Now this Emotional Body is perceived as Light to the Inner Senses. It is also conceived in Light. All is Light. Everything in our created reality is composed of Light in the form of our theoretical constructs the Consciousness Units. Here we are simplifying and spiritualizing my messages to humanity. For this reason we shall also refer to the Energy Construct of the human physical body as being composed of spiritual information.

In this context, you Blog Reader, are a divine message from All That Is, articulating your particular philosophy, behaviors and mentality within physical reality as an “envoy” of the sacred. Again, if you are tempted to dismiss this as mere “religious ranting,” I urge you to take a deep breath and go within for just a moment. Sense your ultimate divinity. It is obvious to us who are now instructing you, and to you it may become obvious in your experimentation, as you discover Findings that support my statement.