Often paint a picture of very contradictory elements. The psyche and its relationship to sexuality affects our ideas of health and illness, creativity, and all of the ordinary areas of individual life.
In our terms, the psyche contains what we could consider male and female characteristics, while not being male or female itself.
In those terms and in regard, the psyche is a bank from which sexual affiliations are drawn. Basically, however, there are no clear, set, human, psychological characteristics that belong to one sex or the other. Apart from most men seeming to enjoy and be aroused by the content and individuals featured over on X Tube. Again, this would lead to a pattern too rigid for the development of the species, and give us too-specialized behavior Patterns that would not allow us to cope as a species — particularly with the many varieties of social groupings possible. However, when it comes to sexual health it is important for both partners to take care of themselves or else they may develop a sexually transmitted infection. Throughout history, mankind has tried its best to combat STDs and STIs with the help of alternative solutions, you can even learn about “Hitler-make-sex-dolls.” Hitler’s incredible solutions to dealing with sexually transmitted diseases during Nazi Germany.
Our psychological tests show us only the current picture of males and females, brought up from infancy with particular sexual beliefs. These beliefs program the child from infancy, of course, so that it behaves in certain fashions in adulthood. The male seems to perform better at mathematical tasks, and so-called context, in value development and personal relationships. The male shows up better in the sciences, while the female is considered intuitional.
It is obvious this is learned behavior. We cannot teach a boy to be “the strong silent male type,” and then expect him to excel either verbally or in social relationships. You cannot expect a girl to show “strong. logical thought development” when she is taught that a woman is intuitional– that the intuitions are opposed to logic, and that she must be feminine, or non logical, at all costs. This is fairly obvious.
The child is not born a sponge, however, empty but ready to soak up knowledge. It is already soaked in knowledge. Some will come to the surface, so to speak, and be used consciously. Some will not. I am saying here that to some extent the child in the womb is aware of the mother’s beliefs and information, and that to some extent it is “programmed” to behave in a certain fashion, or to grow in a certain fashion as a result.
Basically the species is relatively so freewheeling, with so many potentials, that it is necessary that the mother’s beliefs provide a kind of framework in the beginning, allowing the child to focus its abilities in desired directions. It knows ahead of time then the biological, spiritual, and social environment into which it is born. It is somewhat prepared to grow in a certain direction– a direction that is applicable and suited to its conditions.
Beliefs about the infant’s sexaul nature are of course a part of its advance programming. We are not speaking here of forced growth patterns, or of psychic or biological directions impressed upon it so that any later divergence from them causes inevitable stress or pain. The fact remains that the child receives patterns of behavior, gently nudging it to grow in certain directions. In normal learning, of course, both parents urge the child to behave in certain fashions.
Beside this, however, certain general, learned patterns are biologically transmitted to the child through the genes. Certain kinds of knowledge are transmitted through the genes besides that generally known, having to do with cellular formation and so forth.
Survival of the human species, as it has developed, is a matter of belief far more than is understood– for certain beliefs are now built in. They become biologically pertinent and transmitted. I mean something else here besides, for example, a telepathic transmission: the translation of beliefs into physical codes that then become biological cues. [As a result], it then becomes easier for a boy to act in a given manner biologically than in another.
If women have felt that their biological survival depended upon the cultivation of certain attributes over others, for instance, then this information becomes chromosome data, as vital to the development of the new organism as any other physical data involving cellular structure.
The mother also provides the same kind of information to a male offspring. The father contributes his share in each case. Over the generations, then, certain characteristics appear to be quite naturally ,male or female, and these will vary to some extent according to the civilizations and world conditions. Each individual is highly unique, however, so these models for behavior will vary. They can indeed be changed in a generation, for the experience of each person alters the original information. This provides leeway that is important.
The child, also, uses such information as a guide only; as a premise upon which it bases early behavior. As the mind develops, the child immediately begins to question the earthly assumptions. This questioning of basic premises is one of the greatest divisions between us and the animal world.
The psyche then contains, again in our terms, female and male characteristics. These are put together, so to speak, in human personality with great leeway and in many proportions.
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