We covered Time Travel in my past Blog series. Now I shall add to that material in relation to the Atlantis civilization. The truth is, what we would call Time Travel was a common occurrence in the great civilizations of our perceived past. There are reasons for this, having to do with issues of shared spirituality, an appreciation for the natural forces of nature, and a cosmology shared by the people that allowed and even nurtured the exploring of non-physical reality. None of these features are shared by great numbers of us in our modern time frame. That is why Time Travel, for the most part, is thought of as an impossibility: a joke.

The Atlantean researchers of non-physical reality perfected the spinning of crystalline structures into vehicles. The researchers would, as we said, place themselves within the structure and allow their Inner Senses to be amplified and tuned by the crystal mass. In this way, the Intention of the researcher to visit a particular time frame was made manifest within their own mental environment. You may also compare this activity to the sacred voyages of Shamans and other seekers of visions in our many world cultures. The effects are the same here. The technologies are different, that is all.


HYPOTHESIS: The emotional body displays the causes and remedies of lack.

In this experiment you will use your Inner Sense of sight, your Auric Vision, to perceive the emotional elements within your consciousness that prevent you from experiencing The Abundant Universe. This vision of your emotional issues relative to prosperity may take the form of a dramatic vignette displayed for you as you close your eyes to relax.

Within this dramatic presentation you may witness, for example, a replay of an event from your perceived past, in which you experienced disempowerment in some form. Perhaps you were robbed by a bully when you were a child. Perhaps as adult had suggested to you that you would never be successful in your life, that you were “not good with money” or “irresponsible.”

The communication stream from your inner world may take the form of a narrative, perhaps a rumination of a series of words or sentences. The focus here is on “causes” of present lack in your reality, and so you may remember words and phrases that portray you as, in some way, incompetent or unable to ever succeed. You may have a sudden feeling of distaste, or fear, or other Negative Emotion that acts as a catalyst, allowing you to go deeper in your exploration to the roots of your current less-than-satisfactory life condition.

As in our previous investigations in this Research Project, the vision may have elements other than sight, i.e. smell, taste, hearing. And again, please be prepared to face some difficult material – ideas and images you may have kept undercover for many years.


Relax your physical body in the way that most pleases you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few moments. Remember that the vision of the emotional issues may be perceived as existing within the torso of your body, within the heart region. The focus here is on causes, most probably from your past, of present financial insecurity. These are emotional injuries sustained during difficult Lessons learned usually in childhood in your current and your other lives. In your current life, these Negative Emotions have sustained themselves over time, preventing you from experiencing The Abundant Universe that is your birthright.

You may re-experience a specific event that occurred in your perceived past that represented a break from your innocent childhood experiencing and marked a new trajectory of development for you as a maturing “socialized” human. Perhaps you may view that point where you gave up some of your Reality Creation energies to authority figures: parent, teacher, relative. The feeling tone of your experiences will help you to determine where to go with this experiment. Ask for direction from your Guides. Use your Inner Senses as a compass. Your intuition will guide you if you are clear and persistent.

FINDINGS – Immediately document in some way your experiences with reading The Emotional Body.