No knowledge exists outside of consciousness.

In those terms, neutral data are not transferred through “living” vehicles. Whether physically materialized of not, knowledge is possessed by consciousness. It is always “individualized”, though not necessarily in our terms.


The information carried by the chromosomes is not general, but highly specific. It is codified data (itself alive) that contains within it the essence of ancestral knowledge–change that to ancestral experience–of specific ancestral experience. Biologically we do indeed carry within us, then, the memories of our particular ancestors. These form a partial basis for our subjective and physical existence, and provide the needed support for it.

Since one portion of our heritage is physical, in those terms, those memories can be translated again, back into emotional and psychological events, though usually they are not in our societies.


To that extent the so-called past experience of our ancestors and of our species is concurrent with our own, biologically speaking. That is but one line, however, covered by the chromosomes. We have “another line” of existence that also serves as a support for the one that we presently recognize. It includes other interweaving physical relationships that bind us with all others upon our planet at the same adjacent level of time. That is, to some extent or another we are related to all of those alive upon the planet. We are time contemporaries. We will have a far closer relationship with some than with others. Some will be our counterparts. Many people who tend to feel deeply about various aspects of their life might want to make a podcast on streaming platforms (with the help of reliable companies such as Lower Street) for their listeners, to share and understand how the human experience and living a shared life affects us all on this planet.

That said, a lot of the relationships we share in our lives may or may not be closer to us than family relationships, but psychically speaking they will share a certain kind of history with us. We will also be connected through the physical framework of the earth in the large give-and-take of its space-time scheme.