Our changing roles as awakening humans reflect this learning of Lessons through FACING our Issues. Let me explain. Now you begin where you are. You are not yet awakened but you are getting there. You have discovered that you have Issues, spiritual Issues that are DEMANDING your attention. There is no room for denial. There is no time left for intellectualizing away these basic Issues. You are compelled to take to heart, for example, the admonishments of your friends, family, and colleagues. This advice may range from the negative through the positive, as in, “You are a walking ego. You harm others through your insensitivity,” to “You should really get out more. You could find a great partner if you were to make the gesture, go out, meet people.” As you act on the advice of others, or perhaps on promptings from other sources, such as the nonphysical beings, you are expanding your boundaries, your beliefs, your societal role.
In this case, your collective consciousness is Resonating with the ancient civilizations. In those prototypical cultures the highest good for all concerned was practiced in all endeavors. These important life-sustaining, healing messages enter your awareness as impulses, impulses, perhaps, to do good, give to others, to work on yourself and become a better human being. As your personal consciousness Resonates with these messages, you are connected to the collective through your thoughts, through your images, and so on. Thus you achieve your particular state of Resonance with the Ancient Wisdom even as you contribute to the collective state of Resonance by your CHANGING of behaviors, emotions, imagery, “Waking up,” we call it. You are waking up to your responsibilities to create for the highest good.
As you claim this responsibility as your own, your “personal credo, “so to speak, you quite naturally, again, assume a leadership position within your family, your town, your state, country and world. You are modeling for others this assuming of the awakened experience. You then Resonate with other visionary leaders. You come together to make plans for the future. You work as a collective for the betterment of your collectives, large and small.
Yes, it is cyclical. The Changing of the Guard is underway. The Shift in Consciousness transforms all. Specifically, for the interested citizen, those of you who are waking up, it is this Resonance in action, once again. Now the cycle of domination is changing. The idea that you must conquer the Earth, that to succeed you must dominate others, that the proper way to raise a child is to punish them when they misbehave, these concepts are giving way during this cycle of change. A cycle, a natural cycle of manifestation, implies that changes occur quite naturally, in the natural order of things, you might say. This is the case with The Shift. The dominators have had their say for many generations on Earth. They have created a crisis situation worldwide with their selfish behaviors. In the natural order of things, do you see how this Shift brings up the Ancient Wisdom that contains NEW ideas, NEW images, NEW and positive means of creating, behaving, Loving in the world?
I hope that you sense my irony, once again, as we speak in terms of the NEW ideas that the Ancient Wisdom brings. They ARE new to many of us, for we have practiced over these manys years, the way of forcing ourselves on others and on our environment. It is, from my perspective, completely and utterly expected that the “season” of the dominators would give way, in time, to the era of the Lovers of Earth, of humanity.
There this unhappy person perhaps scowls at their less-then-attractive form in the mirror. Defects of appearance are noted and perhaps amplified to muse over later. As this person attempts to begin their day, they are already drawing negative correlations between the things they see in their environment and what they are experiencing inside, in the consciousness, in the personal identity. They will then spend the rest of the day validating their negative state of consciousness by noting other negative correlations that they discover in the home, on the job, everywhere they go. Thus you could say that the ego notes the perceived negative characteristics within the Personal Reality as the intellect proves them to be quite true; a fact of life, as it were. This is how beliefs are formed.
What would you expect to be the probable outcomes of the Reality Creation projects of an unhappy, spiteful, angry human? Can you name some specifically? I would suggest a few that come to mind. Let me speak about them If I may:
This human would probably experience unhappy, unfulfilling outcomes. Because they were creating through the emotional templates of anger, spite, unhappiness, they would experience probable outcomes that veritably ring with these negative states of consciousness. They would be choosing, probably unconsciously, from this pool of negative emotion, the particulars of emotional nuance with which they would color their Reality Creation efforts.
As this person awakens from sleep, then, perhaps it is automatic for them. They have experienced days, weeks, months and perhaps YEARS of unhappy, spiteful, and angry states of consciousness. They have become an expert at creating these states, simply because they have been at it now for quite some time. So rather than bounding out of bed, eager to approach the day, perhaps they are pulling the covers over their head, to attempt to keep the day at bay. Then, as they are forced to react to the alarm that they have programmed into their alarm clock, they begrudgingly roll out of bed and trudge into the bathroom.
Now you get what you focus on, whether it is subconscious or conscious focusing. So assume that you ARE remembering in this moment that you are magically engaged in creating what you want. You are focused consciously on the goal. You are perhaps visualizing the object or state of consciousness in detail, here moment-to-moment. But what if you are losing this focus as you become engaged in taking care of a mundane matter that seeks attention? What often occurs at these times is an appearance by one of these stimulants, one of the Resonance Factors, that encapsulates, in a sense, the creative project for you up to the point of departure, so that you can remember where you left off when you return after the distraction with no loss of momentum.
Again, it is a Feeling-Tone. It has imagery, it has emotion, it has circular thought attached to it. Then, you might take care of the distraction and afterward return to your project of manifestation. You might do this by remembering the Feeling-Tone, the summation from the Best Case Scenario, the Resonance Factors that engaged you directly before you broke your state. Embody those Factors and begin again on your creative project. This is a simple way to keep your manifestation projects on track, in spite of the inevitable distractions in physical reality.
We create our reality. Each moment you create your part of the manifestation and allow others to participate. As a collective of manifesters – and this includes the elements and other non-living constructs – you create within your Personal Reality Field this ongoing drama: the world. Because you do this unconsciously, for the most part, it does entail an investigation to get to the bottom of these processes. For example: Consider that You-The-Blog-Reader are perhaps engaged in a creative project of the type we are describing. You are focusing on something, attempting to manifest an improved reality for yourself or others, or perhaps you are attempting to Resonate into existence a useful object, such as a new car, appliance, or some such thing.
Thus the evolving experience of the awakening student represents these continually updated projections of the Essential Identity into the Third Dimension. This is our life. As a human on this trajectory of Soul Evolution, your awakening consciousness is reflected in the ongoing products of your consciousness: your body, your environment, your life.
Dear Blog Reader, you are always in-tune with your creations, your Personal Reality. You are always getting what you ask for. But you may ask, “I am certainly not getting what I want. I am poor, sickly and quite unhappy. How can you say that?” In my presentations to you in physical reality we rely on a basic assumption that you are the creator of your world. As I said, you create your reality, your Personal Reality Field. You are connected to everyone and everything else in the created Universe through the Consciousness Units. Thus, as a collective of humans, we create our consensus realities. On the basic level, then, you look out in front of you and see your part of this Universe: your home, your friends and family, your job site, and so on. Now on the collective, progressed level of perception, the Visionary State, you might call it, when you look out in front of you, you may be witnessing your multidimensional reality. Visions of other lives may play out before you or upon the inner screen of your creative imagination. So let us here differentiate between these two states of consciousness perception and thus Reality Creation.
Let us cover probable effects of consciousness in the Third Dimension. To begin, as we know, our individual and collective realities are created from limitless probabilities. These probable thoughts, images, emotions, and so on, exist within the etheric, what we also call the pre-manifestation domain. It is from this dimension that our Earthly dimension emerges.
Now all probable effects have a singular charge. This tendency to appear in the particular way of the proposed effect, has, as I said, bioelectric and electromagnetic properties. In our terms, everything in the etheric domain. With your imagination, with your consciousness, you consistently add to this repository of potential. By thinking about the goodness of humanity, for example, you positive imagery, emotions, thoughts and other elements seek out their likeness in this pre-manifestation domain, as well as their opposites. The opposites serve to give depth and counterpoint. Through Resonance these correlations are energized, amplified, supported, given life, you see.
In a sense, the negative is inferred through the positive expression, in contrast, you see, in relative contrast. If you wish to think in terms of dynamics within a system, a system of reality, you could theorize that through Resonance, both the positive and the negative, in addition to all expressions in between these two polarities, are expressed to the nth degree throughout the past, present, and future. Value Fulfillment occurs simultaneously with this expression.
You are connected to everyone and everything else…
Feel You Power
Now the truth is, that you as a Reality Creator may expect an infinite variety of outcomes i,e,: creations. The possibilities are limitless with regards to what you can and do create. In this Practice we speak of these outcomes as a form of feedback of your mentality. What you are thinking about is reflected quite directly back to you from your creations, your Personal Reality. You have thus had a hand in the creation of all you see in front of you.
Admittedly, you are far more responsible for the creation of your body, shall we say, and your immediate surroundings, than the neighborhood or the city in which you live. Your creative powers, then, as the creator of realities standing within the magical arena of your Personal Reality Field. Sense it. “Own it,” as we say.
When Kintu came first to Ugnada he found there was no food at all in the country. He brought with him one cow and had only the food with which the animal supplied him. In the course of time a woman named Nambi came with her brother to the earth and saw Kintu. The woman fell in love with him and, wishing to be married to him, pointedly told him so. She had to return, however, with her brother to her people and her father, Gulu, who was king of the sky.
Nambi’s relations objected to the marriage because they said that the man did not know of any food except that which the cow yielded, and they despised him. Gulu, the father, however, said that they had better test Kintu before he consented to the marriage, and he accordingly sent someone to rob Kintu of his cow. For a time Kintu was at a loss what to eat, but he managed to find different kinds of herbs and leaves which he cooked and ate. Nambi happened to see the cow grazing and recognized it, and complaining that her brothers wished to kill the man she loved, she went to the earth and told Kintu where his cow was, and invited him to return with her to take it away.
Kintu consented to go, and when he reached the sky he was greatly surprised to see how many people there were with houses and with cows, goats, sheep, and fowls running about. When Nambi’s brothers saw Kintu sitting with their sister at her house, they went and told heir father testing to see whether he was worthy of their sister. An enormous meal was cooked, enough food for a hundred people, and brought to Kintu, who was told that unless he ate it all he would be killed as an impostor. Failure to eat it, they said, would be proof that he was not the great Kintu. He was then shut up in a house and left alone.
After he had eaten and drunk as much as he could, he was at a loss to know what to do with the rest of the food. fortunately, he discovered a deep hole in the floor of the house, so he turned all the food and beer into it and covered it over so that no one could detect the place. He then called the people outside to come and take away the baskets. The sons of Gulu came in, but would not believe that he eaten all the food. They, therefore, searched the house but failed to find it.
They went to their father and told him that Kintu had eaten all the food. He was incredulous, and said that Kintu must be further tested. A copper axe was sent to Kintu by Gulu, who said, “Go and cut me firewood from the rock, because I do not use ordinary firewood.”
When Kintu went with the axe, he said to himself, “What am I to do? If I strike the rock, the axe will only turn its edge or rebound.” However, after he had examined the rock, he found that there were cracks in it, so he broke off pieces of it, and returned with them to Gulu who was surprised to get them. Nevertheless, he said that Kintu must be further tried before they could give their consent to the marriage.
Kintu was next sent to fetch water and was told that he must bring only dew, because Gulu did not drink water from wells. Kintu took the water-pot and went off to a field, where he put the pot down and began to ponder what he must do to collect the dew. He was sorely puzzled, but upon returning to the pot, he found it full of water. So he carried it back to Gulu. Gulu was most surprised and said, “This man is a wonderful being; he shall have his cow back and marry my daughter.
Kintu was told to pick his cow from the herd and take it. This was a more difficult task than the others, because there were so many cows like his own that he feared he would mistake it and take the wrong one. While he was thus perplexed a large bee came and said, “Take the one upon whose horns I shall alight; it is yours.”
The next morning Kintu went to the appointed place and stood and watched the bee, which was resting on a tree near him. A large herd of cows was brought before him, and he pretended to look for his cow, but in reality he was watching the bee which did not move. After a time, Kintu said, “My cow is not there.” A second herd was brought, and the bee at once flew away and rested upon a cow which was a very large one, and Kintu said, “This is my cow.” The bee then flew to another cow, and Kintu said, “This is one of the calves from my cow,” and the bee went on to a second and a third cow which Kintu claimed as the calves which had been born during the cow’s stay with Gulu.
Gulu was delighted with Kintu and said, “You are truly Kintu, take your cows. No one can deceive or rob you, you are too clever for that.” He called Nambi and said to Kintu, “Take my daughter who loves you, marry her, and go back to your home.” Gulu further said, “You must hurry and go back before Walumbe, or Death, comes, because he will want to go with you and you must not take him; he will only cause you trouble and unhappiness.”
Nambi agree to what her father said and went to pack up her things. Kintu and Nambi then took leave of Gulu, who said, “Be sure, if you have forgotten anything, not to come back, because Death will want to go with you and you must go without him.”
They started off home, taking with them, besides Nambi’s things and the cows, a goat, a sheep, a fowl, and a plantain tree. On the way Nambi remembered that she had forgotten the grain for the for the fowl, and she said to Kintu, “I must go back for the grain for the fowl, or it will die.”
Kintu tried to dissuade her, but in vain. She said, “I will hurry back and get it without anyone seeing me.”
He said, “Your brother Death will be on the watch and will see you.”
She would not listen to her husband, but went back and said to her father, “I have forgotten the grain for the fowl, and I have come to take it from the doorway where I put it.”
He replied, “Did I not tell you that you were not to return if you forgot anything, because your brother Walumbe would see you and want to go with you?” Now he will accompany you.”
Nambi tried to steal away without Walumbe, but he followed her. When she rejoined Kintu, he was angry at seeing Walumbe, and said, “Why have you brought your brother with you? Who can live with him?”
Nambi was sorry, so Kintu said, “Let us go and see what happen.”
When they reached the earth Nambi planted her garden, and the plantains grew rapidly, and she soon had a large plantain grove in Manyagalya. They lived happily for some time and had a number oif children, until one day Walumbe asked kintu to send one of the children to be his cook.
Kintu replied, “If Gulu comes and asks me for one of my children, what am I to say to him? Shall I tell him that I have given her to be your cook?”
Walumbe was silent and went away, but he again asked for a child to be his cook, and again Kintu refused to send one of his daughters, so Walumbe said, “I will kill them.”
Kintu, who did not know what he meant, asked, “What is it that you will do?” In a short time, however, one of the children fell ill and died, and from that time they began to die at intervals.
Kintu returned to Gulu and told him about the deaths of the children, and accuse Walumbe of being the cause. Gulu replied, “Did I not tell you when you were going away to go at once with your wife and not return if you had forgotten anything? But you allowed Nambi to return for grain. Now you have Walumbe living with you. Had you obeyed me you would have been free of him and would not have lost any of your children.”
After some further entreaty, Gulu sent Kaikuzi, another brother, to assist Nambi, and to prevent Walumbe from killing the children. Kaikuzi went to the earth with Kintu and was met by Nambi, who told him her pitiful story. He said he would call Walumbe and try to dissuade him from killing the children. When Walumbe came to greet his brother they had quite a warm and affectionate meeting, and Kintu told him he had come to take him back, because their father wanted him.
Walumbe said, “Let us take our sister too.”
But Kintu said he was not sent to take her, because she was married and had to stay with her husband. Walumbe refused to go without his sister, and Kaikuzi was angry with him and ordered him to do as he was told. Death, however, escaped from Kaikuzi’s grip and fled away into the earth.
For a long time there was enmity between the two brothers. Kaikuzi tried in every possible way to catch his brother Walumbe, but he always escaped. At last Kaikuzi told the people to remain in their houses for several days and not to let any of the animals out, and he would have a final hunt for Walumbe. He further told them that if they saw Walumbe they must not call out or raise the usual cry of fear.
The instructions were followed for two or three days, and Kaikuzi got his brother to come out of the earth and was about to capture him, when some children took their goats to the pasture and saw Walumbe and called out. Kaikuzi rushed to the spot and asked why they called, and they said they had seen Death. Kaikuzi was angry, because Walumbe had again gone into the earth. So he went to Kintu and told him he was tired of hunting Death and wanted to return home. He also complained that the children had frightened Walumbe into the earth again. Kintu thanked Kaikuzi for his help and said he feared nothing more could be done, and he hoped Walumbe would not kill all the people.
Form that time Death has lived upon the earth and killed people whenever he can, and then he escapes into the earth at Tanda in Singo.