work of creation and support are currently unknown to the majority of humans on Earth. Yet again, the natives or aboriginals have used these networks since the beginning of your time to interplay with the natural world around them. So certainly this experiment is simply a means to reintroduce you to practice that you may have have engaged in countless times, in other eras, in other bodies.

Utilize your calming practices to access a deep state of relaxation. With your Energy Personality as your guide, ask for guidance as to causes and solutions in these matters of personal health and the health of others. Suggestions may come to you as images, sounds or other sensations. Keeping with the metaphor of a grid-work, you might receive an image of a lattice superimposed over your own body or the body of the subject you are assisting.

The area of interest may glow or otherwise make itself known to you. Using whatever means that comes naturally to you, facilitate the transformation of the area of interest into one integration and support with the rest of the body. This is a personal choice of methods and means that may come into your awareness through your Inner Senses.

Later in this series I will speak of the possibility of the blog reader increasing their vibrational rate and so intentionally moving themselves out of a “disease” state and into a state of health. This is done in collaboration with your Energy Personality. You may experience your current state of illness within the dream reality and so learn your lesson there instead of in Third-Dimensional reality within your current Timeframe.

If you are currently at a stage of Soul Evolution that would enable you to experiment with these probabilities, Please do so in a systematic way, with guidance from your Energy Personality and with attention to the requirements of experimentation as a Scientist of Consciousness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with drawings and ideas for future experiments.


It is a matter of the power differential with respect to our relationship with our world. Depression is largely a matter of powerlessness accepted as a reality – a field of reality – by the individual. As a field, it colors the entire existence and all DOES INDEED seem hopeless.

I advise to unlock our conditioning and take back our power from people and institutions, so too I advise the so-called “depressed” person to rise up and make the gesture of transcendence into the Realm of Power. All it takes in one charged Moment Point of personal responsibility for our evolution, to push the balance out of stasis into change: positive change for the individual.

Then we simply place further Moment Points of personal responsibility for our growth and positive assessments and behaviors, “one in front of the other,” to create the positive future.

Now, should the negative energies make a come back, it does require the individual to reaffirm a commitment to a positive future, in that moment, and once again push the manifestation chain of creative moments out of stasis and into the positive. The Negative Reality is rejected and the Positive Field of reality is accepted once again.

As an addendum, remember too, that in these moments we are affecting all of our Simultaneous Lives. So certainly we are doing our selves much good via these positive assessments.

And perhaps I should mention the obvious – that just as the Accepted Negative Field of Reality experienced by the “depressed” person has momentum and continuity in a morbid, yet familiar sense, so to does the Accepted Field of Positive Emotions and Behaviors hold its own momentum, continuity, and familiarity in a positive, even joyful sense.