Humility is a very important Lesson to learn for all of us…
Suppose you are a fervent practitioner of the Christian faith. This is your perception. You see yourself as a devoted follower, one who practices the spiritual principles expressed by The Christ and others in our Bible. That is how you see yourself.. as an ideal, if you will. You are a “Good Christian, a God-fearing Christian,” let us say.
However, let me interject here with this observation: you are not… none of us are perfect. We all have Lessons to learn. And so our example has a blind spot, let us say, in their character that prevents them from seeing the variances from Christian practices they display in almost every moment of existence. Humility is absent from the consciousness of this human example. They look down on others they assess as not being Christian, or not their type of Christian. They place themselves above others on a regular basis, then, in the search for how they “measure up” to others in the spiritual domain.
Humility is a very important Lesson to learn for all of us. The religious practitioner who avoids the Lesson of humility is doing more harm than good. They are setting themselves up for another incarnational journey with the Lesson of humility paramount on the agenda. This is how it is for Soul experiencing human form upon your world.