Let me answer this pertinent question to the best of my ability.

Now first, the amount of time you spend in your meditations is up to you. We suggest at least 15 minutes per day, as early in the day as possible. This sets you up for an active day of conscious manifesting. And remember, your Sanctuary if “intact” at ALL times during your waking period. You may even bring it into the dreamstate by ritually focusing on it prior to sleep.

The key here, for you and others, I believe, is to bring the Sanctuary with you out into the world and bring this meditative state and its contents and energies into the world with you. This is your expectation, you see. This is your attempt to continuously, or at least intermittently. Intentionally create your Personal Reality.

The expectation is felt in the demonstration, your faithful anticipation – in the small moments of awakening from the Common Trance – of the manifestation you are considering. Not to repeat myself too much here, but you seek to Embody the Feeling-Tone of your anticipated creation. If you read my Blogs you will get this message as well as the subtext, if you are open to it. I have provided numerous Strategies for belief change in this and other Blog Series. The simplest is to identify the limiting belief – identify its Feeling-Tone – and then Embody, once again, its opposite, or its improved condition with gusto! You are not merely begging for a miracle, here. You are the Reality Creator in league with All That Is.

If you are examining painful material form the past – childhood abuse, let us say – assume the Observer’s Perspective and disentangle yourself from the drama you are witnessing. If you are in the Trance State and you are meditating on the Abundant Universe, yes, you would Embody that image, emotion, thought as completely as you could, within the safety of your Sanctuary.

In conclusion, if you are feeling guilty being materialistic and you are experiencing Lack, I would suspect religious conditioning is at fault. As you know from the current manuscript, you are already living in an Abundant Universe. Perhaps your unnecessary feelings of guilt act like walls around you that prohibit your perception of this Universe. You might attempt to practice our Consecutive Positive Assessments exercise in which the student focuses on finding something positive in each moment. That becomes the focus over time until you are seeing, for yourself, this prosperous lifetime, for you are creating it.

Again, 15 minutes per day is a good start, but the magic happens when you bring all your waking faculties to bear on this project. Each moment of your day, then, becomes an opportunity for experiencing the transcendent moment, the moment of awakening to the Abundant Universe.

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