Category Archives: Emotions


In this exercise you are taking hold of your Reality Creation in the moment of assessment. You are then including the Felt Difference – the Feeling-Tone of what is missing – in your creative efforts. Using your Intent, allowing your personal power to come forward in that moment, impress this Blog material into your activities, into your perception of your Personal Reality Field.


The Felt Difference is that Feeling-Tone of thought, imagery and emotion that is missing from the BCS (Best Case Scenario). You have assessed your current status quo reality and found some things lacking. You would like to include this Blog Material, in other words, in your CURRENT reality. Write down what you have noticed that is missing.



What areas of your life need improving? What projects are you willing to devote your time and energy to in order to get results? List in order of importance the areas in your life that need this attention. I do think that it is counterproductive to be shy about this, to be fearful that someone may read this Blog material and wonder about your sanity. However, write this in a diary that is secure if you feel that it is necessary.

Now write down what you would like to change.



Transformation – An example: You area a bully, let us pretend, and you enjoy picking on people, making them miserable. You rationalize your behavior by blaming it on your father, who was also a bully, per the reports from your mother. However, the truth comes out that your father was far from being a bully and was quite Loving and nurturing. He made his Transition at an early time in your life. You were not able to feel fathered completely by this human.

What do you do now? You have an opportunity to change your behavior, to in fact change it to its opposite. You can attempt to Embody the Virtues of Loving Understanding, nurturing, and so on. You will be working on a negative reality you have created for you have found proof that it is based on falsehoods. You have it within you to create these Virtues, as do we all. And so you practice Embodying these opposites of the bully.

Will this practice make an angel out of you, a profoundly Loving and spiritual person? Perhaps. Yet if you do continue this practice of polarizing the Feeling-Tones you have used to create the bully persona, you will undoubtedly improve, in Soul sense, in the sense of creating progress in your Soul’s Evolution.


Now here is a time for everything, here, in your Ritual processes. Let me go on a bit about just what I mean with this statement…

Just as this Resonance exhibits both the attractive and repulsive principles, and finds cohesion and momentum “over time,” you may find it advantageous to, in a sense, ride this wave of manifestation with your awareness. There is a time for holding on and letting go, resisting/assessing and “going with the flow.” You cannot have one without the other in this natural process. It is not “wrong” or “bad” to favor one over the other. It is quite fruitful to embrace both in this practice.

In a very natural way, the student attends to the current moment, for example, with focus and energy. In the next moment, however, you might relax and let go, you see: Distraction. The natural distractions of living will occur for you, taking your focus off of your creative enterprises. Simply let go of your focus in that moment and ride the wave of manifestation. The next moment may call for a return to your focus on the matter at hand. Simply do so, not abandoning the distraction but simply diverting your attention back to the Regimen. This is multitasking. The more you practice, the more proficient you become.


This reasoning also applies to any attempts at body conditioning through exercise and other physical activities. The important piece here is this: “What do you think of your physical body NOW in this moment?” Now in the moment is when you create your future, you see. Now in the moment is when you must Love yourself, Love your body. If you can see the potential trim and fit physical body beneath the chubby exterior, then you have the right idea. That is your focus, from my perspective. That positive image, that positive Feeling-Tone of Love and success is what may drive your manifestation activities over the course of the Regimen.

Obviously, if what you see before you as you look in the mirror repulses you, you have some important changes to make in your self-assessment activities. That is where you begin, then, to appreciate the body you now have while also anticipating the improvements.

On this Regimen you will be Loving your body into fitness. You Love how you are in this moment, first, and then you move toward the creation of an improved reality moment-to-moment, as you, for example, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and all the while you are keeping this Loving Understanding of self intact.


In my past Blog Series, I suggested to you that in matters of diet, as in the eating of specific foods, that it was more important what the eater THOUGHT of the food. What matters most are the images, circular thoughts, essential ideas that you-the-eater entertain within your mental environment before, during, and after eating food. These influences have a very direct effect upon the digestion. So for example, if you eat a small piece of chocolate, say, that is on your FORBIDDEN list of foods, you would have, perhaps, a quite negative reaction to the food. “Chocolate makes me fat,” you may say to yourself as you eat it. That statement is a profound suggestion to your subconscious that you immediately, upon eating any chocolate, must begin the process of turning it into fat. Your digestive system will obey dutifully this suggestion as you reinforce it with negative imagery, negative emotion, and so on. In addition, this sets up an unfortunate dis-empowering dynamic in which you play the naughty child that must be punished with obesity by the punitive subconscious.


Now here in this section we will demonstrate how a sense of Good Humor, as in clever punning, may help us initiate a manifestation scenario of positive realities. You already are familiar, I am guessing, with the modern aphorisms regarding the past: “Don’t dredge up the past. What’s done is done. Look forward.” Generally, the past, particularly the past of negative events, traumatic events shall we say, is indeed best forgotten. “Just don’t dwell on it, ” the saying goes, “and it will lose its power over you.”

There is some truth to these statements, from my perspective. You do indeed create through a focusing of your energies on the subject matter. And so I do not advise the student who has had a traumatic childhood, for example, to continuously TRY to remember the traumatic events. Without proper preparation, they may make matters worse for themselves. Yet I DO believe that a return to the scenes of the trauma in the imagination, from an Objective Observer’s perspective, may be quite healing. Again, this is not done willy-nilly, without regard for the safety of the human. Great preparation is made before the return to master this Observer’s Perspective.

Once this is done, the student may safely visit these unfortunate memories, and observe the going-on objectively, without Embodying these negative memories, in other words. Here is where we use humor to neutralize the negative Feeling-Tone that marks and identifies the traumatic events. Change the past and the present will take care of itself. It has a sense of the absurd to it yet it is literally true. Over time the Objective Observer creates safety in this retrieval process. The negative emotion loses its sting, its power to wound.

Now having been neutralized, the event may safely be studied, assessed, and TRANSFORMED. The student is quite literally changing their past. When they return to surface awareness from the Trance State they may well experience the cathartic healing of consciousness. In this sense the student recovers, as in going back to retrieve the lost aspects of Soul, rather than recover in the sense of again covering up the negative past. Please note the activity of the double meaning within consciousness.


ESSENTIAL METAPHOR – You are on a path to your past, to your birth. As you go back in time on this path you see on the side of the road, events, places where you split off parts of yourself and left them. The idea is to collect these aspects or parts of self and integrate them into your personality through Intent. You go all the way back to your birth. When you have done this adequately, you can go back beyond and before your birth to the time in between lives, in the Home Dimension and into other lives.

Now if you have issues of abuse from childhood, these issues may be healed from the present. As you walk this path you see different events being recreated on the side of the road. You see where you have left parts of yourself at different stages of development in your life. The idea is to collect these Feeling-Tones and bring them back to the present. This is healing the Soul. It allows you to integrate all of this material and navigate the developmental phase that was interrupted by the trauma.


HYPOTHESIS: We can reclaim and integrate the cumulative castoff aspects of Soul


I trust that you are convinced now that your mission in physical reality is to transform the negative into the positive, after first of course, analyzing the negative manifestation for origins, value, etc. Now when this is done consistently – habitually – there comes a time when the architect of these negative reality constructions become quite known to you. This aspect of your consciousness we refer to as the Negative Persona.

You identify it as a subject in order to study this subject. It remains the ultimate truth of our reality that we are complete and utterly whole, un-fragmented, good, and of sacred value unto oneself. However, let us examine this theorized Negative Persona here in an effort of self-understanding and propose an exercise to identify it completely, and then accept it into the consciousness in a ritualized fashion. This will be an “owning” of the personalized negative aspects of consciousness.

Now, as you wrestle with your Lessons, the theorized Negative Persona is created. In your personal underworld it can gain great power, over time, as the uncomfortable aspects of your personality are noticed by the ego/intellect and then intentionally ignored. The perceived negative is a personal opinion, therefore, and this evolving Negative Persona bears the characteristics of human existence that are thought of as shameful, inappropriate, fearful, and so on.

Each human is different in their respective creations of this aspect of consciousness. And because it is such a personal and intimate portrayal by the individual of everything that is perceived as “wrong” about them, it gains a certain treacherous and even potentially catastrophic potential. It is as though you feel that if this information ever comes to light – revealed to family, friends, colleagues – that you would not be able to bear it. You would be destroyed. You would possibly cease to exist.

This is that mythological “beast within” that seeks acknowledgment by the self, but seldom is granted this acknowledgment. Currently, because great numbers of us are awakening in our time frame, it is necessary for you to “take your medicine,” in a sense, with regards to acknowledging this Negative Persona. All of us are in our Issues at this time. All of us are deep within our Lessons. All of us are being called upon to accept responsibility for our negative selves, so that we will cease projecting our disavowed aspects of self onto others: mates, families, nations, collective of all types.

Your Negative Persona is best recognized in the negative remarks made to you by others concerning your personality and behavior. To be sure, some of these comments may have intrinsic value: they may be quite true, in other words. Your task is to determine the truth in these negative comments and own these comments. Take responsibility here. Then as you assess the negative comments that do not pertain to you, but were perhaps mere projections of fear and doubt from your friends and family, get a sense of this Collective Persona.

  • How does it feel to confront this aspect of your personality?
  • Is there a sense of familiarity here, as though you have been aware of this element, but were perhaps afraid to fully face it?

Now simply acknowledge this construct as a very important part of you, the other side of you, in fact. This is to be done with Courage and Loving Understanding as your primary operating perspective.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings.


These words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout your life…

There are Lessons of a Positive nature also for the Reality Creator. We often speak of the Positive Manifestation as it pertains to The Shift in consciousness for humanity. Our positive input fuels The Shift, quite literally. Now what of the Positive Manifestation within the Personal Reality Field of the individual? An example for our further understanding…

Consider the human engaged in creating prosperity for themselves and their family. Let us say that this group was previously “doing without,” for the most part. They were without the necessities of existence and were suffering Lack. Then it dawned upon the consciousness of our example – a woman – that she was sabotaging her financial growth subconsciously by obeying self-limiting scripts created in her youth. She was told as a child that she was incapable of creating anything of value, for she was a “”natural born loser.” She was told by her parents that she “destroyed everything she touched.”

Now these words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout her life. Her parents knew what they were talking about, she assumed, and so she created a life of failure to corroborate her parent’s assessment of her. The script became subconscious over time, until now, as an adult, she wonders if she may be cursed. She wonders why her projects seem doomed to fail.

Then the example becomes aware of the momentary thoughts, images, and emotions within her consciousness. She identifies a common thread: “you are a born loser,” and rather than continue to accept that, she challenges it within her own experience. She proclaims to herself that she is a natural healer and has successfully facilitated the return to health with many friends over the years. She is successful in this area of her life. Perhaps she may transpose the positive states of consciousness she is experiencing when she is successful in healing to the task of creating prosperity. She discovers that she does have a circular thought that is common to her states of consciousness while being successful. The thought is a statement:”I can do this if I keep at it.” This thought fills her with motivation and positive emotion.

By noticing in her self-assessments in the moments of her waking reality, when and where she is creating through the internalized statement/belief that she is a born loser, she is able to respond to this negative assertion with her own positive statement: “I can do this if I just keep at it.” Over time, the negative belief is replaced by the positive assertion through the “habit” of ritually replacing the negative thought. Soon the example is experiencing an improved reality in the financial realm.