The Personal Reality Field

We are the creator of our Personal Reality Field. As you read this blog, you are at once creating your physical body, including the eyes and brain that read the blog that you also create. All is created in the current moment by you, Dear Blog reader. And so we are all artists from the time we were born, working with the natural elements to create our multitudinous Reality Constructs, the building blocks of our Personal Realities.

Now this creation unfolds before us in a linear fashion. We create, as we have just discussed, a past and a future to “match” our current Moment Point – our spacious present. We are artists, but currently most of us are naïve artists, in that we create our works of art – our physical reality and all of its trappings – without much planning or thought. Thus, we perceive our reality, created unconsciously, as something separate. It appears as though we are at the mercy of our own environment, our world. The amnesia that I spoke of in earlier blogs helps to create this illusion of separation from our creative works.

Currently however, many of us are waking up to the true nature of our reality. We are questioning our personal beliefs and the mass beliefs of our societies. We are coming out of our amnesia and seeing the illusion of separation for what it is: a once useful fiction.

As our consciousness is being raised and we are offered a glimpse of our true reality, many of us will take up the challenge to live our lives more honestly and more responsibly. Knowing that we are not separate from our environment,(we have made it) or from other human beings, (we are one) we will begin to take actions that truly matter, rather than fritter away our time on the trivialities of egoic pursuits.

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