Category Archives: 4th Dimension


Our feedback reality continually endorses our ongoing emotional states according to the “structures” of our beliefs. Here we shall define as those “habitual patterns of perceptual analysis utilized in the creation of Reality Constructs.” Our beliefs are the potent ideas, images and emotional contents that exist within our mental environment or psyche. Our beliefs may be thought of as the “rough sketch” for our creative project – our ongoing life with its experiences, behaviors, and so on.

Now currently it is possible for us to address issues of core beliefs and core values, like never before in our history as a species. Our evolution as a Soul depends upon change in our beliefs. We will not, individually or collectively, make the transition we have been discussing in these new series of Blogs with the outmoded beliefs we currently hold.

The world is integrating, you see, at an extremely rapid pace. We in the developed nations, the many millions of us, are behind the learning curve in this matter. This may be due to our obsession with material objects of mass consumption. The prevalence of the egoic perspective within our individual and mass consciousness also holds us back. And it certainly does not serve us in the West to “export” these limited perspectives through our Negative Media and through our military excursions into foreign lands.

This is why I am writing Blogs. The greater part of the world is awakening “on Schedule.” It is in the developed nations in particular, and some other parts of our world, that we are still focused on the creation of negative, fear-based realities.


Now this Emotional Body is perceived as Light to the Inner Senses. It is also conceived in Light. All is Light. Everything in our created reality is composed of Light in the form of our theoretical constructs the Consciousness Units. Here we are simplifying and spiritualizing my messages to humanity. For this reason we shall also refer to the Energy Construct of the human physical body as being composed of spiritual information.

In this context, you Blog Reader, are a divine message from All That Is, articulating your particular philosophy, behaviors and mentality within physical reality as an “envoy” of the sacred. Again, if you are tempted to dismiss this as mere “religious ranting,” I urge you to take a deep breath and go within for just a moment. Sense your ultimate divinity. It is obvious to us who are now instructing you, and to you it may become obvious in your experimentation, as you discover Findings that support my statement.


This emotional Body may be perceived as the intersection of “energies” of Reality Creation within our physical construct. We may experience it as existing within the heart region. It is within this construct that the Reality Creation agendas of All That Is of our Reincarnational Existences may read. We may, for example, observe within this Emotional Body the emotional and symbolic underpinnings of a chronic illness that currently plagues us. Or we may witness a dramatization of an event from our past that keeps us from enjoying prosperity in our present. Thus we may sense these strategies in our own particular fashion, using the Inner Senses that we are developing through experimentation in this project.

The greater sphere of activity within which rests this Emotional Body we refer to as The Light Body, as do many of the current teachers and practitioners in our world. This construct is “built” from the intersecting energies of existence – or dimensions if you prefer – of our many Simultaneous Lives. This Inner Senses representation of The Emotional Body, as well as the Inner Sense of sight itself, we are calling the Auric Vision.


For example: If my friend Rob was to select at random one of the planes surrounding the Central Field of Experiencing in our diagram, and using his imagination and his Inner Senses “tuned-in” to another life, he might very well find himself experiencing his aboriginal existence, or possibly his existence as a female in New Orleans Louisiana in the U.S.A. or as a Roman soldier from many hundreds of years ago, in our terms. These are just a few of Rob’s Reincarnational Existences.

You Dear Blog Reader also have a vast store of existences just waiting to be explored. This illustration may serve as a meditation piece for you in this way. In each of our Blog Series, we have presented these simple focusing tools to assist you in perceiving your greater reality – the reality of your Soul Self. Please utilize this tool in your experimentation as you attempt to access your other lives.


This is an series of Blogs on the subject of Reality Creation. It is assumed that you have developed the skills of self-observation described in the new material, or perhaps you have read other Teachings on the subject of receiving and translating divine information. As an advanced work, we shall take it for granted that you are learning your Lessons.

As you well know, the Lessons for you in physical reality are the emotional states of anger, fear, shame, racial prejudice and others, that you must transform with you intent into Loving Understanding and Courage. In this way, our system is quite similar to others that you may have known in your life as a seeker of knowledge. This makes sense, does it not? The seeker of wisdom tries as many systems as necessary until they have realized the Soul’s Intent.


HYPOTHESIS: You may meet with other entity counter-parts within nonlinear time.

Counterparts within the spacious present moment of your shared Simultaneous Lives. I realize that this would seem to fly in the face of everything that has been taught to you in schools. Yet remember what I have been suggesting to you about authorities and institutions. In your awakening, which is currently well underway, you will be given the opportunity many times to reformat and reconstitute your core beliefs about yourself and your world. You may do this reformation with your imagination. In this example, the last experiment of this current blog series, I am asking you to take a very courageous step forward into the unknown reality.

I am asking you to demonstrate to yourself, Dear Blog Reader, that you can achieve contact and communications with others such as yourself – other Entity Counterparts – by simply affirming your intention to do so, here in your current Moment Point – your Point of Power. You may rely on all of the findings pulled from the previous experiments It may help to have an underlying attitude of playfulness here. You are having fun with your imagination, just as you may have done countless times when you were a child.

Now relax yourself using your most effective methods. When you are experiencing a relaxed state of consciousness, with the metaphor of the radio dial in mind, tune the dial to that state of consciousness of Simultaneous Time in which you may sense your physical counterparts. Have the intention that you will make contact, just as you have and the intention to accomplish other research goals in the previous experiments.

Of course, you may ask for assistance from your Energy Personality. Now you may be presented with data for interpretation by your Inner Senses. It may come to you in various sensory forms. You may see images that are quite familiar, as if you have seen these faces many times, perhaps in dreams, other locales on your Earth.

If you feel that you may take notes into a recorder or onto the pages of your journal without disrupting what you are experiencing, do so. Again, you may have the overall sense that you are making it all up. Of course, you are indeed doing so, but no less and no more than you are making up your Personal Reality Field. When you feel as though you have learned enough from the experiment, gradually come to full sensory awareness in physical reality.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. Now the “after effects” of this final experiment may include “coincidental” meetings with your Entity Counterparts as you go about your daily activities. You will know them when you see them. I am quite confident that you will achieve great success in these sojourns into the non-physical.


In collaboration with your energy personality you may take back your power.

To take back power is very healthy thing to do for a human quite used to “hiding” within the security of groups. This is not a power “over” but a power “with,” you see – a power shared with all other incarnated humans beings. You will be reminded that you are first an individual Soul within a physical body. YOU-Soul are at the center of your physical and non-physical worlds. This cosmic center of our world is all-powerful. Though it appears that you are perhaps simply a tiny voice within a very large chorus, on a Soul level you know that you have only “pretended” to have this small voice. You had no intention of giving up your power permanently.

Let me digress on this point for a moment… in the reincarnational drama of our life, there is much pretending. The ego loves to pretend that life is a certain way and that interesting and dramatic events are occurring. If it were not for the ego’s excellent dramatic skills in diverting your attention from the TRUE reality beneath the façade, we would not believe with all our heart in the camouflage reality in which we live. So it is healthy and necessary, to a degree, to believe in the fantasies and pretendings that make up our moment-to-moment existence. However, if we are to awaken, we may have to dispense with the comforting stories of our physical reality. Now that is not to say that we must surrender ALL of the physical trappings of our Personal Reality. That is not advisable and indeed that is  not possible for most of us.

To take back our power requires some personalized, empowered imagery. Perhaps we can remember when we experienced our power being ceded to authorities. Perhaps we can remember feeling diminished. Perhaps we remember feeling that it was necessary to be a part of the group. If so, it should be easy to create our ritual. Simply consider the opposites of these feelings and these images.

So just as I asked you to consider your personal feeling relative to a subtle emotion of peace and security, I now ask you to consider those ideas, images and emotions relative to the idea of “taking back power.” And again, it is a good idea to write down what comes to your mind. Draw pictures of the images you see in your mind. Consolidate these mental constructs into one image or emotion that virtually resonates with personal empowerment. If you feel it would help, you might create a symbolic piece of jewelry to wear or create a statement to repeat to yourself that infers the empowering ideas and images for You-the-Soul.

Now as an example: let us suppose you are experiencing a sense of disempowerment with regards to your family. This may be long-standing condition for you, as it is with many of your contemporaries. Though you are now an adult, your parents or other family members may treat you as though you are still a child. You ceded your power to these family members when you were a child and possibly reinforced this dynamic throughout your life to “Keep peace” within the group, to be a part of the family collective, in effect saying, “I am not powerful enough, I am not worthy enough to participate in the family and have my words valued.

Let these others, the authorities, run the show, and I shall reside in the background.” Then as you grew to adulthood, you used this template of creation to create your roles in other groups: in school, in social groups, at work, and so on. The single template has served to create for you a lifetime of subservience to authority. You have become this “small voice” within every group thereafter.

You are now creating a different template for the creation of personal realities. It may be “the opposite” of the template you have been using since childhood. Now create your relaxed state. It should only take a few moments. You may connect it to snapping your fingers or gesturing with your facial expressions in some way, so that you need only to snap your fingers or gesture and instantly you are relaxed and ready for the experiment. When you are relaxed, consider your chant, imagery, piece of art, manifesto or other focusing object. Remember, it must have the capacity to elicit confidence and a sense of personal power.

As you experiment with this in mind, the ritual will grow stronger and more potent. When it has become habitual, you may bring it with you and perform it mentally in the field whenever you experience disempowerment or abuse in physical reality. You are then recreating reality through a new filter and you will perceive and create empowered physical realities thereafter.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. Does the hypothesis need to be changed to reflect findings over time?


The quest for connection with the Earthly personality and the exploration of the Unity of Consciousness Dimension. Now, we may receive catalyze within individuals, the written word, the printed word as in books,blogs and internet. Our energy centers or “chakras” as we call them, can be opened by reading my material. This is probably the simplest way for us to commence with the work at hand. However, for those of you who feel you may be called for a more direct experience, you may attend the discussions and affirm your connection to The Entity in this way.

In these direct interfaces with, much more divine information can be transmitted and absorbed in a very brief time, compared to the reading of books or blogs, solitary meditations and so on.
Now, again, “the window of opportunity” for humans to engage the Soul Self and grow spiritually, is becoming smaller with each passing month. The culmination of countless years of evolution will soon be at hand.

This activity is not something that can be postponed until we “Have the time” to address the Issue. We are virtually OUT OF TIME at this time. Our suspicions that time seems to be speeding up are quite pointedly true. We are, as a race, speeding toward the great transformation, and indeed, the short time that remains ahead of us will be perceived as a VERY short time, particularly if we have procrastinated and avoided our responsibilities regarding our Soul Issues: the deeply personal Lessons we have come to our Earth existence to learn.

I urge you to participate in your spiritual practices, in your churches and religions if they serve You-the-Soul, in your readings of the great Masters and in our seeking direct contact with disseminators of my messages and the messages of other Light Bodies. Now, the negative energy forms, the Negative Entities, will be attempting to discourage us from walking our spiritual path.

This will be ongoing until the mass consciousness reaches a level of loving kindness and compassion that will tip the scales for a mass manifestation of the virtues of humanity in the physical reality of the Third Dimension. Indeed, that is what we are attempting to create, the Beings of Light, with the help of our human associates.


Yes, spirituality, as you may becoming to an understanding of this phenomenon, is simply the experiencing of Earthly existence by our embodies Soul. There need be No religious connotations. Thought forms that reflect memories, recent and ancient, of genocide perpetrated by religious movements, do not necessarily have a place in this discussion of what we are calling “spirituality.” So you see, there is a practical approach to our studies of Third-Dimension reality. We are undergoing a restoration, if you will, to our original, self-comprehending, godlike awareness.

We are all Avatars. We know this is on a certain level and as we awaken, our knowing shall “firm up” and become a great deal more supportive for us as we transform our beliefs and ideas about what is possible.

Spirituality is a remembrance of what it has been for us in ages past. This is true. Yet is also points the way for us into the future when we shall be called upon to remake our Social and Political and SPIRITUAL institutions. Therefore, I caution you and yours in using your cynicism and is trust to keep your spiritual transformation at bay. Rather, I suggest you embrace it. Go with the flow.

May I remind you that for every moment of your perceived reality, your waking reality, is complementary moment in one or more of your Simultaneous Lives? So each moment of spiritual unfolding bears the mark of all simultaneously-experienced moments in your multiple reincarnational lives. Now there are, of course, differences in the various aspects of your simultaneously-lived lives, for they are all being lived, for the most part , in different eras, by different sexes and nationalities etc, for the greater learning of All That Is.

But please understand, quite literally, when you may be experiencing a moment of ecstatic understanding here in our Current Moment Point in this timeframe, one or perhaps many more of our Simultaneous Lives may be experiencing a timeless moment also, but as I said, most definitely within a different physical body, of a different emotional makeup and station in Soul Evolution than you, Dear Blog Reader. I want you to ponder the enormity of this fact of life, for a moment.

Now when you meet a friend on the street, unexpectedly, perhaps a friend you have not seen for some time, you may be ecstatic, overjoyed, as you embrace and speak of your relationship, how good it is to see that person again after so long etc. Now in that moment of reunion, that spacious moment of reunion, you are also , in another body, in another era, most probably on our Earth, experiencing a complementary type of reunion activity.

Further, if you could take a motion picture or snapshot of the various reunion activities of you various lives during that moment, you would find that there are also Numerous correlations between these experiences. You may find on observing these movies or pictures that the settings – streets, field, within structures – are quite similar, in that the placement of objects, trees rocks, houses or what have you – are similar throughout. Is it not obvious that your experiences we are describing here, the reunion experiences, are all quite similar, because you are the multi-dimensional creator of these events?

As the creator of worlds here, most naturally, your creations would bear the mark of the maker – the creator who is indeed you, in tandem with All That Is. So now as you observe your moment-to moment experiences, remember that this is only the “surface” of a deeper experience of manifestation that is our multi-dimensional being.


A new world is coming and yet we are already there. As you read this blog, divine information is being streamed into your Energy Body. This information is our heritage. It is the truth regarding our circumstances as a living Entity on our Earth. This truth is simple. It can be stated in just a few words: we are ageless; we never die. The Soul Self that is at our core is eternal and has witnessed countless seasons on our Earth and on other planets and in other galaxies and dimensions.

And you, my friend, you and I are one. We are all one and it has always been that way. When I speak of our connections to each other I am speaking of literal energy networks that tie each conscious cell to every other conscious cell in all of created reality.

It is through this network that All That Is, the ultimate energy source, seeks to know itself through our experiences, Now, we have a physical body and so the truth of this fact may be somewhat difficult to experience, however, do not wait until your death to receive this information. Take advantage of these teachings I offer you in this life.

This is the ultimate simple test for us in physical reality: will you take up the challenge to learn your Lessons now, or will you postpone your awakening until the time of your physical death or in other lifetimes? The choice is always ours. But do not wait until it is too late. We may be required to incarnate on our negative Earth another time, to be again given a chance to learn our Lessons.


HYPOTHESIS: The dearly departed await our contact…

Now, this is an experiment in contacting our friends or family members in their Home Dimension. Obviously, if you are still too upset to attempt this contact, please do not consider trying this experiment. For some of you it may be best experienced after you have gained some emotional distance from the event of The transition.

Find a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable sofa or bed. The idea is to relax the body enough so that you can receive these impulses from the other side, yet not so relaxed that you fall asleep. In between worlds is where you want to be for this experiment and so I ask you to make those preparations you need to in order to enter that state.

Now the crux of this experiment is to distinguish, from the chorus of telepathic messages you are receiving in our relaxed state, those messages that are being transmitted by your loved ones. Beings of Light, friends and loved ones and other Entities from your past, present and future, are all constantly vying for your attention in this mental environment.

Since you are attempting to focus your Inner Senses, you might simply visualize the appearance of the loved-one. Mentally picture your family member of friend as though they were in the physical body. Fill the perception with color and enliven it with your thoughts. This will have the effect of you “tuning-in” to their communication band, allowing you to “home-in” on them, in a manner of speaking. Now it is important to proceed with this experiment as a loving Scientist of Consciousness. Love and kindness are your watchwords in these endeavors. Ego perceptions have no place here.

As you create the image of the person in your mental environment, imagine their voice becoming gradually stronger and stronger until it becomes the most prominent voice in your inner chorus. Use your intention and simply turn up the volume or use the metaphor of the radio dial to do so. This is very easy to do and I am certain you will find success with this in a short period of time.

After establishing contact – you will know you have contact if you feel the intense loving vibrations that emanate from the Home Dimension – simply have your conversation, just as you did when your loved-one was in physical reality. After the conversation, naturally say good-by and perhaps make an appointment to speak again in the future.

Then use your metaphor of the radio dial or whichever technique you used to make contact, to release contact with your loved-one. Gradually come back to your waking consciousness. In time, if you give yourself the suggestions and if you have the ongoing intention to do so for loving purposes, you will be able to make these contacts with the departed while you are at work, walking in the park, etc. etc. etc. As you use Inner Senses, they strengthen over time.

FINDINGS – Immediately document your personalized Findings.