One of the most popular forms of avoidance for us is intellectualization. Through this strategy we assess the Divine information within our mental sphere as something completely explainable. Scientific reasoning – logical deduction – is used to place the information in a neat and tidy and already known and understood category. Here a stream of spiritually – informed communication is interrupted and redirected to other parts of the psyche where it will not cause any disruptions.

To continue this metaphor, the stream of Divine Information attempts to erode or melt away the self-limiting beliefs within the psyche – beliefs that may no longer serve the purposes of the evolving Soul. But the ego is in charge here, and the strategy of intellectualization works quite well for the majority of us. It allows us to ignore, as mere mental anomalies, these messages from our Higher Self. A brief example: when you experience a viewing of a non physical being – a “Spirit” in our terms – we ascribe the sensory information we are receiving to “Tricks” of the eyes, being perhaps mentally exhausted, hallucinations due to any number of “Rational” causes. I am certain that the Blog Reader may contribute their own examples.

Of course in the workplace this strategy allows us to keep focused on the task at hand. In our private lives the misdirection of the ego/intellect allows us to continue on our path of development, however nonproductive and even self-destructive this path might be. Indeed, it seems that the more nonproductive the life lived, the more firmly the ego intellectualizes – “explain away” – the information received from the Divine Sources.