Category Archives: Electrical Reality

Units of consciousness are not neutral, mathematical or mechanistic

They are the smallest imaginable “packages” of consciousness that we can imagine, and despite any ideas to the contrary, basically consciousness has nothing to do with size. If that were the case, it would take more than a world-sized globe to contain the consciousness of simply one cell.


So our physical life is the result of a spectacular spontaneous order — the order of the body spontaneously formed by the units of consciousness. Our experience of the world is largely determined by our imaginations and our reasoning abilities. These did not develop through time, as per usual evolutionary beliefs. Both imagination and reason belonged to the species from the beginning, but the species has used these qualities in different ways throughout what we think of as historic time. There is great leeway in that direction, so that the two can be combined in many many alternate fashions, each particular combination giving us its own unique picture of reality, and determining our experience in the world.

Our many civilizations, historically speaking, each with its own fields of activity, its own sciences, religions, politics and art — these all represent various ways that man has used imagination and reason to form a framework through which a more or less cohesive reality is experienced.


Man and woman, then, has sometimes stressed the power of the imagination and let its great dramatic light illuminate the physical events about him or her, so that they were largely seen through its cast. Exterior events in those circumstances become magnets attracting the dramatic force of the imagination. Inner events are stressed over exterior ones. The objects of the world then become important not only for what they are but because of their standing in an inner world of meaning. In such cases, of course, it becomes quite possible to go so far in that direction that the events of nature almost seem to disappear amid the weight of their symbolic content.

In recent times the trend has been in the opposite direction, so that the abilities of the imagination were considered highly suspect, while exterior events were considered the only aspects of reality. We ended up with a true-or-false kind of world, in which it seemed that the answers to the deepest questions about life could be answered quite correctly and adequately by some multiple-choice test. Man’s and woman’s imagination seemed then to be allied with falsehood, unless its products could be turned to advantage in the materialistic existence. In that context, the imagination was tolerated at all only because it sometimes offered new technological inventions.


I have taken two contrasting examples of the many ways in which the powers of the imagination and those of the reasoning abilities can be used. There are endless varieties, however — each subjectively and genetically possible, and many, of course, that we have yet developed as a species.

Why would an individual form the reality of schizophrenic behavior?


On the question of “mental disorders,” it is highly important that individual integrity be stressed, rather than the blanket definitions that are usually accorded to any group of symptoms. In many such circumstances, however, such individuals are combining the imagination and the reasoning abilities in ways that are not in keeping with their historic periods. It would not be entirely out of keeping, though somewhat exaggerated a statement, to claim that men and women who stockpile nuclear weapons in order to preserve peace are insane. In our society, such activities are, in a way that completely escapes me, somehow under the label of humanitarianism!

Such plans are not considered insane ones — though in the deepest meaning of that word, they are indeed. There are many reasons for such actions, but an overemphasis upon what we think of as the reasoning abilities, as opposed to what we think of as imaginative abilities, is at least partially to blame.


In the schizophrenic case, we have a mixture of those characteristics in which interior events — the events of the imagination — cast too strong a light upon physical events as far as the socially accepted blend is concerned. Again, I am not speaking about all cases of mental disorder here. I do however, want to make the point that our prized psychological norm as a species means that we must also be allowed a great leeway in the use of the imagination and the intellect. Otherwise, we could become locked into a rigid conscious stance, one in which both the imagination and the intellect could advance no  further. It is vitally important that we realize the great psychological diversity that is present within our psychological behavior — and those varieties of psychological experience are necessary. They give us vital psychological feedback, and they exercise the reaches of our abilities in ways that are overall most advantageous.

The schizophrenic man or woman wants to live largely in his or her own world. He or she hurts no one. He and she supports himself or herself a good deal of the time. His or her view of reality is eccentric from most viewpoints. He or she adds a flavor to the world that would be missing otherwise, and through his or she very eccentricity, to some extent he and she shows other people that their rigid views of reality may indeed have chinks in them here and there.


I do not mean to idealize the schizophrenic either, or others of his or her kind, but to point out that we can use our imaginations and intellect in other fashions than we do. In fact, such fashions are not only genetically possible, but genetically probable — a matter I will discuss in later blogs. The imagination, of course, deals with the implied universe, those vast areas of reality that are not physically manifest, while reason usually deals with the evidence of the world that is before it. That statement is generally true, but specifically, of course, any act of the imagination involves reasoning, and any act of reason involves the imagination.

Are the Invisible Particles the Units of Consciousness?

For one thing, while I realize the importance of specific terms. I do not want my blog readers to become so dependent upon terms that coming across one you have read before, you instantly categorize it. For another thing, each time I reintroduce such information I do so from another direction, so to speak, so that you as my blog reader are meant to approach it from a different angle also. In that way, you become familiar with certain knowledge from a variety of viewpoints.


As you read my blogs the question itself — “Are these after all the units of consciousness referred to in earlier blogs?” — should have triggered your intellect and your intuition to work together, even if only slightly, in another way. In other words, of course, I hope to inspire both your imagination and your intelligence in this blog devoted to such subject matter.

Remember, again, the manifest universe emerges from a subjective reality, one that is implied in the very nature of our world itself. I would like us, then to think of those units of consciousness from an entirely different scale of events.


Imagine, now, as far as you are able, the existence of All That Is, a consciousness so magnificently complex that what we may call its own psychological compartments are, literally now, infinite. All appearances of time, and all experience of it, must be psychological. The “speed” of electrons, for example, would reflect their psychological motion.

All That Is, as the source of all realities and experience, is so psychologically complex, so multidimensionally creative, that it constantly surprises itself. It is, itself, the invisible universe that is everywhere implied within our world, but that becomes manifest to our perception only through historic time. All That Is disperses itself, therefore, so that it is on the one hand “a massive” subjective entity, a psychological structure — and on the other hand, it also disperses itself into the phenomenal world. It is, in all meanings of the word, divine, yet it disperses even that divinity so that in our terms, each unit of consciousness contains within itself those properties of divinity. All That Is has no one image, but is within all images —  (whether or not they are manifest). Our thoughts are the invisible partners of our words, and the vast unstated subjectivity of All That Is is in the same way behind all stated or manifest phenomena.


In those terms, it is basically impossible for any given species to become extinct. It can disappear for a time, become unmanifest for a while in historic events. The genetic patterns for any given species reside, of course, primarily in that species’ genetic bank — but the genetic bank does not exist in isolation, but is invisibly connected with the genetic makeup of each other species.

There are countless relationships between species that go unrecognized. The generations of all species interact. The genetic cues are not triggered on the proposition, obviously, that a species exists alone on the planet, but also in response to genetic sequences that operate in all of the species combined. The genetic system, again, is not closed nearly as much as supposed. That is, again, because the basic units of consciousness that build up matter — that form matter — are themselves endowed with a subjective acuteness. This also accounts for my earlier statement, that in usually understood terms the environment and its creatures “evolve” together. Our position on the scale of awareness inclines us to categorize consciousnesses so that only our own familiar brand seems to fit the definition — so again here I remind that consciousness is everywhere in the deepest terms, because All That Is disperses itself throughout physical reality. All portions of that reality have their own rights to existence, and purposes within it. so of course do all peoples, and the races.


Our imaginations helps us bring elements of that inner implied universe into actuality. Our imaginations obviously are not limited by time. We can imagine past and future events. Our imaginations have always helped us form our civilizations, our arts, and our sciences, and when they are united with our reasoning processes they can bring us knowledge about the universe and our places in it that we can receive in no other fashion.


Each unit of consciousness intensifies, magnifies its own intents to be — and, we might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that “explodes” into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called an electromagnetic energy unit, in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience. And: “Units of consciousness, transforming themselves into electromagnetic energy units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what we might call a circular manner rather than a serial one.

When You Are Who You Are

When you are determines where you are. Space is in many ways more “timely” than we think. I am not speaking of the usual time concepts, of course, of consecutive moments, but of a certain dimension of activity in which our space happens.


As long as we are trying to explain the origin of our world in a new fashion, we will be bringing in many subjects that may not usually appear in such discussions. The world as we know it emerges from an inner, more extensive sphere of dimensions into actuality. It is supported then by a seemingly invisible framework.

Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because we are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of our world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass, or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness — but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particle contains within itself the potential to embark upon an infinite number of probable variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at stage unspecialized, while they contain within themselves the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.


They can be, and they are, everywhere at once. Sometimes they operate with mass and sometimes without it. Now we are composed of such invisible particles, and so is everything else that we can physically perceive. To that degree portions of our own consciousness are everywhere at once. They are not lost, or spread out in some generalized fashion, but acutely responsive, and as highly alert as our familiar consciousness is now.

The self that we are aware of represents only one “position” in which those invisible particles happen to intersect, gain mass, build up form. scientists can only perceive an electron as it is to them. They cannot really track it. They cannot be certain of its position and its speed at the same time, and to some extent the same applies to our consciousness. The speed of our own thoughts takes those thoughts away from us even as we think them — and we can never really examine a thought, but only the thought of a thought.


Because we are, we are everywhere at once. I am quite aware of the fact that we can scarcely follow that psychological motion. As we will see later, our imagination can lead us toward some recognition, even toward some emotional comprehension, of this concept. While our reasoning abilities at first may falter, that is only because we have trained our intellect to respond in a limited fashion.

There are what I will call “intervals of perception.” We are usually conscious of events that are significant neurologically, and that neurological timing is the end result of an almost infinite series of sequences. Those sequences are areas in which activities happen. Each consciousness within each area is tuned into its proper sequence. Each area builds on the others. The invisible particles are the framework upon which our body is formed, for example — they move faster than the speed of light, yet we are not dizzy. We are aware of no such motion. We are tuned into a different sequence of action.


There are, then, different worlds operating with different frequencies at different intervals. They are conscious in other times, though we are neurologically equipped to perceive our own interval structures. When I speak of time, I do not merely refer to other centuries as we think of them. But between the moments that we know, and neurologically accept, there are other kinds of moments, if we prefer, other versions of time, and other kinds of accomplishments and fulfillments that are not dependent upon usual ideas of, say, growth through time.

Some of this may seem quite difficult at first reading, but I know that we are all far more intelligent than we realize we are — far more intuitive. I know also that we are tired of simple tales told to us as if we were children, and that our minds and hearts yearn for worthwhile challenges. We want to extend ourselves as far as possible, because each of us has been born with that urge toward value fulfillment.


It is only because, particularly in our times, we have trained ourselves to limit the nature of our own consciousnesses that such ideas seem strange. We have thus far believed that we must train our great imaginations and our intelligences to confine themselves and their activities to the physical world as we have been told it exists. In childhood, before we so leashed our imaginations, however, we each had our own dreams — dreams that awakened us to other portions of our own identities. There are many experiences open to us now — if we can be free enough to allow them — that will give us glimpses of those other intervals in which we have a reality.

I will deal with some such exercises later in future blogs. All such methods, however, are useless if our beliefs hold us back, and so the main thrust of all of my blogs is to increase your own areas of thought and speculation.


In material like this, but in general you end up with information that does indeed come from outside of time in certain important fashions.

Probabilities intersect at each point with our time, and those probabilities are psychologically directed so that, in our terms once again, he and she are at an excellent intersection point, where the prognosis is excellent. And we all are responsible, for all of our lives merge in their fashions.


Ordinarily we think of mass as meaning the bulk and/or weight of an object. In classical physics, the amount of matter in a given object is measured according to its relation to inertia, which in turn is the tendency of matter to keep moving in the same direction, if moving, or to stay at rest if at rest. An object’s mass is arrived at through dividing its weight by the acceleration caused by gravity.

Between each ticking of the clock

Long centuries pass

In universes hidden from our own.

The “Genetic System” is far more open than is usually supposed

The genetic system not only contains and conveys information, but it also reacts to information from the physical and cultural worlds.


In a way I hope to explain, then, the genetic system also reacts to those beliefs and events that are paramount in any given civilization. Events can trigger genetic activity — not simply through, say, chemical reactions, but through individual and mass beliefs about the safety or lack of it in the world at large.

There are also what I will call genetic dreams, which are inspired directly by genetic triggering. These help form and direct consciousness as it exists in any given individual from before birth.


The fetus dreams. As its physical growth takes place in the womb, so the sleeping of its consciousness is also extended by genetic dreams. These particular fetus-oriented dreams are are most difficult to describe, for they are actually involved with forming the contours of the individual consciousness. Such dreams provide the subjective understanding from which thoughts are developed, and in those terms complete thoughts are possible before the brain itself is fully formed. It is the process of thinking that helps bring the brain into activity, and not the other way around.

Such thoughts are like, now, electrical patterns that form their own magnets. The ability to conceptualize is precise in the fetus, and the fetus does conceptualize. The precise orientation of that conceptualizing, and the precise orientation of the thinking patterns, wait for certain physical triggers received from the parents and the environment after birth, but the processes of conceptualization and of thought are already established. This establishment takes place in genetic dreams.


Infants think long before they can speak. Thought must come before language. Language is thought’s handmaiden.

The ability to use language is also genetically built-in, through the precise orientation, again, with the physical triggering of the parents’ native language. Children learn such languages mentally long before they are physically capable of speaking them; but again, in genetically inspired dreams, children — or rather, infants — practice language. before such infants hear their parents speak, however, they are telepathic communication, and even in the fetus genetic dreams involve the coding and interpretation of language. Those dreams themselves inspire the physical formation necessary to bring about their own actualization.


Genetic dreams of one kind or another continue throughout our lives, whether or not we are consciously aware of them. They were of prime importance in “man’s and woman’s evolution,” as we think of it. They were the source of dreams, mentioned in earlier blogs, that sent man and woman on migrations after food, that led him or her toward fertile land. Those dreams are most closely related to survival in physical existence, and whenever that survival seems threatened such dreams arise to consciousness whenever possible.

They are the dreams that warn of famines or of wars. Such dreams, however, can also be triggered often, as in our own times, when the conscious mind is convinced that the survival of the species is threatened — and in such cases the dreams then actually represent man’s and woman’s fears. Over-anxiety, then, can confuse the genetic system, and in a variety of ways. The existence of each of the species is dependent upon trust, indeed a biological optimism, in which each species feels the freedom to develop the potential of its members in relative safety, within the natural frameworks of existence.  Each species comes into being not merely feeling a natural built-in trust in its own validity, but is literally propelled by exuberance in its ability to cope with  its environment. It knows that it is uniquely suited to its place within life’s framework. The young of all species exhibit an unquenchable rambunctiousness. That rambunctiousness is built in.


Animals know that their lives spell our life’s meaning. They feel their relationship with all other forms of life. They know that their relationship with all other forms of life. They know that their existences are vitally important in the framework of planetary existence. Beyond that, they identify themselves with the spirit of life within them so fully and so completely that to question its meaning would be inconceivable. Not inconceivable because such creatures cannot think, but because life’s meaning is so self-evident to them.

Whenever man or woman believes that life is meaningless, whenever he or she feels that value fulfillment is impossible, or indeed nonexistent, then he or she undermines his or her genetic heritage. He or she separates himself and herself from life’s meaning. He or she feels vacant inside. Man and woman for centuries attached faith, hope, and charity to the beliefs of established religions. Instead, these are genetic attributes, inspired and promoted by the inseparable unity of spirit in flesh. The animals are quite as familiar with faith, hope, and charity as we are, and often exemplify it in their own frameworks of existence to a better extent. Any philosophy that promotes the idea that life is meaningless is biologically dangerous. It promotes feelings of despair that directly hamper genetic activity. Such philosophies are extremely disadvantageous creatively, since they dampen the emotional spirits and exuberance, and sense of play, from which creativity itself emerges.


Such philosophies are also deadening on an intellectual basis, for they must of necessity close out man’s and woman’s great curiosity about the subjective matters that are his and her main concern. If life has no meaning, then nothing else really makes any difference, and intellectual curiosity itself also ends up withering on the vine.

The intellectual ideas of societies, therefore, also have a great effect upon which genetic systems are triggered, and which ones are not.


We have genetic systems, then, carrying information that is literally incalculable. Now: through our technologies, through our physical experience, we are also surrounded by an immense array of communication and information of an exterior nature. We have our cell-phones, radios, computers, televisions, our earth satellites — all networks that process and convey data. Those inner biological systems and the exterior ones may seem quite separate. They are intimately connected, however. The information we receive from our culture, from our arts, sciences, fields of economics, is all translated, decoded, turned into cellular information. Certain genetic diseases, for example, may be activated or not activated according to the cultural climate at any given time, as the relative safety or lack of it in that climate is interpreted through private experience.

In one way or another, the living genetic system has an effect upon our cultural reality, and the reverse also applies. All of this is further complicated by the purposes and intents of the generations in any historical period, and the reincarnational influences.


Value fulfillment always implies the search for excellence — not perfection, but excellence. Excellence in any given area — emotional, physical, intellectual, intuitional, scientific — is reflected in other areas, and by its mere existence serves as a model for achievement. This kind of excellence need not be structured, then, into any aspect of life, though it may appear in any aspect, and wherever it appears it is an echo of a spiritual and biological directive, so to speak. There are different historical periods, in our terms, where the species has showed what it can do — and what is possible in certain specific directions when the genetic and reincarnational triggers are touched and opened full blast, so that certain characteristics appear in their clearest, most spectacular light, to serve as individual models and as models for the species as a whole.

Again, such times are closely bound with reincarnational intents that direct the genetic triggering, and that meet in the culture the further stimulus that may be required. The time of the great masters in the fields of painting and sculpture is a case in point.


Some people have built careers around negative beliefs– they may have spent their professional lives maintaining belief systems which after death they begin to understand are quite wrong. How do they react? Are those individuals even aware of their earlier beliefs? Do they care what they used to think? Are they shocked, do they have feelings of regret or embarrass what? Or is there such a variety of responses possible that we can’t answer the question simply? And how do such people react after death, they start to get glimmerings about the workings of reincarnation, for example?

Reincarnational patterns apply also. Some people, having live lives believing in one religious system or another, being completely immersed in them give themselves shock treatments of sorts, then, living lives in which they believe in nothing or at least freeing themselves from any beliefs — only to discover, of course, that a believing nothing is the most confining belief of all. That realization is that in such cases.


There are those who upon religious beliefs, using them as crutches, and in later lives then, they might– such people — throw those crutches away overreacting to their new-found “freedom”; and through living lives as meaningless they then realize, after death, the meaningfulness of existence was after all not dependent upon any religious system. It was there all along, but they had not seen it.


“If there is no life after life,

then what cosmic spendthrift formed

the universe,

for Chance alone can’t be

that prolific, or fake an order in which

an accident of such proportions

as the creation of a world

seems so inevitable,

each random element

falling pat, into place.,

and each consciousness promptly appearing

with body parts all neatly assembled —

only to be squandered,

falling apart, dissolving into nothingness

while Chance grinds out newer odds.


If there is no life after life,

then what a lack

of cosmic economy,

for nature strings one molecule

on to another so craftily

that each seed can grow a tree,

and contains the properties

of an entire forest,

while multiplications

are hidden everywhere.”

If there were no Idiots, we would find Geniuses absent among us

Those human abilities that we consider to be characteristic of our species, are, again, dependent upon the existence of infinite numbers of variations that appear in the aggregate, to give us often obviously opposing states. What we think of then as the average intelligence is a condition that exists because of the activity of constant variables, minute variations that give us at one end of the scale the idiot, and at the other the genius.


Both are necessary to maintain that larger “norm” of mental activity. I am using the word “norm” here for our convenience, though I disagree with the ways in which the term has been used, when it has been set up as a rule of measurement, psychologically speaking. The genetic system is not closed, therefore. The genes do not simply hold information without any reference to the body’s living system. It does not exist, then — the genetic structure — like some highly complicated mechanism already programmed, started and functioning “blindly,” so that once it is set into operation there is no chance for modification.

Particularly in our own species there is a great give-and-take between human genetic systems, the environment, and cultural events — and by cultural events I mean events having to do with our peculiarly unique field of activity that includes the worlds of politics, economics, and so forth.


Genetic events are not not irrefutable in a deterministic fashion. They represent strong inclinations toward certain bodily or mental activity, certain biological preferences. They lead toward the activation of certain events over others, so that the probabilities are “loaded” in certain directions. Genetic events are then events, though at a different level of activity than we are used to thinking of.

We are speaking of chromosomal messages. These are not written within the chromosomes as words might be written upon paper, but the information and the chromosomes are a living unit. The information is alive. We are speaking about a kind of biological cuneiform, in which the structures, the very physical structures, of the cells contain all of the knowledge needed to form a physical body — to form themselves. This is indeed knowledge in biological form, and biologically making its clearest living statement.


The cells with their genetic packages, like all cells, react  to stimuli. They act. They are aware of all of the body’s events biologically. In ways impossible to verbalize, they are also aware of the environment of the body as it is perceived at biological levels. I have said before that in one way or another each living cell is united with each other living cell through a system of inner communication. “Programed” genetic activity can be altered by conditions in the environment.

I am not simply saying that genetic activity can be changed, for example, through something like a nuclear accident, but that highly beneficial alterations can also take place in genetic behavior, as in our terms the genetic structure not only prepares the species for any contingency, but also prepares it by triggering those characteristics and abilities that are needed by the species at any given time, and also by making allowances for such future developments.


Our genetic structure reacts to each thought that we have, to the state of our emotions, to our psychological climate. In our terms, it contains the physical history of the species in context with the probable future capabilities of the species. We choose our genetic structure so that it suits the challenges and capabilities of the species. We choose our genetic structure so that it suits the challenges and potentials that we have chosen. It represents our physical reference point, our bodily framework. It is our personal physical property. It is a portion of physical matter that we have identified, filled out with our own identity. It is like a splendid ship, the body, that we have chosen ahead of time for a splendid challenging adventure — a ship that we have personally appointed that is equipped to serve as much as possible as a physical manifestation of our personhood.

Some people, in beginning such a venture, will indeed insist upon an excellent vessel, with the most sophisticated mechanisms, equipped with grand couches and a banquet room. Others would want much more excitement, much more zest, and order then instead a less grand vessel, but one that went faster. Some would set goals for themselves that demanded that their powers of seamanship be tested. The analogy may be a simple one, yet each person chooses the living vessel of the body, with his or her own intents and purposes in mind.


In physical reality, if you will forgive me, life is the name of the game — and the game is based upon value fulfillment. That means simply that each form of life seeks toward the fulfillment and unfolding of all of the capacities that it senses within its living framework, knowing that in that individual fulfillment each other species of life is also benefited.

In no way do I mean to demean the indisputable value of geniuses, or their great contributions to the quality of life — but the quality of life is, again, also benefited by the existence of idiots. Not only because both ends of the scale are necessary for genetic reasons, but also because idiots themselves are in no way considered failures or defects by nature. Those terms are human judgements. Idiots also serve their role by moderating the sometimes fierce hold that the reasoning mind can have upon human activity.


The idiot is often able to experience in his or her own reality a freer, more generous, more faithful flow of emotional states, unhampered by reason’s sometimes stern dictates, and it is important that such a moderating tendency does operate genetically.

The reasoning mind, as we have used it thus far, roughly since the birth of Christianity, has used — instead of used, confined — has confined its reasoning abilities to a very narrow spectrum of reality. It has seen the value of life largely only as that life conforms to its own standards. That is, the reasoning mind, as we have used it, considers that only reasoning creatures are capable of understanding life’s values. Other forms of life have almost seemed beside the point, their value considered only insofar as they were of service to man and woman. But man’s and woman’s life is obviously dependent upon the existence of life’s other species, and with him and her those species share certain values. Life is sacred — all life — and again, all life seeks value fulfillment, not simply physical survival.


I read an article about the development of a strain of mice without thymus [glands]. Since the thymus is very important in the necessary process of maintaining bodily resistance to disease, these particular mice have little resistance. They are bred and sold for experimental purposes. The intent of such procedures is to promote the quality of human life, to study the nature of diseases, and hopefully apply what is learned to some of the lives of human beings. Mice are not considered human. They are not. So like any animal, they are thought of as dispensable, sacrificed to a fine humanitarian end.

Perhaps at first that prejudice of the reasoning mind might escape us, since after all mice are far divorced from our own species. There were Jews sacrificed to the same end not too long ago, and the reasoning was largely the same, though in that case we were dealing with our own species.


Jews were considered almost not human, however, and whenever such atrocities against our own species are concerned, we indulge in the same kind of twisted reasoning. Because the Jews were considered less than human — or, at best, human defects — they were thought of as justifiable sacrifices on the altar of “the genetic betterment of mankind and womankind.” We cannot improve the quality of our own lives by destroying the quality of any other kind of life. There is no genetic master race. The very classification of the species into races to begin with is based upon distinctions that are ridiculously minute in the overall picture of the similarities.

Such procedures involve a biological immortality. I usually avoid terms like “morality” or “immorality,” since their definition vary according to the individual. The proceedings, however, do involve a biological violation, a going against nature’s flow and intent, a process in which a form of life is made to go against its own value fulfillment, and it is because of such attitudes involving other kinds of life that the horrors of the Jewish war camps were made possible.


Using animals in the laboratory is imposing human goals and values upon other life forms, even though the modern scientific method is supposed to be value-free. For such research is carried out in the name of progress and the practical common good, of course — and that progress applies also in the remedial treatment of other animals, let us remember. We think that every reader of this blog has benefited, and still does, from animal experimentation, some of it most cruel, in ways that he or she can hardly suspect, let alone specify: even benefiting from the use of animals in the study of medical and chemical, beauty and recreational products that can be found in practically every home in the country. I see the passive, thinking and unthinking tolerance of animal experimentation as a classical case of a society using ends to justify means — yet in the United States, at least, we carefully teach each generation of our species that such rationalization aren’t morally acceptable. 

I also believe, however, that generally speaking science still views our genetic systems in mechanical, deterministic, and reductionistic terms, and will continue to do so for a long time. So that evidence is being accumulated to support that overall view that at this time science has no need to seek for other, larger, and more unsettling frames of reference encompassing consciousness, intent, and genetics. Indeed, I seldom see consciousness mentioned in connection with genetics, except as its quality may relate to genetic “defects” like mental retardation, say.


Nor do I think that establishment science will soon be interested in ideas that exchanges take place involving our genetic systems, the environment, and cultural events like politics and economics; of that our genetic systems react to our thoughts and emotions — let alone that there’s any genetic planning for future probabilities! I do not know whether, or how, any of those factors could be measured and/or manipulated in the laboratory. Science could grant ideas their own realities outside of the scientific framework, or course, and thus be free of them.

But granted or not, the idea of any sort of genetic preparation for future contingencies collides with the very powerful theory of evolution, which holds that evolutionary, genetic changes take place only through natural selection and chance mutations (although random of chance mutations are generally regarded as mistakes on nature’s part). There are many unsolved challenges here. Another version of old, discredited Lamarckian theories. (jean Baptiste de Monet de Lamarck [1744-1829] was a French naturalist who advocated that certain modifications of an organism’s structure and function could develop in response to environmental factors, and that these “acquired characters” could be inherited. Lamarck’s work has been widely misunderstood, however. It still has value, and recently has been employed in some remarkable scholarly studies that show how, in scientific teams, evolution can take place through means other than natural selection and chance mutations.


Some would agree that consciousness obviously contains an unlimited number of viewpoints, regardless of which ones we humans may choose to call “true” at any particular time. Consciousness is just as amenable to having some of its physical manifestations scientifically studied, its parts manipulated through “genetic engineering.” All of our  species’ actions represent our keen and creative interests in studying ourselves in the finest details possible. That the scientific approach has limitations is obvious. So do all others in this physical realm. A discipline, of whatever nature and motivation, can erect barriers to “outside” influences — and those barriers are often artifacts growing almost automatically out of the very nature of the belief system in question

The Gifted and the Handicapped

Our species as a species includes the idiot and the genius, the stupid and the wise, the athletic, the deformed, the beautiful and the ugly, and all variations in between. There are genetic cultures operating, then, of literally infinite variety, and they each have their place and their reason, and they each fit into the overall picture — not only of man’s and woman’s reality but of the planet’s  reality, including all of nature.


Our religious ideas have often told us that deformities at birth were the result of the parents’ sins cast upon the children, or that another kind of punishment was involved in terms of “karma.” In terms of biology, people talk about coming from good stock or bad stock, and even those designations imply moral judgments.

The entire idea of reincarnation has been highly distorted by other religious concepts. It is not a psychological arena composed of crime and punishment. Again, we have free will in the conditions of life, given the characteristics that are our own. The great facility and adaptability of the human species are dependent upon an amazing interplay between genetic preciseness and genetic freedom. The very characteristic attributes of species, its dependability and integrity, are dependent upon constant checks and balances, the existence of divergent characteristics against which the species can measure itself.


The species is also always in the process of keeping within its genetic bank millions of characteristics that might be needed in various contingencies, and in that regard there is a connection, of course, between, say, viruses of many strains and the health not only of man and woman but of other species.

The possibility of creative change must always be present to insure the species’ resiliency, and that resiliency can show in many ways — in conditions that we consider deformities, disabilities from birth, or in any physical variation for a hypothetical physical norm. We all look quite alike, with one head, to arms and legs, and so forth, as a rule. Such differences or variations are very noticeable at a certain level, if we have more fingers that we are supposed to or less, or two thumbs to a hand, or any other condition that is considered an abnormality.


There are mental conditions also: the so-called retarded people who do not use their reasoning minds as others do. There are also, again, highly gifted people, physically or mentally, people who seem to be at times as far from the ordinary person on the gifted scale as an idiot might be on the other. So as we progress in my blogs, I hope to show where all of these situations fit in with the development of the individual and the species.

At a smaller level of activity such variances of course escape our notice. We do not know if we have any errant genes unless their effects show themselves. At microscopic levels, in fact, no one fits any norm, and there is no way to predict with complete certainty the development of any genetic element. We can make group predictions, and overall make certain judgments, but other elements are involved, so that any particular genetic element cannot be pinned down in terms of its development. This is because its activity is also involved with relationships that do not show in any of our calculations.


Our thoughts, feelings, desires and intents, our reincarnational knowledge as well, modify that structure, bring certain latent characteristics into actualization, minimize others, as through the experience of our life we use our free will and constantly make new decisions.

Out-of-body is the result of a change in attitude, and makes possible also because of the body’s relaxation. Exercising the consciousness, allowing it greater freedom. a certain portion of our mind drifting at this time.


Now people may wiggle their feet, or doodle, or tap a desk while they are concentrating on other things. They also exercise their consciousnesses in the same fashion — doodle with their minds, relaxing themselves in such a fashion, wandering off to refresh themselves .


Only the physical body is in the same place. This is like a mental doodle, the colors are not complete, the picture is not filled in.

Human’s first encounter with physical reality in life, is with the state of one’s own consciousness

He or she is aware of a different kind of being. He or she encounters his and her consciousness first, and then he and she encounters the world — so I am saying, of course, that each person has an identity that is larger than the framework of consciousness with which we are usually familiar in life.


When we are born, we understand that we have a new consciousness. We explore its ramifications. It is our primary evidence that we exist in flesh. basically, each person must confront the experience of reality through a direct encounter with it. this encounter takes place through the use of the physical senses, of course, as they are used to perceive and interpret physical data. the very utilization of those senses, however, is dependent upon the nature of our consciousness itself, and that consciousness is aware of its power and action through the exercise of its own properties.

Those “properties” are the faculties of the imagination, creativity, telepathy, clairvoyance, and dreaming, as well as the functions of logic and reason. We know that we dream. We know that we think. Those are direct experiences. Anytime we use instruments to probe into the nature of reality, we are looking at a kind of secondary evidence, no matter how excellent the instruments may be. The subjective evidence of dreaming, for example, is far more “convincing” and irrefutable than is the evidence for an expanding universe, black holes, or even atoms and molecules themselves. Although instruments can indeed be most advantageous in many ways, they still present us with secondary rather than primary tools of investigation — and they distort the nature of reality far more than the subjective attributes of thoughts, feelings, and intuitions do.


The human consciousness has not, therefore, developed the best and most proper “tool” with which to examine the nature of reality. It is because we have used other methods that much evidence escapes us — evidence that would show that the physical universe exists in quite different terms than is supposed.

We are taught not to trust our subjective experience, which means that we are told not to trust our initial and primary connection with reality.


Evidence for reincarnation is quite available. there are enough instances of it, known and tabulated, to make an excellent case; and beside this there is evidence that remains psychologically invisible in our private lives, because we have been taught not to concentrate in that direction.

There is enough evidence to build an excellent case for life after death. All of this involves direct experience — episodes, encountered by individuals, that are highly suggestive of the after death hypothesis; but the hypothesis is never taken seriously by our established sciences. There is far more evidence for reincarnation and life after death than is, for example, for the existence of black holes. Few people have seen a black hole, to make the most generous statement possible, while countless people have had private reincarnational experiences, or encounters that suggest the survival of the personality beyond death.


Those experiences are usual. They have been reported by people of all kinds and in all ages, and they represent a common-sense kind of knowledge that is frowned upon by the men and women of learned universities. Throughout my blogs we will often be talking about experiences that are encountered in one way or another by most people, but are not given credence to on the part of the established fields of knowledge. Therefore, dreams will be considered throughout the blogs in various capacities as they are related through genetics, reincarnation, culture, and private life. We will also be considering the matter of free will and its role in individual value fulfillment.

Free will and determinism lead to questions concerning the reasoning mind

Any real discussion of genetic heritage must all bring up questions involving free will and determinism, and to some extent those issues must also lead to questions concerning the nature of the reasoning mind itself.


Reasoning, as we are familiar with it, is the result of mental or psychic processes functioning in a space-time context, and in a particular fashion. To some extent, then, reasoning — again, as we are familiar with it — is the result of a lack of available knowledge. We try to “reason things out,” because the answer is not in front of us. If it were, we would “know,” and hence have no need to question.

The reasoning mind is a uniquely human and physical phenomenon. It depends upon conscious thinking, problem-solving methods, and it is a natural human blossoming, a spectacular mental development in its own framework of activity.


Our technology is one of the results of that reasoning mind. That “reasoning” is necessary, however, because of the lack of a larger, immediate field of knowledge. Thoughts are mental activity, scaled to time and space terms so that they are like mental edifices built to certain dimensions only. Our thoughts make us human.

Other creatures have their own kinds of mental activity, however. They also have different kinds of immediate perceptions of reality. All species are united by their participation in emotional states, however. It is not just that all species of life have feeling, but that all participate in dimensions of emotional reality. It has been said that only men and women have a moral sense, that only men and women have free will — if indeed free will is possible at all. The word “moral” has endless connotations, of course. Yet animals have their own “morality,” their own codes of honor, their own impeccable senses of balance with all other creatures. They have loving emotional relationships, complicated societies, and in a certain sense at least — an important one — they also have their arts and sciences. But those “arts and sciences” are not based upon reasoning, as we understand it.


Animals also possess independent volition, and while I am emphasizing animals here, the same applies to any creature, large or small: insect, bird, fish, or worm; to plant life; to cells, atoms, or electrons. They possess free will in relationship to the conditions of their existence.

The conditions of existence are largely determined by genetic structure. Free will must then of course function in accordance with genetic integrity. Genetic structure makes possible physical organisms through which life is to be experienced, and to a large extent that structure must determine the kind of action possible in the world, and the way or ways in which volition can be effectively expressed.


The beaver is not free to make a spider web. In human beings the genetic structure largely determines physical characteristics such as height, color of eyes, color of hair, color of skin — and, of course, more importantly, the number of fingers and toes, and the other specific physical attributes alone, a man or woman cannot use his or her free will to fly like a bird, or to perform physical acts for which the human body is not equipped.

The body is equipped to perform far better, in a variety of ways, than we give it credit for, however — but the fact remains that the genetic structure focuses volition. The genetic apparatus and the chromosomal messages actually contain far more information than is ever used. that genetic information can, for example, be put together in an infinite number of ways. The species cares for itself in the event of any possible circumstance, so that the genetic messages also carry an endless number of triggers that will change genetic combinations if this becomes necessary.


Beyond that, however, genetic messages are coded in such a way that there is a constant give-and-take between those messages and the present experience of any given individual. That is, no genetic event is inevitable.

Now besides this physical genetic structure, there is an inner bank of psychic information that in our terms would contain the “past” history — the reincarnational history — of the individual. This provides an overall reservoir of psychic characteristics, leanings, abilities, knowledge, that is as much a part of the individual’s heritage as the genetic structure is a part of the  physical heritage.


A person of great intelligence may be born from a family of idiots, for example, because of that reincarnational structure. Musical ability may thus appear complete, with great technical facility, regardless of family background, genetically speaking, and again, the reincarnational bank of characteristics accounts for such events. That inner reincarnational psychic structure is also responsible for triggering certain genetic messages while ignoring others, of for triggering certain combinations of genetic messages. In actuality, of course — say that I smile — all time is simultaneous, and so all reincarnational lives occur at once.

Perhaps an analogy will help. An actor throwing himself or herself into a role, even momentarily lost in the part, is still alive and functioning as himself or herself in a context that is larger than the play. The character in the play is seemingly alive ( creatively) for the play’s duration, perception being limited to that framework, yet to play that role the actor or actress draws upon the experience of his or her own life. he or she brings to bear his or her own understanding, compassion, artistry, and is he is a good actor, or if she is, then when the play is over the actor is a better person for having played the role.


Now in the greater framework of reincarnational existences we choose our roles, or our lives, but the lines that we speak, the situations that we meet, are not predetermined. “You” live or exist in a larger framework of activity even while we live our life, and there is a rambunctious interplay between the yous in time and the you outside of time.

The you inside of time adopts a reasoning mind. It is a kind of creative psychological face that we use for the purposes of our life’s drama. This psychological face of our analogy has certain formal, ceremonial features, so that we mentally and psychologically tend to perceive only those data that are available within the play’s formal structure. We cannot see into the future, for example, or into the past.


We reason out our position. Otherwise our free will would have no meaning in a physical framework, for the number of choices available would be so multitudinous that we could not make up our mind to act within time: With all the opportunities of creativity, and with our own greater knowledge instantly available, we could be swamped by so many stimuli that we literally could not physically respond, and so our particular kinds of civilization and science and art could not have been accomplished — and regardless of their flaws they are magnificent accomplishments, unique products of the reasoning mind.

Without the reasoning mind the artist would have no need to paint, for the immediacy of his or her mental vision would be so instant and blinding, so mentally accomplished, that there would be no need to try any physical rendition of it. So nowhere do I ever mean to demean the qualities or excellence of the reasoning mind as we understand it.


We have, however, become so specialized in its use, so prejudiced in its favor, that our tendency is to examine all other kinds of consciousness using the reasoning mind as the only yardstick by which to judge intelligent life. We are surrounded everywhere by other kinds of consciousness whose validity we have largely ignored, whose psychic brotherhood we have dismissed — kinds of consciousness in the animal kingdom particularly, that deal with a different kind of knowing, but who share with us the reality of keen emotional experience, and who are innately aware of biological and psychic values, but in ways that have escaped our prejudiced examination.

To some extent that emotional reality is also expressed at other levels — as our own is — in periods of dreaming, in which animals, like men, participate in a vast cooperative venture that helps to form the psychological atmosphere in which our lives must first of all exist.


All creatures of whatever degree have their own appreciation of esthetics. many such creatures merge their arts so perfectly into their lives that it is impossible to separate the two: the spider’s web, for example, or the beaver’s dam — and there are endless other examples. This is not “blind instinctive behavior’ at all, but the result of well-ordered spontaneous artistry.

Art is not a specifically human endeavor, though man and woman likes to believe that this is so. Art is above all a natural characteristic. I try to straddle our definitions — but flowers, for example, in a fashion see themselves as their own artistic creations. They have an esthetic appreciation of their own colors. But nature seeks to outdo itself in terms that are most basically artistic, even while those terms may also include quite utilitarian purposes. The natural man and woman, then, are a natural artist. In a sense, painting is man’s and woman’s natural attempt to create an original but coherent, mental yet physical interpretation of his or her own reality — and by extension to create a new version of reality for his or her species.


We are still learning. Our work is still developing. How truly unfortunate we would be if that were not the case. There is always a kind of artistic dissatisfaction that any true artist feels with work that is completed, for he or she are always aware of the tug and pull, and the tension, between the sensed ideal and its manifestation. In a certain fashion the artist is looking for a creative solution to a sensed but never clearly stated problem or challenge, and it is an adventure that is literally unending. It must be one that has no clearly stated destination, in usual terms. In the most basic of ways, the artist cannot say where he or she is going, for is he or she knows ahead of time he or she is not creating but copying.

The true artist is involved with the inner workings of himself or herself with the universe — a choice, I remind you, that he or she has made, and so often the artist does indeed forsake the recognized roads of recognition. And more, seeing that, he or she often does not know how to assess his or her progress, since his or her journey has no recognizable creative destination. By its nature art basically is meant to put each artist of whatever kind into harmony with the universe, for the artist draws upon the same creative energy from which birth emerges.


Free will is the philosophical doctrine that the individual has the freedom to choose, without coercion, some actions consistent with his or her particular morals and ideals. Determinism is the opposing doctrine that everything, even the individual’s course of action, is determined by conditions outside one’s will.

Through the centuries philosophical and religious thinkers have created numerous complicated variations of ideas involving free will and determinism, so that neither thesis is as simple as it first appears to be. Man and woman related the concept of free will long age to the question of whether he or she could deliberately choose evil, for example. He or she still does. And he or she still struggles with questions about his or her freedom before God’s omnipotence and foreknowledge, and whether those qualities cause events, or can cause them, and whether they involve predestination. Opposing determinism is the idea that man or woman has always fought for his or her personal responsibility — that instead of being controlled entirely by his or her heritage, he’s or she’s capable of forming new synthesis of thought and action based upon the complicated patterns of his or her own history.


In a strange way, determinism has always seemed lacking as a concept — for if it means what it’s supposed to mean, then surely human beings setup the parameters within which determinism is said to operate. I see this as a contradiction of the notion that the individual is entirely at the mercy of his or her history and of nature. How can we be if through the ages we’ve created that history and nature against which we react? In other words, on joint and individual scales, vast though they may be, we do create our joint and individual realities.



Even in modern terms, our psychological and medical knowledge of mind and brian have added more complications to the doctrine of free will, yet it survives and grows. I feel strong connections involving free will, determinism, and probable realities — connections largely unexpressed and unexplored in our world’s societies.

Viruses as biological statements and part of the body’s overall health system

Viruses serve many purposes. The body contains all kinds of viruses, including those considered deadly, but those are usually not only harmless, or inactive, but beneficial to the body’s overall balance.


The body maintains its vitality not only through the physical motion and agility that we perceive, but by microscopic agility, and actions within microseconds, that we do not perceive. There is as much motion, stimulation, and reaction in the interior bodily environment as the body meets through its encounters with the exterior environment. The body must now and then “flush its systems out,” run through its repertoire, raise its temperature, activate its hormonal actions more strongly. In such ways it keeps its system of immunities clear. That system operates always. To some extent, it is a way that the body distinguishes between self and nonself.

In certain fashions, that system also keeps the body from squandering its energies, preserving biological integrity. Otherwise it would be as if we did not know where our own house began or ended, and so tried to heat the entire neighborhood. So some indispositions “caused by viruses” are accepted by the body as welcome triggers, to clean out the system, and this applies to our present indispositions.


More is always involved, however, for those viruses that we consider communicable do indeed in one way or another represent communications on a biological level. They are biological statements, literally social communications, biologically made, and they can be of many kinds.

When a skunk is frightened, it throws off a foul odor indeed, and when people are frightened they react in somewhat the same fashion at times, biologically reacting to stimuli in the environment that they consider alarming. They throw off a barrage of “foul viruses” — that is, they actually collect and mobilize from within their own bodies viruses that are potentially harmful, biologically trigger these, or activate them, and send them out into the environment in self-protection, to ward off the enemy.


In a fashion this is a kind of biological aggression. The viruses, however, also represent tensions that the person involved is getting rid of. That is one kind of statement. It is often used in a very strong manner in times of war, or great social upheaval, when people feel frightened.

The olympic athlete may be charged by the great physical vitality that one feels watching that athletic panorama. [Because of that, and for other personal reasons], one could find no release for the intense energy one could feel, so one may get rid of it, protecting oneself, and throw our one ‘s threatening biological posture: the viruses.


Our normal bodies have not received any such goodies sometimes, so they exuberantly used them as triggers to regenerate the immune systems.

Many people had such reactions, coming from athletic events, in that they do not know how to use and release their own energies — as if they themselves felt put in an inferior position in comparison to such achievements.


There are all kinds of biological reactions between bodies that go unnoticed, and they are all basically of a social nature, dealing with biological communications. In a fashion viruses, again, are a way of dealing with or controlling the environment. These are natural interactions, and since we live in a world where, overall, people are healthy enough to contribute through labor, energy, and ideas, health is the dominating ingredient — but there are biological interactions between all physical bodies that are the basis for that health, and the mechanisms include the interactions of viruses, and even the periods of indisposition, that are not understood.

All of this has to do with man’s and woman’s intent and his or her understanding. The same relationships, however, do not only exist between human bodies, or course, but between man and woman and the animals and the plants in the environment, and is part of the unending biological communication that overall produces the vitality of physical experience.


One note on vitamins: they are most effectively used for periods of two or three weeks, where they act as stimuli and reminders to the body. Then drop their use for two or three weeks, so that the body then produces by itself those elements we have reminded it we want. Any steady use of vitamins is not to our overall benefit, for we give the body what it needs too easily, and its ability to produce such material on its own becomes sluggish.

Certain “diseases” are protections against other diseases, and the body on its own is its own excellent regulator.


Obviously those abilities operate best when we trust them. The body’s systems know what diseases are in the air, so to speak, and will often set up countermeasures ahead of time, giving us what we experience as an indisposition of one kind or another — but an indisposition that is actually a statement of prevention against another condition.

There is great traffic flow in a city: A body knows how to leap out of the way in a moment’s time from an approaching car. In the interior physical environment there is far greater traffic flow. There are decisions made in periods of time so brief we cannot imagine them — reactions that are almost over before responds to its inner reality, and to all the stimuli from the exterior environment. The body is an open system. As solid as it seems to us, there are constant chemical reactions between it and the world, electromagnetic adjustments, alterations of balance, changes of relationships — alterations that occur between the body and its relationship with every other physical event, from the position of the planets and moon and the sun, to the position of the smallest grain of sand, to the tiniest microbe in anyone’s intestine.


All of these adjustments are made without our conscious notice, and yet in with our overall purposes and intents.

Genes are elemental units arranged along the threadlike chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell, and transmit hereditary characteristics to following generations of animals and pants. The gene is primarily made up of protein and a twisted double strand of helix of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. Each gene occurs at a specific location on a chromosome. We humans, for instance, have 46 chromosomes and an estimated 100,00 genes in each cell, and our genes provide the blueprints for the synthesis of some 50,000 proteins. I’m sure that our wonder at the vast organization of nature will continue to grow as our scientists plunger ever deeper into the complexities of genetic research. And what about the philosophical questions involving free will in all of this? Just how much real freedom do we have, if all is programmed by our genetic heritage? (I ask the question  aside from the old, still-extant arguments within philosophy, psychology, and religion over whether free will has ever existed — or does — in any context. In addition, now we also have many newer questions about inherited genetic equality and/or inequality.


For that matter, one can ask the same questions about our supposed reincarnational heritage: Just how much free will does that concept leave us? Are we as fated to dance to unknown and unrealized nonphysical reincarnational events, tendencies, and goals, as we are to the physical, genetic ones — that is, do the two operate together? How immutable, or resistant to change, are those two endowments, and what parts of either one can we turn off if we choose to? Will the dissection of a gene, down even to its atomic components, ever yield reincarnational clues? Consciousness forms the genes, and not the other way around, and the about-to-be-born infant is the agency that add now material through the chromosomal structure.

Viruses and infections are always present. They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments without intention of harm. We have general immunity, believe it or not, to all such viruses and infections. Ideally, we can inhabit a plane with them without fear. It is only when we give tacit agreement that harm is inflicted upon us by these fragments. To some degree, lesser, dependent lives such as household pets are dependent upon our psychic strength. They have their own, it it true, but unknowingly we reinforce their energy and health.


When ur own personalities are more or less in balance, we have no trouble at all in looking out for creatures, and actually reinforcing their own existence with residues of our creative and sympathetic powers. In times of psychological stress or crisis, quite unwittingly we without this strong reinforcement.

Animals certainly do have energy to maintain their own health, but this is strongly reinforced as a rule by the vitality of human beings to whom the animals are emotionally attached.


Animals, like people, sense when they are a burden.

The emergence of action within a time scheme

The emergence of action within a time scheme is actually one of the most important developments connected with the beginning of our world.


The Garden of Eden story in its basic refers to man’s and woman’s sudden realization that now he and she must act within time. His or her experiences must be neurologically structured. This immediately brought about the importance of choosing between one action and another, and made acts of decision highly important.

This time reference is perhaps the most important within earth experience, and the one that most influences all creatures. In experience or existence outside of time, there is no necessity to make certain kinds of judgements. In an our-of-time reference, theoretically speaking now, an infinite number of directions can be followed at once. Earth’s time reference, however, brought to experience a new brilliant focus — and in the press of time, again, certain activities would be relatively more necessary than others, relatively more pleasant or unpleasant than others. Among a larger variety of possible actions, man and woman were suddenly faced with a need to make choices, that within that context had not been made “before.”


Speaking in terms of our time, early man and woman still had a greater neurological leeway. There were alternate neurological pathways that, practically speaking, were more available then than now. They still exist now, but they have become like ghostly signals in the background of neurological activity.

This is, again, difficult to explain, but free will operates in all units of consciousness, regardless of their degree — but it operates within the framework of that degree. Man and woman possesses free will, but that free will operates only within man’s and woman’s degree — that is, his or her free will is somewhat contained by the framework of time and space.


He and she have free will to make any decisions that he or she are able to make. This means that his or her free will is contained, given meaning, focused, and framed by his or her neurological structure. He and she can only move, and he or she can only choose therefore to move, physically speaking, in certain directions in space and time. That time reference, however, gives his or her free will meaning and a context in which to operate. We are speaking now of conscious decisions as we think of them.

We can only make so many conscious decisions, or we would be swamped and caught in a constant dilemma of decision making. Time organizes the available choices that are to be made. The awakening mentioned earlier, then, found man rousing from his or her initial ” dreaming condition,” faced suddenly with the need for action in a world of space and time, a world in which choices became inevitable, a world in which he or she must choose among probable actions — and from an infinite variety of those choose which events he or she would physically actualize. This would be an almost impossible situation were the species — meaning each species — not given its own avenues of expression and activity, so that it is easier for certain species to behave in certain manners. And each species has its own  overall characteristics and propensities that further help it define the sphere of influence in which it will exert its ability to make choices.


Each species is endowed also, by virtue of the units of consciousness that compose it, with an overall inner picture of the condition of each other species, and further characterized by basic impulses so that it is guided toward choices that best fulfill its own potentials for development while adding to the overall good of the entire world consciousness. This does not curtail free will any more than man’s and woman’s free will is curtailed because he or she must grow from a fetus into an adult instead of the other way around.

The differences among all species are caused by this kind of organization, so that areas of choice are clearly drawn, and areas of free activity clearly specified. The entire gestalt of probable actions, therefore, is already focused to some degree in the species’ differentiations. In the vast structure of probable activity, however, far more differentiation was still necessary, and this is provided for through the inner passageways of reincarnational existence.


Each person, for example, is born with his or her uniquely individual set of characteristics and abilities, likes and dislikes. Those serve to organize individual action in a world where an infinite number of probable roads are open — and here again, private impulses are basically meant to guide each individual toward avenues of expression and probable activities suited best to his or her development. They are meant, therefore, as aids to help organize action, and to set free will more effectively into motion. Otherwise, free will would be almost inoperable in practical terms: Individuals would be faced by so many choices that any decisions would be nearly impossible. Essentially, the individual would have no particular leaning toward any one action over any other.

” By the time” that the Garden of Eden tale reached our biblical stories, the entire picture had already been seen in the light of concepts about good and evil that actually appeared, in those terms, a long time later in man’s and woman’s development. The inner reincarnational structure of the human psyche is very important in man’s and woman’s physical survival. Children — change that to “infants” — dream of their past lives, remembering, for example, how to walk and talk. They are born with the knowledge of how to think, with the propensity for language. They are guided by memories that they later forget.


In time’s reference, the private purposes of each individual appear also in the larger historical context, so that each person forms his corner of his civilization — and all individuals within a given time period have private and overall purposes, challenges that are set, probables actions that they will try to place within history’s context.



We are a living portion of a vast “conscious grid” of perception.

Every cell, is a sender and a receiver. All of the larger divisions of life — the mammals, fish, birds, and so forth — are an integral part of that living grid-work.  The picture of the world is not only the result of those messages transmitted and received, however, but is also caused by the relationships between those messages. In our terms, then, all of life’s large classifications were present “at the beginning of the world.” Otherwise there would have been vast holes in that grid of perception that makes possible the very sensations of physical life.


In a manner of speaking, the physical universe is “transposed” upon another reality that must be its source. The world was and is created in dimensions outside of time, and outside of space as we understand it.

Other realities quite as legitimate as our own, quite as vital, quite as “real,” coexist with our own, and in the terms of our understanding, “in the same space” — but of course in terms of our experience those spaces and realities would appear to be quite separate. No systems are closed, however, so that basically the living grid of perception that causes one world or reality is also “wired into” all other such systems. There is a give-and-take between them.


The grids of perception that compose our world give us the world picture as we experience it because our physical senses put us in a certain position within the entire grid. Animals, for example, while part of our experience, are also “tuned into” that grid at another level. The large classifications of mammals, fish, birds, men and women, reptiles, plants, and so forth, are each an integral part of that larger perceptive pattern — and that pattern in those terms had to be complete even in the beginning of our time.

In various periods that “grid-work” might “carry more traffic” along certain circuits than at other periods, so that there has been some creative leeway allowed, particularly on the parts of the species that make up our larger classifications. There were always birds, for example, but in the great interplay of “interior” and exterior communication among all portions of this vast living system, there was a creative interplay that allowed for endless variations within that classification, and each other one.


Our technological communication system is a conscious construct — a magnificent one — but one that is based upon our innate knowledge of the inner, cellular communication between all species. Saying that, I am not robbing the intellect of its right to congratulate itself upon that technology.

The large classifications of life give us the patterns into which consciousness forms itself, and because those patterns seem relatively stable it is easy to miss the fact that they are filled out, so to speak, in each moment with new energy. Man and woman do not in his and her physical development pass through the stages supposedly followed by the hypothetical creature who left the water for the land to become a mammal — but each species does indeed have written within it the knowledge of “its past.” Part of this, again, is most difficult to express, and I must try to fill out old words with new meanings. The reincarnational aspects of physical life, however, serve a very important purpose, providing an inner subjective background. Such a background is needed by every species.


Reincarnation exists, then, on the part of all species. Once a consciousness, however, has chosen the larger classification of its physical existences, it stays within that framework in its “reincarnational” existences. Mammals return as mammals, for example, but the species can change within that classification. This provides great genetic strength, and consciousnesses in those classifications have chosen them because of their own propensities and purposes. The animals, for example, seem to have a limited range of physical activity in conscious terms, as we think of them. An animal cannot decide to read a newspaper. Newspapers are outside of its reality. Animals have a much wider range, practically speaking, in certain other areas. They are much more intimately aware of their environment, of themselves as separate from it, but also of themselves as a part of it. In that regard, their experience deals with relationships of another kind.

These grids of perception “do not exist forever” in our dimension of time, for our dimension of time cannot hold anything that is outside it. Once a world exists, however, it becomes imprinted or stamped upon eternity, so that is exists in time and out of it “at once.”


When we ask: “When did the world begin?” or “What really happened?” or “Was there a Garden if Eden?” , we are referring to the world as we understand it, but in those terms there were earths in the same space before the earth we recognize existed, and they began in the manner that I have given in earlier blogs. The patterns for worlds — the patterns — continue in our time dimension, though in that time dimension those worlds must disappear, again, to continue “their existence outside of time.” The patterns are filled out again.

In the case of earth the grid of perception is simply used differently, certain areas becoming prominent in some eras, and less prominent in others. Using our idea of time, I can only say that when the entire gestalt of consciousnesses that formed a particular earth have formed its reality to the best of their abilities, fulfilling their individual and mass capacities as far as possible, then they lovingly turn over that grid to others, and continue to take part in existences that are not physical in our terms. And that has happened many times.


Our tale about the Garden of Eden, then, is a legend about earth’s ; past beginning. Each world is so cunningly constructed, again, that each consciousness, regardless of its degree, plays a vital part. And each of our actions, however inconsequential, becomes connected in one way or another — in one way or another — to each other reality and each other world.

Now in a manner of speaking — though I see that little time has passed while writing this blog — we have transcended time to some extent this afternoon, for in what I have written there are indeed hints and illusions — cadences — that can, if we are ready, give us a feeling for existence as it is outside of time’s context. Even to try and verbally present such material necessitates alterations involving perception, for while that grid-work appears quite stable to our senses, giving us a reliable picture of reality, this is also because we have trained ourselves to pick up certain signals only. Others at other levels are available. We can tune into cellular consciousness, for example.


Since this material must be comprehensible, my readers and I together form our own pathway of perceptions — they from their end and me from mine, so that we thread back and forth as if through the writing of some vast computer — but a computer that is alive.

We know we can have more that one dream at a time. we can also experience versions of dreams of probable selves, but there will always be some point of contact — that is, there will always be a reason why we pick up such a dream. All of the dreams people have form a mass dream framework. Dreams exist at other levels, and physically of course they affect the body state. In such ways, the world’s actions are worked out in mass dream communications that the same time public and private.


The country works our national concerns in that fashion. We think when we are asleep as well as when we are awake. But when we are asleep our thoughts have a richer dimensional cast: They are fattened by symbols and images.


Mammals are animals of highest class of warm-blooded vertebrates, The Mammalia. They are usually hairy, and their young are fed with milk secreted by the female. Dogs, cats, manatees, lions, dolphins, apes, bats, whales, shrew, sloths, and deer are mammals, to name just a few.

Scientific , systematic categorization of organisms. For man alone the arrangement goes in this descending order from the most inclusive: The kingdom Animalia; phylum Chordata; class Mammalia; order Primates: family Hominidae; genus Homo; species name Homo sapiens; common name Man.


In our terms the earth we know is but the latest in a series of earths that have existed in the same “space,” or “value climate of psychological reality.”

There are endless planes upon our earth, or rather endless planes occurring simultaneously with our earth. Our solid earth is not a solid to inhabitants that would seem to take up the same space as our earth. The idea of taking up the same space is erroneous to begin with, but I don’t see how we can avoid such terms and still make any sense.


The value climate of psychological reality.

I had always thought of transmigration (or metempsychosis) as meaning the birth of a human soul in just animal form. Actually, however, the term refers to the journey of the soul into any form, whether human, animal, or inanimate — thus differing from the ordinary doctrine of reincarnation, or rebirth into the same species. Various interpretation of transmigration are ancient in man cultures.


There is no transmigration of souls, in which the entire personality of a person ‘comes back’ as an animal. Yet in the physical framework there is a constant intermixing, so that the [molecular components of the] cells of a man or woman may become the cells of a plant or an animal, and or course vice versa. I want to avoid tales of the transmigration of souls or men and women to animals, say — a badly distorted version of something else entirely.


In some submerged manner all fragments of a personality exist within an entity, with their own individual consciousnesses. They are not aware of the entity itself. The entity operates its fragments in what we would call a subconscious manner, that is, without conscious direction. The entity gives the fragments independent life, then more or less forgets them. Even thoughts, for instance, are fragments, though on a different plane. Fragments of another sort, called personality fragments, operate independently, though under the auspices of the entity.